The Vampire's Infliction (Fatal Allure Book 4)

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The Vampire's Infliction (Fatal Allure Book 4) Page 15

by Martha Woods

  “Are you ready to tell me what happened?” His jaw clenched. “That must have been some phone call.”

  “It was some phone call, alright,” she mumbled. Standing up she said, “Look, Liam. Thank you for everything but it isn’t appropriate to share my personal problems with you. I should get back to my room. ”

  He stood up. “Sky, if you’re in trouble let me help.”

  “I’m not,” she said quickly. “I just -” she sighed. “Don’t feel like talking about it.”

  “Fine, you can tell me tomorrow.”

  “Liam -”

  “I didn’t like seeing you distressed,” he admitted, softly. “I’m used to you smiling and being you.”

  She froze and a smirk appeared on her face. “I’ve grown on you, have I?”

  He grunted. “You can say that.”

  Skylar nibbled her lower lip in attempt to keep down her smile, but the urge to smile disappeared as he kept moving closer. With a gulp, she whispered, “Liam, what are you -”

  His mouth covered hers, taking her by surprise and stirring up a whirlwind of desire inside of her. She had dreamed of that moment many times. His lips moved tentatively, gauging her reaction. When she melted against him, his movements became sure, coaxing her mouth open. Skylar moaned when his tongue swept between her lips and her tongue darted forward to meet his. Her arms wound around his neck and his hands on her hips, pulling her closer.

  Would they go any further? God, she hoped so. But her hope was crushed when he broke the kiss and stepped back, his breathing heavy. She stared at him wide-eyed and utterly disappointed.

  “Liam -”

  “I’m sorry, that shouldn’t have happened.”

  “It’s okay. Really.”

  His back was turned to her and his shoulders were stiff with tension. “You should go to your room.”

  “But shouldn’t we talk about what just happened?”

  “Just go,” he growled, making her jump.

  Skylar glowered at his back before whirling around and marching from the room, slamming the door for good measure. How dare he speak to her like that? What was the man’s problem? First he was gentle and caring, then he was smoldering and passionate, and then he was literally banishing her from his presence.

  She growled with frustration as she closed her room door. That passionate kiss had driven her problems from her mind temporarily and now they were back and she felt twice as miserable. She threw herself down on the luxurious hotel bed and burst into tears.

  Chapter 8

  Cayden gave the interior of his pick-up a once over, making sure he didn’t have any weapons lying around. He blew his horn and looked up at the massive cabin-like house. So this was where the billionaire recluse lived. He finally got to see where Skylar lived, after two damn months. She had only started showing real interest in him after she got back from her trip with her boss a few weeks ago. Before that, they met up in town occasionally. He wanted more but she kept him at arm’s length. He was surprised when she agreed to go out with him this evening.

  He couldn’t figure out why he was so hung up on one woman. Plenty of young females in town threw themselves at him but none of them interested him like Skylar did. A few minutes later she walked through the door and he stepped out of the truck with a smile. Damn, she looked good in jeans that hugged her hips and thighs and a leather jacket to ward off the November chill. Her blonde hair was in loose waves around her shoulders.

  She gave him a mega-watt smile and it was like the sun was rising in his direction. “Cayden, you found me.”

  He shrugged. “Your directions were spot on.”

  He met her on the steps and gazed up at the mansion, hoping to get a glimpse of the man Skylar worked for. He heard the women taking about Liam Conway all the time. Apparently, he was some heartthrob. Admittedly, Skylar working for a good-looking man who had money made him jealous. He was also suspicious of the man who never seemed to show his face in town. What was he doing hidden away way up in the woods?

  He spotted a woman at the door and sent a smile her way. He got a scowl in return and his smile fell. Okay then.

  Skylar turned and waved to the woman. “Later, Farah.”

  Cayden frowned when the woman gave Skylar a smile. He hadn’t gotten a smile. “Take care, child. You have my number if you need anything.”

  Skylar blushed. “Sorry about that. Farah is just being protective. Ever since I told her my mother died, she’s stepped into the role.”

