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Page 15

by Jordan, Maryann

  Pulling her back into his chest, he held her as close as he physically could. Pressed together from chest to knees, arms wrapped around each other, they presented a beautiful couple to anyone passing by.

  “I can hear your heart beat,” she whispered.

  “It beats for you, angel,” was the reply.

  Neither saw her father standing around the corner, taking them in.

  Chapter 15

  Laughing with Marcus and Jon, Carol walked out of the hospital with them toward her car. As they approached, Marcus grabbed her arm, holding her back. “Stay with Jon,” he bit out.

  Jon moved protectively in, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they both looked at Marcus staring at a note taped to her window. He leaned in to investigate the note without touching it.

  “What is it?” she asked, hoping it was just an advertisement. That hope died as her eyes scanned the parking lot, seeing no other notes on anyone else’s cars.

  Marcus’ only answer was to pull his cell phone from his pocket and hit a few keys. She looked up at Jon, who shrugged as he kept his eyes on Marcus as well.

  “Tom? Marcus. Gotta note taped to her car. No, man. I didn’t touch it. Yeah. Parking lot C.”

  “You have Tom on speed dial?” she asked.

  Marcus and Jon both looked at her, incredulously. “Girl, you gotta note taped to your windshield and you’re worried about who is on my speed dial?”

  “But Marcus, you just called Tom, and maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s an ad for pizza.”

  This time Jon squeezed her shoulders until she looked up at him. “Sweetums, no one else has a note on their car and Marcus has looked at it close enough to decide it is suspicious. Don’t you think Tom wants to know?”

  “I just don’t want to be such a bother to everyone. Like I’m the little fragile female that everyone needs to protect.”

  Marcus walked over, stopping in front of her. “Girl, you’re sweet as can be and everyone likes you. No one thinks you can’t handle things, but if that note is what I think it is, then we need the police here to collect it as evidence.”

  Visibly paling, she stared at Marcus. “What do you think it is?”

  Marcus and Jon shared a quick glance, but Carol caught it. “What? What are you not saying?”

  “Don’t know, honey, but it could be threatening, so we want the police to gather it and don’t want our fingerprints all over it,” Marcus explained.

  By this time, the sound of a large pickup truck gunning through the parking lot could be heard.

  “Oh lordy,” Jon exclaimed, giving her shoulder another squeeze. “The Hunk Calvary is here.”

  Jake’s truck had barely come to a stop when Tom came barreling out of the passenger door. Stalking over to her car, his eyes found hers first and she watched as he did a head to toe scan of her body.

  “I’m okay, Tom,” she said softly, wanting to assure him.

  Tom gave Jon a head nod, before turning to Marcus who had walked back over to her car. Jake joined them, pulling on his gloves. Tom allowed Jake to remove the paper from her window and stood over his shoulder as it was opened. Carol waited, not breathing, to see what was on the paper.

  “Fuck!” Tom cursed, as he turned and walked a few feet away. Jakes’s eyes looked at his partner before glancing back over to Carol, who was pale, not breathing, just staring at Tom’s back.

  “Tom,” Jake warned quietly.

  Understanding his partner’s plea, he turned and went to her as she willingly left Jon’s protective embrace to plant herself full body into his. He wrapped an arm around her middle, and the other hand cupped the back of her head, cradling it into his chest.

  “What did it say?” she asked. “Please tell me.”

  Jake walked over with the note as she turned in Tom’s embrace so that she could see what was in his hand. Marcus and Jon leaned over as well, curious as to the contents.

  To the beautiful Carol. I hope that one day you realize how special you are. And that day you will be mine. Not his.

  The air that she had been holding rushed out of her body. Glad for the support of Tom’s arms, she twisted her head around to look up at Tom, needing to know what he was thinking. His handsome face was tight with anger, but his eyes softened when they went down to look at her.

  “Tom, it’s not too bad,” she said tentatively. “I mean, it’s not threatening.”

  Tightening his hold across her body, he growled, “Don’t go there, angel.”

  “Go where?”

