A Minty Mess

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A Minty Mess Page 2

by Helen Perelman

  Minty Sweet Treat

  Butterscotch flew bravely through the heavy rain with a canopy above her. Dash was enjoying the ride in the covered carriage. She felt like a princess herself!

  “Thank you for the ride,” Dash said to Prince Scoop. “This was not what I thought I would be doing today!”

  “I’m so happy you could come back to the castle with me,” the prince told her. He smiled.

  Dash’s stomach rumbled. Prince Scoop was from Ice Cream Isles. No doubt his sweet treat would involve ice cream. And Dash loved ice cream! She was starting to feel better already. The farther she got from the mint meanies and Peppermint Grove, the better she felt. But then that thought made her sad. She was mad at herself for letting Spera and Pepper get to her.

  Dash had just spotted Candy Castle when Prince Scoop asked, “You want to try taking the reins?”

  Dash nodded. She had always wanted to try holding the reins of a royal unicorn pulling a fancy carriage. She reached out her hands.

  “Gentle pulls,” Prince Scoop told her. “You need to be firm but not harsh.”

  With Prince Scoop’s coaching, Dash was able to steer the carriage.

  “Great job,” the prince said. “Let’s try for a landing.”

  Dash saw the Royal Gardens below. “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “You can do it. Stay focused,” Prince Scoop said. “You want to keep your eyes on the horizon and guide her gently to the ground.”

  Dash did as the prince told her. This was much harder than steering a small sled!

  “Nicely done!” Prince Scoop said as they landed. “You are a natural, Dash. You can take Butterscotch for a ride anytime.”

  Dash smiled. She loved being able to take the reins. “It was fun,” she replied.

  “Now come inside. I have a treat for you.” He placed a large bucket of water in front of Butterscotch. “Thank you,” he said to the unicorn.

  “Yes, thank you,” Dash said to Butterscotch. “You flew so quickly . . . even in the rain!”

  Butterscotch nodded. Dash loved how fast unicorns could fly. There was nothing Dash loved more than a fast ride, either on her sled or in a carriage!

  “I guess you haven’t been racing much with all the rain,” Prince Scoop said as they flew through the castle.

  “No,” Dash said sadly. “I really miss racing.” She followed the prince into the throne room at the end of the long, wide hallway. The last time Dash had been in the throne room at Candy Castle, there was only one throne. That was before Princess Lolli was married. Now there were two thrones, for the royal princess and her prince.

  “Let’s sit here by the window,” Prince Scoop said. He flew over to a cozy window seat at the far end of the room. “Those thrones aren’t so comfortable,” he said with a wink. “I prefer to sit here and look out at the gardens.”

  “The Royal Gardens are very pretty,” Dash said. “My friends and I like to come here sometimes.” Thinking of her friends, Dash got upset with herself for running out of the tent in Peppermint Grove. Berry or Cocoa would have stayed and stood up to Spera and Pepper. She should have done that.

  “Dash, would you like a taste?” Prince Scoop asked. He was holding up a plateful of mint ice-cream sandwiches. He caught her eye and smiled. “I called your name a couple of times and you didn’t answer. What is on your mind?”

  Dash burst into tears. She didn’t mean to start crying, but once she let herself she couldn’t stop. Prince Scoop handed her a handkerchief.

  “I want to tell you something,” he said, leaning forward. “Not many Candy Fairies know this,” he whispered.

  Dash sniffled. “What?” she asked.

  “When I was a young fairy, I was very small,” he said. “I think I was smaller than you are now.”

  “No way,” Dash said, blowing her nose.

  Prince Scoop nodded. “It’s true,” he told her. “I was the smallest—and fastest—fairy in Ice Cream Isles. So I want you to know that I understand what you are going through now.”

  Dash looked up at the kind prince. How much does he know?

  Prince Scoop reached into his pocket and handed Dash a small photograph. “This is me when I was young,” he said. “You see? I was much smaller than you!”

  She stared at the small fairy in the photograph. She could see how this fairy was Prince Scoop, but it was hard to think of him being that small! “That’s really you?” Dash asked.

