James, Honor - Into the Fire [The Royal Wolves 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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James, Honor - Into the Fire [The Royal Wolves 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 23

by Honor James

  Driving his cock into her pussy over and over again Miklos teased her with his hands, stroking, cupping, massaging. Nibbling on her shoulder he grinned as she growled at him, but he wanted to wait until she was nearly there and then send her hurtling into the abyss. She was close, he realized moments later and, driving his fingers down to toy with her clitoris, he whispered her name and then bit her shoulder, with no warning at all, drove his teeth deep to ensure the mark would remain even with her healing.

  She howled and screamed all at once. She shuddered and moaned as his cock expanded, the knot forming, and gave her another orgasm that had her crying out his name on a torn sob as she clawed at the bedding.

  He growled deeply with satisfaction in the sound as he came with her, his teeth holding her as he tasted blood. Pulling back on the pressure just slightly he kept his teeth in her flesh as he held her to him not letting her move any which way.

  There was nowhere for her to move, so she just let her knees drop slowly, bringing him with her and laying fully on the bed. “I think you killed me, my love,” she whispered as she closed her eyes and grinned. “And what a wonderful way to go.”

  After pulling his teeth from her skin he pressed several kisses to the tender flesh. Laying his cheek to her shoulder he rubbed his skin to hers. “Love you,” he croaked softly.

  Her eyes were closed, she couldn’t breathe, and with her eyes completely closed she shook her head and smiled again. “Talk later.” Like when she could breathe, when she could move. For now, however, it was perfect to simply lay there and be a part of him like she was.

  “Good,” he whispered to her with a chuckle. “Can’t think either,” he said as he rubbed his cheek to her skin again. “I’ll move as soon as I can feel my legs, love, or when you can’t feel anything and kick me off.”

  “Sleep, is good.” She grumbled and, turning her head, grinned. “Love you,” was her whispered sound as she dropped off and into sleep.

  Chuckling softly Miklos let out a breath. He wanted to sleep, too, but knew if he did she’d really be complaining once his body was a dead weight. When he was finally able to move he rolled off of her to his back at her side. But that was all he could manage before he passed out, out of sheer exhaustion.

  Chapter 29

  “Miklos,” she called up the hall and grinned as she stood there with the dress on that more than showed her beautiful mating mark. “We are going to be late and I really do want to get there before everyone gets all drunk and everything.” They had been invited to the Policeman’s Ball. It was a novelty for her, as a firefighter. Again she shook her head. Whoever said that women took longer than men to get ready really didn’t know a nervous Wolf when they saw one, or knew how long they took to get ready and how many times they changed their suits.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he muttered coming down the hall. “It’s these blasted cuff links. Whoever designed them should be slowly tortured for the pain it causes men in trying to put them in. Help!” he begged thrusting out his arm and the cuff link to her and then stopped. Eyes widening he slowly smiled as he moved closer again and slowly circled her. “I like,” he growled softly, brushing his lips against the curve of her neck. “I like a lot.”

  The gown was deep dark blue and went fully to the floor where it pooled softly in a fall of silk. Strapless with a high waist, it accentuated her breasts and put them on display as well as her upper body and arms. “I’m glad you like it.” She looked him over and licked her lips. “Good thing for you that I am out of heat or we would never make this engagement.” Holding out her hands she waggled her fingers. “Give me your arms, love. I will fix the cuff links because the limo is likely out there waiting at the gate.” She couldn’t figure out how to buzz him in, never having used the gate release before.

  Passing her the devices of evil he held his sleeve together so she could put them in with some ease. “Seriously, who creates something that needs three hands to put in? I only have two, dammit. This just is not a practical product.” If they hadn’t been one of his father’s sets and ones he always wore when he had to wear civilian dress wear, he’d have tossed them long ago.

  “Because there is normally always a woman nearby who is more than willing to place her hands on her man,” she said with a grin and then patted his arms. “All done, darling.” She laughed at him softly and straightened his tie. “Are you ready to take me and introduce me to all your coworkers. I mean, I am a firefighter you know.” There was always the battle between cops and firebugs.

