The Girlflesh Institute (Nexus)
Page 23
She was taken to the frames, lifted up and strapped into place. She revelled in the tight constraint of the broad bands of rubber as they closed over her wrists, neck, waist and ankles. The final pair of straps went across her knees, pulling them flat against the board, stretching her inner thighs as she was opened for all to see, making her pubic mound stand out, squeezing her rectum tighter about her precious diploma.
Now she was totally restrained, as helpless as a pinned butterfly. Her nipples were hard red pulsing cones, while the blossoming flower of love-mouth ran with dewdrop juices, its depths begging to be probed.
Mr Hirsch bent down between her splayed thighs, pinching her left labia minora between his thumb and finger and stretching it wide. She felt a stab of sharp joyous pain as the gold ring was threaded through her flesh. Now she was a true company slave!
The cheers of the watching slave-girls rang in her ears as they masturbated with even greater vigour, filling the air with their sweet perfume and showing their own labia rings. They were all her sisters now.
The trainers formed themselves into a line in front of the thirteen stands, each with its gold-framed captive. They all held lashes in their hands, the long leather thongs trailing across the ground.
At a sign from Shiller they began to swipe them across the girls’ defenceless breasts, bellies and groins, the crisp crack of leather and flesh echoing back from the walls of the yard. This was a proper slave beating, to confirm who served and who must be obeyed. It seared into their flesh once and for all the certain knowledge of what they had become.
In between her yelps and sobs of pain, Vanessa was calling out: ‘Yes … more please … thank you!’ Miss Kyle had been right all along. She was a slut for pain and it felt wonderful, as though each hot stroke merely stoked the fires of lust and love inside her. She saw Kashika rolling back her eyes in ecstasy, arching her back against her straps as she tried to thrust her brown breasts closer to the tongues of the lash.
By the time the ceremonial punishment ceased, their bodies bore criss-cross lattices of scarlet stripes from trembling breasts to weeping groins. As one they ached with a desperate thirst that could only be quenched in one way.
Shiller waved the watching slave-girls forwards. ‘Now it’s your turn!’ she shouted.
A wave of bare flesh descended upon them, four or five girls clustering about each stand, turning them into thirteen little orgies of lustful female bodies. Vanessa was half-smothered by urgent lips kissing hers, teeth nipping at her tormented India rubber teats, thrusting hot tongues lapping and sliding up her yawning cunt. Then one at a time they straddled her outthrust scroll, rubbing their salivating pussies along its length until their labia kissed against her own pouting pubes. Love-mouth sucked on love-mouth and hard erect clit rubbed against its twin. It was girlflesh on girlflesh, an uninhibited joy such as she had never known before.
Vanessa cried out as she was caught up in the throes of her first orgasm as a true slave. The first of so many more …
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Version 1.0
Epub ISBN 9780753525104
This book is a work of fiction.
In real life, make sure you practise safe, sane and consensual sex.
First published in 2007 by
Thames Wharf Studios
Rainville Rd
London W6 9HA
Random House
20 Vauxhall Bridge Road
London SW1V 2SA
Copyright Adriana Arden 2007
The right of Adriana Arden to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
ISBN 9780352341013
All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.