Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Page 42

by Alexander Gordon

  “For the love of god,” she muttered with frustration as she slowly sat up and held her hands to her ears. “How the hell can any of those girls stand sleeping next to that guy? Seriously, who in the world can sleep through this crap?”

  Looking down she saw Luna sleeping peacefully even with the loud snoring in the room next to them, the peaceful butterfly’s antennae twitching slightly as she dreamed with a calm expression on her face.

  “What the hell is wrong with everyone?” Falla grumbled as she slowly stood up and stretched out her arms.

  From the doorway Kroanette came in through the door, lowering her head to enter the residence as she looked around to seeing only the butterfly sisters as well as hearing Daniel’s snoring.

  “He’s still asleep, is he?”

  “Can’t you hear him?” Falla grunted while glancing to the bedroom door. “I don’t get how anyone could sleep next to someone like him, it’s so irritating.”

  “He is a rather loud sleeper, isn’t he?” Kroanette mused with a small smile.

  Falla nodded then glanced to the centaur questionably as Kroanette took a moment to fluff her hair and make sure her clothing was straightened out.

  “Where did you sleep anyway?” Falla asked.

  “I took their horse to a stable nearby to rest for the night,” Kroanette replied while looking behind her and picking a few strands of hay off of her. “And I found a nice bedding of hay for myself there as well.”

  “You slept with the horse, eh? That figures,” Falla snickered.

  Kroanette blinked then looked to her with a dull expression.

  “Are you implying that I engaged in some form of carnal act with their horse?”

  “I don’t know, did you?” Falla asked with a shrug and a smirk on her face. “I mean, you do have the body of a horse yourself. I wouldn’t be surprised if centaurs did such a thing to be honest.”

  “You know, we centaurs have a title for those who choose to lay with horses,” Kroanette mentioned while crossing her arms, with Falla watching her curiously as the centaur gave her a dull glare. “We call them limquar del medsians. Translated into your tongue, they are ‘fucked in the head’.”

  Falla smiled weakly to that while rubbing the back of her neck before she glanced away.”

  “Well then, good to know.”

  Kroanette nodded then glanced to the bedroom door where Daniel’s snoring could still be heard, watching with hopeful eyes before she quickly straightened out her outfit and made sure her breasts were perked up nicely in her shirt. Falla watched her with a raised eyebrow as the centaur seemed to fixate on looking her best all of a sudden.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m making sure I look presentable for Daniel when he wakes up,” Kroanette answered casually.


  “I want Daniel to think highly of me, and it doesn’t hurt to look decent for others,” Kroanette reasoned with a shrug.

  Falla rolled her eyes as she shook her head with derision.

  “I don’t believe this,” she said dryly. “You want him to fuck you now too, don’t you?”

  Kroanette scoffed and stomped a hoof while crossing her arms and looking away.

  “I merely want him to think well of me,” she defended. “I wish to be supportive of his unique ideals and hope he can sway my mother into believing that peace can truly come between our races.”

  “You want him to hump you now too,” Falla accused. “So you’re trying to act ‘kindhearted’ and sweet to him, aren’t you?”

  Kroanette hesitated for a moment then quickly fluffed her hair with an annoyed huff.

  “I don’t know what in the world you are talking about.”

  Inside the bedroom Triska yawned quietly as she slowly woke up, her eyes opening to seeing Daniel right next to her and sleeping rather loudly. A warm smile came across her face as she slowly sat up, her eyes then going from the boy she was with to the three monster girls who were all asleep around her.

  ‘Oh my god, we really did… we really did it last night.’

  She looked around at all the girls with wonder before Specca slowly opened her eyes, her tail carefully unwrapping from Daniel’s leg as the nixie held a hand over her mouth to cover her yawn. She blinked a few times then patted her hand around above her to find her glasses. After finding them she slowly put them on over her eyes, seeing Triska coming into view with a slight smile on her face.

