Wild Heart [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Wild Heart [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Jane Jamison

  When he paused for air, he glanced up and saw Steve stretched over the table as he gave Celia his cock to suck. She took Steve’s cock into her mouth, and Trent’s own cock jerked in response.

  “I’m going to make you scream when you come, Celia.” He moved her legs farther apart and pressed his face to her pussy again. Sucking, nibbling, he whirled his tongue over her clit, then along the sides of the nub where the sensitive wings of her spread out under her skin. He growled then drove his tongue into her pussy. The sounds she made sucking Steve’s cock echoed the sounds of him lapping up her juices. He pushed his finger in her ass one last time and heard her muffled complaint as he pulled his finger out.

  At last, he couldn’t wait a moment longer. He had to take her.

  Pushing the chair away from him, Trent kept her legs on his shoulders and pulled apart her folds. “You’ve got the sweetest pink pussy I’ve ever seen.”

  He skimmed his hand over her clit then pinched it and loved the way she jumped. “Good. I love the way you respond to my touch.” Easing his cock to brush against her pussy, he dragged in a deep breath and forced himself to wait one more minute. “Fuck me, Celia. Fuck me as you suck on Steve’s cock.”

  “Hell, no. Let’s both have her.”

  She pulled Steve’s cock out. “I want both of you. Now.”

  Together the men moved her onto her side as Steve pulled her butt cheeks apart. He bent and slid his tongue over her tight hole then reached around to spread his palm over her juices. Using her cream to lubricate his cock, he pushed into her ass. She cried out but soon closed her eyes and moved with Steve’s thrusts.

  The sight of Steve driving into her butt did Trent in. With a groan, he pulled her past the edge of the table, held her legs around him, and slammed his cock inside her pussy.

  His body shuddered at the blissful sensation of her walls enclosing his cock. He tightened his butt, clenching his cheeks as he rammed into her slow and hard then drew his cock completely out only to slam into her even harder. Her body rocked from his momentum, her breasts bouncing with each thrust.

  Placing his thumbs on either side of her clit, he massaged her, pushing against the tender nub. He found the area between the tiny folds and pressed harder, squeezing her clit between his thumbs. She cried out, her body jerking as her pussy clenched and opened, spilling her juicy cream. Trent held on to her and drove his cock deep inside.

  “She’s so tight. So wet.” His groan changed into a growl as he tensed, his body readying for a climax. The wave hit him, and he closed his eyes as he sent his seed into her. Surge after surge rushed out of him, and his body shook as the release slowed. When he opened his eyes, Steve’s body was jerking in similar throes as he pulled away from Celia and caught his cum with a dish towel.

  The three of them remained silent as they gathered their breath and cleaned themselves. Trent helped Celia off the table and watched the emotions flit over her face. She looked surprised, satisfied, yet mystified. Her red hair was mussed and her pink lips were plumped, making him want to kiss her and do it all again. He picked up her clothes and waited until she was dressed. But it was Steve who reached for her first and pulled her into his arms.

  “You’re more than we’d hoped for.”

  She raised her sex-fogged gaze to Trent. Did she regret what had happened? Should they have waited, giving her more time to get to know them?

  She took Steve’s arms as he took her into a hug from behind, dragged in a deep breath, then let out a long, shuddering sigh. “Holy hell, that was amazing.”

  She couldn’t have said anything sweeter. Steve chuckled along with him. “We aim to please.”

  She glanced around the kitchen. “Did I ruin dinner?”

  “I was wondering the same thing.”

  Celia gasped as Trent spun around to see Aiden standing in the doorway, holding an almost-empty wine bottle.

  Aiden’s hot gaze rested on Celia. He took in her disheveled appearance, a slight grin starting to form. “Or did you skip dinner and have dessert first?”

  Trent jumped to the rescue. Or at least he hoped he could smooth things over with his friend. “Hell, no. Dinner’s still happening. But how about you take Celia and show her the wine cellar downstairs?”

  “What the hell for? I already brought the wine to the table.”

  “And it looks like you drank most of it, too. Go on, man. Fetch us a bottle of the really good stuff.” Steve ran his palms along Celia’s shoulders and gently pushed her toward Aiden.

  Aiden glowered at Steve at the obvious ploy to get them together then plastered on a forced smile and jerked his head to the side. “Follow me, madam.”

  Celia started to refuse, but Trent was ready for her. “Go on, darlin’. Make nice and go play with our friend. Steve and I will get the grub ready.” Although she opened her mouth again, he nixed her attempt to get out of the ordeal and shoved her through the swinging door after Aiden.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Steve’s bemused expression echoed the way Trent felt.

  “I bet I am. Remember my mother and the way she was with my dad Bart?” Trent’s parents had lived in the country between Forever and the nearby town of Shatland. Going to the same school since first grade had made Trent, Steve, and Aiden fast friends. Each had spent time with the others’ families, becoming as close as brothers.

  Steve nodded. “Sure I do. I spent half of my childhood at your house or Aiden’s. So you think Aiden and Celia are the same way?”

  Trent opened the door and listened to the sounds of Aiden and Celia descending the steps into the wine cellar. “We’re about to find out once I lock them in the basement.”

