The Ash Brothers Complete Collection

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The Ash Brothers Complete Collection Page 16

by Jenika Snow

  Now it was time for us to unleash it all.

  And then I lifted her easily into my arms. Andra wrapped her legs around my waist, and the warm, soaked feeling of her pussy had me nearly coming right there.

  “Oh, God, yes, Liam.”

  I’ll have her screaming out more than that really damn soon.

  I turned and moved toward one of the sawhorses. I grabbed a cloth tarp that was folded beside it, and hung it over the wood. She stared at me, already knowing what I wanted before I even said anything. I could see it written on her face.

  I moved closer to her again, pressed my dick into the softness between her legs, and claimed her mouth. She gasped, and I groaned.

  She panted against my lips. “I want you inside of me.”

  Grinding myself against her again, I knew I was being a filthy bastard. I should have wined and dined her, been sweet, taken things slow. But fuck, she had everything inside of me so damn twisted. I couldn’t control myself.

  “I am going to have my dick so deep inside of you, fuck you so hard, every time you sit down you’ll be thinking of me.”

  “All talk,” she teased, taunted. “How about you show me?”

  “Baby, I want you so fucking bad, so much it hurts.” I ground myself against her over and over again until I was close to getting off from the act alone.

  I forced myself to stop, because no way I was about to fucking get off without being deep inside of her body.

  When she dug her nails into my biceps, I pushed away all other thoughts except what was happening right then. I relished the sting she caused, how the pleasure and pain coexisted.

  “God, Andra, baby. That’s it.” I ran my tongue up her neck and stopped at her mouth. My hands were already on her waist, and I clenched my fingers tighter into the lush curves of her body. Smooth, warm skin greeted me. Fuck, I loved everything about her.

  She leaned back on the sawhorse, and a groan left me when I moved my hands to her ass and squeezed. I pushed back an inch and looked between our bodies.

  “Spread your legs wider.” I barely got the words out. She obeyed me right away and I grunted in pleasure. I went back to kissing her, and soon I became desperate, needy, and full of passion and heat.

  “I can’t breathe,” she said and leaned her head back on the wall. She looked down the length of my chest, and lower still until she could obviously see my cock. Hell, the damn thing was all but digging into her this whole time. With us both naked, my dick hard, long, and probing her pussy, I knew that once I was buried inside of her I wouldn’t last.

  When she reached down and touched my abdomen, I couldn’t stop the low sound that left me. I wanted to fuck her so badly, and as much as foreplay was at the front of my mind, I was barely holding on to my control, barely leashing my need to just bend her over and thrust deep in her pussy.

  She leaned in and ran her tongue along my bottom lip, and I shivered, my big body involuntarily reacting to her touch. Andra moved lower until she was touching my erection. “I’m ready for you to have me. All of me.”

  “Good, because you’re mine.” I growled the words out, both of us heaving, ready for this to actually begin. “I’m going to fuck you so good, so hard, you won’t think of being with anyone ever again.”

  She moaned and thrust out her breasts, and my mouth watered for a taste.

  I slipped my hands between the sawhorse and her body, gripped her ass, and clenched the mounds hard enough she gasped. I moved away from her only long enough to bring over the second sawhorse that was in the room, place it in front of the one she’d soon be sitting on, and then I lifted her easily and placed her on the wood. Her ass was now resting on the flattest part of the wood. I slid my hands down her legs and grabbed on to her ankles. I lifted her legs and placed her heels on the edge of the second sawhorse.

  “I’m going to make you feel so fucking good you won’t want another man after I’m through with you.”



  I just stared at her. Her pussy was spread open for me so obscenely it made my dick jerk. Pre-cum was a continuous presence on the tip of my shaft, and the longer I stared at her sweet, pink cunt, the more I felt like I was losing control.

