The Vampire's Infliction (Fatal Allure Book 4)

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The Vampire's Infliction (Fatal Allure Book 4) Page 20

by Martha Woods

  Liam tilted her chin up. “No you’re not. You shouldn’t even have to worry about that kind of thing, Sky. Why didn’t you tell me this months ago?”

  “I was ashamed. I didn’t want to tell you about my criminal minded father. What if you thought I was like him or something? I mean, I already lied on my job application.”

  “For God’s sake Sky, that wouldn’t even have crossed my mind.”

  “And I didn’t want you think I was giving you my sob story because I wanted money from you.”

  He sighed. “There would have been nothing wrong with me giving you money.”

  “My father owes twenty thousand dollars, probably more. There is no way I would accept that from you.”

  “Even now?”

  “Even now, Liam. I still have my pride you know.”

  “Twenty thousand dollars is nothing to me. I would pay anything to get you out of trouble.”

  She let out a sob. “That’s sweet, but my father’s mess isn’t your concern.”

  “But you are.”

  She gazed up at him sadly. “I don’t want to involve you in this, Liam. Besides, the men that tried to take me are dead. What’s going to happen with that anyway? Won’t the police be involved? My car is still out there.”

  “All of that is being taken care of.”

  She frowned. “How?”

  “Michael went home to get help. Your car will be back here by morning. As for the dead men, it will be set up to look like they ran off the road and were attacked by wild animals.”

  Skylar gaped. “Oh, God. Do you do things like that often?”

  With a shrug, he turned away from her and walked to her bed. “We have to cover our tracks from time to time. I’m sorry you had to see me kill a man.” He sounded guilty, ashamed.

  “You saved my life, Liam.” She went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “You did what you had to do.”

  He tensed. “I didn’t have to kill anyone. I could have easily gotten you back without spilling any blood but I was in a rage. I suppose it’s my nature to be a killer. What can I say? I’m a monster.”

  “Have you ever hurt anyone for sport?” she asked.

  “No. I don’t even hunt humans like many of my kind. I stick to animals.”

  “Then you’re no monster.”

  He rested his chin on her head and chuckled. “You’re a bit biased.”

  She laughed into his chest. “Are you still angry? I only left to protect you, Liam.”

  Liam swallowed. “I don’t believe anyone had ever protected me before. Tell you what, no secrets from now on. You have to trust me enough to know you can tell me anything.”

  “I do trust you and I promise.”

  His arms wrapped around her and she sighed, immensely relieved. “Can we just lay down? Almost being kidnapped really wore me out.”

  He squeezed her tighter and nodded. Lifting her into his arms, he marched to the door. “My bed is bigger.”

  Chapter 16

  Liam trailed a finger down Skylar’s cheek and she snuggled closer to him. He had been watching her sleep for quite a while. He leaned down to kiss her. “Sky, wake up.”

  She moaned. “Five more minutes.”

  “Aren’t you afraid you’re going to be late to start working?”

  “I quit, remember?” she mumbled.

  “I don’t remember accepting that resignation, but since you’re sleeping with your boss, you can have the day off.”

  She swatted his arm and opened her eyes. “Good morning,” she whispered.

  “Good morning.” He looked into her eyes, captivated by the electric blue orbs. “Sorry to wake you but there’s something I have to speak with you about. We agreed that there would be no more secrets between us so I want to get this out.”

  His serious expression brought her fully awake and she sat up, eyeing him with concern. “Okay, go ahead.”

  “I never told you much about my family, except that my mother is dying and one of my brothers hates me. The reason I came back to Boulder Junction was because of my mother. She wanted to see her family together before she dies.”

  She reached out a hand to place over his. “Liam, I’m so sorry.”