  Steve snorted. “And in what country are you going to hide once they get out? You know this stunt of yours can go one of two ways. Either they’ll hook up or they’ll end up killing each other. If it’s the latter, one of them will live long enough to come after your hide.”

  “Hey, can I help it if once the door closes, you need a key to open it?”

  “Since when?”

  Trent grinned and started to leave. “Since I put in a new lock this morning.”

  * * * *

  Aiden could smell the sex on her. Not that he blamed Trent and Steve for enjoying her. Hell, if he could keep her quiet long enough, he’d do the same. Celia followed him down the stairs, and he motioned for her to enter the wine cellar first. He remained stoic as she moved past him, but that didn’t keep him from lowering his gaze to her ample but firm bottom.

  He loved the way her skirt, rumpled from her time in the kitchen, hugged her rounded butt and highlighted her long, shapely legs. Their mate was hot, that was sure. She had a hot body and, unfortunately, a hot head, too.

  She swayed as she walked in a natural way that had nothing to do with the way some women tried to tempt a man with their hips. Everything about her was natural. From her perky breasts to her full lips and even the tiny scar he saw on her right ankle. No one would notice the scar except a man studying every inch of her body. Had he studied her so intensely?

  “I never would’ve guessed this house had a basement wine cellar. Did you guys put it in, or did the people who built the house do it?” She turned around slowly, taking in the numerous rows of stacked wines and other liquors. Several boxes of wine rested next to the bar that took up one side of the room. Its black granite counter went well with the burnished wood of the bar and the wine racks. Sconces lit the area with a dim but cozy light.

  Her red hair shone even in the lower light, and her big, brown eyes widened when she turned around as the door closed behind him. He drew in a long, slow breath, wanting to get another whiff of her tantalizing scent. She smelled young, vibrant, full of sunshine and—wild sex. “Yes to both questions.”

  She frowned. “How can it be yes to both questions?”

  “Easy. My family built the house in the late eighteen hundreds when we followed the first Carr family out here from back East. Back then, the basement was used more li
ke a place to hide guns and ammo. Then later, the women of the pack used it to keep preserves and food items. Our home has been in the Carr family for years. Trent and Steve and I have been friends since we were little kids. When it came time to find our”—he blinked, almost forgetting that Celia didn’t know what they were yet—“uh, for them to move out of their families’ homes, I invited them to join me on the ranch.”

  “I get it. So you asked them to live with you so you’d have free laborers.”

  Celia didn’t notice his knee-jerk reaction as he clenched his fists and fought back a retort since she’d turned to the first rack and started looking at the labels on the wine bottles. He cleared his throat. “Hardly. They’re partners, not my hired help.”


  Why did she irritate him so much? If he didn’t know better, he’d bet that she got him riled just to see how far she could push him. But if she didn’t watch out, she’d push his inner wolf to the surface. He’d never hurt her, but she wasn’t ready to learn the truth about him either.

  “Okay, so which will it be?” She lifted a bottle of a rare and very expensive wine and held it out for him. “I kind of thought the only thing you Texas cowboys liked to drink was beer.”

  He took the bottle from her and put it back in its spot. “There’s nothing better than a good cold beer after a hard day of working cattle.” Leaning close, he put his ear close to hers and whispered, “But when I want something really special, then I like a fine wine.”

  He heard her swallow and smothered his smile. He was getting to her. Hopefully, at least as much as she was getting to him. He lowered his gaze to the swell of her breasts that her shiny top didn’t conceal. Blood pumped through him, heating his crotch and making his cock grow.

  “Which one then?”

  He pivoted away and heard her sigh. But did she sigh because she was relieved that he’d stepped away from her? Or because she wanted him to stay close?

  “I don’t suppose you know what the guys are making for dinner, do you?”

  He shook his head. “First of all, the guys didn’t make the dinner. Emma Carr, one of our neighbors and my cousins’ mate, made the dinner. She brought it over with instructions on how to heat it up. Trust me. We don’t cook around here. Unless you call throwing a thick steak on the grill cooking.”

  She studied him, and, for once, he was nervous about his appearance. Had he drank too much already? He didn’t think he was slurring his words, but if he was tipsy, would he even notice? Why was she staring at him?

  “Cousins? Are you talking about multiple cousins? Or just one? Plus, you said mate. Not wife.”

  He wanted to glance away but found he couldn’t pull his attention from her. “We really need to know if we need red or white wine. Why don’t you go up and ask them? I’ll wait here and decide which bottle to use in either case.”

  He was sure she knew he’d dodged the question, but she didn’t press him on it. Instead, she turned to the door and pulled on the heavy iron handle. She looked over her shoulder at him then tried again. But the door wouldn’t budge.

  “It won’t open.”

  Aiden set the bottle down on the counter of the bar and stalked over to her. “Of course it will. It’s never stuck before.” He gripped the handle and pulled. But again the door didn’t budge.

  Celia crossed her arms and shot him a look. “Did you think I lied?”

  “It must’ve warped. But no problem, I just need to pull harder.” Keeping his head turned from her, he shifted to bring out his inner wolf’s strength. Taking the door handle with both hands, he yanked it as hard as he could.

