Love Under Two Gunslingers

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Love Under Two Gunslingers Page 18

by Love Under Two Gunslingers (lit)

  He turned his gaze to Joshua. “Do you think Sarah will like her new home?”

  Chapter 20

  “You have to appreciate the irony.”

  Sarah turned at the sound of her lover’s voice, her smile natural and free. Caleb stood beside her just inside the entrance of the huge house. When he reached up to rub absently at the ache in his arm, she frowned. Never far from her thoughts, and lurking just at the edge of her dreams, lived the memory of that horrible moment a few weeks ago in Denison when she’d believed Caleb had been taken from her forever.

  That fact and the knowledge of the fate the former owner of this ranch planned for her effectively squashed any guilt she might have felt about moving in to his house. No, not his house anymore. My house, and damned if I haven’t earned it.

  “I do appreciate the irony. I appreciate my lawyer even more.” She turned as Joshua came into the house to stand on her other side.

  “He did seem kind of gleeful when he got a copy of Maddox’s will. Then he complained about the lack of a real challenge.”

  Sarah shook her head. As Caleb said, she had to appreciate the irony.

  In his efforts to prove to the world that his marriage to Sarah had been real and valid—laying the groundwork, they knew, for the claim he’d planned to make on her death—Maddox had his will changed as soon as he returned home from their wedding in Chicago. That document not only acknowledged Sarah as his wife but named her his sole heir. That which he’d planned to use to support his crime served as a means, not only of recompense, but of ensuring a future for her and the men she loved.

  “You’re certain you don’t mind this? Moving into his house, taking over his ranch?” she asked her lovers now. She knew enough of the male ego to know that sometimes, it could be a fragile and delicate thing.

  “Not one bit,” Joshua said, then looked at his brother. “What about you?”

  “Nope. We were working as gunslingers, hoping to save enough to buy us a place of our own. I told you that, sweetheart, remember? We’re ranchers born and bred. Ma actually left the homestead to us, but we let Becky and her husband have it, since they’d kept it going all the years we were away. What about you, sweetheart? Our moving in here, especially into the house with you and not the bunkhouse means people are likely going to talk.”

  Sarah smiled, then slipped her arms through theirs. “What do I care about talk? In case you don’t realize it, we’re rich. One thing I learned living in Chicago is that when you’re rich, you can get away with just about any damn thing. Doubt it’s any different here.”

  “No, sweetheart, we’re not rich. You’re rich. We’re just a couple of leeches.”

  Joshua said that in such a way she knew he teased her. She shook her head. “Nope, sorry. That amazing lawyer I have is drawing up a partnership agreement, and it’s going to include everything. Not just what Maddox left me, but my inheritance from my grandfather, too. An equal three way split, share and share alike.”

  Her amazing lawyer, Warren Jessop, had contacted the lawyer in Virginia who administered her grandfather’s estate. By the terms of his will, her death would have guaranteed Maddox he would immediately come in to that money.

  And Maddox’s death—making her a widow—had done the same for Sarah.

  She felt both her men tense, knew protests were imminent.

  “Don’t argue. You told me I belonged to you and that there’d be no going back. Well, I feel the same way. So what belongs to me, belongs to you.”

  “You’re a bossy little thing, aren’t you?” Caleb said.

  Sarah didn’t think he expected an answer, but she gave him one anyway. “I am now. Being docile nearly got me killed. From now on, you can expect that speaking my mind and having my way are going to be two of my most notable traits.”

  “Is that right?” Joshua asked.

  Sarah knew her men and knew when they were battling laughter. Another rhetorical question and another she chose to answer.

  “That is right.” It was her first time inside her new home. She’d elected to stay at Warren’s until the legalities had been straightened out and finalized, but Caleb and Joshua stepped in immediately to see to ranch operations and clean out Maddox’s clothes and personal effects.

  She hadn’t wanted to encounter anything the man might have worn when she finally made the house her home.

