Hell Freezes Over - A Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter Novella

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Hell Freezes Over - A Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter Novella Page 13

by John G. Hartness

I picked up the priest and laid him on a padded pew, smoothing down his robes and putting a hymnal under his head for a pillow. Then I turned to Glory.

  “What the ever-loving fuck was all that?” I asked, crossing my arms and staring at her.

  “Here’s what I can tell you, which isn’t much. Dominus was insane. He acted alone, without knowledge of The Host or anyone else.”

  “Anyone?” I asked, eyebrows climbing.

  “I don’t get into what The Father does and doesn’t know. I always assume that He knows everything and sometimes just waits for us to figure things out for ourselves. He does like His children to be independent, you know.”

  “Then he must fucking love me,” I muttered.

  Glory took hold of my chin and turned my eyes to hers. I looked deep into them, really looked for the first time, and behind the blue I saw more than I could process. I saw the love, the compassion, the forgiveness for every stupid, hard-hearted and small-minded thing I’d ever done. I stared into her eyes until I felt like my heart would burst, and then I tore myself away, tears rolling down my face.

  “That’s just how I feel about you, Quincy Harker, and I have nothing like the capacity for love that Father has. So yeah, he fucking loves you. And don’t you forget it.”

  I stood there for a moment, trying to pull myself together. When I could speak again, I looked back at her. Fortunately, she had de-magicked her eyes, so I could look at her without being overwhelmed.

  “So it’s over? The murders? The magically-induced unnatural catastrophes? All done?”

  “All done. No more murders, and no more using the death of innocents to manipulate the Earth’s energies. And hopefully Dominus can be rehabilitated.”

  “In Hell?” I raised an eyebrow.

  Glory looked at me like I was a particularly slow first-grader. It was a look she’d used before. I’ve given her plenty of opportunities to perfect it over the years. She said, “Hell isn’t for punishment, Quincy. The punishment is being away from the presence of the Almighty. The redemption comes in the hope to some day earn the right to be in His presence again. If Dominus truly repents and learns from his mistakes, he may one day become part of The Host again. That is our most sincere hope.”

  “Our? I thought being part of The Host was like a rank thing, and Guardians were a step below.”

  “Usually that’s true.” Glory gave me a little smile. “But you’re a special case. You get into a little more trouble than most humans, so you require a higher level of guardian. So you get me.” She gave me a dazzling smile, the kind that’s supposed to distract me from asking any questions she doesn’t feel like answering. I knew she was playing me, but I let her. She wasn’t going to tell me anything more about her status among the angels, or about the attention I was receiving from Heaven, so I figured I’d just chalk it up to a win and move along.

  “Yeah, I got you. Ain’t you the lucky one?”

  “I am, Harker. I truly am. Peace be with you, my friend.” Glory gave me a quick hug, then vanished in a stream of sparkles.

  “Kid definitely knows how to make an exit.” I grinned and turned to the door.

  Let’s get out of here, I sent to Flynn.

  Did we win?

  We’re still alive, so yeah, we wo,. I replied.

  Meet you at the car. You’re driving, she thought at me.

  Drunk on communion wine?

  Fuck off, Harker, that shit’s stronger than I thought.

  I’ve never heard anybody slur their thoughts before, Becks.

  Just open the car door, asshole.

  I looked back at the church, and as the sun flickered behind a cloud for a second, I thought I saw the figure of little Emily Standish standing in the doorway. She gave me a little wave, then turned and walked through a patch of sunbeam, and was gone.

  “Peace be unto you, little one,” I murmured, then walked to the car and rode away.

  Special Thanks to my Patrons!


  Melinda Hamby

  Patrick Dugan

  Charlotte Babb

  Ray Spitz

  Lisa Kochurina

  Jim Ryan

  Bill Schlichting

  Scott Furman

  Steven R. Yanacsek

  Theresa Glover

  Leonard Rosenthol

  Salem Macknee

  Trey Alexander

  Joe & Theresa Hood

  Want to add your name to the list?

  Go to www.patreon.com/johnhartness and make a pledge!


  A very heartfelt thanks to Melissa Gilbert of Clicking Keys for her all her help.

  Thanks to Adrijus at Rockingbookcovers.com for the awesome cover.

  For information on appearances, signings, autographed copies, etc. please visit


  @johnhartness on Twitter

  Copyright 2016 by John G. Hartness

  Hell Freezes Over by John G. Hartness is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

  About the Author

  John G. Hartness is a teller of tales, a righter of wrong, defender of ladies’ virtues, and some people call him Maurice, for he speaks of the pompatus of love. He is also the best-selling author of EPIC-Award-winning series The Black Knight Chronicles from Bell Bridge Books, a comedic urban fantasy series that answers the eternal question “Why aren’t there more fat vampires?”

  John is the author of the Bubba the Monster Hunter series of short stories and novellas, the Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter novella series, and the creator and co-editor of the Big Bad anthology series, among other projects.

  In 2016, John teamed up with a pair of other publishing industry ne’er-do-wells and founded Falstaff Media, a publishing conglomerate dedicated to pushing the boundaries of literature and entertainment.

  In his copious free time John enjoys long walks on the beach, rescuing kittens from trees and recording new episodes of his ridiculous podcast Literate Liquors, where he pairs book reviews and alcoholic drinks in new and ludicrous ways. John is also a contributor to the Magical Words group blog. An avid Magic: the Gathering player, John is strong in his nerd-fu and has sometimes been referred to as “the Kevin Smith of Charlotte, NC.” And not just for his girth. He can be found online at www.johnhartness.com and spends too much time on Twitter, especially after a few drinks.

  For more information about appearances, signings, and other silliness, feel free to follow John on Twitter (@johnhartness), or on his website www.johnhartness.com.

  Also by John G. Hartness

  Bubba the Monster Hunter Short Stories

  Voodoo Children

  Ballet of Blood


  Tassels of Terror

  Monsters Beware - Bubba the Monster Hunter Vol. 1

  Cat Scratch Fever

  Love Stinks

  Hall & Goats


  Monsters Mashed - Bubba the Monster Hunter Vol. 2

  Sixteen Tons

  Family Tradition - A Bubba the Monster Hunter Prequel

  Final Countdown

  Monsters Everywhere - Bubba the Monster Hunter Vol. 3

  Scattered, Smothered and Chunked - The Complete Bubba the Monster Hunter Season 1

  UnHoly Night - A Skeeter the Monster Hunter Short Story

  Love Hurts

  Dead Man’s Hand

  She’s Got Legs

  Dead Man’s Party - Bubba the Monster Hunter Vol. 4

  Fire on the Mountain - A Beauregard the Monster Hunter Story


  Double Trouble

  The Black Knight Chronicles

  Volume 1 - Hard Day’s Knight

  Volume 2 - Back in Black

  Volume 3 - Knight Moves

  The Black Knight Chronicles Omnibus Edition

  Volume 4 - Paint it Black

  Movie Knight - A Black Knight Short Story

  Black Magic Woman - A Black
Knight Short Story

  Gone Daddy Gone - A Black Knight Short Story

  Knight UnLife - Collected Black Knight Shorts

  Co-Edited with Emily Lavin Leverett

  The Big Bad: An Anthology of Evil

  Other Work


  Balance - Tales of Alternate Reality

  Genesis - Return to Eden Book 1

  The Chosen

  Returning the Favor and other slices of life

  Red Dirt Boy

  The Christmas Lights

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Special Thanks


  About the Author

  Also by John G. Hartness




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