Sherlockians Keen to Inhibit and Rectify Mendacious Identifications of Sherlock Holmes (SKIRMISH)
Graham Sudbury
gently pursues the
Box 506
premise of its name
Taos, NM 87571-0506
Internet Website
Willis G. Frick
513 Via Presa
San Clemente, CA 92672-9474
The Singular Society of the Friends of Algar
Peter Williams
Holmes’ relationship
18 Gorsey Lane, Litherland
with the police
Liverpool L21 0DH
The Sinister Ballarat Gang
Kevin J. Reed
dedicated to left-
672 Prospect Avenue
handed Sherlockiana
Long Beach, CA 90814-1814
The Slurred Accounts of the Bribed Auditors
Paul H. Brundage
2632 Central Court
Union City, CA 94587-2128
The Society for the Immense Knowledge of Sensational Literature (SIKSL)
Drew Thomas
a correspondence
5 Pheasant Court
Flanders, NJ 07836-9506
The Solar Pons Society of London
Roger Johnson
British scion of Praed
41 Sandford Road
Street Irregulars
Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6DE
The Solitary Cyclists of Sweden
Ted Bergman
honorary Swedish
Salgstigen 35
S-181 62 Lidingo
The Solitary Sherlockian
Candace Drimmer
a correspondence
Compania Continental society Mexico
Andres Bello No. 10 Piso 5
Mexico CP 11560
The Strangers’ Room
Andrew Joffe
unofficial consulting
340 East 63rd Street, #4-A
New York, NY 10021-7716
The Three Garish Debs
Barbara Roscoe
a playful society
7101 Mardel Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63109-1124
The Timekeepers of Morton and Waylight
John D. Whitehouse
science fiction/
6334 Cranberry Lane
psychic/time travel
Las Vegas, NV 89156-5923
The Trained Cormorants of Gifu
Helen Wesson
visitors to cormorant
729 Waterway
fishing at Gifu
Venice, FL 34285-2935
Traveling Companions of a Decrepit Italian Priest
Cornelia Ingersoll
traveling Sherlockians
5840 Cameron Run Terrace #913
Alexandria, VA 22303-2701
The Two Thurstons
Bjarne Nielsen
pool hustlers
Sherlock Holmes Museet, Algade 3
DK-4500 Nykobing Sjaelland
The Unequalled Bag of Tigers
Pat Ward
cats who are
5199 Turtle Creek Court, #5
companions to
Indianapolis, IN Sherlockians 46227-1855
Victorian Gamers Afoot!
Bill Barton
gamers (role-playing
Box 26290
or board)
Indianapolis, IN 46226-0290
The Voices of the Whispering Knights
Frances Van Antwerp
scion of The Praed
73 East Park Street
Street Irregulars
Westerville, OH 43081-2301
Von Herder Airguns, Ltd.
Michael Ross
a correspondence
Postfach 42 06 70
50900 Koln
Watson’s Erroneous Deductions
Richard J. Kitts
just good
35 Van Cortlandt Avenue
Sherlockian friends
Staten Island, NY 10301-4019
The Watsonians
Susan Z. Diamond
admirers of
16W603 3rd Avenue
Dr. Watson
Bensenville, IL 60106-2327
Jim Hawkins
(electronic mailing list)
644 Vivian Drive
Nashville, TN 37211-5935
The Wigmore Street Post Office
(Prodigy ID KVJT07B)
users of the Prodigy
Melanie J. Hughes
computer service
2664 Sam Hardwick Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32246-3850
The William Gillette Memorial Luncheon
annual luncheon
Susan Rice
during birthday
125 Washington Place, #2-E
New York, NY 10014-3838
Wilson’s Basement Dwellers
Caroline Bryan
correspondence about
Box 57057
Sherlockian humor
Albuquerque, NM 87187-7057
Yottsu-no-shomei-sha [The Sign of Four Co.]
Tatsuo Saneyoshi
parodies and pastiches
3068-5, Naruse Machida
Tokyo 194
*Thanks to Peter E. Blau for the compilation of all of the scion societies. For updates, the reader is referred to
†The letters beneath the society name indicate the postal codes for country, state or province, and the full name of the primary city.
