Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 2

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Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 2 Page 26

by Shvonne Latrice

  “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be over here, Megyn. Fuck kind of question is that?” He frowned, eyes still closed as he laid on his back.

  “No, I mean I know you like me. But… what do you like about me?” I was afraid to ask what I really wanted to know, so I’d decided to build up to it.

  “I like how wet your pussy gets, how you ain’t got no gag reflexes, and you look good to me,” he answered nonchalantly.

  I expected a totally different answer, so right now I was bummed.

  “Is that the same reason you like Blaise?”

  He chuckled.

  “I love Blaise, so nah, it’s way deeper than that. I like to fuck her, but I also like to just lay up with her, listen to her voice, see her pretty ass smile, all that shit I thought I’d never give a fuck about. But you, I just like that pussy and how you can deep throat me with no issues.” He kissed my temple as if he’d just spoken something sweet to me. “Go to sleep, beautiful. I don’t wanna talk.”

  I got off of his chest and turned my back to him. A few moments later, he hugged me from behind, kissing my neck. And like a fool, I smiled, drifting off and sleeping happily.

  “Megyn, please pay attention,” my assistant/best friend, Zara, snapped in my face. I’d been daydreaming about the nights I’d spent with Belly all afternoon. I just missed him.

  “I’m sorry. I need food in my system.”

  “Megyn, we need you to choose these lash styles so that we can start manufacturing them.”

  “And we will get there. But for now, I just need a lunch break. We can get back to it right after.” I rose up, throwing my Gucci bag over my forearm.


  Zara followed me out of my office space, and we crossed the street, heading to this cute little cafe we frequently ate lunch at. It was so bright, with the color scheme being black, white, and baby pink. I liked it because, during my lunch, around 1 p.m., it was fairly empty, which was perfect for getting my food quickly and taking pictures for my Instagram due to the aesthetics.

  “Good afternoon, ladies. Will you two be having the same as usual?” The hip young white girl approached our table.

  “Yes, Molly, same for me.” I nodded with a smile. And Zara gave her a nod as well to agree.

  “Great! Your lattes will be out shortly and then your salads!” Molly walked off.

  “Are you still checking your phone to see if he texted you?” Zara smirked.

  “Mind your business, thank you.” I smiled.

  Before I met Belly, I’d heard of him and how he had a harem of women fawning over him, all believing they were his one true love. I used to laugh at them, wondering how they could be so stupid. At that time, I told myself, yes, Belly was fine, sure, and probably had good dick, but nothing he had or did could make me act the way those women were acting.

  That quickly changed when I spotted him at Siggy’s single release party. He had this aura that was so sexy and that commanded attention; I wanted him. His mannerisms and how he carried himself, drew me to him before I’d even said a word to his ass. As soon as I laid eyes on him and watched for a couple minutes, I knew exactly why he had women acting the way he had. It clicked for me; it made sense. The fact that I was this drawn to him without having even spoken to him had me scared to even try the dick, but I did, and now I was stuck on stupid.

  Soon, I’d become one of his hoes he kept in rotation. I knew about Kharla, Sienna, Maia, Cadence, and the one and only, Blaise. I didn’t understand how the latter had gotten Belly to treat her the way he did; it baffled me.

  Belly had his sweet days, and at times, he was so smooth and could talk me out of my panties even when I didn’t want sex. But at the end of the day, he kept it real with me, too real, so I didn’t get how she actually had this man saying he loved her.

  “I just wonder how long you’re going to sulk over him. Get him back, or move on.”

  “Get him back? Who said I lost him, Zara?”

  “Hell, you barely had him.”

  “No, I’ve always had him. I just have to split my time with some of the other girls, but they don’t matter as much.”

  “So y’all are sharing.”

  “No, it’s not like we all have threesomes with him and spend time together like sister wives. I-I can’t explain it. We just all have our own pieces of him, for now. A man like Belly can’t be tied down, so I wasn’t going to force him.”

  “Seems like Blaise Cansino has him tied right on down.” Zara slurped her iced latte since Molly had dropped them off.

  “Oh, please. She’s just another bitch that’s not on my level in his eyes.”