  Jake looked at his partner, knowing he was holding on by a thread. “Carol.” He waited until she looked up at him. “This is harassment. Someone is stalking you, harassing you, frightening you. A threat is implied. It does not have to state explicitly that you are in danger.” He paused, letting his words sink in, continuing to hold her eyes as she was still wrapped protectively in Tom’s arms. “Do you understand, honey?”

  She nodded silently, not knowing what she thought or how she felt. Twisting back around again to look at Tom, she whispered, “I want to go home.”

  “Don’t want you there by yourself, angel.”

  Jon spoke up quickly. “I’m off now. I’ll go home with her and will hang with her until you get off work.”

  Tom cut his eyes over to Jon and nodded. “Appreciate it, man.”

  Carol huffed. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  All four men spoke at once, and she quickly threw her hands in the air in defeat. “Okay, okay. But we’re taking my car, Jon. Yours is totally unreliable.”

  Jake nodded at her, then walked back to his truck with the note bagged in plastic. Jon grabbed her keys from her outstretched hand and hopped in the driver’s seat.

  Tom turned her around, still wrapped up in his embrace. First kissing the top of her head, he then leaned down to make sure she was connecting. “I want you in your apartment. I want Jon with you the whole time. I want you to stay there till I get off duty. I want you safe, angel. You get me?”

  Standing on her toes to kiss him softly, she whispered, “I got you, Tom.”


  Tom heard laughter and music as he approached Carol’s apartment door that evening. Curious, he used his key to enter only to be greeted by a blast of music and the visual of her dancing around the living room.

  “Tom! You’re Here!” she screamed. “Jon, Tom’s Here!” Whirling around, she stumbled over the coffee table as she tried to make her way to him. Jon tried to grab her, but Tom snagged her first before she fell headlong onto the floor.

  Tom eyed the empty wine bottles on the table, then directed his glare on Jon. “What the hell, man?” he barked as he attempted to hold Carol upright as she went limp in his arms. Unable to keep her standing, he scooped her up into his arms. Giggling, she threw her arms around his neck.

  “I jus’ knew you’d come. I tol’ Jon you’d come and to hide the wine. Jon, did you hide the wine?” she slurred.

  Jon laughed at the sight of a drunken Carol in Tom’s arms, as Tom was still attempting to glare at him. “Hell, Tom. She suggested some wine, and the next thing I know she was chugging it and we were having a good time.”

  “From the number of bottles on the table, it looks like you were having too good a time.”

  “Hey, it kept her mind off of some whacko stalking her. Thought you’d be grateful.”

  Carol wiggled in Tom’s arms, pressing her breasts against his chest, making the blood rush to his dick. Jon just laughed again, saying, “Got my ride coming, so I’ll see you two later.” He headed out of the apartment, leaving Tom to figure out how to sober up Carol.

  After he managed to get her to drink several glasses of water and helped her in the shower, he finally tucked her in. She slept through the night never knowing he lay awake the whole time. Someone is after his girl. Someone is terrifying her. Someone. Is. Going. To. Pay.


  Tom checked out Carol’s new roommate before she moved to Fairfield. She came up clean. Not even a traf
fic violation. Nothing to make him suspicious. Carol was delighted to be getting a roommate again. Her previous roommate had only lived with her for a few months before moving out to get married. While they had no problems, they also had never developed a true friendship. Carol and the new girl, Laurie, had been emailing and skyping for a few weeks, already finding many things in common. Laurie was moving to town to become a teacher at the elementary school. Carol was determined to make her feel welcome.

  The day Laurie was arriving in town, Carol headed to the Fairfield Hotel to meet with the owners. Laurie had decided to spend the first night in town at the hotel since Carol was going to be working the graveyard shift that evening.

  Walking into the hotel’s office, Carol greeted Roger, the owner.

  “Carol, my dear. How nice to see you again,” he said, sitting behind the counter peering up at her over his rimmed glasses. “Helen,” he yelled. “Carol’s here.”

  Helen came out from the office. “Roger, I am not deaf! I heard the bell over the door and was already on my way out.” Greeting Carol with a hug, she whispered, “I’m not the one going deaf, but I surely think Roger is!” With a conspiratorial wink at Carol she walked back behind the counter. “Are you checking on things for your new roommate?”

