Mated to Four Werebears_A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance

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Mated to Four Werebears_A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance Page 48

by T. S. Ryder

  "How do you want to do this?" Eric asked, pulling back to help her remove her pants. "Like old days or something new?"

  "Hmm…" Kayla's face went red. "Well, I've done research, and there is a position I want to try."

  Eric's eyes brightened and his grip on her tightened even as one hand slid between her thighs. A shiver went down her spine; her head fell back once more. The Alpha kissed along the top of her lacy bra. "What sort of 'research?'"

  She clung to him, panting as her arousal built. It was difficult to keep her mind straight. "Not telling. But maybe this time we should go back to old days… It's been years. I don't want to assume things are going to be the same. We have to learn each other's bodies all over again."

  Eric beamed. "You mean it?"

  Kayla smiled uncertainly. "Mean what?"

  "This isn't going to be a one-time thing."

  He made a swirling motion with his finger and everything went black. "No. I mean yes," she managed to gasp out. "I mean this will be the first of many, many—"

  His mouth captured hers. Their movements became more frenzied until neither could stand it again. Eric laid her down, parting her thighs with his hips, and entered in one motion. They fell back into a familiar rhythm quickly, as though it had been hours and not years since they had last done this.

  Kayla clung to her Alpha, her face reddening as her body got hotter and tighter, every inch of her screaming in delight and crying for mercy at the same time. As she looked into Eric's eyes, she knew that this was what they were always destined for. This moment of connection.

  And she was never going to give it up again.

  Chapter Eight – Eric

  Eric growled playfully as Mikayla bounced around him. He batted his paws at her, making sure that he never actually made contact, or when he did it was just a gentle tap. She darted in and sunk her little needle-like teeth into the back of his leg, growling fiercely as she shook her whole body. Eric's eyes watered and he nipped gently at her. She let go and jumped up, grabbing at his ear while her little tail wagged.

  He yelped exaggeratedly as his daughter got hold of his ear, then shook her off and started running. She chased after him, clearly giving it everything she had. Eric paced himself so he wasn't completely outrunning her. After a few moments, however, there was a sharp twinge in his lung, and he had to stop. He might be mostly recovered, but there had been damage to his lung. That would take a little longer to fully heal.

  After a few more days he'd be right as rain, though.

  Mikayla collapsed at his feet, panting. Eric smiled down at his little daughter. He had begun to lose hope that he'd ever find a mate and have children. But now that Kayla was back in his life, he was getting closer to Mikayla, and hoped to have more children in the future. It was everything he wanted, and even if it was a long time coming, he didn't really care. The important thing was that he had them both now.

  There was still this vampire problem to deal with, though. Eric didn't know what to do about them. The level of hostility they had shown clearly indicated a need for action, but he wasn't sure what he could do to avoid inviting more violence. They were frightened, and there was that disturbing confession that the vampire that challenged him to a duel had come close to giving.

  The leader of the vampire coven was clearly looking for violence. He had tried to assassinate Eric and had killed one of his own coven. Could there be any sort of reasoning with a man like that? And could Eric remove him without causing the rest of the vampires to attack?

  Maybe Kayla would have some ideas.

  Nearby giggling caught his attention. Quin and Donna were sitting on a blanket under a tree, playing a card game. Or at least, pretending to while they made goo-goo eyes at each other. He Shifted and reached for Mikayla.

  "Go play with Uncle Quin for a bit, okay?"

  She yipped and wriggled out of his grasp before charging towards Quin. Eric waited a moment to make sure his brother would accept the small, fuzzy intruder on his date. After a number of times Quin had interrupted the Alpha and his mate, it seemed appropriate. When Quin started throwing twigs up in the air for Mikayla to catch, Eric slipped away in search of Kayla.

  He found her on the porch, squinting at the computer as she typed rapidly. Eric brushed up behind her and kissed her neck. Kayla let her head fall to the side and sighed.

  "Working again?"

  "Unfortunately. Where's Mikayla?"