  “Morning,” Triska greeted gently, with Specca looking at her with wonder before quickly sitting up and seeing all of them in bed naked together. After a moment to collect her thoughts she glanced to Triska with a timid smile.

  “Um, good morning, Triska,” she said softly.

  Triska giggled quietly before Alyssa yawned and stretched out her arms, the witch then slowly sitting up while blinking a few times as she came to. Her eyes focused to seeing Triska and Specca looking at her with curious smiles while Daniel continued to snore below them. Glancing from one girl to the other Alyssa then looked down to what she was lying on, a bright smile coming across her face as she licked her lips.

  “Well then, good morning, Daniel,” she purred as she reached for his penis.

  “Alyssa,” Specca quietly scolded. “Don’t wake him right now. He’s exhausted from last night.”

  “Yeah,” Triska added dryly. “And good morning to you too by the way.”

  Alyssa glanced to them then shrugged with an innocent smile.

  “Oh, good morning to you as well. Hee hee,” she giggled.

  The three girls looked to Daniel’s penis as Alyssa slowly retracted her hands from it then to each other as the boy continued to snore in his sleep.

  “So…” Alyssa said slowly as she looked around at them.

  “We certainly got… a little out of control last night,” Specca reasoned with a weak smile.

  “A little?” Triska asked with a raised eyebrow. “You two took turns eating me out while Daniel shoved his dick down my throat like a wild animal. Then Alyssa shoved what I think was her whole hand into my ass while you and Squeak sucked on my breasts like I was going to give milk. That’s ‘a little out of control’ to you?”

  Specca and Alyssa blushed as they looked to each other then to Triska as the teen showed a worried smile.

  “We may have done some… things that we… um…” Specca said nervously.

  Alyssa blinked then looked at Triska with a raised eyebrow.

  “Was I dreaming this, or did you spank me last night, saying I was a naughty witch?”

  Triska blushed and looked down and away while biting her lip slightly.

  “I… may have,” she admitted glancing back to Alyssa worriedly.

  The witch nodded slowly then glanced to Specca.

  “I know you whipped me with your tail last night too, making me say the same thing,” she mentioned, with Specca jumping a bit then smiling nervously at her.

  “Well… I… just got lost in the moment. Besides, you liked it, you even begged for more, and not just because I told you to,” she said before slapping a hand over her mouth with a squeak, with Alyssa blushing brightly and looking down with embarrassment from hearing that. Triska glanced between the two then slowly shook her head.

  “We were so perverted with each other, we were just as wild as Daniel,” she reasoned, with the two other girls nodding in agreement.

  At that moment Squeak slowly uncurled and sat up with silent yawn, the girl rubbing her eyes before looking around to seeing the other girls smiling at her.

  “Good morning, Squeak,” Specca said softly.

  “So, how much of last night do you remember?” Triska asked plainly.

  Squeak looked at her curiously, down to Daniel who was still snoring, up with a thoughtful expression, then jumped with a squeak as she looked around at her friends with a deep blush.

  “I’d say she remembers enough, if not all, of it,” Alyssa concluded, with Squeak smiling nervously and squeaking something at them whic
h was likely in agreement.

  Triska slowly looked around at everyone then shook her head with a cautious expression.

  “Okay, before we go any further with this discussion, show of hands, who here regrets anything they did or said last night?” she asked, with all the girls looking around at each other to seeing none of them raising their hands or saying a word. After a while Specca smiled bashfully while glancing away.

  “I… I actually… enjoyed last night, to be honest,” she timidly admitted.

  “Yeah, the most fun I had in… ever,” Alyssa agreed with a shrug.

  Squeak nodded with a squeak while Triska looked around at all of them with wonder, the teen then smiling curiously as she giggled to herself.

  “Alright, so we’re fine with everything we did to each other,” she mused. “If memory serves, Daniel fucked our brains out while we did every perverted and dirty thing we could with each other. So, this is going to change a lot with us traveling together, I’m sure.”