  “Yet he dipped out on your birthday to be with her. Then on her birthday, I heard homeboy set it out; bought her a car, roses, some designer, and that big ass rock she hasn’t taken off since her special day. And has he called you since her birthday?”

  “It doesn’t matter, because their union won’t last. I know Belly, and I’m not dumb enough to try and force him to be faithful. When he can do it, he will, and for the right woman, meaning me.” Shrugging, I added, “And even if he can’t, I just want to be with him. I don’t think about all that other stuff when we’re together. It’s just about us.”

  “Fine, but I say don’t sit and wait. If you want that nigga, act like it. Closed mouths don’t get fed, Megyn.”

  I finished lunch, pondering on what Zara had said to me. I did want Belly, and I was tired of sitting by the phone or lurking on Blaise’s page for any signs that said they were broken up. I could tell by the glow in her Instasnaps that she was still getting that Belly dick and attention though.

  Zara and I finished up picking out the new lash styles I was planning to launch, and by this time, it was a little after 6 p.m. I was beat mentally and physically.

  “Hey, so I did some digging, and I found out Belly will be at Quay’s party tomorrow. I’m sure he invited you, so we should go.”

  “You think he’s gonna bring Blaise?”

  “To a party with plenty of bitches for him to smash? No!”

  “Okay, cool.”

  I was happy as hell and couldn’t wait to get to the party.

  The next afternoon… A little after 2 p.m.…

  Put the gun inside, what the fuck for?… I sleep with the gun, and she don't snore…

  I entered the party with Zara, taking one of the champagne glasses from the scantily clad dressed waitress carrying a tray of them. The party was at this mansion, with a view and a big ass pool that only a few people were in. Everyone else was fully clothed, chilling, drinking, eating, and smoking.

  “There goes your man.” Zara pointed, swaying to “Uproar” by Lil Wayne.

  “I know.” I stared Belly down from across the big backyard. He was seated at this small clear table, with his ContraBandz gang, plus Will. He wore a simple gray Polo shirt, blue jeans, and some fresh off-white Nike collab tennis shoes. His watch blinded me, despite its subtleness.

  “’Sup, sexy!” Quay rolled up on me, reaching for a hug. Him along with many other men were in my DMs almost daily. I wanted Belly though.

  “Hi. Excuse me for a second.”

  Quay nodded, slipping his hands into his pockets as he watched me walk off. He and every other nigga in the industry knew I belonged to Belly. But since I wasn’t his official girl, I guess they felt it was okay to try and get with me.

  “Hi, baby.” I touched Belly’s shoulder, inhaling the scent of his cologne. He turned a little bit to peer up at me and then flipped back around.

  I sat in the empty chair and sipped my champagne.

  “Hi, Megyn.” Ozzy waved to me, winking.

  When Belly chuckled, I got a sharp pain in my chest. He was supposed to be angry, but maybe he and his friends joked that way. I’d been around them multiple times and had never seen it, but hey.

  Once some other women came to occupy his friends, I said lowly, “I haven’t seen you in a minute. I miss you.”

  “Damn, all bad.” He dusted his fresh j
eans off.

  “Why is that bad?” I cocked my head, confused.

  “’Cause I’m not yo’ nigga, and I got a whole girlfriend, yet you miss me.”

  “Girlfriend, huh? Is that why you left my fucking birthday, to be with her, and then went ham for hers?” I felt myself tearing up. “How could you do that? I should have at least been able to have you all night for my birthday; you told me I would.”

  He leaned over to whisper in my ear, “Quit making a scene, Megyn. I don’t like all that extra shit. If you wanna cry and nag a nigga, go get you a muthafuckin’ boyfriend. Only shit I had to offer you was some dick, but that coupon is expired.” He pulled away.


  “Get up. My girl needs to sit down. And don’t talk to me or even look at me for the rest of the party.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, a big beautiful grin covered his face as he stared off. I followed his eyes, and they were on Blaise, walking in with that Priscilla dancing chick and this female deejay named Alicia or something.