  "With Quin and Donna. I thought I might be able to distract you for a while."

  "I would love that. But I'm almost done, and then I'd like to go for a walk with Mikayla before snack and nap time," she said, brow furrowing. "I'm glad you're here. I hate not being able to spend as much time with Mikayla as she'd like, but at least she can be with her father… Are you busy?"

  "Not at the moment." Eric sat beside her. "What are you working on? I thought you just got all your currents projects done. Except for mine, but that's going to have to wait."

  Kayla turned towards him with a grin. "My marketing specializes in information dispersal. I had an idea to use for the vampires – to get them to see you're not trying to attack them and they have no reason to try to kill you again. I was just typing up the proposal. I'm not quite finished, but as soon as I am, I'll let you take a look at it to see if it's at all viable."

  Eric couldn't help but beam at her. Her neck wasn't good enough this time–he planted a deep kiss on her lips. She parted them with a moan, her eyes sliding shut.

  "You're amazing," he whispered. "Utterly amazing."

  He had help with his leadership. Quin and many others were always on hand to help him when need be. But there was something special about getting help from his mate. It helped ease the burden of being Alpha in a way that the others just couldn't.

  He brushed his fingers against her cheek. "Kayla… Will you stay? After all this is over, I don't want to shuffle Mikayla between us. I want the three of us to be a family. You're my mate. I'm sorry if this is moving too fast—"

  "Maybe a little. But I'm not sure there is a point to move slowly. I'm stronger than I was before, and we have three years to catch up on…" She ducked her head a moment before looking up and smiling gently. "I love you, too. I never stopped. So yes. I want to stay."

  Eric grinned broadly. He leaned in for another kiss when a scream from outside made his head jerk round. He raced for the door and emerged in time to see the taillights of half a dozen motorbikes zipping away. The drivers were dressed head to toe in black leather, complete with helmets and heavily-tinted face shields.

  "Stop!" Quin's heartbroken howl pierced the air. Eric glanced towards his brother to find him pinned to the tree by a javelin.

  It was only then he realized Donna and Mikayla weren't with him. There was still a scream splitting the air, growing fainter with the roar of motorbike engines. He leaped off the porch, transforming at once. His clothes shred as he burst from them and chased after the motorbikes. His gaze darted among the black figures.

  There! He could see the back of Donna's head. She was on one of the bikes, sitting in front of one of the bikers. That person only drove with one hand; holding Donna in place as she struggled. But where was Mikayla?

  He pushed himself harder, the stitch in his lung screaming, yet he wasn't going to stop. The bikes were fast, but he was faster. Soon he could smell them: vampires. The strong stench of death churned his stomach. He leaped at them, howling a challenge.

  "Daddy!" Mikayla screamed.

  His head swung round to find her. But even as he did, one of the vampires turned their bike sharply. It swung around to its side, barreling right into Eric's path. There was no time to avoid the collision. Eric was hit hard, flipping over his head to land on his back. Pain shot through him. He flipped over, chest screaming with agony. He couldn’t breathe. By the time he got back to his feet, the vampires were too far away. A few stumbling steps nearly had him collapsing again. He threw back his head and howled mournfully as the bikes disappeared.
r />   Eric whirled on the vampire that had collided with him. As it tried to push itself back to its feet, the Alpha pounced on it. A tremendous growl rose up his throat, but he stopped himself from doing what he wanted to do – tear the creature limb from limb. He needed information, and a dead vampire couldn't talk.

  "Let go," the vampire gasped in a female voice muffled by her face shield.

  He ignored both her cries and her struggles as he dragged her back to the houses. Kayla was helping Quin free himself from the tree, and Eric dragged the vampire to the hospital. They had rooms deep underground where Eric could interrogate this vampire without exposing her to sunlight. Not that a little sunlight would kill her instantly… Maybe it would even encourage her to talk.

  Other Wolves gasped and crowded around until a growl from him dispersed them. Soon, he was in a dark room. He Shifted, tossing the vampire in. Grunts of pain made him look round. Quin staggered towards the cell, supported by Kayla.