  “Darling, you are so much better than any of them and you clean up nicer, too,” he said with a smile. “Come on, darling.” Picking up her wrap, Miklos held it for her and draped it lightly over her shoulders. Taking her hand in his he led her to the door and keyed the gate to open once he confirmed the driver of the limousine. “Shall we, my dearest mate?” he asked, offering her his arm.

  “Yes, I believe that we shall.” She grinned up at him. “Desmonda won’t be there. She said something about unable to handle the dog and pony show?” She shrugged. “I can’t wait personally.” She said with a smile, “I love that we get to have this moment out, this moment together.”

  “Probably couldn’t find a date,” Mik muttered under his breath before flashing her an innocent grin when she looked to him suspiciously. “If I didn’t have a lovely mate to show off I wouldn’t be caught dead at this thing either. Don’t be surprised if a bunch of people stare at us slack jawed.”

  She snorted and shook her head. “As long as you don’t leave me alone with a bunch of the pompous assholes we should be good. As for their slack-jawedness”—she looked up with a teasing grin—“what can you expect of cops? We firefighters are ever so much better at things than the cops ever will be.”

  Snorting at that he shook his head. “You flamers only like to think you are, but in reality the police are the top dogs. We’re the ones with guns and you get what, a hose?” Shaking his head he chuckled at her look and knew this could get heated. Good thing it was a long drive.

  “Yes, but at least our hoses work.” She was grinning ear to ear, loving the teasing. “How often do you have to fire your gun in the line of duty?” She made a moue of her lips. “You poor boy, you don’t even know if your gun would really go off for you or not, while us ‘flamers’ know that our hoses are always primed and ready.” How she got to thinking about sex was beyond her, but she was. As they rode there in the darkness of the limo she had to shift her legs restlessly as she began to smell her own desire wafting in the air.

  “My gun always fires when it is required,” he told her leaning in close to nip at her ear gently. “Never any misfires in all the time I’ve had to pull it out and use it. The big problem with you flamers is, you use your little hoses for a time and then they just go limp and useless as the well runs dry. But my gun is always primed and ready for any and all situations.”

  She bit her lip and wrapped her fingers into the lapels of his jacket. “Kiss your flamer, copper. She really needs to feel you touching her, kissing her so that when we face the enemy she will be well secure in the knowledge that at least one copper loves her.”

  “I definitely love you and if any of them give you a hard time let me know,” Miklos murmured. He’d personally see that they got the worst assignments in the history of the department. Kissing her slowly he slid a hand up and down her hip. He wanted more but he was trying to behave so she wouldn’t be rumpled when they got there.

  It was only a will of iron that had saved her ass more than once that had her pulling back and licking her lips. “Enough, Miklos, I need to adjust my makeup now.” She grinned and tugged her small purse close. “Later though, later I will let you peel me out of this dress and make love to me while I’m still wearing the heels and silk stockings.” Which was all she wore under the skin-tight dress, but he didn’t need to know that, yet.

  “Actually,” he murmured eyeing her legs, “I was thinking we should find a closet or a bathroom and have a little fun.” H
e grinned. “Unless you’re wearing underwear and full hose, in that case I may have to rethink my evil plan to have my wicked way with you.”

  Shifting her legs slightly she allowed her leg to show through the nearly to-the-thigh slit and shook her head. “Nope, just the silk thigh-highs and heels are under this dress. Thank god I don’t have a bigger rack than I do.” She cupped her size-B breasts and ran her fingers over where her nipples would be in the strapless gown. “So that’s possible.” She gave him a look of pure devilment as she spoke.

  Growling softly he leaned over and kissed the curves of her breasts lightly. “Anything is possible when you are as naked as you under this lovely dress,” he smiled. Glancing up sharply he inhaled. “We’re here,” he said softly, his body tightening for a whole new reason. His mate was about to be around a lot of males, not something that the Wolf was pleased about at all, especially since they weren’t pack and therefore were suspect.