  “Yes,” he said with a chuckle. “Hard to believe, right? When I heard Spera and Pepper talking yesterday, I knew I had to show you this. I understand what it feels like to be smaller than everyone else. You can’t let those fairies get you down.”

  Dash nodded. “You sound like my Candy Fairy friends,” she said. “I know you’re right, but it is hard. Those words hurt!”

  “Only if you let them,” the prince said. “Fairies can be silly and jealous. You have so much talent, Dash. Don’t let their words keep you from doing what you love.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way,” Dash said.

  “I have something else for you,” Prince Scoop said. He took a small box from his pocket and opened it. “I won this pin in a race when I was about your age,” he said.

  Dash held the small rainbow pin in her hand. “It’s so beautiful,” she said. She held up the candy-jeweled rainbow and admired the delicious colors.

  “I thought you might want to make a necklace out of it,” he told her. “This way you can remember that this rain will stop soon and a rainbow will come.”

  “This is the nicest gift that anyone has ever given me,” Dash said. “I will cherish this forever. Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

  Prince Scoop bowed his head. “It is my pleasure,” he said. “I hope you know that you can count on me. Now let’s eat some ice cream, shall we?”

  “How did you know that I love mint ice-cream sandwiches?” she asked. She loved how neatly the tiny ice-cream sandwiches were stacked on the plate.

  “A little fairy princess might have let me in on that secret,” he said. “And I happen to love these too! They come from Meringue Island. Some say they have healing power.”

  Dash smiled. “Oh, sure as sugar they do!” She took a bite and licked her lips. “These are even better than I remembered,” she said.

  Prince Scoop laughed. “These are good!” he exclaimed.

  “This is so mint,” Dash added. “Thank you, Prince Scoop. I’m feeling better.” She squeezed the tiny rainbow in her hand. This was a minty sweet treat!

  Minty Day

  Butterscotch took Dash home after her visit with Prince Scoop at Candy Castle. Dash couldn’t believe the royal treatment she had gotten! She didn’t arrive home until after Sun Dip, so she didn’t have a chance to tell her friends about her trip to Candy Castle. She had sent a sugar fly note to Melli so she wouldn’t worry, and asked her to tell the others. Dash would have a big report at Sun Dip tomorrow!

  But first she had to face Spera and Pepper.

  Dash got to sleep early and tried to think mint, sweet thoughts. She looped Prince Scoop’s rainbow pin onto a chain and looked at herself in the mirror. The rainbow glittered and gave her an extra boost of confidence.

  The next morning Dash was ready to get to work. She knew that one of her designs would be perfect for the jubilee. Even though it was still raining, Dash didn’t let the rain soak her spirits.

  “Today will be different, Hopper,” Dash told the little white bunny.

  Hopper snuggled into Dash’s hand. Her white fur was extra-soft. Dash fed her some treats and then reached up for a small basket. “Come with me to the work tent,” Dash said. “I could use some friends around today.”

  Hopper hopped into the cozy basket. Dash put a cotton candy blanket on top of the small bunny. “Oh, you look so cute!” she exclaimed. She leaned in closer. “Thanks for coming along.”

  The first Mint Fairies that Dash saw as she flew over Peppermint Grove were Pepper and Spera. Touching her rainbow n
ecklace, Dash knew she had to focus on her task and not on their mean words. She flew over to the table at the back of the tent and set up her workstation. The drawings that the mint frappé had spilled on were not there. Dash thought someone must have thrown those away.

  She began to work on new designs. There was no one around to disturb her, and Dash spent the day drawing. Not once did she think about Spera and Pepper. They seemed to busy themselves at the frappé stand and didn’t come by the tent at all. Dash was thankful for a chance to work in peace.

  “Are these wrapper designs yours?” Menta asked, holding up Dash’s designs from the day before as she flew over to Dash. Menta was a Mint Fairy who raced with Dash in sled races around Sugar Valley. Dash was happy to see a friendly face. The designs were a little wrinkled from the frappé, but there they were!

  “Yes,” she said. “Where did you get those? I thought they were ruined.”

  “I knew these were your designs,” Menta replied.