  “Oh, please don’t think I’m checking on you. I just want to make sure her reservation is in order. I thought I might have some of Bernie’s treats for her.”

  “Don’t worry about that dear. Roger goes every morning to get muffins, so she will have them here when she gets up,” Helen assured her. “By the way, how’s that handsome detective you’ve been seeing?”

  “Tom? Oh he is fine,” Carol replied, a smile bursting across her face. “We’re fine.”

  “Can’t think of a nicer, prettier girl for that rogue,” Roger said.

  Helen looking over at Roger, just rolled her eyes. “You old man. You wouldn’t know a rogue if it jumped up and bit you.”

  Roger pretending to be hurt, placed his hand over his heart. “I’ll have you ladies know that I was somewhat of a rogue back in my day.”

  Carol couldn’t contain her laughter while Roger continued to look hurt.

  Helen gently slapped her husband of many years on the arm, saying, “Well, then I guess I am just lucky to have tamed such a rogue.”

  Carol, still giggling, moved to the counter to hug Helen. “All right, then. I guess we are all set. I’m glad I stopped by. It was really nice to see you again, and I’ll see you tomorrow morning when I get off work. I’ll come by and show her the way to the apartment,” Carol added.

  Taking Carol’s hand in hers, Helen looked at Carol’s beautiful, angelic face. “You are strong my dear. Strong on your own, whether you know it or not. But do not be afraid to lean on others when needed.” Continuing to hold Carol’s hand tightly, she said, “You will have pain before joy. You will have danger before safety. But love will prevail. It always does.”

  Releasing her hand, Helen turned to walk back into the office. Carol, rooted to the spot, just stared down at the hand Helen had held. Roger walked over, patting Carol on the shoulder. “She’s always right, you know? She sees things. So you stay strong. If Helen says love will prevail, then it will.”


  That night Carol could hardly contain her excitement about her new roommate arriving in town. She joined Sofia and Jon in the break room wishing the night was already over.

  “As excited as you are, I hope she works out,” Jon commented.

  “Oh, she’ll be fine,” Carol added. “And who knows, I just might be able to hook her up with one of Tom’s single friends. Lord knows, there are enough of them running around.”

  “Yeah, well what I want to know is, how does Mr. Sex Pistol Detective feel about you having a roommate? After all, he can’t just whip out his revolver whenever he is over at your place with a roommate around.”

  Jon and Carol burst into laughter at Sofia’s newest name for Tom. “Lordy, I hope Tom never hears these nicknames!” Carol exclaimed. “Anyway, we spend a lot of time at his place anyway. I will have the best of both worlds. I will have a roommate that I am already becoming friends with and still have privacy at Tom’s place when we need it.”

  Hugging her friends, Carol headed off to meet Laurie.


  Meeting Laurie was everything Carol hoped it would be. She was gorgeous, with the longest hair Carol had seen. Dark, thick, hanging in waves down her back. Laurie’s eyes were stormy-grey and her flawless complexion framed them perfectly. She was a few inches shorter than Carol and had a drop dead figure. But it was her smile that captured Carol. It was open, freely given, and completely sincere.

  She met her at the hotel and then showed her the apartment. Carol so wanted Laurie to like it. She found herself almost desperately wanting Laurie to become a good friend, not just a roommate. Having stayed emotionally closed for so many years, Carol realized how freeing it had been to finally open up about her past. Not just to the therapist, but to Tom.

  Laurie loved the apartment and they quickly got her settled in. Carol slept during the day, but that night she and Laurie had their first dinner together before Carol went to work. They laughed, talked, shared, and much to Carol’s delight, the friendship began.

  As she drove to work that night, she called Tom. “Honey, she is so sweet! She’s nice and pretty and caring and she loves the apartment and…”

  “Whoa, slow down, angel,” Tom laughed. He realized how glad he was to hear that excitement in Carol’s voice.

  “I was thinking that we could have the gang over at Smokey’s soon. She needs to meet people, and maybe Jake or Rob would be interested.”

  Oh fuck, Tom thought. Jake’s not looking for a young thing, and Rob is the quintessential man whore.