  The Wolf inside of her tensed, but she soothed her just as she was about to soothe Miklos. “It will be all right, darling. They are friends.” Mostly. They were cops, so they were as close to friends as a firefighter could get to them. “You will be at my side all night. I promise we will be fine.”

  Growling softly he got out of the car and helped her out. “I am not leaving you alone with these dogs, that’s for sure,” he muttered. Tucking her hand through his arm he guided her toward the entrance as he pulled out the invitation. “I say we go in, have a couple drinks, find a toilette, and then run for home,” he said softly to her.

  It was tempting, so very tempting but she shook her head. “No. I want a full night out, Miklos. You promised me we would have the whole night together out and enjoying this party.” Actually he had snorted and made crude remarks about it, but she didn’t care. “I want this, Mik. I want to feel like we are a normal couple and that you are proud to introduce me to your friends, please?”

  “I am proud of you, but most of these guys are not my friends,” Miklos said softly as they moved into the grand entrance. He turned her toward the ballroom. “They are associates and competition. Most of them are pissed that I got a promotion over them.” He’d also been doing police work for a lot, a lot, longer than they’d all been alive.

  “Well you also have many years on them, Miklos,” she muttered as she turned her head around slowly to take in the ballroom, her eyes getting big. Letting out a breath she grinned. “Wow. All right, let’s meet some of your associates and competition, shall we?”

  “If we must,” Miklos murmured and headed toward his captain figuring he’d start there. Introducing her to the captain and a couple lieutenants Miklos let her chat with them, watching as she charmed them, even though she was a flamer. Keeping his hand lightly resting on her back Mik kept his eyes moving around the room feeling the waves of animosity from certain members congregated there.

  Suddenly Harker’s head came up and she frowned. “Miklos.” Someone was watching them. She wasn’t a cop and she hadn’t been a Wolf long but she knew when someone was watching, and someone was watching. “I think you were going to come with me for a drink?” Her eyes held the fear there that only he could see, she hoped.

  Nodding he excused them from the captain and led her slowly to the bar. “I know, babe,” he murmured softly when she looked up at him again. “Nice and slow, Harker, we need to see who’s watching you for anything other than curiosity.” He didn’t like the feel of the look coming her way. It was cold, vicious, and just plain vindictive.

  “I don’t like it at all, Miklos,” she said with a sunny smile that didn’t touch her eyes. “Someone is scoping me out for more than curiosity’s sake and it’s really, really pissing me off.” Her Wolf was in full attack mode. “And it’s very hard to control her right now, Miklos. It’s taking all my willpower to keep her at bay.”

  Wrapping his arms around her as they stopped by the bar, Miklos brushed his lips over her cheek. “Calm yourself, even if you do not feel calm and she will settle, love.” He really wished they’d had more time to work on suppressing her Wolf. Nipping at her ear he glanced up as the bartender approached. “What do you wish to drink, Harker?” he asked, softly rubbing his hand up and down her bare arm.

  She found her center in him and nodded. Looking up she smiled. “I would love to have a vodka martini, dirty please.” She needed the vodka. Hopefully she would get just enough of a buzz that she could shake off the feeling of being so angry.

  Looking to the bartender he ordered her vodka martini and asked for a double scotch neat for himself. Shifting with her down the bar he wrapped her in his arms. “Are you feeling any better?” he asked even though he felt the eyes still on them, but with the number of people in the room looking their way and talking about them it was hard to find the one with anger in their heart.

  “Slightly calmer with you holding me.” Him wrapped around her was the only thing keeping her Wolf in check. She knew it and so did he. “Hopefully the vodka will be enough to calm her, me.” She smiled. “We will drink and then dance and see if we can figure out who it is that has designs on me.” More like marked her for the kill, but she wasn’t quibbling terms. They both knew that it was the factions that were after the Wolf Princes, she just hated that they now had their eyes on her.

