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Breaking Little Emily (Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 4)

Page 8

by Becca Little

  “Did you like that?” He asked as his fingers moved up and down my thighs.

  “I loved it…” I nodded and closed my eyes.

  “I hope you don’t think we’re done.” He stood up and started to remove his clothes. “I’ve got one more for you.”

  Once he was undressed he took my ankles and lifted them into the air. His cock was already hard again, which was an incredible feat after what I had done for him. Once my body was in position, he lowered himself down until the head of his cock was against my pussy. I tried to shift myself to be more accommodating as he sank the head of his massive cock into my tight, saliva coated hole.

  He pulled the head in and out until it was saturated with the result of my orgasm and his saliva. Each time he pushed it in, it went further, and it wasn’t long until his entire cock was buried inside of me. His body rose and then descended with his expert motions leaving me captivated. He pulled it out to the head each time, rubbing it around my clitoris before driving it inside again. Even though I had already pleasured him with my mouth, he was still as hard as a jackhammer—that was exactly what it felt like as he drilled me. He motions and speed were fast, but each one slammed directly into my g-spot. I started to moan and groan underneath him.

  “It feels so good, please don’t stop.” I begged as he continued to fuck me.

  His pace continued with the same reckless abandon. He furious drove his cock into me as I slid back and forth across the dark cherry monogamy table. It certainly hurt at first, but after enough of my vaginal lubrication had slowly seeped out, I felt my body sliding back and forth against the table with ease, despite the cane marks on my bottom. He leaned forward and clenched my shoulders in his hands as he pounded me against the table.

  The table started to thump from the intensity of his pounding cock. I was sure I heard cracking a few times as his powerful thrusts drove into me. I started to feel a strong sensation inside of me, just like the ones I had felt with him before. I knew that I was going to orgasm again; despite the fact I had orgasmed with just his tongue. I begged for him to go faster and harder, even though he was going harder than he had before. As he continued to satisfy my begging, I felt my pussy start to tighten around his cock.

  It was a dulled sensation at first, but then the build heightened and I felt my whole-body surge with pleasure as my orgasm overtook me. The secretion caused more lubrication for him, and after several more minutes of hard pounding, complete with another tiny orgasm of my own, his cum was flooding into me. He still had a very impressive release considering what I had already swallowed. I moaned as every drop slid down into my pussy.

  “That was wonderful…” I whispered as my breaths came out so hard I rose and lowered against the wooden table.

  “I love you, Emily.” He said in a coarse whisper. My heart started to thump faster.

  “I love you too.” I started to trace the outlines of his face with my finger before planting a kiss on his lips which he quickly took control of and caused more sensations to erupt within my body.

  In the days that followed, my hand healed without the need for a visit to the doctor or a hospital. I was relieved, and thankful that he took the time to clean my wound each time it was needed. The cane marks on my bottom started to heal as well, and he let me go without the nightly bedtime spanking as long as the marks were there.

  He finally broke down and told me that the reason he tried to send me away was because his love was becoming scary, even for him. Finding out I was hurt elicited some sort of primal protection within him, and he felt that I would be better served apart from him than with him. He was wrong. I was nothing without him. He let me maintain my freedom, away from the diapers and the chain.

  I struggled to be the good little girl he wanted, but I did everything I could to avoid upsetting him. Even without the diapers, my days consisted of morning enemas, bottles, and pretty dresses with matching ribbons in my hair. I knew more freedom would come and I was ready for it. I had made a mistake, but I had no intentions of ever making one again. He was the man I loved, and I was there for his pleasure as much as he was there for mine.

  Epilogue — Stark

  It took me a while to fully trust Emily again after her escapade while I was on my trip. I didn’t leave her alone in the house without having Ms. Hattie there for nearly a year. Ms. Hattie called it her babysitting duty, but she was glad to do it. I gave Ms. Hattie permission to cane her ass until she screamed if she got out of hand, but it never came to that. Emily was well behaved for Ms. Hattie and well behaved for me.

  I gave Emily her nightly bedtime spankings and over time, they became more of a turn on for her than an actual lesson. She was so wet when I was done that I couldn’t do anything but put her on the bed and fuck her. I knew I had lost the battle when she wanted to go to bed early, just so she could get one. She had become the perfect submissive girl for me and there was nothing I could do but take it to the next level and make good on my promise.

  “You wanted to see me?” My father asked as he came out of his office.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “Do you have any time on your schedule this afternoon? Could you meet me for dinner?”

  “Sure.” He replied. “We should definitely catch up. I never see you at all.” He clasped me on the arm and I gave him the address where I wanted him to meet me.

  A few hours later I was waiting at an upscale bar, nursing a glass of Scotch and waiting for him to arrive. I got a text message from Ms. Hattie, confirming that Emily was doing well, and she gave me an update on her classes. She had aced every single one of them again. If Emily was there with me at that moment, I would have given her the biggest hug I could.

  “Alright, son.” I heard my father say. “What is going on? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, dad.” I turned around on my stool. “Grab a drink.”

  “I’ll have a Scotch. The same one he’s having.” He motioned to my glass. “I know you aren’t drinking the cheap shit.”