  “No, its fine. I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll be losing her soon. The problem is the family doesn’t do so well together. My father is a dick who treats my mother abominably. She was half human with the shifter gene so she was able to be turned fully. It’s because she wasn’t born a full shifter why her body is so affected by a human illness. Anyway, my father sees humans as weak, inferior organisms. I still don’t know why he chose her if he detested her human half. He doesn’t treat his children any better either. I made my escape from pack life when I was eighteen. I wanted to be my own man instead of being trapped under my father’s iron fist. Some of the rules of the pack are completely ridiculous. There’s also the fact that I was next in line to be alpha of the pack. As my father’s oldest, I still am.”

  Skylar shook her head. “Is that a great honor?”

  He laughed. “Not to me. I never wanted the title. I mean, if I don’t agree with certain things about pack life, why would I want to be in charge?”

  She shrugged. “So you can bring change.”

  Liam’s brows knitted as he looked at her. He’d never thought of that before. What if he became alpha and changed things as Skylar said? Running his fingers through his hair, he smiled slightly. “That’s a hell of a point Sky, but if I become alpha, I won’t be able to be with you and I will not give you up.”

  Her eyes widened. “O-oh. Well, that complicates matters doesn’t it?” Glancing at him from beneath her lashes, she said, “If you become alpha it would make your mom happy.” He nodded. “And that was why you came home in the first place, to consider it.” He nodded again. “You were conflicted before but now you’re even more conflicted since I came into the picture.”

  He nodded and laughed. “I love how you just get everything and I don’t have to do much talking.”

  “Take your mother and me out of the picture, Liam. Do what will make you happy.”

  “Being with you and free of the pack makes me happy.”

  “Then tell her.”

  Skylar brought herself to her knees to lace her fingers through his hair. She kissed him and hopped off the bed. “Maybe you can talk to her today.”

  “Come with me.”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  * * *

  Liam’s hand squeezed Skylar’s as they walked toward his childhood home. “You can wait in the car, Sky.” Maybe it wasn’t the best idea for him to bring a human among a pack of wolves but he knew her presence would give him the courage he needed to confront his mother and possibly his father and the entire pack. He was about to refuse becoming alpha.

  “I want to come with you. I would really love to meet your mother.”

  “Alright, just stay by my side.”

  “For moral support?” She asked smiling up at him.

  “No, so you don’t get eaten.” She blanched and he grinned. “I’m kidding. No one would dare touch you.” There was feral gleam in his eyes as he added, “You’re mine.”

  They stepped into the clearing and immediately, men and women stepped out to study them. “Everyone relax, it’s Liam!” Someone shouted.

  “And a human,” another added.

  “You were right. I should have stayed in the car,” Skylar whispered nervously.

  “You’ll be fine.” Liam nodded to them and continued to his parent’s cabin.

  Skylar inspected her surroundings. “Wow, I had no idea there was an entire community out here in the woods. Does everyone in town know?”

  “Of course. We go into town from time to time to keep up appearances. Everyone thinks we’re an overly religious cult that choose to live in the woods.” He grinned. “If they only knew.”

  He indicated for her to step inside. “This is where I grew up.”

  She looked around. “Where are all
the pictures? I want to see how adorable you were as a boy.”

  “No pictures, baby. I didn’t have a normal upbringing.” Instead of taking pictures and playing football or whatever normal children did, he had been learning how to hunt. And his mother didn’t dare bring a camera into the house for fear of her husband’s wrath. He wanted nothing to do with the human way of life.

  Her shoulders fell. “Oh.”

  “Don’t worry. Things won’t be that way when we have children.”

  Her eyes turned to small saucers and he smirked. “Wait, what?”

  “Mom?” he called, deliberately leaving her to wonder.

  “Liam? I’m in here,” came a thin voice from another room.

  Liam stuck his head into his parent’s bedroom. As always, the sight of his mother sent grief spiral through him. She was sitting up in bed, smiling; her brown eyes bright with happiness. “Honey, I’m so glad you stopped by.” Her eyes jumped to Skylar standing behind him. “And you brought company.” She smoothed her hair. “Oh, now I can imagine how terrible I look.”

