The Soul Eaters (The Thin Hex Line Book 1)

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The Soul Eaters (The Thin Hex Line Book 1) Page 27

by Gwyndolyn Russell

  “Surrender.” Mjolnir held the side of his head.

  “Kill me!”

  Fenris glanced over to the approaching Jackal. Leaned down. Its jaws cracked as they separated. All of those wicked, twisted teeth closed around the eldiravan’s head. It didn’t look like it gave much pressure before the teeth started to crack the armor.

  “Don’t kill her!” Jackal coughed. He looked up to Mjolnir. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  “I decided I wanted to be a unicorn.” He pointed up to the knife still sticking out of his helmet.

  Jackal’s lips pursed, biting back a chuckle.

  She continued to struggle beneath the weight of the wolf. Even as her visor cracked and the teeth sunk in further, she didn’t give up.

  “Why didn’t we start it off like this?” Mjolnir asked. “This would have been much quicker.”

  Jackal knelt down in front of her, putting his cheek to his knuckles.

  “Are you done yet?”

  Fenris gave a gentle pull to her neck, making her cry out.

  “Okay! Just stop that stupid dog!”

  Its jaws pulled apart. Head lifted up, gave a shake.

  Mjolnir grabbed the steel handcuffs from his waistband. One clipped around one wrist, he pulled her arms behind her.

  Through the roar of thunder came the sound of an engine. Fire burst out from over the rock. The shuttle lowered to hover mere feet from the ground. The side door swung up and Reaper was hanging onto the side.

  “Let’s go! Let’s go!” He waved his arm.


  The White Death had been stripped of her armor and all weapons. Her hands cuffed behind her, she was left in a holding cell down in the brig. A bright white light was on at all times, shining down in her cell. It kept her awake at night. All she could do was sit there on the bench and wait. No point in trying to talk to humans. They were just as likely to kill her as turn her in.

  She figured this was the end of the line for her. What a disappointment. She hoped to go out more honorably than this. She hit the back of her head against the wall. Time went slow for her. She dozed off. Woke up. Dozed off again. Her stomach growled and twisted. The next time she opened her eyes, there was a man sitting in front of the cell, a knife in his hands. He twisted the tip of the blade against his finger.

  “The fuck you want?” She asked, lifting her chin up.

  “Just watching.” Jackal answered.

  “Bitter about losing?”

  “I didn’t lose.” He lazily pointed the knife at her. “Thought that was pretty clear.”

  She laughed. “You definitely lost.” She kicked her feet out and leaned back against the wall. This cell was surprisingly roomy despite being designed for a much smaller species. It even came with a toilet off to the side.

  “I’d kick your ass even with my hands tied behind my back.” Her words took on a smug tone.

  “Talking pretty big for someone behind bars.”

  “I’m here because I want to be.”

  Jackal laughed.

  “Didn’t think you ravens had a sense of humor.”

  “Liam?” Called a voice out of sight.

  Jackal looked to the source.

  “Liam, what are you doing in here?” Reaper approached.

  “Just keeping an eye on her.” He said.

  “Why don’t you find something else to do? I’d like to talk to her.”

  “Are you sure? That’s a raven, in case you forgot.” He stood up.

  “She’s still a person and has a right to know.”

  Jackal groaned. “Fine.” He sheathed the knife on his hip and stepped out.

  Reaper pulled the chair up closer to the cell and sat down.

  “I doubt the Emperor was so desperate to employ the help of you soft-skinned rats.” She said.

  “He’s completely unaware of our involvement.” He let the insult slide.

  “Then why come for me? They’ll never acknowledge you had anything to do with it.”

  “Luckily it’s not about that.” He held out a hand. “We will be bringing you back to your emperor, but it’s not for glory.”

  “Ah…” She sat herself up straight. “Political gains? You think if you turn me in, you might be able to secure a foothold in the Alliance.” She grinned. “That’s funny. I don’t think it’ll work.”

  “Won't know unless we try." He crossed his arms. "You were a top soldier for your country. On your way to becoming a Champion. Why would you throw it all away?"