Sherlockian websites and Internet resources abound. A detailed survey is available online, in John Bergquist’s splendid “Sherlockian Resources on the Internet: A Survey” (July 2003): The following is a selected list.
•Chris Redmond’s, a jumping-off point for nearly everything Sherlockian appearing on the web
•Sherlocktron, another collection of links, including Peter Blau’s invaluable lists of Baker Street Irregular investitures, information about the location of Canonical manuscripts, and other items:
•DeWaal’s Universal Sherlock Holmes bibliography online (and searchable):
•The official website of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London, with some material from the always-superb Sherlock Holmes Journal:
•The official website of the Baker Street Irregulars:
•The official website of the Arthur Conan Doyle Society:
•New York Times obituary: .html
•The award-winning, which includes material on Spiritualism
•The website of the Friends of the Arthur Conan Doyle Collection, at the Toronto Metropolitan Library:
•A succinct exposition of the tangled subject of ownership of the Conan Doyle copyrights for the Sherlock Holmes tales:
•An essential checklist of Conan Doyle’s manuscripts, including facsimiles, created by Randall Stock:
•The thorny subject of chronologies, and why they disagree, is tackled by Peter H. Wood, in h
is essay “The Leading Problems of Chronology”:
•A site with text versions of the cases complete with most of the Sidney Paget illustrations is Michael Sherman’s 221B Baker Street at Many cases also are presented in Palm DOC and/or Adobe Acrobat format.
•A compendium of the work of many different illustrators of the Canon is the Pinotheca Holmesiana,
•A concordance of the Canon is available at, allowing the user to search by keyword and quickly find the tales in which the keyword appears, in context.
•Continuing under construction is the Sherlock Holmes Atlas at, which locates many geographical references in the Canon.
•Scholarly resources for Victorian research are linked at
•A superb, searchable compendium of Victorian resources, contemporary literature, and commentary is the Victorian Dictionary at
•The Victorian Web, a doorway to current Victorian scholarship, is at
•Danish Sherlockian Mia Stampe’s “Exquisite Victorian Links” is an excellent collection of the range of Victorian information on the Internet, including history, costuming, customs, and antiques:
•Any person seriously interested in the Canon can subscribe to the Hounds of the Internet, an e-mail mailing list with over 500 members. Send a message to [email protected]. Leave the subject line blank and type “subscribe hounds-1
•Most widely accessible is the newsgroup The quality of the discussion is not at the level of erudition as the Hounds of the Internet, but the chat is available using any standard newsgroup reader (such as that built into Netscape Navigator™).
Lastly, my own website,, contains several articles I’ve written on abstruse aspects of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, as well as news about this volume and its successor, book signings and other events, a sample of my forthcoming book in the SHERLOCK HOLMES REFERENCE LIBRARY, links to some of my other books, and an e-mail link to me.
THE EVOLUTION OF the volumes has been a long one, and there are many who helped me along the way. Christopher Roden provided early discouraging words that led me to the right path, and he has been a friend ever since. Steven Doyle and Mark Gagen edited and published the SHERLOCK HOLMES REFERENCE LIBRARY, from which these volumes grew, and invested in the results when no one else was interested. Michael Dirda introduced me to my publisher and was “midwife” to these volumes—I hope that his hopes have been fulfilled.
