Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Page 11

by Alexander Gordon

  “It’s getting rather crowded here,” she chuckled. “And I have to get back to Luna soon and play with her, so let’s wrap this up, shall we?”

  “You monster, where’s my sister?” Falla yelled out with anger.

  Emily laughed and pointed her hand down towards the ground further in front of her, the casting circle glowing brightly as it spun around her arm slowly. The spell then launched out and struck into the street with a bright flash, creating a swirling circle of crimson flames that flared up like a torrent with a monstrous howl.

  “What is she doing?” Daniel asked nervously.

  “Whatever it is, I don’t like it,” Specca whimpered as she hid behind him. Squeak and Triska watched the spinning fires with worried eyes while Alyssa was staring at Emily with fear still, knowing that an alpha witch was a grave threat to stand against even for her.

  The flames flared around in a large pillar before flashing with a loud boom, the fires then dropping down and washing out along the ground with a sizzling crackle. Daniel’s group stared at the sight with surprise while Jovian and Jacqueline merely raised an eyebrow in question with dull expressions on their faces. Standing before Emily was her deathmare, the large monster holding its oversized scythe as it slowly looked around at everyone with a cold glare.

  “What is that?” Triska asked softly.

  “A deathmare… that’s a deathmare!” Specca screamed out.

  “A Darker One!” Alyssa cried out as she backed up behind her friends.

  Falla and Squeak stared at the deathmare with wide eyes while Daniel’s jaw dropped slightly, all of them seeing the large monster standing tall before Emily while the witch giggled to herself.

  “Say hello to my little pet, isn’t she grand?” Emily mused with an adorable smile up at the monster.

  “Your pet?” Falla cried out. “A Darker One is your pet?”

  “What the hell is that thing anyway?” Triska shouted as she kept her sword held at the ready.

  “That’s a deathmare, a Darker One of Eden,” Alyssa explained while staring up at the monster with fright. “It’s a monster straight from the underworld. They’re summoned by magical casters and serve them as slaves.”

  Specca hid behind Daniel and peeked out from over his shoulder at the monster while holding onto him for dear life.

  “It steals souls away like a nightmare does,” she shakily clarified. “But it doesn’t take them in their victims’ dreams, it does so with its scythe in the real world. The blade doesn’t harm a mortal body, but it cleaves away their soul in one swing!”

  “If that blade so much as touches you you’ll die instantly,” Alyssa warned. “You’ll just… drop dead.” She then looked to Triska with wonder as the girl glanced to her with the same realization. The teen blinked then slowly looked around at the village.

  “Drop dead… with no visible wounds… just like…”

  “That’s how everyone died here, that thing killed them all,” Daniel realized with horror.

  Emily laughed and nodded as she stepped back from her pet, with the deathmare grunting as its rear leg scraped away some dirt on the ground.

  “Makes getting rid of garbage like women and children so easy,” she giggled. “No mess, no fuss, no problem.”

  “She murdered the entire village with that monster,” Triska said with disbelief.

  “She really is a death dealer,” Specca said softly with fear.

  Emily laughed then looked to Alyssa with a cold smile on her face, with Alyssa trembling at being the alpha’s focus with her dull eyes.

  “This husk of a village shall be your grave, Alyssa the Wildfire Witch. You and all your friends’. Except for him,” she said pointing to Daniel, the boy glancing around at everyone then back to the witch with a nervous expression as the girl giggled and smiled amusedly at him. “I could use a male to fuck after such a stressful time out in the wilderness. A good release sounds just right to me. That and I’m sure Luna would be happy to get pregnant as well with your seed. Don’t worry, I’ll try not to get carried away and rape you to death, no promises though.”

  “You bitch!” Falla yelled out. “What have you done with my sister? Where is she?”

  “Over our dead bodies you’ll be taking Daniel away!” Triska shouted as she and Squeak stepped in front of Daniel and held their weapons out towards the witch.