  Blaise was so beautiful in person, and even though this was my second time seeing her in the flesh, I was still in awe. I think if she were less attractive, Belly being in love with her would hurt less for some reason.

  Without another word, I got up from the chair, and Blaise sat in it like she didn’t even see me. She locked her arms around his neck, and they kissed; they kissed right in front of me. I felt stuck and watched Blaise cup Belly’s sexy face, before whispering in his ear. When she was done, she turned to take the juice that Priscilla had brought her. I stared as she sipped it, until I realized Belly was looking at me.

  “Go,” was all he said before turning his back to me and kissing Blaise’s cheek. It was obvious she’d told him to do that, and I couldn’t believe he had. And the fact that she didn’t even acknowledge me, like I was too beneath her to tell me to leave herself, aggravated me.

  I would figure out how to get Belly’s attention. I was a catch, and beautiful as hell too, so I was sure he could only resist me for so long. Hell, I didn’t have his name tatted for nothing.


  I was on my way to the boxing gym after picking up some pre-workout for Belly. He and I weren’t really talking, unless it had something to do with work. I was tired of the shit though and didn’t want something like hoe ass Jasmine getting in between brothers. For as long as I’d been on this earth, Belly and I have been close. It was weird as fuck being on the outs with him.

  Me: Miss yo’ ass already.

  Alivia: I maybe miss you a little lol.

  I smirked, shoving my iPhone into my pocket as I entered the gym. When I spotted Belly taking stuff from his bag, I started over, removing the pre-workout.

  “Good morning.” I handed him the tub and he took it, not responding. “So how long we gon’ play this game?”

  “I don’t play games. Games are for immature muthafuckas like you.” He gave me a fake smile and then zipped his bag up.

  I stood there, watching him put the powder in his water bottle before shaking it roughly.

  “I’m not immature. I don’ told yo’ ass that what you saw wasn’t the case. I still fuck on Jasmine, so her son got the wrong fucking idea.”

  He laughed, shaking his head.

  “That can’t feel good, talking about yo’ own kid like he ain’t yours. You bitch about how Pops did you, but you doing the same shit.”

  He was right. It made me feel like shit, but I couldn’t admit it. I wasn’t ready. And truthfully, I didn’t see the big deal. Jasiel never went without shit, I made sure of it, so I was nothing like my wack ass father. He didn’t give me a fucking dime, on top of not claiming me.

  “No, I’m not doing the same shit, because I—” I stopped myself because I almost slipped up and admitted the truth. I’d contemplated doing so, just coming clean, but I couldn’t. The words wouldn’t come out of my mouth.

  “Damn, so when niggas was whispering about her while she was pregnant, you just played the role with us. You’re a fucking sociopath. He’s like three or four years old, Manny.”

  “Shit, is he yo’ kid? You sound like you know more about the little nigga than me. I don’t know how old he is.”

  “You know you’ve always been wanting attention from yo’ dad. Maybe if you tell him how you’re acting like a bitch, y’all can bond.”

  “Fuck you! Keep bringing that shit up!”

  “Or what?” He got in my face.

  “You think the shit is funny to keep mentioning the fact that I ain’t have that bitch ass nigga in my life? You like bragging that you had it good, having a father and all!”

  “I had it good?” He pointed to himself then chuckled. “You right. Seeing that nigga hurt my mama so badly that she wouldn’t get out of bed for days, getting my ass beat like a grown man, having my mother hate me ’cause of this nigga, and then competing in fight after fight no matter how much pain I was in from the last one, because we needed the money, was the life, my nigga!” He grinned. “Damn, you missed out on not having that muthafucka in yo’ life.”

  “I get it—”

  “Nah, you don’t get it. Because if you got it, you wouldn’t be walking around here ashamed of yo’ son.”

  “I don’t have a son, Cortez.”

  “Blaise told me you’re fucking with her friend, that deejay girl. She know?”

  “Nothing for her to know.”

  He nodded.

  “Aight. Well you can bounce. I don’t need you for today.” He grabbed his gloves just as his trainer, Victor, emerged from the back.

  “What you mean you don’t need me? I’m ya fucking corner man. I have to be at your practices.” I frowned, watching him walk by me.