  She looked around at the room she could just see off to the left, a parlor of some sort, and the room she could see to the right—Maddox’s office. She’d leave that one for last. Maybe tomorrow. She wanted to explore this new home of hers, especially the one room in particular she wanted to see above all the rest, first.

  Before her sprawled as fine and wide a staircase as she’d ever seen. “Maddox spared no expense building himself a manor house,” Sarah said. She’d known her future home would be nicer than the standard frontier cabin, but she had no idea it would be this grand.

  “He had a hell of an ego,” Caleb asserted. “And spent a damn fortune feeding it.”

  She felt his sideways glance. “What?”

  “Are you going to be all right sleeping in what used to be his bed?”

  “As long as the sheets don’t smell like him and I’m not sleeping there alone.”

  “The linens have all been washed and aired, as has the feather mattress,” Caleb said.

  Sarah wasn’t one bit surprised Caleb and Joshua had thought of that. They both proved amazingly thorough in their quest to take care of her. That suited her just fine.

  “As to sleeping alone? Not if we can help it,” Joshua said.

  “Good. So…where is this bed?”

  Upstairs, four bedrooms branched off a central corridor. Three were of a normal size while one appeared enormous—with the biggest bed Sarah had ever seen. Not only was the contraption longer than any she’d laid eyes on, it had to be nearly double the normal width.

  “My goodness!” was all she could think to say.

  “According to Jose, the houseman, Maddox had this bed built especially,” Caleb said. “Rather considerate of him, don’t you think, love? Saved us from having to do the exact same thing.”

  “Jose and his wife Rita have a small adobe on the other side of the saddle barn,” Joshua added. “There’ll be no one in this house at night but us.”

  Sarah walked toward the bed, reached out, and tested the mattress with her hand. She smiled, then turned and sat down on it.

  “It’s like sitting on a cloud!”

  Both men grinned. As one, they began to unbutton their shirts.

  “In that case,” Caleb said, with a voice that tickled Sarah’s pussy, “why don’t we take you to heaven?”

  “Mmm.” She avidly drank in the sight of their naked chests emerging from the cover of their shirts. “Yes, why don’t you?”

  * * * *

  They stripped themselves naked and came to her. Before they pulled her to her feet she’d reached out with her tongue and given each of their erect cocks a good, long lick. Then, holding them off just a moment longer, she’d nuzzled each of them. Each man had a unique scent that set her mouth to watering and her pussy to weeping. When they drew her to her feet and raced to undress her, she had already grown wet for them.

  “You both smell so good to me. I can tell you apart by the fragrance of your balls,” Sarah said boldly.

  “Can you?” Caleb’s words took on the edge of arousal. Reaching out, she fisted his cock, her hand gliding over hot turgid flesh that expanded the more she stroked.

  “I can.”

  “We can smell you, too, sweetheart. Your cunt just calls to us.” Caleb said.

  “Even when you’re fully clothed, even when there are others around, we can scent you, and we want you. You’re our mate, Sarah.” Joshua, the least assertive of the brothers, could certainly have his moments.

  This was the man who had killed her would-be murderer. Shot him dead, because the fool had drawn his gun, yes. Sarah knew, though, that under that, at the bottom
of it, he’d done it for her.

  They risked themselves to keep her safe. But more, they had opened her to the kind of loving and belonging she’d pined for all her life. When she’d discovered she had fallen in love with them both, they both took her, gladly sharing her, and wasn’t that a miracle?

  “Yes. I’m your mate. And you, both of you, are mine. I need to smell your scent on my skin. I need to feel your cocks inside me, your seed coming into my body. Fuck me. Fuck me now.”

  “Sarah.” Caleb brought her down to the bed, his body hot and hard against her right side.

  “You’ll have our cocks. You’ll have all of us.” Joshua laid down on her left, his hand stroking down her body, mirroring the same caress his brother lavished upon her.