  “I thought it would be fun to use different mint colors like reds, greens, and pinks,” Dash explained. “But I thought no one liked the designs. I’ve been working on some others.”

  “Other designs? Why would you do that?” Menta asked.

  “Well, we need candy wrappers for the jubilee,” Dash said.

  Menta laughed. “Didn’t anyone tell you?”

  “Tell me what?” Dash asked.

  “What are you fairies talking about?” Spera said as she flew over, with Pepper close behind.

  Menta turned to see Pepper and Spera. “We’re talking about the candy wrapper designs for the Mint Jubilee,” she said. She held up one of Dash’s drawings from the day before.

  “Oh, we didn’t do that,” Spera said, wrinkling her nose.

  “Really?” Menta asked. “Too bad, because Princess Lolli approved this design for the candy early this morning.”

  Spera and Pepper didn’t say a word.

  Dash grinned. “She did?” she asked. “Princess Lolli was here? She liked the drawing?”

  Menta flapped her wings. “She was, and she loved your work, Dash. You don’t need to do any more drawings. She approved this one.”

  “Did she know that I drew the design?” Dash said.

  Menta rolled her eyes. “Well, everyone knew Spera and Pepper had nothing to do with it.”

  “Hey!” Spera cried. “That’s not fair.”

  “But it’s true,” Menta said, winking at Dash. “Good work, Dash,” she said.

  Dash couldn’t believe her ears. Princess Lolli loved her design!

  “Good morning!” Prince Scoop cried as he swooped into the tent. “I just heard the sweet news,” he said to Dash.

  “Thanks,” Dash said.

  “Now you have to come outside,” Prince Scoop told her. “The rain has stopped!”

  Dash followed Prince Scoop out of the tent. High in the sky was a faint rainbow reaching across the sky. She could just make out the seven bands of color reaching across the horizon.

  “A rainbow!” Dash replied.

  “Yes, a rainbow,” the prince said. “You see, the rain did stop. And Lolli loved your design.”

  “But everything is still a soggy, minty mess,” Dash said, looking around the grove. Puddles of water were everywhere, and heavy branches lay on the ground.

  The prince looked around. “Yes, I suppose that is true,” he said. “But for now the rain has stopped. We can all fly freely. That is surely something to celebrate.”

  Dash had to agree. After all, her design was approved and there would be no rain for Sun Dip!

  “I’m going to get home and get ready for Sun Dip,” Dash said. “I can’t wait to see my friends tonight. I have so much to tell them!” She watched Prince Scoop smile. “Would you like to come?” she asked the prince in a quiet voice. She was a little embarrassed to ask, but she hoped he would say yes.

  “I would love to come!” Prince Scoop replied. “You know Lolli will be busy with making plans for the jubilee, but I am free. Thank you very much for the kind invitation.”

  “Everyone will be so happy to see you,” Dash said. “This will be an extra-sweet Sun Dip.”

  Dash flew home without holding an umbrella. She loved how the cool air felt on her wings. This was the sweetest day!

  Sun Dip Sweetness

  When Dash arrived home, she felt so happy. She had not stopped smiling since she had heard the news about Princess Lolli’s liking her design. And for the first time in weeks she and her friends would be able to sit along the shores of Red Licorice Lake and watch Sun Dip without umbrellas!

  “Come, Hopper,” Dash said. “We’ve got lots to do before we meet up at Red Licorice Lake. I want to be sure to have some minty good snacks for everyone.”

  Dash got busy making Sun Dip treats. She wanted to make these sweet treats extra-special and minty! After her mint swirl chocolates were done, she peeked out her window. A sugar fly landed on her shoulder. The little fly had a note from Raina!

  “ ‘We are all meeting for Sun Dip tonight. You’d better be there! We miss you,’ ” Dash read. She turned to Hopper. “I can’t wait!”

  Looking up at the sky, Dash could see the sun just above the peaks of the Frosted Mountains. She gathered up her treats in her basket and set out for Red Licorice Lake.

  Raina, Cocoa, and Melli were spreading out their blankets when Dash arrived. Berry came right after Dash. It seemed all her friends were excited to gather for this Sun Dip.

