Wild Heart [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Wild Heart [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Jane Jamison

  “Fine. Let’s go.” Steve whirled around then stopped when he realized the vampire wasn’t coming. “Are you coming or not?”

  “I prefer to take my own vehicle. Follow me when I pull onto Main Street.” Deacon pivoted, his graceful movement making him seem like he was floating an inch off the floor.

  “What car are you in?”

  Deacon glanced over his shoulder at Steve as he tugged off his white coat. “You’ll know it when you see it.”

  Steve, Aiden, and Trent dashed outside and jumped into their pickup. As usual, Aiden drove as he maneuvered the pickup out of the parking space. A few moments later, a long, black Cadillac pulled out of the alleyway and into the street. Blacked-out windows prevented Steve from seeing inside, but he had no doubt that it was Deacon’s car.

  “I don’t suppose anyone brought along a stake or two?” Trent gripped the door handle on the passenger’s side. “Bullets aren’t going to do much damage to a vampire.”

  Steve glanced behind him, thankful that they always had a shotgun hidden behind the seat. Ranchers never knew when they might have to shoot a predator stalking their cattle. “I’m hoping Deacon will do more than talk.”

  “He’d better.” Aiden pushed on the gas to keep up with Deacon’s car as they sped down the road toward Shatland.

  Just before they entered the town, Deacon’s car took a sharp right turn and started down a dirt road. Aiden cursed as he almost missed the turn, but he soon made up for lost ground.

  “I know there are some houses out this way, but not a lot. And not anyone we know.”

  Trent’s mind was on the same track as Steve’s. “What better place to hide out? Or to take a victim?”

  Several minutes later, Deacon’s car pulled up to a small framed house that had seen better days. The mailbox hung precariously from the pole that was stuck at an angle into the bare ground. Weeds overran the yard while paint chips fell off the side of the house when a hard breeze whipped by. The house was dark, its windows boarded over to either keep people out…or others inside. Night had fallen in the time it had taken them to get to the house, leaving the moon to cast shadows.

  “I think we should shift. We’re no match for vampires as humans.”

  Aiden was right, but Steve wasn’t so sure. “Let’s let Deacon take the lead on this.”

  Aiden’s surliness rose to the surface. “What the hell for? He’s a vampire just like the other one.”

  “Yeah, but he’s the head of the vampires around here, and I’d just as soon not start a war if I can help it.”

  Aiden bumped his shoulder against the door on his way out of the truck. “Looks to me like they’ve already started the war.”

  Steve and Trent were right behind him as he strode toward Deacon’s car. A moment later, Deacon stood in front of them.

  How the hell did he do that? I didn’t see him get out of the car. But now was not the time for understanding the magic of vampires. “Is he here?”

  Deacon lifted his head as though listening then nodded. “He is. But a human woman is also here.”

  “Is she safe? Is she alive?” Trent glared at the vampire.

  His black eyes grew even blacker as he inclined his head toward the house. “She is. However, you said she was your mate. I sense that she’s not yet claimed. She’s not yet a werewolf.”

  “We were about to claim her when we were drawn away to see the destruction he left behind with our cattle. His diversion worked.” Steve clenched his hands, fighting back the urge to turn his wolf free.

  “Then she’s free for anyone to claim. Including Rollingsford.” Deacon’s words were soft, but the menace was unmistakable.

  “Who are you here to help, Deacon?” Aiden shifted, bringing out his fangs and claws.

  The vampire showed no sign of fear. Instead, he gazed at Aiden in a haughty manner. “I disapprove of Rollingsford’s methods. The council will have him reimburse you for the loss of your animals. But I’ll help you only to keep you from ending his existence.”

  “Then how do you expect us to free Celia? By asking him nicely?”

  Deacon’s lip twitched into a smirk at Aiden’s remark. “I will handle Rollingsford just as you would want to handle one of your kind if the situation were reversed.”

  “Werewolves don’t kidnap people.” Steve could sense his friends’ wolves scratching at them. His own wolf howled for its release.