  They feasted. Sarah could think of no word more appropriate for the way they used their hands and their mouths to take pleasure and return it tenfold. Every part of her felt on fire. Every inch of her skin craved their touch and burned for their kisses.

  Stroking them, pulling them close, she kissed her lovers, one, then the other. Their unique flavor coated her tongue and filled her soul. A new level of intimacy surrounded them. No longer did the shadow of another stand over them, threatening to end what they’d found together. Sarah knew that nothing, and no one, would ever come between them again. Nothing would stop them from spending the rest of their lives together.

  “Mine.” She’d needed to say that just one more time. Then their touch, their passion, commanded her full, undivided attention. Fingers traced and pinched, dallied and delved and Sarah’s hips left the bed as her pleasure poured out of her like rain. The shivers and rapture took her so keenly, she cried out with sounds that came from her heart.

  “That’s one,” Caleb whispered. “How many more can we give you?”

  He combed his fingers through her hair, his hand gripping her head as his mouth came down on hers. Hot, wet, his lips sucked while his tongue swept and drank her.

  He pulled her right leg up onto his hips, opening her wider to their whims and their wills. Joshua kissed his way down her body, giving little teasing nips, stroking with his tongue. He twirled his tongue in her navel.

  Before she could draw a breath, his mouth settled on her pussy. Licking, tasting, he drove her arousal impossibly higher. Then she felt him penetrate her slick passage with his fingers. He thrust them hard and fast and stroked something inside her, something she could feel wrapping around his finger. The rapture flooded her once more, stronger, longer, so that Sarah wondered if the entire world had faded away and only these men, and this moment, remained.

  “Two,” Joshua said.

  Caleb eased back as his brother worked his way up her body. He threaded the fingers of his left hand through her right and lay back against the mounded pillows, watching Joshua love her.

  Having one lover watch while another pleasured her was nearly as thrilling as having them both loving her at the same time.

  Joshua loomed over her, bent down so that she could smell her own essence on his face.

  “Kiss me, Sarah. Taste yourself on my lips. Let me share your own sweetness with you.”

  Shocking and shameful, lust swamped her and she wanted nothing more than to take whatever he wanted to give her. She felt the head of his cock press against her wet folds and then he surged inside her, all the way deep inside her. A twinge of pain accompanied the wonderful bliss of having his length and breadth in her. Needing more, she raised up, her mouth hungry for the taste of them together.

  Her lips devoured, her tongue lapped, and Sarah knew she drank a new flavor she would forever crave.

  Would her dew taste different from Caleb’s lips?

  “Wrap your arms around me. Hold on.”

  Joshua’s command as he slipped one hand under her bottom had her raising herself to comply.

  She gasped when he rolled them so that she ended atop him. His cock, still deep inside her, seemed to hit deeper.

  “Ride me, baby.”

  She knew what to do, for she’d been on top of him once before, in the stream their first time together. She’d learned much since that initiation. Raising and sinking upon him, squeezing him with her inner muscles, she shuddered with the wondrous sensations coursing through her.

  She’d let go of Caleb’s hand when she’d wrapped her arms around Joshua, but she knew he was still close, watching. Caleb caressed her nape to ass, and she shivered. When his fingers caressed back and forth across the tiny rosette of her anus, she moaned and sent him a heated look over her shoulder.

  “You want me to fuck your ass?” His whispered words moistened her ear and drove her higher.

  “Yes. Yes, I want your cock in my ass.”

  Coyness and modesty were emotions to be worn for company, to be donned when necessary. They had no place here and now. Here, alone and naked with the men who loved her, Sarah felt as if she’d been created a new creature, one of lust and longing and love. Here, she was heart and flesh, a vessel to be filled, a nymph to pour rapture onto her lovers. Here she was free to love, with no restraints, with nothing forbidden.

  She widened her legs when Joshua did, the two of them, joined, making room for their third. They were one heart. They had become a family on a journey of personal discovery and love.

  She felt firm hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks. Shivering, she moaned in delight as Caleb used his tongue to moisten her anus, as he dipped and swirled and probed with it. Then she felt him shift.

