SLADE: Captive to the Dark

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SLADE: Captive to the Dark Page 22

by Alaska Angelini

  “Before I’m finished, you’ll be calling me master. Don’t doubt that, sweetie.”

  Jordan walked to the wall, taking down a cat o’ nine tails. The knotted leather lashes dangled as he swung it in his hand. I tried to scream, pulling against the leather cuffs.

  “You’re drowning up there, slave, and although I know I should save you, I long to see your blood staining that beautiful skin.” He came to stand before me, every bit the demon he held inside. The black of his pupils nearly took over all of the light color. I’d never seen anything like it. He looked possessed. A smile came to his face as he lovingly caressed his weapon of choice.

  “Please,” I sobbed, clenching my fists. Waiting. Expecting him to lash out at any moment.

  The hit came just as I anticipated, right across my chest where Slade’s name was. My flesh screamed when I couldn’t. The air locked in my chest while my brain fought to perceive the blow. By the time I caught my breath, warmth from the new cuts enflamed over my ribs. The impact of the blows were anything but tolerable. I gagged against the viciousness and agony, but Jordan didn’t stop. My lower stomach, both hips, my thighs, they were all targets of the cat o’ nine.

  “Fucking beautiful.” Jordan dropped to his knees, running his tongue up my thigh, collecting the blood. My stomach revolted, making me gag again. I kicked at him, glad he never bound my feet. His hands squeezed my inner thighs and I knew the bruises were going to be horrible. “I see that obviously wasn’t enough. Maybe we’ll try something new. My personal favorite.”

  Jordan stood, picking a scalpel up from a tray. My legs twisted my body as far as it would go. I pulled against the cross, ready to drag the thing behind me as long as I could escape. Unfortunately, it didn’t so much as move.

  “You’re going to want to be really still for this, slave. If not…” he smiled, “you may end up being cut pretty damn deep. That wouldn’t be very good for either of us. Your choice, of course. You keep kicking around if you want. Either way, I’m going to cut you so good. You’re going to love this. Really, you are. You’ll be begging me to do it all the time.”

  My legs flew out, trying to keep him at a safe distance. Jordan’s fingers caught my ankle and he wedged it under his arm. I thrashed, trying to get free, but I couldn’t budge the hold he had. The thin blade barely looked like it touched my skin, but at the pain and the blood oozing from a good two inches above my knee, I knew it’d done its job.

  “Fuck, yes. It’s been way too long.” His eyes looked at the cut almost adoringly. It was enough to make me stop fighting. My mind wouldn’t process what was happening. For a good minute, he just stared. Higher, he cut me again. Still, I didn’t move. No doubt I was bordering on shock again, but I didn’t even worry about that as he moved to my stomach. The awe he held in his gaze rose to me. “I knew you’d like it. I’m so proud of you. Thank you, Mary. I needed this. I think we both did.”

  And just like that, the scalpel fell from his hand and he stood. The embrace around my waist and his head resting in my neck kept me in a blank stare. That was it? He wasn’t going to continue to torture me or try to kill me? The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality made me dizzy. A release. This is how he got his, by beating and cutting women? Slade had said he’d done horrible things. Why didn’t I take it to heart? There was something wrong with Jordan. He wasn’t a Master or Dom, he had no discipline. My consent wasn’t given, yet he treated me as if I had.

  The buckles were undone and my legs instantly locked. Jordan swept me into his arms and pounded up the stairs until we reached his restroom. My reflection sent me into a horror I was sure I’d never recover from. The whites of my eyes were pink. Dark red spots where the blood vessels had ruptured instantly made me sick all over myself. I couldn’t stop it this time. My eyes, the bruises on my cheeks, and the slicing all over my body pushed even the bounds I was comfortable with, and that was saying a lot.

  “I’m going to take good care of you. Shh. No more crying.” The water started and I winced and sobbed the whole way through his washing. The chance to escape didn’t come as he put me in his bed, under the covers. Jordan laid on top, holding me and stroking my hair. Blood dotted his white sheets and I didn’t care.

  It was time. First moment he was gone, so was I.