  "They took Donna," he gasped, his face pale.

  Eric hesitated a moment, then nodded. If what was between Quin and Donna was what the Alpha suspected, it would only waste time trying to argue with his brother. The Wolves faced the vampire again. She had taken off her helmet, revealing a pretty, delicately-boned face and wide hazel eyes. Her hands clenched as she looked between them.

  "Where are they taking them?"

  The vampire tossed her head, her eyes narrowing. "We aren't going to let you Wolves run us out of our home again."

  "We have never—"

  "We used to have a palace," she interrupted. "We would have such balls, such festivities. But then the Wolves came and slaughtered our people and burned our home to the ground. So we built a new home, out of brick so it couldn't be burnt. Not a grand palace, but comfortable enough for those few of us who survived. And the Wolves came again."

  Eric ground his teeth together. He didn't need a history lesson! "We are not trying to drive you out! Yes, my people have treated yours terribly in the past, and your people have treated mine terribly. But that is the past, and I am trying to build a future where we can all live peacefully!"

  The vampire stared at him stonily. "Why should we believe you? We've taken your mate and child to ensure that you won't try to take our home."

  Kayla gasped. She clutched Eric's arm. "What are they going to do when they realize Donna isn't me?"

  The vampire's brow furrowed, but Eric ushered Kayla out before the conversation could continue. She was shaking from head to foot. Beside her, Quin swayed on the spot, his face ashen. Eric reached to steady him. Blood still poured from his wound.

  "Kayla, I promise I will get them back. Whatever it takes, I will get them back. But for right now, I need you to take Quin to an upper room for medical treatment. Don't argue with me, Quin. You're about to fall over. And you need to be in top condition if you are going to help me get Donna and Mikayla back."

  Quin looked unhappy but nodded. Kayla's lip trembled. She pushed herself to her toes, kissing Eric hard before she returned to Quin and helped him down the corridor. Eric looked after them, his heart pounding shallowly. He turned to the door where the vampire was held.

  If he didn't get his daughter back unharmed, he would burn them all to the ground.

  Chapter Nine – Kayla

  Eric was busy with the other Wolves discussing their attack on the grain elevators to get Donna and Mikayla back. Kayla had tried to sit in on the meeting, but Eric grimly refused to let her. She was left wandering the hospital floors, full of anxiety and stress. She couldn't even go outside for a breath of fresh air. There was a chance that the vampires might come back for her, and Eric wanted her surrounded by Wolves that could protect her at all times.

  But when she happened across the items that had been confiscated from the vampires, including a cellphone, she stopped dead. The thought that maybe she could do something to get Mikayla and Donna back burned in her mind, and she couldn’t not act. She grabbed the phone and swiftly returned to the room she had been given for her time here.

  Once there, she didn't let herself think. There was a chance that this would end badly for herself, but that didn't matter. She had to do whatever she could to get Mikayla and Donna back – and hopefully avoid more violence.

  There was only one name on the contact list. Kayla's heart pounded as the phone dialed. Her hands shook and her mouth was dry. After far too many rings, there was an answer.

  "I wondered when you Wolves would—" a cruel, amused male voice started.

  "I'm not a Wolf. You have my daughter and my best friend, and I want you to let them go."

  There was a moment of silence, then a low chuckle. "Ah, so it seems I have the Alpha's mate instead of the Alpha himself. I can't tell you how disappointed I was when my people brought home the wrong woman. I nearly killed her on the spot."

  "Don't hurt her," Kayla gasped. "Please. You wanted me and Mikayla. Taking Eric's daughter was a huge mistake. He will kill you all if you don't give her back. But…" She closed her eyes. "If you let Donna and Mikayla go, then I will be your prisoner."

  "Hmm… Interesting proposition. I'll tell you what. I will take up your offer. If you come to the parking lot of that old abandoned laundromat on Ninth Street tonight after dusk, I will let your daughter and friend go. But if I see a single Wolf, I will kill dear Donna."

