The Size Anthology

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The Size Anthology Page 23

by KT Morrison

  “One hundred and sixty-one, and…” she slid up his shaft and put the tape around him just below the flared ridge of his glans, “one hundred and fifty-three.”

  “Wow, that’s six and a third of an inch in the middle, and six inches around the end.”

  Some of the nurses looked at each other, tried to keep their expressions somewhat professional.

  “And Ben’s girth, Rebecca…”

  Rebecca took the tape and wrapped it around the base of Ben’s erection, wriggled it down to get as close to his body as possible. She said, “One hundred and ten,” shimmied it up an inch and said, “one hundred and one.” Then she slid it up just under the head of his penis, moved her head around to read the numbers past her fingers, “Uh, looks like ninety-nine millimetres.”

  “What a difference,” the doctor said, she seemed please to have two ends of the spectrum here in front of her. “So, that’s just over four and a quarter at the base and just under 4 inches the rest of the way up.”

  She stood up and handed her clipboard to the tall blonde nurse. “Can you take these numbers and calculate for volume for me.”

  “Sure,” she said and she took the clipboard and put it on the side table and lay her iPad next to it, started typing in numbers.

  “While we’re waiting I’ll just talk about the head shapes here. “You see Hunter here,” she took her fingers and ran them over the tip of the fat, swollen head of his cock, it made him shudder. “He has what we classify as a blunt glans. You see how he is roughly the same girth as his shaft, right up to where the tip curves in to the urethra. She ran her fingertip around the hole of his penis, said, “And his glans is very large and full, even the meatus at the urethra is engorged.”

  “Yes,” they all said getting closer again, clipboards clutched to chests.

  “This can be a difficult penis shape for some women. Especially one of this size. Initial penetration can be quite uncomfortable. Has this been your experience, Hunter?”

  “Yeah, it has. I always need to have lube available. Carry it with me. If I don’t have it we have to be very careful.”

  “And I suppose anal sex has been an issue for you in the past.”

  “Yes, there’s only a few girls that would even let me try.”

  “He has a girl now who likes it quite a bit,” Rebecca said, winking at Ben. Sloane.

  “Well, that is some brave girl” the doctor said, and the group all had a light laugh.

  “Now, Ben’s glans is a prow shape,” she said, stroking the sides of his little cock head. “It’s usually a little gentler on women’s membranes, and considering his very small size, unlike Hunter it would be very easy for any woman to accommodate him.”

  “Volume?” she said behind the blonde nurse, and she turned and passed her iPad over to the doctor.

  “Okay, wow. Hunter’s erect penis is twenty-nine point six cubic inches and Ben is six point one cubic inches. You can see with your eyes that Hunter is twice as long as Ben. Now, when we consider their girth and then calculate for volume, while he is twice as long—his thickness over that length greatly increases the actual volume of his erect penis. Very close to an incredible five times larger than Ben. So, you can see there can be a real discrepancy in the size of two men’s penis’.”

  Ben’s stomach tightened and churned. Five times larger? It was like Sloane was taking five of Ben’s cocks put together when she fucked Hunter?

  “Hunter’s volume puts him in the ninety-ninth percentile, high ninety-nine, and Ben is in the bottom two percent of all men,” then she added, “Only when considering the size of your penis that is Ben, I’m sure you have other great qualities.” The group of girls laughed politely at her joke.

  “Well, it might get a little uncomfortable in here now, but if we could all take a deep breath for a moment…” She inhaled and everyone followed suit. Then they all exhaled slowly.

  “I’d like for the nurses to make you ejaculate now.”


  “So, the nurses will bring you through the emission stage and as they feel you may be close to expulsion stage, or ejaculation, they will put a device over the head of your penis,” she said. She got down and opened the cabinet in the service table between April and Rebecca. She took a cup with a shaped latex lid on it, like a sippy cup. The rubber end had a puckered tip, pushing into the cup, it was a slit shaped somewhat like a woman’s labia. The cup was clear and was marked up the side in units of measurement. She bent lower and took another one from the bottom shelf. Ben could see the shelf was marked Small.