  Skylar peeked around his shoulders and smiled. “You look beautiful. I’m Skylar.” She looked up at Liam and he nodded. Skylar approached his mother with her hand outstretched. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Conway.”

  “Call me Leah, dear.” She looked up at Skylar and then at Liam. “She’s lovely, Liam. Such a beautiful spirit… I can tell.”

  Skylar blushed. “Thank you, Leah. Um, I should leave you two to talk. Maybe we can chat later?”

  “I would love that,” Leah answered. Skylar went back to Liam. “I’ll wait in the living room.”

  He planted a quick kiss on her lips. “Don’t go any further.” She nodded and left.

  Liam turned to his mother and mustered up a smile, while he pulled a chair closer to her. “Hi, Mom.”

  She placed a hand on his cheek. “My boy,” she said lovingly. “She knows about us?”

  “She does.”

  “Your father won’t be happy.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I don’t care about his happiness, isn’t it?”

  Leah sighed, her eyes turning sad. “I like her. I can tell you’re in love.”

  Liam rarely blushed but color seeped into his cheeks. “Is it that obvious?”

  Leah chuckled and nodded. “Your father isn’t here. Maybe you should take Skylar and leave before he gets back.” She frowned. “I don’t know where he is. He’s hasn’t been home since last night.”

  Liam’s jaw clenched. Of course Isaac would leave his dying wife for an entire night without a care. “I’m not going anywhere. Where’s Lucas?” Leah frowned and he reassured her. “I’m not here to fight anyone, Mom.”

  “I’m not sure where he is either. After his run in with the hunter, he’s been staying to himself.”

  “And Michael?”

  “He went into town to get me painkillers. Your father doesn’t know that he’s been getting them for me. You know how he hates human medicine.”

  Liam had to stamp down his rage. “That’s it, Mom. You’re coming with me when I leave here. I will kill your husband if I have to.”

  Leah gasped. “Liam! Don’t you dare speak like that.”

  “But, Mom -”

  “I don’t want to hear any of my children speaking about hurting their own.”

  He looked down like a contrite child. “Fine.”

  She took his hand and he looked back up. “I’m not going anywhere, honey. I will stay loyal to your father and my pack. I hope you came here today with good news. I want to see you and your father repair your relationship before I go, Liam. I want all of my boys together.”

  Liam heaved a sigh. “About that. I came to turn down my position as alpha. Dad can find someone else. I’m sure Lucas would jump at the chance to be alpha. Being here doesn’t make me happy, Mom. It never has, but you refuse to see that. I want my own life and I want to live it on my terms. And I want to be with the woman I love. I doubt the pack would accept a human into their midst because of Dad.”

  She was staring at him with tear filled eyes. “You really hate it here that much?”

  “I only came back for you. I only considered becoming alpha for you. And that isn’t fair to me, is it?”

  She let out a sob. “No.” Covering her face, she murmured, “I’m sorry, Liam. I’ve just always had this image of a happy family in my mind. That’s the kind of environment I came from. I thought I could make it happen. It seems I’ve been overlooking the fact that whatever makes me happy doesn’t necessarily make everyone else happy. I’ve been so selfish.”

  Liam frowned. “No, you just have a good heart, Mom.” She was way too good for Isaac and way too good to be wasting away because of illness on the outskirts of civilization because of the archaic bastard. He grunted. “Why did you accept Dad as a mate, Mom?”

  Her eye watered. “I loved him. I still do. He wasn’t always the way he is now. He was once a loving and carefree man until he took charge of the pack after his father died.”

  “I know you’re disappointed that I won’t be alpha, Mom. I’m sorry.”

  Tears rolled down her cheek. “Please, don’t be. I want you to be happy, Liam. I just wish we had this conversation before.”

  “So do I. It took Skylar saying something for me to realize that’s what I should have done a long time ago.”

  Leah smiled. “Oh, I like her already.”