  “Yes, you’re correct. They eat them instead.” Deacon’s smirk morphed into a wicked smile.

  “Whatever, vamp. Let’s get to the business at hand.” Steve started to walk past the vampire, but Deacon stuck out his hand to stop him.

  “I’ll go inside first.” Deacon whirled around and walked toward the house.

  “Don’t you have to get permission to enter?”

  Deacon laughed but the sound held no warmth. “I wouldn’t have thought you’d believe those silly stories, Steve. I suppose it takes a silver bullet to kill a werewolf?”

  “Actually, yes. Among other ways.”

  Deacon paused, scanning Steve from head to toe and back again. “Good to know.”

  Steve shook off the shudder the vampire’s look gave him and started shedding his clothes. Trent and Aiden did the same as the vampire stood stoically by and watched.

  Steve let the rush of power mixed with pain sweep through him as his body transformed. The change always hurt, but practice had taught him how to endure it. On all fours, he lifted his head to stare at the vampire through his amber-filtered sight. He growled, letting Deacon know they were ready.

  Deacon whirled toward the house, and Steve could imagine a black cape billowing around the tall, lean figure. The group marched to the front door and stopped when Deacon did.

  With a flourish of the vampire’s hand, the front door broke away from its hinges and flew over their heads to land on the ground behind them. The vampire lowered his black gaze. “Do try to not get killed. I wouldn’t enjoy explaining your deaths to my council.”

  Following the vampire, Steve, with Aiden and Trent, padded into the shadow-filled house. As werewolves they moved quieter than any human ever could. They followed Deacon, who came to the middle of the living room and tilted his head as though listening again. With a snap of his fingers, he led them through the kitchen to a door off to one side.

  “She’s in the cellar. Go to her.” He stood back as the three werewolves hurried down the stairs into the dark basement.

  Celia’s scent struck Steve, rushing memories of her through his wolf brain. He inhaled, drawing in her fragrance more, then jumped off the steps toward the right of the dark room. But a dark room was no problem for a werewolf.

  Aiden growled just as Steve saw her. She was bound to a chair, her head hanging forward as though she was sleeping or…He shook his head, refusing to believe they were too late. They bounded toward her, ready to tear away the ropes with their teeth.

  Chapter Eleven

  Celia sensed they were close as she fought the fog surrounding her, holding her prisoner. A growl filtered through her drugged mind, and she cried out to her men. She had to break free of the spell, had to warn them of the danger hiding in the darkness. Another growl brought her head up.

  Three werewolves rushed toward her. She opened her mouth to scream a warning, but nothing came out. Instead, she watched in horror as the vampire’s cohorts, humans who were in the first stages of changing into vampires, jumped out of the darkness and attacked.

  Aiden sidestepped one of the newly made vampires, its long, razor-like claws narrowly missing his neck. He spun around and clamped his jaws onto the vampire’s arm. The man’s face twisted into a hideous mixture of agony and hatred. He tried to pull out of Aiden’s hold but couldn’t get the jaws off his arm. Aiden, his amber eyes blazing, sank his fangs into the man’s arm deeper and deeper until, at last, he tore his arm away. The vampire screamed, and the sound echoed around the room.

  Celia shook her head and forced her mind to work. She struggled aga
inst the ropes still holding her, but she couldn’t budge them. Squinting, she tried to make out the two dark shapes falling down the stairs to disappear into the shadows behind her. Her gaze whipped back to the battle in front of her.

  Trent, his golden fur covered in blood, battled with a woman-turned-vampire. She screeched and swiped her claws down Trent’s back. He roared and whirled around, throwing her off balance. She fell to the floor, and Trent jumped, landing on top of her. Blood spurted from her neck.

  Celia turned away from the gruesome sight to find Steve standing on top of the last vampire. He looked at her and shook his head, blood spraying from his fangs. The man’s body lay lifeless beneath him.

  Together, the three werewolves padded over to her. Trent made it to her first then bent to her ankles and started chewing on her ropes. Aiden and Steve moved closer to her then froze. They tucked their heads down, their tails lowered and their ears laid back.