  “Not this one.” He climbed up into the ring where Victor was now. “Get up out of here, Manny. I don’t need no fucking distractions.”

  “Victor.” I looked at his trainer who shrugged.

  “Ain’t nothing I can do. And we got a lot of hours ahead, so I need you to go if that’s what it’ll take for us to start, Manuel.”

  “Fine. Fuck it.”

  I left out and sat in my car for a little bit, mad as fuck. Belly was pissing me off, and I didn’t know if it was because he was right or if it was because I hated what I was doing to my kid.

  Some days, I just wanted to up and move he and Jasmine to a whole new town so shit could be normal. But my home was here, my work was pretty much here, and I couldn’t just bounce. I wasn’t sure how I was gon’ fix shit in the long run, but for now, I needed something quick to mend my brother’s and my relationship. Plus, the shit was starting to interfere with my work, and I couldn’t have that.

  Starting up my brand-new Porsche Cayman, I smiled for a minute. It was my first super luxury car, and I was in love with this shit. I still had my Lexus, but I stayed pushing this one since the day I got the keys. My income had increased since Belly’s had, and I wasn’t complaining. My smile faded, thinking he may drop my ass for a new corner man over this son bullshit, so I sped off, headed to see my baby mama.

  When I got to Jasmine’s, I saw there was a Lexus in the driveway, but the truck. I could tell by the paint job, rims, and the decked out inside from when I smashed my face to the window to peer in it, that this shit cost money. It wasn’t the car she borrowed last time, so I knew it didn’t belong to the nigga she was fucking with.

  “Get your nasty face off my window.” Jasmine stood in the doorway of her home. Her house was pretty beat up, in the depths of Inglewood. I wanted to get her up out, but she’d been good this long, and that wasn’t my responsibility to keep her ass safe. It was her mom’s spot before she was murdered around the corner at a stop sign, so I doubt she wanted to leave it anyway.

  “Yo’ window?”

  “Yes, mine.” She folded her arms. She was in this tight white dress, looking scrumptious as hell. I was horny too since Alivia hadn’t given me any of her honey pot yet. But damn, when she did, a nigga might catch the Holy Ghost.

/>   “How the fuck you pay for this?”

  “It was a gift. What did you need?”

  “A gift from who?” I followed her inside of the house, completely interested in a whole other issue than what I came here for.

  “My man, Manny. Don’t come over here asking me questions. We’re not together, and from what I’ve been seeing on social media, you’re dating that little white bitch.”

  “White bitch? I ain’t got no white bitch!”

  “Mulatto. Whatever the fuck she is.”

  “Alivia; you know her name. She’s a deejay and full-blooded Black. You know damn well she ain’t white with them big ass lips she got. Acting like yo’ ass ain’t light skinned.”

  “Not as light as her.”

  “Yeah. If she went out in the sun for a couple days, y’all would be what for what. But why this nigga buying you cars and shit?”

  “Because he was tired of seeing me having to go places in that 2000 Toyota Corolla, and it kept breaking down all the time. He kept having to come meet me places and help me off the road since you would never answer, even though I had your son with me.”

  “Whatever.” I ain’t know what to say, but I didn’t like whoever this nigga was, buying Jasmine a car. He was doing too damn much. Him fucking her was one thing, but he sounded like he was trying to wife her, which wasn’t cool with me for some reason. “Speaking of our son, I need you to do me a big favor. If you agree to this, I’ll give you whatever you want. I’m talking five thousand dollars.”

  “What the hell kind of favor is worth that much money?” Jasmine’s brows dipped. She moved her hair off her shoulders. She looked good with it natural; I guess the nigga she was fucking influenced this change, because she’d been rocking it for a minute.

  “I need you to tell my brother that Jasiel isn’t mine, and that he—”

  “Are you fucking serious!”

  “Yes! And tell him that Jasiel was mistaken when he saw me; that his dad is one of these niggas you fucked.” For a moment, Jasmine just stared up at me. I could see the sadness in her eyes, but I couldn’t care about that. “This is just for right now, and when I figure some shit out, I’ll come clean.”


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