  Chapter Five

  “Why don’t you just admit that you can’t get it open either?”

  Aiden took a deep breath and shifted back, letting his fangs recede, his eyes return to their original color, and his inner wolf’s strength vanish. “I don’t understand. I’ve never had a problem before.” He hadn’t had that much to drink. Or had he?

  “You’re not seriously blaming me, are you? How could I have made the damn thing stick?”

  He pivoted on his heel and found Celia right behind him. Behind and very close to him. He inhaled, drawing in her fragrance again. If he could bottle her scent, he’d make a fortune.

  The memory of him standing in the pasture, holding her to him, her shirt pushed down to expose her full, ripe tits hit him with a force that almost brought him to his knees. God, she’d felt so right, so soft, so yielding to his teeth, his hands, his tongue. He’d sensed it right away. She was the one they’d waited for. Then she’d opened her mouth and spoiled it.

  Still, he remembered how she was, her body fitting to his like two parts of the same mold. He remember her hands on him, the moan she’d uttered when he’d lowered his head and sucked her brown nipple into his mouth.

  His cock grew larger, longer, pushing at his jeans. He tried to block the memory from his mind and, instead, brought a vision that shook his resolve. He closed his eyes and could already see her, lying on her back on the floor of the wine cellar, her legs spread wide, welcoming him to her pussy. He saw her long legs slung over his shoulders, her face glowing with need, and her pretty pink pussy, ripe as a fresh peach. He’d lie between her legs and dine on her for hours. Trent and Steve could watch if they wanted. And he knew they’d want to.

  “Aiden? Are you listening to me? You aren’t blaming me, right?”

  His brain sputtered back to reality. “Of course I don’t. Just let me think a minute.”

  “Trent or Steve will come and open it, won’t they? Once they realize how long we’ve been gone? I wish we hadn’t come down here.”

  Her round eyes glittered with need. Although she may not have admitted it or even known it, she wanted him. He could smell her lust wafting off her. A smell he could no longer resist.

  “You know what I wish?” He gritted his teeth, holding on to his last ounce of resistance. Her plump lips parted, and his cock twitched.

  “What?” she whispered.

  “I wish you’d just shut the hell up.”

  Her eyes flashed with a challenge and, for a moment, he thought he saw the briefest of smiles come and go. “Make me.”

  The growl escaped before he knew it was coming. Taking her by the arms, he spun her around and grabbed her from behind. She yelped but didn’t struggle.

  Aiden slid one hand over her shoulder then slowly down the side of her breast. She inhaled, pushing her back against his chest. He paused, teasing her, making her want him to touch her breast again. But he didn’t. Instead, he let his hand fall lower to the hem of her shirt. Her breathing had shortened, quickening in anticipation.

  Slipping under her shirt, he barely touched her skin as he eased his hand upward. She arched, trying to get him to caress her breast. He smiled, loving his control over her. He stopped his hand just under the rise of her breast.

  “Aiden.” Her tone ached with urgency.

  He kissed the back of her neck, letting the tip of his tongue tickle her skin. Nibbling, he tracked a path to her ear and tugged on her lobe hard enough to sting a little. Unable to resist his own teasing, he cupped her breast and brought his other hand around to fondle the other one. She moaned and put her hands over his.

  “Do you remember when you fell off your horse?”

  She nodded, her hand squeezing his so he’d squeeze her breast.

  “I loved running my tongue over your tits. Did you love it? Tell me you want me to do it again.”

  “Yes. Suck on my tits again.”

  He chuckled and pushed his aching cock against her. “First things first.”

  Bracing both breasts with one hand now, he skimmed his other hand lower to pull her skirt high. He moved his hand along her smooth thigh, expecting to find panties or a thong, and was surprised to find bare skin. His friends must’ve already rid her of the barrier to her pussy.

  He bit on her shoulder as he slid his hand to her mons and found her bare there, too. Closing his eyes, he delved h
is finger through the folds of her pussy and found her hot, wet, and already swollen. “You’re so hot you might burn my skin off.”

  She reached her arm over her head to find his face. Clinging to his hair, she wiggled her bottom against his cock, giving him a taste of his own torture. He groaned and found her clit. Rubbing his finger against the mound of tender flesh, he made tight circles, moving fast then slower only to speed up again.

  “Push it in my pussy.”

  He ground his teeth against the sudden urge to answer her plea with his cock. But first, he wanted to make sure she was damn good and ready. He shoved his finger lower and drove it into her cunt. She cried out and rested more of her weight on the arm supporting her. He rubbed her clit with his thumb and kept his finger moving back and forth, in and out of her pussy.

  “Do you like it, baby?”

  She nodded.

  “Tell me you like it.”

  She craned her head around to look at him. “I thought you wanted me to shut the hell up.”

  He laughed, suddenly proud that his mate had spunk and humor. Although she irritated him much of the time, he couldn’t deny their attraction or the sizzle of energy rushing back and forth between them. It was the invisible connection every werewolf experienced when he found his mate.

  “I can’t wait to fuck you.”

  “Then do it.”

  He pushed his cock against her rear. “Which way? Front or back?”


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