  “Dash, Princess Lolli loved your design!” Berry said before her feet even touched the ground.

  “Hot chocolate!” Cocoa cried. “That is the sweetest news!”

  “And I didn’t get a chance to share it!” Dash said, with her hands on her hips.

  “Sorry!” Berry said. “I just heard and I was so happy for you!”

  “You see?” Raina said, grinning. “I knew those bitter Mint Fairies didn’t know what they were talking about. Princess Lolli loved the design? Tell us everything!”

  Dash filled her friends in on Menta’s report and told them all about her visit with Prince Scoop. She showed them the rainbow pin on the chain around her neck.

  “That is the sweetest thing,” Raina cooed.

  “Prince Scoop is the best,” Melli added.

  Berry took her sketchbook from her bag. “I want you to see these outfits I drew,” she said. “This might be a wet Mint Jubilee, but it is going to be the most talked-about fashion event in Sugar Valley if I have anything to say about it!”

  Raina laughed. “One hundred percent!” she exclaimed. Raina looked through Berry’s sketchbook. “These designs are amazing, Berry. We are all going to look so sugar-tastic!”

  “I love the hats,” Melli added. She pointed to one on the page. “Can you really make these by tomorrow?”

  “Sure as sugar,” Berry said proudly. “It will be a close finish, but I am sure I can deliver.”

  Melli put out her caramels on a plate for her friends. “Even though the Daily Scoop reports that the day is not going to be all rainbows and clear skies, this will be a Mint Jubliee to remember,” she said.

  Dash flew up in the air. Her wings were moving so fast that she took flight. “I just had the most brilliant, delicious idea!” she exclaimed. Berry laughed. “Slow down, Dash,” she said. “Come back down and tell us.”

  “This is not a race,” Raina said, giggling. “Though it is beginning to feel like one. The royal Mint Jubilee is in two days!”

  Dash came back down to the blanket. “If we are going to make this event the best, we’re going to have to work super fast.”

  “I’m up for that,” Cocoa said. “What are you thinking, Dash?”

  “We can make our own blue skies and rainbows!” Dash exclaimed. “We can decorate the ballroom at Candy Castle with rainbows and make the room minty colorful!”

  “That is the most delicious idea ever!” Berry cried. “We could definitely come up with some colorful decorations. Very smart, Dash!”

bsp; “Sugar-tastic!” Raina cried. “But can we keep the hats, too? I was getting excited about a Berry original design.” She smiled at Berry.

  “Sweet strawberries, of course!” Berry exclaimed.

  “That is a supersweet idea,” Melli said.

  Cocoa put up her hand. “Hold on,” she said. “We need permission from the castle to change the place and theme of the jubilee.”

  “What’s this about the jubilee changing?” Prince Scoop asked as he landed next to Dash.

  Berry, Raina, Melli, and Cocoa were shocked to see Prince Scoop standing on Dash’s blanket.

  “Um, I forgot to mention that we were going to have a special guest for Sun Dip tonight,” Dash said, blushing. In all the excitement, she had forgotten to mention that she had invited Prince Scoop. “I guess this was a good time for you to come!” she said to the prince.

  Berry pulled her cotton-candy woven wrap around her. “Oh, Prince Scoop,” she said, “Dash didn’t tell us you’d be joining us. We’re really not prepared for such a special visitor.”

  “I wish we had known so we could have prepared a big feast,” Melli said, looking down at just the few bites of sweet treats left.

  “Oh, Berry,” Dash said, “you look perfect! And Prince Scoop doesn’t care about all that formal stuff.”

  “Please sit on my blanket,” Melli said, flying over to sit with Cocoa to make room for the prince.

  “It’s so mint that Prince Scoop came, don’t you think?” Dash said, grinning. “Make him feel comfortable!”

  Prince Scoop laughed. “Oh, please,” he said. He settled down on Melli’s blanket. “I am happy to be here. I’m glad you weren’t expecting me. I wanted to come see you without being all royal.” He winked at Dash. “This is really nice. Especially with the rain stopping.”


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