  She struggled, not understanding why they’d stopped. A second later, a long, thin hand with daggerlike fingernails gripped her neck. Rollingsford glared first at her then at her werewolves.

  “I’ll break her neck if you move an inch closer.”

  Trent lowered his body to the ground and edged back to stand with his friends. They pulled their lips into snarls but didn’t attack.

  “Leave me alone, you dirty dead bastard,” croaked Celia.

  “She speaks.” Rollingsford slid a palm over her hair. “She must be strong to break out of my spell. But not strong enough, I fear, to save her life.”

  The werewolves lowered to the ground as though to leap at him. Their amber eyes flashed with hatred.

  “I wouldn’t try it, my friends. You may get your teeth into me, but not before she dies.”

  Think, Celia. Do something. You have to help them save you. But nothing came to her as she agonized for her men.

  “Turn me loose and we’ll let you go free.”

  Rollingsford’s laugh split the air like a knife through butter. “You’re such an intriguing woman. I’ll be most fortunate to claim you as my own.”

  “Like hell you will.” She pushed against the ropes and tried to jerk her head out of his grasp, but it was no use.

  “Hell holds no fear for me, my sweet one. Shall we get on with it?” Saliva dripped as Rollingsford opened his mouth to reveal his fangs.

  Celia looked at her men in their werewolf forms and let out a cry. She’d finally found happiness, and now she’d lose it before she’d had time to enjoy her new life. She couldn’t put all she was feeling into words. Instead, she hoped they could see her love for them in her eyes.

  Trent’s eyes widened, warning her in the same instant she heard a squishing sound and a gurgle from Rollingsford. She felt his hands fall away from her and heard the thud as his body struck the floor. Craning her head around, she saw the stake sticking in his chest. His cold eyes stared blankly at her. A second later, his body dissolved, leaving nothing but the stake and ashes where he’d lain.

  Elation filled her until she raised her head and saw another vampire. She screamed and struggled against the ropes.

  “Celia, it’s okay. He’s with us.”

  Trent. She dragged in much-needed air and faced her men. They’d changed back to their human forms and had already started working at freeing her from her binds.

  “I knew it from the first day we met that you were going to be a handful. But I never thought I’d have to fight vampires for you. I just hope you’re worth it.” Aiden smiled at her.

  “Damn straight I am.” Relief swamped her as they tore away the ropes. Exhausted, she fell into Steve’s arms.

  She moaned as she took in his wounds as well as Trent’s and Aiden’s. “You’re hurt. All of you.” She attempted to swallow back a sob and failed. “You’re hurt because of me.”

  “We’ll be fine once our werewolf metabolisms take over and heal us. But are you okay, darlin’?”

  “I will be. Make me yours right here, right now. Then take me home.” She gazed into Trent’s beautiful brown eyes and collapsed.

  * * * *

  Pain seared into Celia’s neck in not one but three places. She jerked and tried to understand why she hurt so much. Trent’s voice broke through the agony, telling her everything would be all right.

  “Hang on, baby. It’s rough in the beginning, but you’re strong. You’ll make it through it.”

  She wanted to believe him, did, in fact, believe him, but even his encouraging words couldn’t take away the pain that traveled from the wounds in her neck into the rest of her body. Her body shook, and sweat broke out along her brow and between her shoulder blades. Hands that held her down caressed her. Her cries were answered with soft words and sweet kisses.

  Images like floating dreams surrounded her. Aiden, fangs slipping over his mouth. Trent leaning toward her, pushing her head to the side to expose her neck. Steve’s face a second before he sunk his fangs into her shoulder.

  She came in and out of the visions. First Trent, then Aiden, then Steve held her, and she braced her body against theirs, taking strength from them. She moaned, and yet she knew if she could hold on, she’d awaken to a new and better life.

  “Maybe we should’ve waited. She was too worn out from her time with the vampire.”

  Steve’s voice gave way to the sound of Rollingsford telling her of a future scarred with unmentionable terrors of bondage and servitude.