  I slid my fingers through her slit, moving her moisture around. I did this for her as much as I did it for myself. The way she reacted to my touch, her chest rising and falling, her breasts popped out and her nipples hard, had my balls drawing up tightly. I gathered her wetness, made sure my fingers were soaked in the cream, and then brought them to my mouth. Lifting my gaze to hers, I licked them clean. I made sure to keep eye contact with her the whole time, the sweet flavor of her musk covering my taste buds.

  “God, Liam,” she whispered. Her throat worked as she swallowed, and I continued to suck the fluid from the digits, not wasting a drop.

  “You taste so fucking good, so sweet and mine.”

  Her eyes widened, and she parted her lips. I didn’t hold in the guttural noise that left me.

  I couldn’t even if I tried.

  And when I’d cleaned her arousal off my fingers, I leaned toward her and took her mouth again, making her taste herself on me. I mouth fucked her, shoving my tongue in and out of hers, getting so damn worked up I found myself pressing my aching cock against her.

  I broke the kiss but immediately moved my hand between her thighs and stroked her pussy with my fingers. I slid my middle finger into her body and placed my thumb on her clit, rubbing the small nub back and forth.

  “Touch me, baby,” I ground out.

  She obeyed me instantly.

  Moving her hand between us, she grabbed my cock, wrapping her fingers around the thick girth, and stroking me until I thought I’d get off right then and there. I gritted my teeth and breathed out. I placed my hand over hers, moving it over my cock faster, squeezing harder.

  “I am so damn hard for you, so fucking stiff that my cock is about to explode.” I wasn’t exaggerating.

  “Liam,” she whispered my name and the fucker between my legs jerked once more. “I want you so much.” She said the words softly, hoarsely. “Take me. Let’s stop the fucking foreplay.”

  God, hearing her swear in the throes of passion was so damn hot.

  I pushed my finger in and out of her, and felt her inner muscles clench around the digit. “Fuck, you’re tight and so damn wet for me.” I placed my mouth at her neck, and dragged my lips back down her throat to where it met with her shoulder. She moaned softly when I pumped my finger in and out of her faster.

  “So fucking good, baby.” I kept working my finger in and out of her, moving my thumb back and forth over her clit. I wanted her to come before I fucked her, wanted her unhinged before I thrust my cock deep in her pussy, ending my celibacy, taking her as mine.

  “Kiss me,” she said, and then I was doing just that, hard, passionately. Andra started stroking me faster, harder, and I let her have that control. A hiss of pleasure left me. She pulled back slightly and glanced down at my dick. When she licked her lips a low, guttural sound left me. It was uncontrollable.

  “You’re so big, so thick,” she whispered, her eyes wide, her pleasure clear on her expression.

  “And it’s all for you, only you.” And I meant that.

  As I took hold of her ass again, she was forced to wrap her hands around my shoulders for stability. She was ready for me, primed and so fucking soaked I’d slide right into her tight heat.

  Before I could think about what I was doing, I dropped to my haunches. I moved my hands down her inner thighs until my thumbs brushed against her pussy folds. And then I spread her lips wide, taking in the pinkness of her. I latched my mouth on her slit, closed my eyes, and grunted at the flavor of my Andra. I’d become drunk from her.

  I ate her out, devoured her until she came against my mouth, until she was pulling at my hair, screaming out
from pleasure. “Grind this pussy on my face,” I muttered against her flesh, needing her to be fucking wild for me. She did just that, pressing her pussy right against my mouth, seeking out more. I couldn’t take it anymore. Gone was my self-control, my strength. In its place was unadulterated need for this woman.

  I needed to be inside of her.

  Standing, I pulled her so her ass hung off the sawhorse and took myself in hand, placing it at her entrance, staring right in her eyes. The look on her face told me she was right here with me.

  “You deserve slow, easy. But I don’t think I can give you that, not with how far gone I am.” I pushed the head of my cock into her, holding her gaze with mine.

  “I don’t want slow. I want all you can give me.” She dug her nails farther into my skin.