  She huffed. "You wouldn't understand. Humans don't have families. You don't care, or love. You all just run amok, razing everything you see to ash and dust." She scratched her leg with a foot. Those four long, narrow ears folded backwards. "You don't even care about your own brothers fighting beside you. You destroy yourselves to get further ahead."

  "Funny," he smiled softly. "My superiors tell me the same thing about eldiravan."

  “Guess it doesn’t matter what you are, superiors lie and bullshit you till they get you killed.” She took a soft breath.

  “So, why did you run away?”

  “I was given a mission to...basically do what you’re doing to me. Track him down. Capture him. Bring him back to our Emperor. I had full intention to do it no matter who it was. Only…” A sigh. “It was my father.”

  “Your father? Do you know why?”

  “They said he decided to overthrow the Emperor. Slaughtered his entire unit to keep them from stopping them and disappeared into the night.” She tilted her head. “He was a Champion of the Emperor himself. He had close ties to everyone in the empire and was well loved among our people. I had been told he was corrupted by humanity since where he was last stationed was on a planet with a human colony. I investigated the area and found the opposite.”

  Reaper was silent, listening to her. He studied each of her minute movements. The spark in those yellow eyes.

  “Everyone was dead. The human colony. Our base. Not because my father betrayed them. Something...ate them. I know it sounds crazy, but some sort of monster did it. Everyone was torn apart. Most of them were eaten.”

  “Did you see what did it?” He crossed his arms.

  “I saw a few foot prints. Three toes, almost like a diamond shape. Whatever it was, it was bigger than a house. I didn’t stay long because I didn’t find my father’s body. It got me thinking that maybe...just maybe there was a misunderstanding. I tried to explain it to my CO, but he refused to listen to me. I wanted a team to investigate the situation. They refused. So I refused to bring him back. They declared I, too betrayed the Emperor and I’ve been on the run ever since.”

  “I was told you killed your unit in cold blood.”

  She laughed. “Fuck no! That would mean I killed my brothers. I may beat the piss out of them, but I would never fucking kill them.” She scooted to the edge of the bench to lean forward.

  “Blood brothers I take it?”

  “Yeah. Supposedly shared the same womb, but I wouldn’t know. I never really knew my mother. My Captain is...was my eldest brother. The other one, older than me, was with us, too. We were establishing a new base when I got pulled out to track down my father.”

  “They station family together like that?”

  “Family works best together.” She raised a brow. “Do humans not?”

  “We tend to keep families as far apart within the military as possible in case the worst happens and a unit gets wiped out, there are still children of the same blood alive. Entire lineages won’t be wiped out in one move.”

  With another sigh, she lowered her head.

  “What happens when you go back to your Emperor?”

  “He’ll have my head cut off. All traitors are executed.”

  “You don’t seem to be a traitor. I’m sure when you go under trial they’ll find that out.”

  “Pah! There is no trial. You take me to them. They will tie me up. Put me on a stage, and execute me in front of the entire country. I will be shamed. My fami
ly will be shamed. It’s possible they will be punished as well when it’s all said and done.” She bit her lip. “If you actually want to help me, put a bullet in my head.”

  Reaper scratched his scruffy cheek. How could he send her to her death? There would be no fair trial. She would simply be killed publicly. Even if all the evidence said differently.

  “Well? Why don’t you?” She snapped at him.

  “Have you heard about eos?” He asked.

  She studied him before answering. “No.”

  “Supposedly,” He leaned back. “They are these creatures made out of both flesh and machine. Our doctor has been dubbing them as organic-machines. They kill and devour everything they see.”

  “Ah.” She nodded. “Humans call them differently. They’re a folk tale. They aren’t real. It’s just a way to keep people from the edge of the galaxy.”

  “It may be because they are real. We’ve encountered them. We even have an eos hunter here on the ship.”

  “I don’t know what this has to do with anything.”

  “What if the eos killed that colony and your father’s base?”

  “Ridiculous. They wouldn’t have been defeated by wild animals.”