  Before Liam could respond, loud growls came from outside, followed by whimpers of pain. Someone had been hurt. Liam jumped up. “Don’t move, Mom.” He rushed to the door. “Sky!”

  She ran to him. “Liam, something’s happening.”

  The smell of blood reached his nostril and he tensed. He shoved Skylar into his mother’s room. “Stay here.”

  He had sensed danger before he even opened the door. Sprinting outside, he assessed the situation while shifting. He snarled seeing a wolf sprawled on the ground, bleeding and a man lying with blood oozing from his chest. Liam pulled in a breath. It was his father. Was he dead? His eyes shifted to the man holding a sword in one hand and a gun in the other.

  Chapter 17

  Cayden stood in the middle of the clearing surrounded by gigantic wolves. There was no fear, only rage and hatred flowing through his veins. He stared ahead at the grey wolf approaching him, knowing that none of the others would dare attack him. They were all in human form, afraid and fascinated at the same time, some of them seeing a hunter for the first time up close and person. His family had been their version of a grim reaper for as long as time existed.

  Plus he had driven his blade through the heart of their alpha. The cocky bastard had been confident that he could win a fight against Cayden. He had also shot a silver bullet into the side of a wolf that had been brave enough to attack. He aimed his gun at the gray wolf. He knew it was Liam Conway because he’d been watching him for several nights.

  Cayden had seen the mysterious billionaire shift a few nights ago and then had taken off into the woods in a hurry. He hadn’t bothered to follow because he had a much more awarding prize in sight; the alpha of the pack living the woods. He had been convinced it was he who had killed his father but when he had taken down the wolf and he shifted into his human form, the man swore he wasn’t the killer. It was his wife.

  And that was why Cayden found himself in the middle of a pack of deadly wolf shifters. Stupid, yes, but he was getting really tired of being in Boulder Junction. It was time to make his priority kill, take as many others as he could, and get the hell out of dodge.

  “Don’t make this hard, Conway. Just move and let me get to who I came here for‒ the alpha’s wife.”

  He could see surprise in the wolf’s eyes and didn’t know if Conway was shocked that he knew it was him or the fact that he came for his mother. Oh, he knew them all because he’s been watching them unseen like a ghost in the night.

  “My father was killed by one of your kind a year ago in these woods. The dead old man over there
told me his wife did it. So if you let me go ahead and take her life in return then maybe, just maybe, I’ll leave here without killing any more of you.” It was a total lie. He was going to slaughter as many as he could.

  The wolf snarled and surprisingly lunged at him even though he had a gun pointed at him. Cayden’s finger pressed the trigger, aiming for Liam’s head but he managed to shift mid-run and rammed into Cayden. Fuck. The bastard was fast, faster than the other wolves he’d encountered.

  Cayden hit the ground hard and the gun fell from his hand, but rolled and jumped to his feet, immediately retaliating with a swing of his blade. Liam leapt back, evading the sharp weapon and advanced. They met midair and dropped to the ground and rolled, each fighting to gain the upper hand. Liam’s teeth sank into his arm and he grunted, driving a fist into the wolf’s ribcage. Liam fell back several feet. His eyes gleamed with ferocity and Cayden knew Liam was capable of killing him if the fight continued. Perhaps he had been too confident in his abilities. So he threw his blade with speed and hoped it landed somewhere vital.

  Liam growled when the weapon lodged itself in his left shoulder, taking him down. Cayden’s smile fell when he heard another growl and turned to see a brown and white wolf sprinting toward him from the woods with deadly intent. He reached for his gun. “Fuck.” He had dropped it. He took off toward Liam and pulled his blade out of flesh and fur to finish him before the other wolf reached him.

  “Cayden, stop!”

  Skylar? He came to a halt and spun around, his eyes widening when he came face to face with the barrel of his gun. He lifted his eyes to hers. His heart constricted at the sight of her, which was ridiculous seeing as how she seemed to have lost interest in him and she was holding a gun to his head.


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