  He nodded. “No need to apologize. You look lovely by the way.”

  She giggled. “You tell me I look lovely no matter what I’m wearing.”

  “Because you are naturally lovely,” he emphasized as he opened her door.

  * * *

  Skylar accepted Cayden’s hand so he could help her out of his truck. She gazed down at him, appreciating his good looks. His brown hair was short in a crew cut and honey brown eyes stared up at her. He smiled. Liam rarely smiled. As matter of fact, he hadn’t smiled at her in weeks. He was always in a sour mood. And there she went thinking about Liam again.

  “What are you thinking about?” Cayden asked, placing a hand on the small of her back as they walked toward the pizzeria.

  “Nothing important.”

  He led her inside the restaurant. “Well, you demanded pizza and here we are,” he said looking around.

  She laughed. “Why don’t you sound too happy? Pizza is a thing that should bring happiness.”

  He snorted. “This isn’t very romantic.”

  “Oh, come on.” She grabbed his hand and led him to a table. “I thought you knew by now that it doesn’t take much to make me happy. Your company is good enough.”

  He gave her a strange look. “Yeah, I know. You are a rare woman, Sky.”

  “That had better be a compliment,” she murmured.

  Cayden chuckled. “So do you enjoy living in that huge cabin with your recluse of a boss?”

  Her eyes shifted from the menu to his face. “Uh, it’s nice. And he isn’t really a recluse. I was joking when I said that.”

  “Is he strange? You know, have you noticed any bizarre behavior?” He kept his eyes on the menu.

  Skylar threw down her menu. “Alright, what gives? Why are you so interested in Mr. Conway? If we’re going to chit chat about him all night, I’m leaving.”

  “Whoa, easy. I was just trying to show interest in your job. Don’t you women like when men pay attention to your lives?”

  She laughed and let out a breath. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. I’ve just got a lot going on.”

  “It’s okay. I know.”

  “You do?” She eyed him from beneath her lashes.

  Cayden nodded. “You’ve been a bit distracted lately, on edge it seems.” His eyes bore into hers. “I pay attention.”

  She waited for him to question her about her behavior. But all he said was, “I figured if you wanted me to know what was going on, you would tell me. Not that I’m not concerned but I don’t want to pry.”

  Skylar let out a breath. Thank God. The last person she wanted to tell about her father was a cop. She remembered what her father had said. If she involved the police, he would be dead. Her last payment to the nameless mob boss - she’d finally found out what kind of criminal her father owed money to - had kept things quiet for a while. She assumed - no, prayed - that her father was still alive. The mob boss said he was but hell, could a freaking mob boss be trusted?

  “And there you go again, off into another world,” Cayden said softly. “You can talk to me, Sky.”

  She swallowed. “It’s nothing major, just some drama with my father. I’ll work things out soon. Alright, let’s quit wasting time. I’m starving.”

  By the time they left the cozy little restaurant, it was dark. They had stopped at the only bar in town, danced and had a few drinks. Well, Cayden had stuck to water and she’d had two drinks with minimal alcohol and had somehow managed to get tipsy. Skylar held on to Cayden’
s hand as they walked back to his truck. She felt like a giddy school girl. Thanks to Cayden, and a bit of alcohol, she had forgotten her troubles for a while. She let go of his hand and twirled. “It’s such a beautiful night.” She attempted another twirl and tripped over her feet.

  Cayden reached out to steady her. He chuckled. “I can’t believe you’re drunk after two drinks. There was barely any alcohol in them.”

  “I don’t drink. I’m a bit of a light weight.” She giggled. “I’m not drunk. I just feel…nice.”

  “I bet.”

  “I really had a great time tonight, Cayden. I haven’t had fun like this with someone in a while.” She leaned against his truck, allowing him to move closer until his body was pressed against hers. He was going to kiss her and she welcomed it, tilting her head upward. His warm mouth grazed hers, a contrast against the cool night air. The kiss gradually deepened and she grasped his jacket, pulling him closer.