  The sound of water running awoke me from a deep sleep. My body froze as the agony of my wounds came to life. I scrambled to all fours and took in everything around me. Clothes. Yes, I need some of those. A pair of jogging pants and a black t-shirt sat on the top of the dresser and I pulled them on as fast as I could. Jordan’s keys to the BMW rested by his wallet and I grabbed them, racing for the downstairs. Not once since I’d been here had he been so careless. Beating me must have made him thoughtless. No doubt he was basking in the afterglow of his damage.

  I sailed through the kitchen and right into the garage, instantly pressing the button to lift it. The sound of the alarm sent me into a speed I wasn’t aware I was capable of. I jumped in the car, my hands shaking as I pushed in the key. The silent engine came to life and I threw it in reverse, barely missing the top of the door as it opened.

  Throbbing pounded my temples and the straining against the darkness left me squinting. I backed into the road and threw the car into drive. There was only one place I knew I needed to go. Where I’d be safe from everyone. My master’s.

  Ringing filled the speakers and I looked around. A phone rested in the cup holder and I recognized it as Jordan’s immediately. When he’d been talking earlier, it’d been on the house phone. Did he forget it in here? Was it someone who could help me? I hit accept on the steering wheel.

  “Hello?” My voice was still barely there, raw and tight.

  “Mary, come back right now.” Jordan’s voice sounded angry, but more anxiety ridden. “Please, I’ll make this right. Don’t leave.”

  I immediately hit the end button and picked up the phone. If only I could call Slade and let him know I was on my way. My mind scraped the edges of the memories I had for the name of the building he lived in. Something, Towers. Harrison Towers? Harvest Towers? No. Didn’t it start with an H?

  The city came into view and I pushed the accelerator, feeling as if time were my enemy. What if Jordan called my dad? Or his? Would they have someone try to intercept me? I couldn’t chance it.

  Shit! What is it?

  Ringing filled the car again and I pushed the button, aggravated. “Jordan, I’m not fucking coming back.” A whisper. Nothing more. I wasn’t even sure he could hear me.

  “You’re not thinking straight. If you leave they’re going to come after you. Stay with me long enough to do this exchange and I’ll let you move back to your place afterward. Please don’t make things worse. You have to come back.” An engine roared in the background and I knew Jordan had other vehicles. It only made me drive recklessly, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t go back there.

  Again, I hung up.

  The BMW hit the road hard as I soared over hill after hill. The traffic thickened and it took far longer to get to Slade’s street. What were all these people doing out? My eyes went to the blurry numbers on the clock. Three in the morning. Didn’t anyone ever sleep?

  The car in front of me switched lanes and I took advantage of the large gap. My master’s building came into view and I looked at the large green lights. Lexington Towers. Not even with close. No H at all.

  The front was empty and I threw the car in park. I rushed inside, passing the valet. The front desk clerk looked up as I ran to the elevator. No one was going to stop me from getting to that top floor. The doors opened and I pushed the button just as frantically as I’d done the day I escaped. Classical music filled my ears and I felt my adrenaline crash as gravity pulled me down at the upward movement.

  Mirrors surrounded me and I stole a glance, feeling my heart break at what stared back. Oh God. How did this happen? Why did I ever leave? The bruises around my neck had now turned into a dark shade of purple. There were even bruises
under my eyes and on my cheeks. The hours asleep had given time for the effects of Jordan’s assault to kick in.

  Ding. I swayed at the sound, feeling my body grow sensitive at the draining sensation. The doors opened and Marcio slowly stood, the gun in his hand falling to the floor. Brace pressed his lips together, his face turning a shade lighter than his tan skin.

  “Oh… Mary,” Marcio said under his breath.

  Each step that brought me closer to them was harder to take. Brace burst through the front door as Marcio raced forward, scooping me into his arms. I’d never felt so safe, or mentally broken, in my life. The complex emotions only screwed my head up even worse. Everything that had happened in my life and this is where it had brought me? Why did bad stuff keep happening? Me. I was the cause.

  The room spun as he turned around and rushed me inside. Crashing sounded in the distance and I heard muttering, but nothing prepared me for the absolutely horror that clouded Slade’s face as he rushed into the room. He still appeared half asleep, but the look was fading fast.