  “I think that’s her plan, Triska,” Specca mentioned nervously as she and Daniel backed up against the wall of the building next to Falla.

  Emily chuckled then turned her gaze towards Jovian and Jacqueline as she snapped her fingers, with the deathmare then bringing her large scythe forward.

  “But first,” she said coldly. “Before I take my time and melt the flesh from Alyssa’s bones, I’m going to send you two straight to hell for all the trouble you caused me. I don’t know what you two are, and frankly I don’t care. Now, get rid of them!”

  The deathmare let out a ghostly wail before she charged towards the sisters with a heavy gallop. Jovian and Jacqueline merely watched with amused smiles as the deathmare ran by and swiped her scythe through Jovian, the blade passing right through her body with a slick strike and a trail of distorted air behind it. The deathmare galloped past the sisters then quickly stopped and turned around, showing a bit of surprise herself as Jovian remained standing while smiling amusedly at Emily. Everyone stared with stunned expressions at Jovian as the girl remained alive and well even after the deathmare’s scythe had struck through her.

  “No, that’s impossible!” Emily cried out.

  “How?” Specca breathed out. “How could she survive that? It should have taken her soul away, it should have killed her instantly!"

  “What kind of monster could survive that?” Alyssa asked as she stared at the sisters with disbelief.

  Jovian chuckled then dashed towards Emily with her sword held off to the side, with Emily screaming and waving her wand before her. From the ground in front of the witch a dark shadow rolled out along the street before erupting into a giant monstrous skull made of sludge and molten dirt, the monstrosity opening its mouth and then lunging down on Jovian, chomping down hard into the ground as it swallowed the girl whole. A moment later however Jovian charged through the back of the skull as it boiled and sank into the ground, the girl having her clothing melting away while her sword fell apart from the acidic sludge. Jovian’s flesh and head were burned and bleeding as the girl continued to run towards Emily, the witch staring with shock at the sight before waving her hands around in front of her in a swift motion. Two large black hands of sludge sprang up from the ground and clapped together over Jovian, giving off a large hiss as the hands melted together and sank into the ground. From the sludge however Jovian leapt out into a roll on the ground, having her arms and legs withered and revealing her bones while her face had only a few scraps of burned flesh on it still. Emily stared at the monster with fright as Jovian slowly stood up again, her flesh and body regenerating and reforming like new as she now stood naked in the street.

  “Is that all you can do?” Jovian mocked as she walked closer to the witch.

  Emily backed up a step while trembling before she yelled out and held her wand towards the dark girl, a powerful gust of wind and distorted air blasting against the monster out of nowhere and snapping her head back with a crack while she stumbled backward down onto a knee. Her arms dangled at her sides as the skin had been seared and peeled off in the front from the blunt force of the witch’s magic. After a moment Jovian slowly stood back up again as her body healed before Emily’s shocked and empty gaze, her eyestalks staring at the monster that would not die from all around the street.

  “No… that’s not possible…” Emily breathed out.

  She held her wand out again before Jovian darted forward and swatted it out of her hand, the monster then grabbing Emily by the shoulders and lifting her up into the air while smiling wickedly at the witch.

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Jovian said coldly as Em
ily screamed and kicked around in her grip.

  Jacqueline laughed and started walking towards them, with the deathmare then swinging her scythe through the blonde girl again and again with vicious strikes, each attack doing nothing as the blade phased through Jacqueline without ever dropping her.

  “What are they?” Specca cried out.

  “They can’t be immortal, that’s impossible,” Alyssa said with disbelief as she watched the deathmare trying again and again in vain to strike down Jacqueline, the blonde girl merely walking towards her sister as Jovian eyed Emily over with a wicked smile on her face.

  “Are you sure about that? Because they’ve got me fooled,” Triska mentioned as Jacqueline walked up next to Jovian and smiled at Emily who was screaming and kicking around in Jovian’s grip. The deathmare geared back with its scythe then stopped, halting its attack as Emily was now in range of the deadly swing. Jovian chuckled and brought Emily closer, holding her from around the waist and neck as Jacqueline grabbed the witch’s hair and arm with a stern smile on her face.