  “Come home with me,” he murmured against her mouth. Stunned, she pulled back and glanced up. “I know we haven’t know each other but long but-”


  Skylar hadn’t really thought things through but once they pulled up in Cayden’s driveway, she was starting to have second thoughts. Maybe two months was too soon for her to sleep with him. And was he the man she really wanted to give her virginity to? Would he laugh when he found out she was a twenty-four year old virgin?

  He led her into his house, already feathering kisses along her neck. Deep down, she knew that she was having second thoughts because of another man. Liam. That infuriated her to no end, so she found Cayden’s mouth and kissed him back with renewed fervor. What was the point in pining over a brooding, miserable man who didn’t want her when she had a perfectly good one right in front of her showing major interest?

  She was lifted and instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, their lips never parting. She was aware that he was moving but didn’t know where they were going until he pushed open a door that turned out to be his bedroom. Her heart jumped. She was really doing this. Skylar landed on his bed and she propped up on her elbows to see him back off his jacket and then pull his shirt over his head.

  Panic rose up. She couldn’t do it. No matter how hard she tried to stay in that moment with Cayden, her mind kept drifting back to Liam. “Cayden, I can’t.” He froze, disappointment evident on his face. “I’m sorry. I’m not a tease. I swear. I just can’t.”

  He let out long breath. “It’s too soon, isn’t it?”

  She nodded. “And I’m uh… well, I’ve never had sex before.”

  His eyes widened. “O-oh. Oh, wow.”

  Skylar fell back onto the mattress and covered her face. “You think I’m pathetic, don’t you?” She peeked up at him through her fingers.

  Letting out a laugh, he shook his head. “Why would I think that?” He ran a hand over his face. “Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have rushed things. Do you want me to take you home?”

  “Please don’t apologize. I was with you all the way until -” she sighed. “I mean, I like you, Cayden but -”

  “I like you too.” Their gazes clashed. “You can stay. We don’t have to - I wouldn’t mind if you stayed. I’ve been alone for a while now and I enjoy your company.”

  There was a slight tinge of red coloring his cheeks and he averted his gaze. But she saw the sadness in them.

  “I can stay.”

  And she did. She dozed off wrapped in Cayden’s arms, taking the comfort that she hadn’t recieved since she lost her mother and got dragged into her father’s mess. It felt good.

  Chapter 9

  His eyes jumped to the clock for about the millionth time. It was well past one am and she still wasn’t home. Maybe she wasn’t coming home tonight. Maybe she was in bed with that man. Liam swept the clock off his nightstand in rage.

  Another man had taken what was his and he had no one to blame but himself. He had all but ignored Skylar since they got back from New York and she had moved on. He couldn’t blame her. Of course she assumed he wasn’t interested. But seeing her hop into that man’s truck had driven home the fact that he had lost her. She had looked so happy, going out on a date like a normal young woman. He couldn’t give her happy or normal. He couldn’t give her what she deserved. And that was why he had kept his distance.

  He let out a mirthless laugh. It was funny how the thought of Skylar in another man’s bed had so quickly driven his family issues out of his mind. He leaned back against the headboard of his bed and massaged the bridge of his nose. Cayden. The man’s name echoed in his mind and he snarled, his canines lengthening. It turned out the man was a new deputy in the town. God, how he hated him right now. Liam didn’t trust the man one bit. He’d stood at his office window and watched Cayden Benet when he had come to collect Skylar. The man had been too watchful. What had he been searching for and why had his radar for danger gone on high alert? Was Skylar safe with the man? His mind raced with question after question until he thought he would go mad.

  With a growl, he sprang up and strolled to the open window. He leapt out, landing on his feet and set off in a run, shifting as he picked up speed. He needed to feel the freedom of running wild tonight.

  * * *

  Skylar smiled and rolled over. She felt warm and relaxed. She would have liked to remain in her peaceful slumber but the light filtering in through the curtains forced her eyes open. Something heavy was draped over her. She looked down to see an arm and frowned. Her eyes flew upward to see the owner of the arm. Brown eyes were fixed on her, studying her intently.