  “Get the kit,” he snapped. “Oh shit. Mary. Fuck.” He pulled me from Marcio, hugging to me tightly. The cry that came from my mouth could actually be heard it hurt so badly. Warmth began to soak through the shirt and Slade pulled back. Slowly, he lifted the bottom and let out a tortured sound as he took in the lacerations. “He’s so fucking dead. Oh my God. I’m so sorry.”

  Why he kept apologizing was beyond me. All I knew was I needed to get down. The pain was too much. “Please,” I whispered. My body turned, wiggling for release of his hold. Slade swept his arm across the counter sending utensils scattering to the ground.

  “Sit here. We’re going to get you fixed up, darlin’.”

  My eyes rose, right into a pair of gray so similar to Slade’s, I never thought I’d see them past the exchange when we brought her home. Lily. She stood frozen, yet strong. My appearance somehow sparked something in her and she came forward.

  “Mary?” She looked at her brother. “That’s Mary? I can hardly tell.”

  “Yes, Lillian. Go back to bed.”

  “What happened?” Although she asked Slade, she looked back to me. “Who hurt you?”

  Even if I wanted to, I didn’t think I could say his name out loud. I’d forgotten she’d be here. It couldn’t be good for her to see me so badly off. Guilt had me lowering my head. I forced words to leave even though I knew it was going to be excruciating. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.”

  “Don’t say that,” Slade growled. “This is your home. You know that. I already told you, dammit.” He wiped his hand over his mouth. “I begged you. I knew I should have made you come back that day at the diner. Even tonight.”

  My fingers pressed against his mouth, unable to hear anymore. It was my fault. All of it. No one could take the blame but me.

  Marcio came around holding a black bag. Slade immediately took it. “Not in here. Mary, I need you in my room. Can I carry you, or do you want to walk?”

  I eased down, not saying a word. Every step sent signals to my brain, crying for me to not take another, but I didn’t stop until I reached Slade’s bed. I climbed on, not caring if he wanted me in the restroom or not, I couldn’t go any further.

  The door shut, but was quickly flung open. Lily raced past Slade and climbed on the bed next to me.

  “Lillian, what did I say? You need to go back to bed.”

  “Please?” She looked down at me. “I helped girls when I was gone. Girls who were hurt just as bad as you. Some worse. Let me stay. Please?” she begged. “I need this. To help.”

  Hurt raced through Slade’s eyes and it squeezed at my heart. I nodded and she grabbed my hand. “I’ll be here for you. It’s going to hurt.” She pulled up her long sleeve shirt revealing crescent shaped scars along with ones that looked like claw marks. “You hold onto me when it gets to be too much. I won’t pull back. We’ll go through this together.” The intensity of her eyes along with the proof before me, I knew she was telling the truth. My hand gently clasped to her forearm and I nodded.

  Movement and the bed shifting went on around me, but not once did I break Lily’s stare. Not even when I stripped down. She lowered my head to rest on her lap so she could be directly over me and I allowed it. On instinct, my hand clenched at the fire that raced over my thighs from the scalpel and cat o’ nine wounds. Lily looked down, taking it all in, but I didn’t leave her face. She was strong. So much stronger than I’d originally thought. Slade said something, but I didn’t even hear him as my thoughts were consumed by what Lily must have gone through.

  The ointment making a path over the wound on my lower stomach had me jumping, the tears coming back. It was deeper than the rest. Not enough to have stitches, but damn close. A scar would be there for sure. I’d probably be covered in them now.

  “I’m sorry, Mary. I know it hurts.” Slade’s voice soothed me, but the crying wouldn’t stop. My face turned into Lily’s stomach and she brushed back my hair soothingly. The moment Slade got to my chest, to his name, I could feel his hands shaking. Mad. No, I could feel his energy. He was way beyond that.

  Knocking had my head lifting.

  “What?” Slade roared.

  “You have a visitor, boss. I think you’re going to want to take this.”