  “These are a lot stronger than wild animals.”

  She was quiet.

  “Your empire lied about you.” He pointed. “What if they lied about your father, too?”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I think this may be a sign from God. His way of saving you, and possibly your father, too.”

  She snorted. “A human god? Were it real, I doubt it would help any eldiravan.”

  “Whether it’s a sign or not, listen, I can’t stomach sending you to your death when you did no wrong. We are investigating the eos. You can join us. If you’re on the Syndicate, they will not find you and you can search for your father.”

  “An eldiravan on a human ship? Are you sure about that? I can’t imagine your people would take kindly to the enemy walking freely among them.”

  “Humans are more open than you think.” He stood up. “I am merely offering you a way out, Ms. White Death. You can live, or you can die. It’s your choice.”

  Reaper pulled himself slowly along the bars to leave the brig.

  “Fine!” She called. “But you need to start calling me by name and not that stupid title.”

  He pushed himself back.

  “What is your name?” He fiddled with the lock on the door.

  “Yaaranam Jneki.”

  With the door open, he headed inside to uncuff her from the bench.

  “I will assign you to the security team. Lieutenant Jackal will be your new CO as long as you are with us.” He paused in thought once he unlocked the cuffs. “His wounds are...still fresh from the war, you’ll have to be patient with him.”

  “That was the guy in here earlier?”

  “You’ll get along just fine!” He forced a smile.

  Reaper escorted Yaaranam around the ship. Giving her a quick layout. He showed her to her own room, just down the hall from Jackal’s. Then he took her to the barracks where he knew the field team would be. There in one of the training rooms, Ruby and Mjolnir were up on the mat in the middle of a spar. The others were sat upon a bench, Fenris sitting on the floor next to Jackal. They hardly noticed the door opening.

  Mjolnir lifted Ruby up and slammed him down shoulder first. There he stopped, still holding onto him. He ooh’d at the sight of Yaaranam.

  “This seems to be a fortunate turn of events.” He purred.

  The others looked back.

  “Whoa!” Sparrow jumped up.

  Jackal stood, “Captain? Are you okay?”

  Reaper held a hand up. “Everything is fine.” He smiled, gritting his teeth. “Guys, meet your new team member. Yaaranam Jneki. Jackal, can I speak to you?”

  Jackal followed Reaper out the door.

  “So, it is The White Death.” Mjolnir finally let go of Ruby.

  He rolled over the floor to get himself back up.

  “Wow...You’re an eldiravan!” Sparrow exclaimed. “I’ve never seen one up close.”

  “Heard you kicked some ass out there.” Ruby picked up a water bottle.

  Yaaranam wasn’t quite sure what to say. She looked them all over, pretty shocked at their own reactions. When her eyes stopped on Fenris, they widened sharply. Her breath caught in her throat.

  She could have sworn the room was well lit. Now it was engulfed in an endless void of shadow. Her feet planted into the floor, held down by the darkness. Crimson cracks pierced through the dark. Like eyes they watched her. Looked right through her to see what she hid on the inside. As the cracks grew bigger, the light that glowed from them washed over a metallic surface. Monstrous teeth splayed out, a hollow nose nearing her face. Hot breath washed over her. The creature’s growl vibrated through her bones.

  Yaaranam swallowed hard. “You do not scare me, pet.” She bared her own sharp teeth.

  Its jaw trembled, lowered as if it wanted to speak.

  “I am not your enemy.” She told it.

  She put her hand out to touch its nose despite it looking ready to bite.

  A shout made the darkness disappear in the blink of an eye. The wolf was no longer in her reach. The light flooded back in. The others were standing there, watching her curiously. She had spaced out it seemed.

  She rubbed the side of her head.

  "Don't worry," Sparrow smiled. "It's normal."

  " see it, too?"

  "No one can see what you see." Mjolnir answered.

  "Seems the Lieutenant is pissed." Ruby dried his face with a towel.

  They quieted down to listen to the two of them yelling at each other just outside the door.

  "You cannot just let a raven run around unsupervised on a Federation vessel!" Jackal shouted.