  “Angel, I’d love to help her meet people, but don’t know that my friends are gonna be what she needs.”

  Carol huffed. “Why? Because you all are such horndogs? Well you settled down, why can’t they?”

  “Did you seriously just call me a horndog?” Tom asked incredulously.

  Carol giggled, wondering what he would think if he heard what Sofia called him. “Well, that sounds better than some things you could have been called,” she retorted.

  “Angel, you just go to work, concentrate on being safe, and I’ll get the gang to have a night at Smokey’s. But no promises on meetin’ anyone. Deal?”

  “Okay, honey. Deal. I love you, Tom.”

  “All my heart, angel. All my heart.”


  Tom sat with Jake at their desks working on the Calvin case. The chief strolled over to their desks before plopping down heavily in one of the chairs nearby. Tom and Jake shared a quick look between them before turning their attention back to the chief.

  “What’s up, sir?” Tom asked.

  “Looks like Calvin Penski might make bail unless the DA can convince the judge that he is a flight risk.”

  “What the fuck?” Tom cursed. “Of course he is a goddamn flight risk. Drugs for sure. Big time. Now the cops in Richland are starting to see ties to prostitution. And not the kind where the woman is willing. My buddies on the force there say they are trying to connect the dots with him drugging young women then using them in a sex slavery prostitution ring.”

  “I know, gentlemen. I just thought I would share this tidbit of information. Know you two have been working hard. Keep it going. We’ll get something nailed down.” He pulled himself up out of the chair and walked back to his office. Calling over his shoulder, he added, “Keep checking that brother of his. Don’t trust the man.”

  Jake tossed his files on his desk and rubbed his eyes, shaking his head. “Sometimes this job is like ramming my head against a brick wall.”

  Tom agreed. “Let’s head to Smokey’s this weekend for a break. Carol’s been wantin’ to get everyone together so her new roommate can meet some people. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be interested.”

  Jake eyed him suspiciously. “Oh, no, man.
Not me. Not lookin’ for a sweet young thing. Don’t know who it will take to fall for me and my situation, but I doubt I find it in Carol’s roommate.” Looking away for a moment, he began to chuckle. “What about Rob? Now, that boy’s in desperate need for gettin’ knocked on his ass by love.”

  “Oh, hell no. The last thing I need is for Rob to fuck-and-run with Carol’s roommate. That would piss off the roommate, which would piss off Carol, which would piss off me. Hell, I can just see the disaster now.”

  The chuckling died down as the partners and long-time friends looked back at the files in front of them.

  “Do you still think the brother is the one sending Carol those flowers and notes?” Jake asked.

  “He’s gotta be. I mean, who else has acted infatuated? Well, other than that dick she used to date in college, Ronald Harriston. But hell, he’s rich enough to get any woman. I can’t see him sneakin’ around leavin’ notes and shit.”

  “All right. Well, since we are diggin’ into the brother about Cal’s case, we’ve got a legal reason to keep an eye on Bert.”

  Tom looked over at Jake with a smirk on his face. Jake knew that look. He knew Tom was going to be keeping an eye on Bert, whether legal or not. Hell, if it were my girl, I’d do the same.


  Tom wanted to pick up Carol and Laurie for their evening at Smokey’s, but Carol said it was important for Laurie to drive. Since Carol knew she was going home with Tom, Laurie would be able to have a car there so that she could leave whenever she wanted.

  As Tom strolled into the bar he saw Jake and Rob already there. Warning them to be on their best behavior, he stared directly at Rob.

  “Just how pussy whipped are you, man? Rob asked.

  “Fuck you, Rob,” Tom scowled. “It’s just that for once, try to be a gentleman, for the girl’s sake.”

  Rob walked over to the pool tables while Tom and Jake claimed a table large enough for their group. Several more of their friends joined them, and Wendy started serving the beers.

  Carol, with Laurie in tow, entered the familiar bar. Laurie’s pace slowed as she was entranced with the beauty of the restored bar. Carol waved at Wendy standing behind the bar and nodded as Wendy pointed to the table near the back where the men were. Pulling on Laurie’s arm, she led her to the table.


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