  “You thought you could run from us?” Jovian taunted. “Wrong. Nobody ever escapes us, nobody.”

  Emily trembled as her eyestalks saw the twins holding her close to them.

  “What are you?” she whimpered softly.

  “Hungry,” the sisters replied in unison, with Jovian then biting down into Emily’s shoulder while Jacqueline chomped down on the side of Emily’s face. The witch let out a painful shriek as the sisters dropped to the ground with her in their arms, with everyone watching in shock as the girls viciously mauled Emily while holding her in place with great strength. Jovian started digging her teeth into Emily’s chest while Jacqueline chewed off more meat on the witch’s arm, with blood splattering all over the ground and the naked twins as Emily screamed out in agony.

  “AHHHHHH!” Emily cried out as blood dripped out of her mouth, with Jovian then digging her teeth and face into the witch’s stomach while Jacqueline chomped down on Emily’s mouth, chewing the witch’s tongue and lips as Emily’s cries of suffering were muffled. The witch’s arms and legs flailed about while Daniel and his friends stared at the sight with horror.

  “Dear lord, they really are flesh-eaters,” Specca said holding a hand over her mouth.

  “Flesh-eaters that won’t die, what the hell are they?” Alyssa cried out.

  Jacqueline ripped out Emily’s tongue then started mauling her face, chewing out an eyeball while Jovian kept working on devouring the witch’s insides with vicious snarls. Emily let out a hoarse gurgle as she trembled before slowly falling limp, with her arms and legs dropping down as she was eaten alive by the two sisters. The group stared at the sight with stunned faces while the deathmare slowly backed up a step and lowered its stance, the monster just watching as Emily was slain by the dark sisters. All around the area the witch’s eyestalks slowly withered and melted into pools of black sludge, the summoned limbs losing their magical power and slowly dissolving away. Blood started to form around the witch’s body as the sisters giggled and chewed the flesh off of her. With a loud crunch blood sprayed out to the side from Emily’s neck as Jacqueline ripped it open with her teeth, the girl laughing and looking to Jovian who slowly leaned back and smiled coldly down at Emily’s corpse while blood dripped from her mouth.

  “That tasted good,” Jovian purred.

  “Yeah, not bad for a little runt,” Jacqueline agreed before she grabbed Jovian’s head and licked all the blood off of her mouth. Jovian then started licking and kissing her sister as the group just stared at the sight with shock.

  “Okay, this is so wrong on so many levels,” Triska commented as they watched the sisters kissing passionately while sitting atop Emily’s remains.

  “They just slaughtered an alpha witch like it was nothing,” Alyssa said shaking her head slowly. She blinked then looked to the deathmare as it grunted and slowly gazed around at everyone. “Wait a minute. Emily summoned that deathmare, it was under her control.”

  The group looked to the Darker One as it gripped its scythe and turned to face them with a cold glare.

  “Um, what happens now that its master is dead?” Daniel asked nervously.

  “It’s not going to obey anyone,” Specca said fearfully.

  “It’ll kill whoever it wants,” Alyssa whimpered.

  “We should go then, right now!” Triska cried out before the deathmare let out a ghostly wail and rushed towards them. Daniel and the girls bolted to the side as the monster swung its giant blade at them, the spectral scythe slicing through the side of the building with a slick strike without making a scratch on it.

  “Run for it!” Daniel yelled out as the girls ran with him down the street. The deathmare howled and chased after them as Jovian and Jacqueline merely watched with amused smiles.

  “Sister, that thing is going to spoil our food if it kills them,” Jacqueline mentioned.

  “You’re right,” Jovian said as the two girls stood up. “We saw those meat bags first, they’re ours to kill.”

  Running down the street Daniel and the girls started to enter the darker part of the village as they passed all the lampposts Alyssa had lit with her magic.