  He hung up before Kayla could say another word. She dropped the cell phone, heart hammering. But her mind was made up. She was going to get her daughter back to safety.

  I'm sorry, Eric. If only she could say goodbye… but that would tip him off that something was wrong. No. She had to face this alone.


  The parking lot was dark and deserted, with only a single flickering street lamp illuminating it. As if this place had to be any creepier than it already was, the laundromat was all but falling apart. It looked like the perfect place for serial killers to have a convention.

  With a shiver, Kayla turned off the car. It was only by luck that she managed to get here at all. As Eric was still busy, Quin had been left to watch out for her. Fortunately, due to his injury, he had fallen asleep, and she had slipped away. How long she had before they realized she was gone was another thing, though.

  Kayla hadn't been in the parking lot for long before a large black van pulled up beside her little car. A man in a dark suit stepped out from the driver's side. His paleness gleamed in the dim light, a sneer on his face and a glittering triumph in his eyes. Kayla's heart pounded as she stepped out of her car.

  "Hello, Kayla." The vampire mocked a bow. "I am the coven leader that you spoke with earlier."

  "Where are Mikayla and Donna?"

  The vampire gestured to the van. "I must say, you're not what I expected for an Alpha's mate. I thought you'd be… thinner."

  Kayla clenched her hands. "I don't care what you think. Let my friend and daughter go!"

  The vampire grinned again, but even as he turned towards the van, a howl split the air. Kayla jumped, spinning around. A Wolf bounded out from behind the laundromat. Quin. Kayla opened her mouth to tell him to go, but her voice was drowned out by another howl. He leaped at the vampire, but with a grin, the vampire sidestepped him. The black doors of the van screeched open and a dozen more vampires leaped on Quin at once.

  Kayla stumbled away from the fight. "I didn't know he followed me! Please, don't hurt Donna! Please!"

  Quin snarled and snapped at the vampires surrounding him, but there were too many of them. Soon, he was pinned down by their bodies. Each one had a death grip on him. The head vampire walked over to Kayla, smiling blissfully. He reached to touch her and she shied away.

  "You say that you didn't know he was coming?"

  "I didn't."

  The coven leader turned to the others. "You see? Wolves are not to be trusted. They even lie to their own mates."

  Kayla didn't bother correcting him. "Please don't kill Donna."

  Quin Shifted, the vampires' grips
tightening on his human-form body. He panted, not resisting their holds. "I'm the Alpha's brother. Let Donna go. You can have me!"

  "I would rather keep my new daughter than you." The coven leader grinned. He gestured once more, and one of the vampires left Quin and returned to the van. A high, keening wail came from inside it.

  The vampire dragged Donna out. Shackles bound her wrists and ankles. Kayla cried out, starting to go forward, but stopped when Donna shook her head. Her eyes were wide, her skin pale… too pale. Her normally bushy hair was sleek. When she opened her mouth, Kayla saw two fangs flash. Horror filled her.

  "Run!" Donna shouted. "Kayla, run! I can't control—"

  Kayla was frozen as Donna stiffened. Her eyes darkened and her face went blank. Her head swung from side to side, and when their gazes locked again, Kayla couldn't recognize her friend. Quin shouted. Donna snarled. The shackles were unlocked, and the newly-formed vampire raced towards Kayla. She was frozen in shock and horror, unable to move—

  A smoky-grey Wolf jumped over the van. Mouth wide open, teeth glittering in the dim light. He pounced on Donna, knocking her to the ground. The sleek fur rippled with muscles as he grabbed her by the arm and threw her back. She arched gracefully over the van. Then the Wolf was on the coven leader.

  "Eric!" Kayla gasped.

  Eric didn't take the time to acknowledge her. The coven leader was screaming under him. Kayla backed away from the fight, not knowing what to do now. Several of the vampires left Quin and rushed Eric; the beta shook off the rest of them and knocked over several with one brush of his paw. Eric's teeth tore at the coven leader as the rest of the vampires bit and clawed at him.


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