  The other girls nodding in agreement while smiling a bit at each other then looked down to seeing Daniel sleeping loudly below them, all the girls gathering around and watching the boy with loving eyes.

  “He was such a beast last night,” Specca recalled. “So forceful and controlling, and he actually wanted to be like that with us too.”

  “His inner nature was amazing,” Triska admitted before she rubbed her rear. “I’m actually still a little sore from him riding me so hard.”

  “He filled us up with his semen so much, I didn’t think he-” Alyssa said before freezing in place, all the girls then looking to each other with a jump as they realized the same thing.

  “Oh. My. God,” Triska breathed out as it dawned on her.

  “Good lord,” Specca said holding a hand over her mouth. “We’re all going to be pregnant. He came in us so many times, we’re surly impregnated now.”

  “Oh no,” Alyssa said worriedly. “We can’t get pregnant now. We’re traveling the world to help him with his quest. If we have children we won’t be able to move about like this with him.”

  Squeak looked down as she rested a hand below her stomach, rubbing it slightly as she squeaked with a worried expression.

  Triska showed a stunned expression for a moment before she face palmed as she groaned with frustration.

  “What the hell were we thinking?” she asked shaking her head. “We didn’t even think about that at all. There’s no way we’re not pregnant now, Daniel filled us all to the brim and then some.”

  “I’m still surprised he was that virile,” Alyssa said with bewilderment as she looked down to Daniel’s penis. “He just kept cumming in us over and over again.”

  “Oh god,” Specca whined. “Daniel can’t stop with his quest now. He would have to keep traveling while we stay behind to raise our young.”

  Squeak looked to Daniel with remorse then to the other girls as she squeaked something with a saddened expression.

  All the girls looked to each other then to Daniel with remorse as he slept while snoring still.

  “What have we done?” Triska fretted. “We may have gotten Charlotte’s support for his cause but we just screwed ourselves over. We can’t travel with him out here in the world if we’re all raising our babies, it’ll be too dangerous for them.”

  “It’s not… so bad,” Specca tried to reason while starting to cry. “I mean we get to mother his children. I’m so… happy for that at least. I get to bear Daniel’s daughter, that’s… so wonderful.”

  “I don’t want our journey to end yet though,” Alyssa whined. “We finally came together like this. Dammit, we belong with him together, we do. We can’t split up, not now or ever.”

  Squeak nodded and squeaked something before wiping her own tears away and showing a saddened smile at the girls.

  Daniel snorted then slowly opened his eyes as he awoke from his slumber, with the girls looking down to him curiously as he slowly stretched out his arms before he froze in place, his eyes going from one naked girl to the next as he realized they were all in bed with him. Smiling nervously he slowly sat up and looked around at the girls while they all showed small smiles to him.

  “Well, good morning,” he carefully greeted. “Um, how… did you all sleep?”

  “Best sleep I ever had,” Triska gently said. “Best night I ever had too.”

  “Daniel, do you… remember what you did to us last night?” Alyssa asked carefully, the girls watching as Daniel thought for a moment before he smiled nervously and blushed.

  “Yeah… I do,” he admitted with a small shrug. “I remember… some things, yes. I hope I didn’t let you down though, I’m pretty sure I was trying my hardest to make you all feel loved to the best of my ability.”

  “You did. Boy did you ever,” Triska said shaking her head with an impressed smile at him.

  “I’m never going to forget last night,” Alyssa giggled with a giddy hop. “Never ever, nope nope.”

  “Daniel, it was incredible, you were so… so…” Specca started before she whimpered and looked down while closing her eyes, with Daniel watching as the nixie wept quietly.

  “Oh no, did I not do well last night with you girls?” he anxiously asked. “I’m sorry, I thought Squeak’s pheromones would help me be more confident and make you all feel loved. I’m sorry, I do love you all, I really do.”

  “No, it’s not that,” Triska reassured holding a hand to his shoulder. “You did make us feel loved last night, so much.”