  “We need to get out of here, where’s Lucky?” Specca cried out as she looked around frantically at the darkened town.

  “What about Luna?” Falla shouted at her. “My sister’s still here somewhere, we have to find her!”

  The group looked back to seeing the deathmare charging at them, the monster gearing back with its scythe as it galloped at high speed.

  “Look out!” Daniel shouted as he grabbed Specca and Triska, lunging to the side with them onto the ground while Squeak grabbed Alyssa and Falla before darting to the other side onto the dirt road. The deathmare raced between them as it swung its blade towards Daniel’s group, the boy and two girls holding each other down close to the ground as the scythe whizzed by above them. The deathmare ran along the street then stopped and turned around as the group slowly got up, all of them staring at the Darker One with terror as it prepared to charge again.

  “Oh my god, what do we do now?” Specca asked as she held onto Daniel’s back.

  Triska gripped her sword tightly while Squeak held her pickaxe in both hands, both of them feeling uneasy about taking on a Darker One that could kill them in a single hit. Alyssa and Falla stared at the deathmare with growing fright before everyone looked back to seeing Jovian and Jacqueline walking towards them, the sisters having wicked smiles on their faces while their naked bodies had blood on them from their recent kill.

  “We’re going to make you scream,” they taunted in unison as they pointed to the group.

  Daniel and the girls looked at them with horror then over to the deathmare as it grunted and scraped a hind leg back on the ground as it readied to charge towards them.

  “Daniel?” Triska asked nervously.

  Daniel gulped and looked back and forth between the two sources of death that were closing in on them from both sides.

  “Okay. Now this couldn’t get any worse.”

  Chapter 4

  Uneasy Truce

  In the world of Eden there were some evils that were greater than others. For monsters these were known as Darker Ones. Beings with incredible strength, magical power, or perhaps even both as they were known far and wide to be the most threatening of all monsters. They were rare to encounter, and even rarer to survive said encounter with, as they were in a class all their own compared to their lustful sisters of Eden. To engage one in a fight would be extremely dangerous and risky, especially alone. However, if forced to fight a legendary Darker One of Eden, whether it be for revenge, fame, or just to survive, it was almost a requirement to have with you as many friends as you could for the battle.

  And if that wasn’t enough, you may have to rely on your enemies for help as well.


  Luna’s muffled screams echoed out inside the hollowed house of the Blight Witch, the butterfly girl being held down on a twi
sted dark tree that was constantly violating her as per orders from its master. The slick tentacles made of smooth tree bark and viscous sludge continued to thrust in and out of Luna’s pussy and ass while two more were squeezing and fondling her breasts, the girl’s arms and legs being held forcibly while she screamed around another thick tentacle that was forcing itself into her mouth. The tree’s red eyes continued to watch as Luna screamed and cried while she was raped, the magical being showing no empathy for the butterfly as it kept working to break her mind with the constant abuse. Luna’s body ached while fear and despair started to sink into her heart, with the endless torment causing both sorrow and pleasure at the same time which only hindered her thoughts even more. Bound above her head her hands flinched and frantically tried to grab for anything while her wings remained limp against the tree she was forced to lie down on. With each thrust in and out of her body she felt her mind slipping, feeling conflicted about what she was experiencing. She always believed that having sex would be a good thing, and that raping men would be fun and end with her having a daughter of her own to love and care for. Now she felt scared about the sensation being forced upon her like this, realizing that being raped was actually a horrible experience.

  ‘Make it stop! I don’t like this, I don’t want this! Someone help me!’

  She started crying as the tree never tired or stopped, even with Emily having left a little while ago the summoned being kept working to break the butterfly girl’s mind with pleasure without slowing down. Luna trembled then started to fall limp in the tentacles’ grasp, realizing that she couldn’t break free and that there was no stopping this. Even though she knew she didn’t like what was happening to her she felt her body slowly starting to accept it, even enjoying it, except for the one that was going into her ass, that was something she only found to be painful and horrible.


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