  Slade was off the bed before Marcio finished. I scrambled after him, snatching the shirt. Lily held me steady as I pulled it over my head. Jordan, my father, and Julian stood in the living area. Their faces were pure stone, except for Jordan’s. His looked pained, almost to the point of breaking down. My father’s detail stood off to the side. Three new men I’d never seen before.

  “Jesus.” Victor came forward, gripping my chin and lifting my face “What the fuck did I say?” He spun around, facing Jordan. “You were not allowed to harm her. Those were the terms.”

  “Oh, that’s nothing. You should see the damage under the shirt.” Slade looked ready to attack. Who, I wasn’t sure. The tension in the air sizzled. I turned to grab Lily’s hand, only to find she wasn’t there. How could I forget? My teeth ground at the thought of my father raping her.

  “Let me see.” Julian stepped forward. “Show me what my son has done.”

  No way was I lifting my shirt. I wasn’t even wearing panties. Fear had me stepping back, and I shook my head. “Let me get dressed first…”

  “What?” Julian shook his head. “I can’t hear you.”

  “That’s because your son practically choked the life out of her. Mary said she wants to get dressed first.” Slade narrowed his eyes at Jordan. I’d only seen that look once, and that was with Thomas. “Go, Mary. Then I want you to show them. They’re going to need to see what’s about to happen to Jordan, but worse.”

  Jordan growled. “You’re not fucking touching me. No one is.”

  Their heated discussion disappeared as I went into the room and shut the door. Maybe I was afraid to see what was going to happen, or even know. There was only so much I could take and a fight was the last thing I wanted to see at the moment.

  Lily appeared from the closet, making me jump.

  “Are you okay?” I eased over to her and she nodded.

  “More so than you think.” She looked toward the door. “You’re brave to face him after what he did,” she said, softly.

  I reached in my old drawer and was met with my clothes. I wasn’t sure why I thought they’d be gone, but they weren’t. The black boy shorts I slid on were paired with a black sports bra. “If I’m brave, Lily, it’s only because I trust Slade to protect me. I know he wouldn’t let them hurt me.”

  “He won’t,” she agreed. “Slade loves you. If you only knew how much.”

  I looked down. “I love him, too. Too bad nothing follows me but problems. Slade deserves better than that.” My throat closed, making the last of my words nonexistent. Luckily, she seemed to understand.

  The door opened at my pull and I clutched the shirt in my fist as I approached them. The red cuts covered from just bel
ow the bruises on my neck down to my shins. My father turned to Jordan, glaring. Julian walked forward, almost staring. Looking just as fascinated as Jordan had been. Slade moved in to my side causing my heart to slow. Marcio and Brace stood in the background, and although I didn’t see Terrance, I had no doubt he was watching. He didn’t have to be present to know what was going on. He was like a ghost. There, yet not.

  “Nothing has gone according to plan in the last few weeks. We need to reevaluate what’s going on.” Julian looked over at Jordan and then to Slade. “You and Mary obviously have feelings for each other, Mr. Roberts. To deny that would make us fools. I’ll make you a deal. For your and Mary’s silence, I’ll give you Jordan. You can do what you will. I don’t want to know your plans. If he shows up alive, that’s on you. If not, it’s his own damn fault.”

  “Dad!” Jordan stalked between them. “You can’t fucking sacrifice me. The only reason we’re in the mess is because of you and Victor. You’re the ones who pushed Mary and me together. Blackmailed us into making a delivery or else we’d be killed. Now you’re going to toss me to the wolves because of one screw up?”

  The hit came from nowhere and jerked Jordan’s face over to the side. The leather gloves Julian wore had left a solid sound at impact. For some reason, I winced. Even though Jordan hurt me, I couldn’t imagine having him killed for it. “Screw up? Is that what you call slicing up a long time friend’s daughter? I’m indebted to Victor now because of your damn compulsion for blood. You make me sick. You save that shit for the whores, Jordan, not your future wife. I don’t blame her one bit for running from you.” Julian turned back to Slade.

  “What do you say, Mr. Roberts? My son for silence? Victor will step back and leave Mary in your care. He’ll act happy in the public eye about your renewed relationship. My son will be so heartbroken over the incident that he’ll leave the country. At least to the public. Whether he suffers a horrible accident while gone will be up to you.”


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