  “You heard her. She wanted us to claim her. She didn’t want to wait.”

  Aiden. Even with the searing torture raking through her, she could smile. Does he argue with everyone?

  “We should’ve brought her home before claiming her.”

  She managed to open her eyes and gazed up into Trent’s worried ones. Did he know how much she loved him?

  “She wanted us to claim her right there. In that house.”

  She tried to turn toward the sound of Steve’s voice but couldn’t make her head do what she wanted it to do.

  “It doesn’t matter. She’s home now, and she’ll get through this. If we didn’t think she could handle it, if she hadn’t asked us to claim her, we never would have. What we need to focus on is helping her.”

  Where is Aiden? Why can I hear him but not see him?

  She struggled against the arms that held her, trying to reach a safe haven. Opening her eyes, she saw her men gathered around her, comforting her in the large bedroom she wanted to call her own. A fresh wave of pain scorched out of the wounds, down her neck, and into her gut. Blackness attacked her from the edges of her mind, and she had no strength to fight it.

  * * * *

  Celia stretched, feeling relaxed after sleeping through the night and most of the next day. Her naked body felt refreshed against the clean sheet.

  Her men had taken care of her, their wounds healing quickly. She’d felt their presence through the night and day as they’d wandered in to check on her. Having three men take care of her was more than she’d ever hoped for, and she wondered how she’d ever gotten along without them.

  A twinge of pain stabbed her, and she reached a hand to her neck then jerked it away. She could feel the open wound but sensed that it would close soon. Putting her hand to the other side, she found similar wounds in her neck and on her shoulder.

  They’d claimed her. She remembered the horrible pain, the waves of nausea that had swept through her. But those were distant memories. She smiled and remembered the looks of love on their faces as she’d asked them to claim her.

  Still, another touch remained. One that made her stomach flip over with a sickening lurch. She could still feel Rollingsford’s cold touch, but she knew a cure that would rid her of his chilled embrace forever. All she had to do was wait for her men to come to her.

  Minutes later, Trent stuck his head around the bedroom door. “Hey, baby. You’re awake.” He sauntered into the room, followed by Steve and Aiden.

  “You look rested. How are you feeling?” Aiden sat on the end of the bed and rubbe
d her foot, covered by the bedspread.

  “I feel fine. Better than fine.” She took Steve’s hand and pulled him onto the bed. “Actually, I could use a little more help.”

  “What did I tell you? She’s high maintenance.” Aiden grinned, leaving butterflies in her stomach.

  “Shut up, man, and let her talk.” Trent took the other side of her and pressed his hand to her neck, his attention centered on her wounds. “You’re healing fast. Faster than I would’ve thought. So what can we do for you? Are you hungry?”

  “I’m starving.”

  “Name it. If we can’t cook it, then we’ll run to Milly’s and get some takeout. Or Sandy said she’d be glad to bring some food over.” Steve made a face. “In fact, let me give her a call. Our cooking might put you back in bed, and not in a good way. So name it, darlin’. What do you want?”

  She gave him a sultry look. “I want you. All of you. Right now.”

  Aiden chortled. “And if you don’t get what you want?”

  “Then I’ll run away until I can find someone who’ll give it to me.” Kicking the bedspread away, she clutched the sheet to her and rushed past Trent toward the door. She barreled down the stairs well ahead of the men. Flying out the door, she scampered down the front porch steps, slid around the corner of the house, and made a wild dash for the field just beyond the backyard.

  The wind was knocked out of her as Aiden caught her from the side. He twisted, placing her body on top of his as they landed hard against the ground. She rolled off him, slinging the sheet wide like a picnic blanket. Aiden stared down at her as Trent and Steve finally made it to them.

  “How’d you get to me so fast?” panted Celia.

  “I took the back door.” Aiden’s heated gaze slid to her breasts. “I caught you, and now I’m going to claim my prize.”

  He bent his head and took her nipple in his mouth. Holding it with his teeth, he lashed his tongue over her nipple. She moaned and grabbed his hair to keep his mouth on her.


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