  “You’ll need to drink a lot of martinis then, love,” he murmured softly. “You’re Wolf now. Human liquor has almost no effect on us. Even if we drink bottles and bottles we’ll only get a slight buzz and then no hangovers. The stuff made for us on the other hand will slap you silly and send you love notes.” He grinned as he shifted to take her drink and pass it to her before taking his.

  “Of course,” she grumbled in complaint and then drank the martini with one swallow. “But maybe if I drink enough of these they will think I’m drunk and leaving will be expected.” She hoped.

  “Could work,” he told her with a shrug. “We’re not leaving until I find us a closet though,” he reminded her with a grin. Taking her glass he signaled the bartender and then sipped at his very good scotch.

  “Right, oh, I know where.” She grinned and nodded. “The coat closet.” And that fast her hormones began to rage out of control. “Dammit, so not the right time for heat to hit.” She knew it wasn’t the heat of her time, just simply the need of her mate.

  Grinning at her he passed her the new martini and shrugged. “If you want to wait,” he said and let the words drift off. Downing his drink he set the glass aside as he watched her and knew she’d be tossing it back to drag him off, eventually.

  There was really no eventually to it. She tossed her drink back and went into his arms with a grin. “Let’s go shall we?” And along the way they might luck out and figure out who had been eyeing them like a fat kid eyes the candy store.

  “We shall,” he teased wrapping his arm around her waist and gently guiding her from the bar area out through the throngs. “Dance first or closet?” he asked her as the band changed to a slow and romantic song.

  “Dance first,” she decided as the slow strains of the song began. “Hold me close and dance me toward the coat closet. Sound like a good idea, darling?”

  Pulling her into his arms he moved her to the music, their bodies close as he directed them slowly around the floor, his target in sight at all times. Miklos didn’t take a direct path, just seemed to wander aimlessly around the floor to the music. Brushing his lips to her cheek he breathed her in. “I think I could get used to dancing with you, my love. You do move wonderfully.”

  “It’s only me on your toes, love.” She really wasn’t moving, much. Thankfully however she hadn’t completely taken his toes off with her dancing. “And I think you and I will be dancing for our whole lives, Miklos, you holding me close as we move through life.”

  Grinning at her he kissed her gently. “You’re not that bad, but a couple lessons at home might not be amiss,” he teased gently. “All of us had to learn to dance, my mother’s will on that one, and when we had to run Laz insisted we fi
nish all our lessons for her.”

  “I think that is perfectly acceptable, love. I’m happy that she did,” she said with a smile and then, “I would like more lessons. I want to learn to be able to move as beautifully as you do, Miklos. I should be able to move like my lover, shouldn’t I?”

  “I think you should, too.” He grinned. “Who knows, might give you more ideas for other things,” he teased softly against her ear. “Learn to swish your hips a little more, rotating them for other dances, the rhythm of the body and all the actions it can cause and create.”

  She moaned and bit his earlobe gently. “Closet now, Miklos, or this ball will be remembered for Harker and Miklos making out right on the edge of the dance floor.” It amazed her how just a soft word, a gentle caress made her whole body burn in need.

  Chuckling softly he led her to the edge of the floor and meandered through the crowds until they were before the coat closet. Looking about he noted no one was really paying any attention so he opened the door and let her slide in before he joined her and locked the door. “I really hope no one wants to leave in the next twenty minutes,” he muttered as he pulled her to him and kissed her with need.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck she grinned and nodded. “I completely agree.” Her leg moved to wrap around his waist, and she felt his hands pulling the dress up as she hugged him close to her. “God you feel so good.” She grumbled as she added, “But you have on too many damn clothes.”

  “Not much to do about that,” he muttered as he got her dress up and undid his pants, pushing them out of the way of his cock as he lifted her. Pushing into her pussy he let out a shaky breath of relief. “Gods I love you,” he whispered brushing his lips over her mating mark as he adjusted his hold and began to move in and out of her tight pussy.


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