  I gripped her waist and sank all the way into her in one slow move. I was so far inside of her that my balls slapped against her ass, and her cunt clenched down on me. The cry that left her had a rumble of ecstasy leaving me.

  Wet, hot, tightness engulfed me, made me almost come right then and there.

  “How good does this feel? How much do you want this?”

  “God, it’s so good. Give me more.”

  I reared back and slammed into her again. My balls slapped against her ass, and the sound of our bodies coming together filled my head. I started to really fuck her then.

  In and out.

  Faster and harder.

  “That’s it,” I grunted out. “Squeeze your pussy around my cock.” I was being a vulgar bastard, but I couldn’t help it.

  Air sawed in and out of my lungs, and I curled my fingers around her waist even harder. I knew I’d leave marks on her, but I wanted those on her body. Pulling back enough so that I could look at where our bodies were joined, I groaned. The sight of my dick moving in and out of her was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. Her pussy lips surrounded me, stretched around my girth. And I got a fucking hot view of my cock covered in her pussy juices every time I pulled almost all the way out of her.


  I was not letting her go. She was not walking away from this.

  The feeling of her pussy muscles clenching around me told of her imminent orgasm. I started really fucking her then, pushing and pulling in and out of her even harder and faster. And then she cried out and came around me.

  I didn’t want to come just yet, but I couldn’t hold off. “Say you’re mine,” I demanded, needing her to say it even if she didn’t mean it.

  She stared right in my eyes and said, “I’m yours.”

  “Yeah, you are.”

  She closed her eyes and moaned. “I feel so…stretched.”

  I started pumping my hips faster, bottoming out inside of her. And then I came. I threw my head back, filling her up with my come, marking her like I was some primitive fucking animal.

  “I’m coming again,” she cried out.

  I lowered my head and ran my tongue along her throat. She tasted good, sweet, addicting. She tasted like mine. I held on to her waist harder, digging my nails into her flesh even more. I pumped more come into her sweet body, filling her up, making her mine. I felt like a possessive bastard with Andra, having her bare for me, exposed like this. No one would touch her but me. No one would have her but me.

  Her long, drawn-out cry had me lifting my head and watching her orgasm cover her face. It was perfect. She was perfect in every way. I slowed my pumping and then pulled out of her. Although truth was I’d love to be buried deep in her pussy all fucking night.

  I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, holding her close, not wanting to let her go. After what we’d done I couldn’t help but want her as close as two people could get. I inhaled deeply, and let out a rough sound at the fact she smelled like me, that she was, in all senses of the word, mine.



  Liam: Avoiding me isn’t going to make me leave you alone, Andra. In fact it makes me want to come to you more.

  I tossed my cell on the cushion beside me and leaned back on my couch. As much as I enjoyed my time with Liam, as much as I liked being around him, I was afraid.

  I was scared of what I felt for him, what allowing myself to really open up meant. I saw it as a weakness, being defenseless. So after he claimed me in every single way just the other night, our passion so unstoppable and intense that I still felt it, I’d been avoiding him.

  I was so used to having the upper hand in life, that once I’d gotten my shit together I’d refused to show my hand, refused to submit to anyone. I wouldn’t be weak anymore, wouldn’t let a man or woman get the better of me.

  I wouldn’t let my defenses down again, or so I’d thought, so I’d told myself. But then came Liam, a man who turned my world upside down with just a glance, with just a few softly spoken words and a gentle touch. He’d made me rethink everything, made me want to just say fuck it and give myself over to him, just enjoy what was going on.

  But that fear had me staying back, holding me tighter, and threatening to take me under.

  I had fallen for Liam Ash, had opened up my heart and I hadn’t even realized it until it was too late. That wall that I’d built around myself for so many years slowly crumbled where Liam was concerned. I hated myself for not being stronger in this moment, for not going after what I really wanted, going after who I wanted.