  "Last I checked, I am the captain of this ship." Reaper retorted. "She isn't a bad guy. She's been misjudged."

  "Where's the evidence? What proof could you possibly fucking have? She’s a liar! She's a fucking raven!"

  "You're accusing her of utter bullshit just because she's an eldiravan! You have no proof of her crimes!"

  "The word of our Admiral is all the proof I need to know that she is a traitor to her own people and she will betray us, too!"

  "You were the first person to accept Fenris when everyone else wanted him off this ship. The moment it happens to be someone else you don't know, it's a fucking problem. You gave him a chance, now give her a chance. You don't know anything about her."

  "Fenris didn't try to kill us."

  "A group of soldiers comes after you when you're on the run, you'd kill them, too." Reaper paused. "Don't you fucking dare try to tell me differently. You are the first one to shoot every fucking time."

  "Yeah, when it's the fucking enemy! I'm not going to work with the enemy! She's better off dead! She shouldn't be part of the security division. She should be locked up in that cell."

  "Get fucking used to it, Liam." The end all tone. Reaper was done with this conversation. "This is a time for peace. We should be working towards ending any ill ties between humans and eldiravan. You will treat her like a part of the team. You don't have to like it, but if I catch any discrimination, I will pull rank."

  "I haven't heard him yell like that before." Sparrow said.

  "You haven't known him long enough," Ruby laughed.

  "I remember when he transferred in a few years back," Mjolnir crossed his arms. "He was extremely strict. Wanted everyone at the top of their game at all times."

  "He’s still super strict." Sparrow frowned.

  "He's quite relaxed now compared to then."

  Reaper and Jackal stepped back into the room. Jackal was visibly pouting, Reaper looked exhausted.

  "You know," Yaaranam grinned, "my people fight to settle their differences. A good hand to hand brawl can solve any issue."

  "That's a wonderful idea!" Reaper jumped in before anyone else could s
ay a word. "Jackal loves to fight. I also missed your little brawl back on Thacatis."

  "Yeah, apparently you kick some ass?" Ruby questioned. "Turned Mjolnir into a unicorn! That was pretty sick. Luckily that knife wasn't long enough."

  Mjolnir rubbed his forehead. "Next time I won't go easy on you."

  "It's not that impressive." Yaaranam shrugged. "There's a distinct biological difference and clearly a training difference."

  Jackal's face twisted into a scowl. He honestly got it in his head that eldiravan were physically weak. He rarely saw them outside of their armor, which was comprised of multiple layers of metal, insulation, computer systems, and an exoskeleton. Surely they were weak sacks of flesh and bone on the inside having grown dependent on technology to get them through existence.

  Looking at Yaaranam now, a fairly undressed eldiravan within arm’s reach, he was mistaken. Her dark skin was nearly completely transparent, giving a window to the muscle below. He didn't know much about anatomy beyond weak spots and which exercises were good for what part, but an eldiravans muscles looked quite different from a humans. The same general shape, only more defined bundles of gray sinew that rippled through the skin. Then there was the odd growths of osteoderms, rock hard scutes that acted as natural armor.

  "What? Afraid you'll embarrass yourself?" Yaaranam teased.

  "Let her earn her place on the team." Reaper crossed his arms.

  "Fine! Whatever!" Jackal pulled his shirt up over his head. "Don't cry if you get hurt."

  Sparrow whistled. "Big boss is getting serious!"

  "H-hey," Ruby stared at her. "You aren't even excited for the fight!"

  "Yes, I am! I never get to see the Lieutenant fight!" She sat back down on the bench. Mjolnir and Ruby joined her.

  Yaaranam and Jackal made their way up to the mat.

  “What’s at stake?” The eldiravan asked, readying her fists.

  “Whatever you want.” Jackal spat.


  "Captain Reaper," Yaaranam knocked on the office door.

  "Come in." He called.

  The door opened and she pulled herself in.

  "How can I help you, Yaara?" He smiled.

  "I wanted to request a temporary stop at Razhaun."


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