  Doctor Kilpatrick said, “This collection device will be plopped over the head of your penis before you ejaculate. You should let your nurse know so that she can be prepared. It will collect and measure the volume of your semen and there is a plate at the base of the cup that will measure the force of your ejaculate. It’s not exact, we know, but it does give us a little more recordable, measurable information that we can work with, help you improve and follow your progress.”

  “We don’t use visual aids here but you may talk dirty. Your nurse may too if you’re okay with that and of course if they are okay with that as well. There’s no judgment here, whatever it takes to facilitate an expulsion response is what we are looking for. Obviously there is to be no sexual contact—don’t ask to touch the nurse, or to see her bare breast or any of the other things that may enter your mind. She will only manipulate you with her gloved hand. This is a research clinic, we treat patients who are looking for help, we are not anything else.”

  Ben nodded, Hunter looked at his cock in April’s hand, said, “Okay, yeah. I’m ready.” April smiled.

  Rebecca started stroking Ben. He started to feel really strange about it. This was such an intimate act but the setting was so strange. Clinical, sure but somehow so dirty or naughty. He looked at her hand, her fingers locked in a tight OK sign around his skinny cock, going up and down on him. He was so sensitive every time her tight gripped slipped up his glans it shot a tickle straight through him that he could feel right in his heart. Over her shoulder five pretty nurses watched. They were mostly looking at Hunter but every once in a while they would give him a little peek too. It made him so hard. He wanted them to see it. He wanted them to know how small he was and something in him liked to be next to Hunter, liked to be recognized as so small. He had a small dick. It felt good to admit it. Look at it. So small in her hand. It wasn’t below average. It was tiny. But fuck it worked and it and it felt so damn good.

  Ben watched April stroke Hunter. He sat confident, his arms stretched out behind him, his chin tucked down watching her jerk him. That enormous cock looking so out of proportion jutting out between his thin legs, his small waist. His cock shimmered from the lube, April’s hand going up and down just the first third of his cock. Her other hand gripped him at the base. Her little finger wasn’t as wide as his cock. April was intent on it. She watched it, watched the soft flange of his engorged head ripple as her hand passed over it. What would that feel like inside a girl? April was wondering it, you could see it in her face. She was turned on. She was enjoying this, enjoying giving an incredibly hung stranger a manual release.

  Had Sloane ever jerked him off? She must have. She was with him for about as long as Ben had been with her. Ten months. Her hands had worked that huge thing just like April was doing right now. She must have been turned on when she did it too, watched it while she stroked him in the daylight somewhere on a beach or something. Marvelling at the sexual totem in her hand, she must have told all her friends too. She must have. They all knew he had a huge cock. She probably told all her friends about Ben's little one too. They probably all made fun of him, told her she should do whatever she could to get that big cock back in her life. She had too, hadn’t she? Sloane was the one Hunter was talking about. The one he was fucking on the sly. That was his baby drinking this guy’s semen, fucking him in Ben's bed while Ben was at work. He couldn’t blame her. How could she give that up? Ben wasn’t even average. He
was so small she probably couldn’t help dreaming about better times. Times when she really took it. Times she felt stretched and filled.

  He’d give anything to see her like that, to be the one to see her face when his big cock forced her pink insides apart. Why did he have a small one? Why couldn’t he have a cock that mesmerized eight attractive women, had them dry-mouthed and wide-eyed like these ones?

  “What do you think my girlfriend would think if she walked in and saw Hunter’s next to mine?” Ben asked Rebecca.

  “She would like yours just fine.”

  “I want you to tell me the truth, Rebecca, please.” Her fingers stroked and squeezed his little cock.

  “She would be so embarrassed for you. Embarrassed for herself—all of us looking at her, knowing she slept with a guy who was so tiny. What self-respecting woman would put up with this little thing? Oh, and she’d be so curious about Hunter, she’d want to touch it, feel it, put it inside her. I bet she’d climb right on him in front of you in front of all of us, take him as deep as she could—”

  “Oh, uh…” Ben shuddered.