  Instinct drove her to push her pussy down and forward even more securely onto Joshua’s cock as she lifted her ass, relaxed her thighs, offering herself for her second lover’s enjoyment.

  Caleb hissed as he sank into her, her back muscles now accustomed to accommodating her lovers’ shafts.

  Sarah sighed, the sensation of being full and stretched the most wonderful sensation in the world. Her hands rested on the bed on either side of Joshua’s head. His gaze, fierce and burning, held hers as his hands gripped her waist, and he thrust up with his hips.

  Behind her, Caleb’s grasp on her hips strong, he thrust in and out of her ass, his rhythm steady and deep.

  Sarah groaned, a woman-as-animal sound of need, of desire, as the friction of her lovers cocks stroked and stoked the fires of her passion.

  “Fuck us, sweetheart. Fuck us both,” Joshua said.

  Yes. Back and forth, down and then up, her hips moved in an ever faster pace, her cunt and ass hungry for the purest pleasure, her heart and soul famished for that piece of heaven only these men could give her.

  “More, oh, more!” Wild, wicked, she took them, took from them, until she thought she might go mad.

  “Damn! Take it, love. Take it all.”

  Hot and swollen inside her, she felt their cocks begin to twitch, felt the beginning of their pleasure, and then their seed, hot, liquid, shot into her, filling her with all they had to give.

  Shivering, quivering, calling their names, Sarah soared all the way to heaven and beyond.

  * * * *

  They moved her, lifting her and pulling the linens down, then crawled in with her until she was sandwiched between them, covered and cared for.

  Late afternoon sunshine lit the room, and Sarah sighed in the aftermath of their loving. One naked male at her back, the other snug against her front, she didn’t care if she ever moved again.

  “Every time it gets better,” Joshua whispered.

  “Better, and more,” Caleb agreed.

  Sarah could only sigh.

  “I never thought I’d prefer a bed indoors over a ceiling of stars, but I think I do. Now.”

  Caleb’s confession made Sarah smile. “I wouldn’t mind, once in a while, camping out somewhere, just the three of us. Like we did.” Sarah sighed again. “Those are some of my fondest memories, but I think we’re going to have to wait until next summer for that.”

  “There’s still several months before the weather turns, sweetheart,” Joshua said. “If you want it, then we want to give it to you.�

  “Mmm. I do want it.” Sarah smiled. She turned onto her back, pleased the bed was large enough so that she could do so without dislodging either of her men. She was pleased because for this moment, for this sharing, she would be able to see both their faces. She took Caleb’s hand, brought it to her lips, and then Joshua’s. And she recalled that first time, when she’d dared to make love under two gunslingers. That had been the beginning, and now came the next chapter.

  “The thing is, I might find the ground not so accommodating for the next…say, seven or eight months.”

  She sensed it, that sudden tension that came into her lovers, a tension chased away, almost immediately, by joy.

  “Sarah?” Joshua reached down, stroked her face gently.

  “Sweetheart?” Caleb’s eyes glittered as brightly as his brother’s.

  She took their hands and placed them on her stomach. “This is going to be one very lucky baby because he’s going have two daddies who will love him beyond measure. Just the same way I’m a very lucky woman because I have two husbands whom I love with all my heart.” No vows had yet been spoken, but in her heart, these men were both her husbands. Not even death, she felt certain, would part them.

  “Might be a girl,” Caleb said, and didn’t he look happy as hell about that possibility, Sarah thought.

  “Might be twins,” Joshua said, his joy a nearly palpable thing.

  “Yes,” Caleb agreed. “It might be twins.”

  Had any two men ever worn such wide smiles? Had any two sets of eyes ever sparkled with as much joy and love? Sarah didn’t think so.

  “It might indeed be twins,” Sarah agreed. In that moment, she knew it not only might be, it would be.

  Just as she knew their lives, their futures, and their happiness would be long and loving and bright.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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