  “Good morning,” Cayden whispered.

  She smiled and stretched. “Morning.” Easing up, she glanced around. “What time is it?”

  “Fifteen minutes to nine.”

  Skylar gasped. “Oh, shit!” She scrambled out of bed. “I’m going to be late. You have to take me home, now.”

  Cayden got up and eyed her with amusement. “Calm down. I’m sure your boss won’t kill you if you’re a bit late.”

  “You don’t understand. I’m his personal assistant. I have his schedule, everything. If I’m late, he’s late. I can’t lose this job. I can’t. Come on Cayden, hop to it. Let’s haul ass.”

  She already had on her jacket and was heading to the door. Cayden’s lips twisted as he wondered how she could be so full of energy as soon as she woke up. He glanced back at his bed longingly before following Skylar out.

  Cayden’s truck came to a halt in front of the mansion cabin. Skylar opened the door and moved to jump out, but turned back and planted a kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry about last night and my mad rush this morning. Maybe I can make it up to you.”

  He smiled. “Maybe.”

  “I’ll see you.”

  He watched her sprint to the front door, wondering when he would find the time to arrange another night like last night. For now, it was time to throw his attention and efforts back into finding the shifter that killed his father.

  Skylar rushed into the kitchen. “Is he up yet?”

  Farah cast her a glance. “Mhmm.”


  “And why are you just arriving home?”

  Skylar rolled her eyes as Farah gave her a disapproving look. “I spent the night with Cayden, of course. Sue me.”

  Farah sighed. “I didn’t see that one coming. Things are not going the way they’re supposed to,” she murmured while she reached into the refrigerator.

  “What are you carrying on about?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Never you mind, dear. You should get yourself together and get to work. I think he’s angry.”

  “Of course he is.” Skylar groaned and disappeared into her room.

  She made her way up the stairs ten minutes later after a quick shower, carrying a cup of coffee as a peace offering. With a tentative knock on the door, she waited anxiously.

  “Come in, Sky.”

  Liam didn’t sound too pissed. That was good. She entered his office, we
aring a small smile. “Good morning. I know I’m late and I’m sorry.”

  He sighed. “It’s fine. Things happen.”

  She let out a relieved breath and placed the cup on his desk. “I wasn’t sure if you had your coffee yet.”

  He was inspecting her with narrowed eyes and she felt like a specimen under a microscope. “Okay then, let’s get started.” She reached for his lap top. “Remember that you have a video conference with your friend, Alexander. You also have to call the Gerald’s about that property you have up for sale and then -”

  She stopped and snuck a quick glance at him. He was still staring at her.

  Skylar threw her hands up in the air. “Will you stop looking at me like that? You said it was alright that I was running a little late so what’s with the killer stare?”

  Of course, she regretted her outburst immediately. What was she thinking talking to her boss like that? Maybe she could plead temporary insanity if he decided to fire her.

  Liam’s brows creased. “I’m not upset with you, Sky. I’m just thinking.”

  “Well your thinking face is a bit scary so please stop,” she grumbled, taking a seat at her usual spot on the very comfortable couch. She flipped his lap top open.

  “His smell was all over you when you got back this morning.”

  She looked up. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I might have to kill him,” he hissed.

  Setting the computer aside, Skylar eyed him cautiously. “Liam what are you talking about? Who are you going to kill?” Was he losing his mind? Come to think of it, he didn’t look too good. Studying him more closely, she asked, “Did you sleep last night?”

  “No,” he growled.

  “Okay. Who might you have to kill?”

  “The man you spent the night with, Sky. I want to kill him. You were supposed to be mine!”

  Stunned silence followed his outburst. Skylar didn’t know whether to laugh because she was sure it was all a joke or run because of the murderous look on his face. She had never seen him look so dark and dangerous. Her eyes drifted to the door and she calculated how many seconds it would take to reach it. Clearly, if Liam wasn’t teasing her, he had gone mad.


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