  “And we would all root her on, You go girl, you get that, you deserve it, make up for what you've been missing.”

  “Am I really that small?”

  “Top ten smallest dick of all time and I did this five days a week at Oakwood. I’ll always remember it, if I see you on the street I’ll think right away, Oh that’s that guy with the baby dick.”

  “Oh, oh, get the cup,” he said.

  She put the cup over the head of his penis, stroking his short little shaft with her OK sign. “Look at this Ben, this is the small size and your little cock can barely push it apart—”


  “That’s what your girlfriend’s vagina looks like, you barely spread her, I bet she doesn’t even know for sure when you’re inside her—”

  “Agh, oh, God—”

  Ben came hard, so hard he shuddered and rocked and his eyes rolled up. He felt like there was an explosion between his legs, felt like a cannon had gone off, but he watched Rebecca’s fingers on him, milking him into the cup. No propulsion, he dribbled and blobbed.

  When his first shudder came Rebecca had said, Whoops, and held the cup underneath his penis, collected the semen that surged and drooled from him. He had no force at all, the device had nothing to measure. He didn’t care, he felt so amazing, this nurse had made fireworks go off in his head. She had helped him come to grips with something and it felt incredible.

  Rebecca held his collection cup up to eye level looking at his blobby semen in the bottom, she whispered behind April, across to the doctor, One and a half millilitres, then put his specimen on the service table. She snapped her gloves off and tossed them in the trash.

  That was that, no one cared about his little dick now. All eyes were on Hunter and April, even Rebecca had swivelled her stool to watch her hands go up and down his big thick cock.

  Ben watched the girls while they stood, transfixed. Some of them were shiny, sweaty, one red-headed girl’s chest and cheeks had even gone a little splotchy with arousal. What Ben wouldn’t do to have a cock like that. Made girls a little weak in the knees.

  April had both her hands wrapped around Hunter’s cock, squeezing him tight, going up and down, her two fists together in unison, her top hand giving his plump glans a swirl when she crested the top. Her face was serious, her lips clenched, she had her lower lip sucked under her teeth. Her hair was sweaty and a strand clung to her cheek. Ben watched the flower tattoos on her forearm move, ripple with her muscles as she flexed trying so hard to make this big thing come.

  “Come on,” she said to Hunter, a bit too breathy, a bit too sexy.

  Rebecca wheeled closer, and she slid a hand up his thigh. Hunter was really on edge now. His stomach got tighter, he leaned a bit forward, opened his legs so Rebecca could get her hand in to touch it.

  Rebecca’s hand played with his balls, scratched them with her nails. “Tell us about your girl last night,” she said.

  April said, “Tell us what you did to her.”

  “Mm,” Hunter moaned, “I fucked her tight ass.” His eyes closed, his head came back as he pictured it. Pictured putting that enormous tool inside Ben’s precious Sloane.

  “Tell us,” Rebecca said. She held his big balls in her fist, Ben could see them in her bare, gloveless hand, squishing with her grip, they were so big they wanted to spill out.

  “God, she begged me to do it. Told me she wanted to feel something down there, wanted to be stretched as wide as she could.”

  April said, “You make her come from that?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he said, “ah, oh, she came hard.”

  Ben could picture it, picture his slender girl on all fours, her long, sun-brown legs bent, her rump tilted up being skewered and spread and loving every inch of her ex-boyfriend up her behind. Could she take it all?

  “Could she take it all?” Ben said. Heads turned, some spell broken by a creepy male voice joining in.

  Hunter was thrusting into April’s clenched fists, his hips right off the exam table, his thighs flexing as he fucked April’s hands. “She can take every inch in her little pussy,” he hissed. “God, she feels so good.”

  April stroked him faster, one hand squirming around like mad, polishing his bursting glans. She reached back and grabbed Hunter’s specimen container.

  “She was afraid to when we were together, afraid to take me deep, but ahh…” he clenched his teeth, “but she said now she knows what she was missing… oh, God, I’m going to come.”