  I needed to get my shit in order, needed to decide what I wanted in life…who I wanted in my life. But the one person who kept coming to mind, who was always in the forefront of my thoughts, was the man I was running from.

  But running isn’t something I have ever done, isn’t something I am good at. Giving in sounds so much better, so much easier.


  I clenched my jaw and tossed my cell to the side. Andra had been avoiding me for two days now, and although I wanted to just go over there, kick her door down, and tell her that she was mine, that she was acting foolishly, I stayed away.

  I don’t want to though. I want her as mine. I want to Liam her, throw her over my shoulder, and make her see she belongs to me, that we belong together.

  Truth was I wanted her before I had her, but now that I knew how she felt, how she sounded when she came for me, there was no going back. I would not walk away. But if she wanted room I could give her that. If she wanted time to think, I could give her that as well, even though it was hard as fuck.

  She’s all I thought about, all I wanted. I’d stayed away from women for this long, but there was something different about Andra. I’d known that from the moment I saw her.

  What Andra didn’t know about me was I’d already claimed her, not just in the physical sense, but in every other sense there was.

  I wanted her as my wife, as the mother of my children. I wanted her in every way that mattered. We might have clashed, but it was that fire inside of her, that spark she threw at me, that had me wanting her like a fiend. Never had a woman ignited that desire in me. Never had I wanted to devote myself to another human being in the way I did with Andra.

  She was mine, whether she knew it or not. I’d only give her so much time and space, but I wouldn’t step back. I wouldn’t lose her.

  Andra would soon come to realize that an Ash never backed down. When they wanted something they went after it.

  And I wanted her.

  She was mine.



  My head was pounding, and the coffee in front of me, half consumed, sat there cold. I ran my finger around the rim of the mug before finally pushing it away from me. I was exhausted after going over all the paperwork, the details for the grand opening of the complex, which was still a ways off, but I liked to be on top of it all. But mainly I was exhausted because I kept thinking about one man in particular.

  And even though I should be focused on work, this enti
re time the one person who had been in the back of my mind was Liam.

  Liam Ash, who had thrown all my stubbornness right out the damn window.

  Even now I couldn’t stop thinking about being with him, how he’d had his way with me, how he’d made me surrender. It had been the biggest aphrodisiac ever; having Liam dominate the situation, take control. I felt goosebumps form along my arms, a physical reminder of what we’d shared, how he’d made me feel.

  God, I was losing my mind.

  For Liam.

  It had been a week since we’d shared that passionate night at the construction site, and although I didn’t know why I was avoiding him, I felt myself steering clear of the site and Liam. I wanted him, had fallen for him, if I was being truthful, but I was afraid. Yeah, I was afraid of what I felt, how he brought out these emotions in me, and how the hell I would handle them.

  I pulled out my cell and looked at the texts he’d sent, ones where he’d asked me what was wrong, why I was avoiding him, if I wanted to talk. I was afraid, hiding because these feelings I had for him were so consuming they scared the shit out of me.

  You’re too old to feel like this. He’s the first person to ever make you want more than just work, to make you see an actual future where you’re moving forward.

  I stared down at the last text I’d gotten from him, which had been two nights ago. Maybe he’d given up on me, figured I wasn’t worth it. That thought cut my heart deep, but it was my own doing. But I read that last text over and over again.

  Liam: I can give you all the time you need, Andra, but running from me isn’t the way to go. You want to talk and I’m here.

  He was there for me, if I needed to talk. And I wanted to talk. I wanted to go to him, to tell him that I’d fallen for him.

  I gathered up my things and left the coffee shop. It wasn’t even that late, maybe around eight in the evening, but it felt like the middle of the night. I headed toward my car, unlocked the back door, and tossed my bag on the seat. I thought about just going home, maybe taking a long hot bath, reading a good book before crashing, but for as tired as I was other parts of my body were alive, wanting something only a certain man could provide.


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