My Sherlockian mentors Otto Penzler, Alan Olding, Jon Lellenberg, Peter Blau, Don Pollock, Nicholas Meyer, David Stuart Davies, Julie Rosenblatt, Chris Redmond, and Bernard Davies helped me in countless ways. Jerry Wachs, Al Rosenblatt, Catherine Cooke, Dick Sveum, Peter Calamai, Philip Weller, Hirayama Yuichi, Bill Barnes, Dan Stashower, Costa Rossakis, and Bob Katz, to mention only a few, have been generous with their friendship. Nicholas Utechin and especially Steve Rothman, editors of the world’s leading Sherlockian journals, have been immensely supportive of my work from the beginning. Kinsprit Susan Dahlinger kindly read parts of this book in draft and gave me critical insights. Jerry Margolin, the world’s greatest collector of original Sherlock Holmes art, was a great help with the illustrations, including loans of precious items. Mike Whelan generously took vacation time to read and correct the introduction and was always available for wise counsel and friendship. George Vanderburgh helped me get started with scans of relevant text, and Bill Cochran kindly made the work of Newt and Lillian Williams available to me. John Sohl and John Farrell, fellow members of the Goose Club of the Alpha Inn of Santa Monica first pointed me in scholarly directions. Countless other Sherlockians made contributions on research topics, which I have attempted to acknowledge in situ. My dear friend and occasional co-author Andy Peck gave general and constant support as well as specific suggestions.
This edition could not have been produced without the help of Ronald L. DeWaal’s Universal Sherlock Holmes, Jack Tracy’s Encyclopedia Sherlockiana, Steve Clarkson’s Canonical Compendium, and scores of other handbooks, reference works, indexes, and collections. Each of those essential reference works is the product of many, many hours of patient research and labour by pioneers who went largely unrewarded. My own work on the Holmes canon has made me bow down in admiration to those scholars who came before me, especially those who laboured before computers and such specialised reference works existed. This work is an attempt to stand on the shoulders of those giants.
The W. W. Norton team has been incredible. My editor Robert Weil’s immediate enthusiasm for the project, thoughtful criticisms, careful pruning, and constant cheerleading gave the work its present shape. It was a great delight (and relief) to find that Bob so closely shared my vision for these volumes. Patricia Chui got down into the trenches of the notes and made an enormous contribution, constantly suggesting new topics to annotate and then doing the initial spade work. Other Norton colleagues—Brendan Curry and Tom Mayer, who shepherded the materials through publication; Julia Druskin, production manager, who unblinkingly handled the daunting task of reproducing hundreds of illustrations; Jo Anne Metsch, who created the stunning design of both volumes; Chin-Yee Lai, who brilliantly designed the cover; Eleen Cheung, who painstakingly oversaw the design of the jackets; Nancy Palmquist, managing editor; Bill Rusin, sales director—all earned my immense gratitude and admiration. Louise Brockett and Rachel Salzman brought unbounded energy to the publicity and promotion of the project. Special thanks to Drake McFeely, president, and Jeannie Luciano, publisher, whose belief in the project made it all possible.
Megan Underwood, Camille McDuffie, and Lynn Goldberg at Goldberg McDuffie & Co. put immense effort and great inspiration into finding ways to bring this work to the attention of readers and reviewers and made the publicity process memorable, enjoyable, and rewarding for a first-timer.
My law partner Bob Kopple has been an unstinting cheerleader for the entire project from the beginning. My agent Don Maass was tireless and undaunted by numerous obstacles. My friend and attorney Jonathan Kirsch, who combines a brilliant law career with an astonishing quantity of biblical scholarship, not only provided essential help but is my constant rôle model.
My dear friend Barbara Roisman Cooper put in countless hours checking and correcting countless footnotes, and she has earned my deepest gratitude. Her husband Marty also contributed sage advice about publicity and put up with numerous Sherlockian events. Bob and Mallory Kroner, and Mike and Donna Sedgwick all warmed me with their friendship and smiled tolerantly at my constant ramblings on Sherlock Holmes.
My family has been understanding to a fault, and my children Matt, Wendy, Stacy, Evan, and Amanda have given me uncritical love. My parents, Jack and Lenore, taught me to love books and people; sadly, neither survived to see this work published.
Lastly, and most of all, the woman, my beloved wife Sharon: She gave me the impetus to begin this work; she gave me her own time, listening, reading, collating, checking, proofreading, and commenting; she allowed me to steal hundreds of weekend and evening hours from her and our family; and she gave me her unstinting friendship and love throughout. Without her, this work would not exist.
The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Short Stories: The Return of Sherlock Holmes, His Last Bow and The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (Non-slipcased edition) (Vol. 2) (The Annotated Books) Page 134