  Rebecca clamped her hand on his balls, said, “Show us, give it to us…”

  April struggled to get the head of his cock to pierce the rubber vagina shape on the container, twisting it and rocking it, making the rubber squeak.

  It squished through, made an air popping sound just as Hunter roared out.

  “Come on, that’s it,” April hissed, her hand stroking his shaft, “come for us.” April stroked him fast, her hand a blur, up and down, short quick strokes just below his head.

  He exploded inside the container, a long stream making a loud hollow tin pail sound as it hit the measurement plate in the back. “Raahh,” he growled and thrust, spewing again and again into the container, each time splashing into the far end of it. Seven times, then eight—twelve times before the semen wouldn’t hit the back and just spurted milky against the clear sides.

  “Holy shit,” he gasped, he was heaving, shiny, sweating, exhausted but elated, “God, that was something,” he exclaimed. “Whew, oh wow.”

  Rebecca still played with his balls, gently now, coddling them. April’s hand still milked him, going right to the base then squeezing him up to the tip, emptying him into the container. April’s nipples were hard as rocks, clearly pushing out the front of her tunic. She looked a little worn out.

  She pulled the container off him, another loud suction pop, tilted it so she wouldn’t spill it then held it up to see.

  She said, “Wow, eight millilitres.” She swirled it a bit then put it back down. She wiped her brow with her forearm, stood up and asked to be excused.

  The doctor asked her if she was all right.

  “Yeah, fine. Just need a minute.” She snapped her gloves off and dropped them in the trash as she left the room.

  “I might need a minute too. Ladies, you can get back to your patients now,” she said to the five gathered nurses. They filed quietly out of the room, all affected in some way by what they’d witnessed.


  Ben wandered out into the parking lot feeling a bit overwhelmed. The doctor wanted him to come in for a follow-up in two weeks. She’d set up a monthly appointment schedule too. She was going to put him on a long term protocol. He needed a lot of help it sounded like.

  He saw Hunter leaning against one of the concrete pillars outside the doors of the clinic. It was late afternoon, sunny, blue sky. Hunter was facing the parking lot, texting on his phone, cigarette between the fingers o
f his other hand.

  Ben came up behind him, stood a few feet away and looked at him, up and down. This guy fucking his Sloane behind his back. Thin and fit with his big muscular arms and a thick, nine inch cock.


  Hunter looked over his shoulder. “Oh, hey man. That was something huh?”

  “Yeah. It sure was something.”

  He looked back at his phone, thumb typing, said, “My buddy went to the one in Oakwood told me they had pretty nurses, gave out free handjobs.”

  “You didn’t come for help.”

  “Nah. Handjob.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Me too.”

  “Shit, check this out,” he said, showing Ben his phone, “this is that girl again, wants me to come up to Pawtucket right now and bang her. Staying with her parents, they’re driving her crazy.”


  “Too bad my bike’s in the shop.”

  “You could go again?”

  “Fuck again? Yeah. Oh, yeah, she could get me going. You should see how hot this girl is.”

  “I was heading to Pawtucket.”

  “Pawtucket? Seriously? That’s so far—what a coincidence.”

  “Yeah, what a coincidence. Today is full of them. I can give you a ride.”

  “That’s amazing—for real? Thanks, man.”

  Ben hiked his pants up, looked around the parking lot, all the happy people. “Yeah, my pleasure.”


  As Ben drove up the I95, side by side with his girlfriend’s lover, the top down listening to Hunter’s dumb tunes on his stereo, Ben narrowed it down to two choices. He was either going to peg this candy-coloured convertible at a hundred and drive it straight into a parked trailer, duck down at the last second and let it take this asshole’s head right off his shoulders. Or another part of him, a new, emerging, sad but somehow arousing part of him, wondered what it would be like to bring Hunter to his girl, present him like a gift to her, watch him fuck her the way she liked. Watch her face twist with pleasure, watch her soft pink mound get split buy his twenty-nine cubic inch cock. He would like that he thought. He really would like that. And if it meant she would stay with him—if it meant she might take his ring and let him slide it on her finger then he would do it. Do it and love it.


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