  “You loved us again and again until we all passed out from it,” Alyssa agreed with a few small hops. “It was so amazing, really.”

  Squeak nodded and squeaked something at him while moving her hands around in strange gestures, with Daniel slowly nodding at her then looking to Specca with concern as the nixie turned her watery eyes back to him.

  “I’m sorry for crying, Daniel,” Specca said sadly. “Last night was the best night of my life, it really was. You did things to me… that I could only have dreamt of.”

  “Then why are you crying? What’s wrong?”

  Specca bit her lip then looked down while holding a hand below her stomach.

  “Daniel, you came in us so much. I mean… you just kept cumming in us, it was unbelievable,” she admitted, with Daniel showing wonder to that before looking around at the others, all of them nodding in agreement.

  “You filled us up with your love,” Triska explained before looking down with remorse. “So much that… there’s no way we’re not pregnant now.”

  “We’re going to be mothers,” Alyssa added as she looked down with closed eyes. “Which we’re happy about. But that means that we’ll have to stop traveling with you when we give birth, which… we’re sad about.”

  Daniel looked around at the girls with wonder then shook his head with a confused smile on his face.

  “But that’s not true. None of you are pregnant.”

  “Daniel, you don’t understand,” Triska said glancing to him with a small smile. “I had your semen flowing out of me last night because there was so much of it.”

  Daniel looked at her genitals with a jump then smiled nervously.

  “Wow, um,” he slowly answered. “I… don’t know what to say about that, but… um, at any rate you’re not pregnant, Triska. None of you are.”

  “What do you mean we’re not?” Alyssa asked with puzzlement. “Daniel, you pumped more than I thought you could possibly have in you into me, how could I not be pregnant now?”

  Daniel looked at the witch’s pussy with a stunned expression from that then around at all the girls.

  “Um… I did?” he asked unsurely.

  “Yes, you surprised us all,” Triska said with an awkward smile. “I mean… you just kept going. I never would have imagined you would have had it in you, literally.”

  “I couldn’t actually hold it all in me,” Alyssa admitted. “But that didn’t stop you from going again with me.”

  Daniel looked around at them with a st
unned smile then glanced down to his penis.

  “Uh… was that just because of Squeak’s pheromones, or…” he asked unsurely before looking to Squeak, the ant girl merely shrugging in response.

  “If it wasn’t, you were born for making love, Daniel,” Specca said with a weak smile, the other girls nodding in agreement to that.

  Daniel looked around at them with bewilderment then down at himself again as he wasn’t sure how to process that. After a moment he then shook his head quickly before looking around at the girls with a reassuring smile.

  “Anyway, I mean you can’t be pregnant. Squeak’s pheromones wouldn’t have let you get pregnant last night.”

  All the girls looked at him with confusion then to Squeak as the ant girl pointed to herself with a simple squeak.

  “Her pheromones?” Triska asked. “But what does that have to do with us not getting pregnant?”

  Daniel chuckled as the girls looked to him curiously.

  “An ant girl’s pheromones cause a man to go crazy with lust,” he clarified. “To make them want to make love over and over again so they can be tested by the ant girls and used for the queen. It gives the men stamina to keep going and makes them disregard everything else in favor of having sex until they pass out.” The girls all nodded to that before he smirked and glanced to Squeak’s abdomen as the ant girl watched him with wonder.

  “I read up on everything about ant girls before Squeak’s date night, wanting to know all that I could about her. And something that we had written down in the book struck me as interesting. Did you know they don’t want their lust-induced humans to go wild with any other female that may be nearby? If a lone ant girl, such as Squeak, is separated from her nest, her pheromones will change based on what’s around her,” he explained, with the group looking at him with confusion.

  “What do you mean they’ll change based on what’s around her?” Triska asked before looking to Specca questionably, the others also doing the same to see if their appointed guide would illuminate that for them. Specca looked down in thought for a moment as all eyes were on her, thinking hard about that detail before she suddenly showed clarity as she remembered what Daniel did.


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