  “Not at all. You taught me better than that.” I nodded and smiled.

  “So, what’s going on?” He asked again.

  “I’m getting married.” I said with a smile.

  “Getting married?” His eyebrows raised. “To who? I didn’t even know you were dating anyone. Please tell me one of those gold digging whores didn’t get their hooks in you. I will sue you if you don’t get a pre-nup!”

  “Dad, slow down.” I laughed and shook my head. “You know her.”

  “I do?” He slid onto the barstool as his drink arrived.

  “Yeah. I’m marrying Emily.” I said, waiting to gauge his reaction.

  “Kayla’s sister?” I could tell by his reaction he was confused. “How did that happen?”

  “She’s been staying with me—a while actually.” I said.

  “Is that right? Huh.” He nodded. “I had no idea.”

  “It’s been interesting. I had to use Uncle Remington’s room.” I said.

  “You what?” My father swallowed hard and picked up his drink. “Stark…”

  “It’s family tradition.” I replied.

  “Stark, that room was just for decoration, a reminder of how things used to be. I never expected you to actually keep anyone there.” His face was a little white as he considered it. “Did you hurt her?”

  “I disciplined her.” I replied. “When she needed it.”

  “Wow.” He shook his head. “You never did anything like that with Kayla or any of your other girlfriends.”

  “Losing Kayla changed me, dad.” I sipped my drink. “I was falling hard for Emily, and I couldn’t imagine losing anyone again. Was it unusual, sure, but now she’s ready to be my wife and I’ll never have to worry about losing her.”

  “You’re a man and I don’t have any say over what you do.” He shook his head. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “I am, dad. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time.” I replied.

  We had a few drinks and then celebrated my a
nnouncement by driving to the house and telling my mother. I left out all the details and sugarcoated the whole thing for her. It was what she needed to hear, and she was thrilled to welcome Emily to the family. I picked out a ring before I returned home and prepared to take our love to the final stage. Little Emily would become my wife.

  Epilogue — Emily

  The wedding was amazing. When Stark brought home an engagement ring so big my hand felt heavy after it was on my finger, I was overjoyed to know I was finally able to move from his Little Emily to the wife he had trained me to become. He even had his father walk me down the aisle. I cried when I saw him at the altar. He was so handsome and I couldn’t have been happier to have him take my hand in holy matrimony.

  The honeymoon was out of this world. I took a semester off from school to prepare for the wedding and I was happy I did when I found out the honeymoon was going to include multiple destinations. We had a week in Madrid, a week in Paris, a week in London, and we topped it off with a week in Italy. All the places I had read about were in full display in front of us. We made love on beaches, in the back of boats, in the closet next to famous paintings, and we even managed to have sex in a hotel room once or twice. On the last night of the trip, we retired to our hotel room with a bottle of wine and we still couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

  “I love you so much.” Stark said as his lips met mine.

  “I love you too.” I pulled him closer and raised up to continue kissing him.

  The door opened and he took me to the bed. It didn’t take long for both of us to undress the other, our naked bodies dancing in the light of Italy’s moonlit sky. He slid his hand across my ass and instead of moving down to my pussy, he rested it against my anus and pressed it inside. I hesitated for a moment, tensing up as he touched previously unexplored territory.

  “Do you remember when you told me nobody had ever fucked here?” He asked.

  “I do…” I said with a bit of hesitation.

  “Tonight, that is going to change. I told you I was saving it for a special occasion and I can’t think of a better one than the last night of our honeymoon.” He continued working a finger inside.

  “I am your wife.” I said. “I will give you any part of me that you want.”

  He turned me over and started working a finger into my anus. I pushed back against it as it went deeper, stretching me out slightly. After I was adjusted to one, he started working a second inside. It hurt more than the first, but I adjusted. All the time he was working his fingers inside of me, his other hand fingered my clitoris and my pussy, keeping me constantly aroused and turned on.

  “I think you’re going to like this.” He said. “I can already feel your enthusiasm.”

  “It’s a little uncomfortable.” I replied. “But it feels good.”

  He started working a third finger inside and once he had managed to start moving all three of them inside, I was feeling the pressure, but it was making my pussy tingle. When he had stretched me out with his large meaty fingers, he positioned himself behind me and pressed his cock to my anus. I nearly cried when the head first spread and stretched my anus, but he was gentle as he moved it inside of me. It felt good to give him something no man had ever taken.

  “This is mine, just like every bit of you.” He said as he continued to push it inside of me.

  “Yes.” I nodded. “I have been yours since you claimed me.”

  He started pushing himself in deeper, expanding my anus as his enormous cock spread me apart more and more with every inch he inserted. I tried to twist my hips and bend over more to accept him. It hurt, but it was magnificent to feel the way his cock throbbed and know I was giving him the pleasure he craved. Every inch that slid in was like an accomplishment I wanted to cherish. When he was nearly to the end, he pushed himself the rest of the way in and I let out a load moan when I felt his hips against my ass.

  “There we go.” He said.

  “Give me a bit to adjust….” I said as I clutched the bedsheets.

  He left his cock deep inside my anus until I had gotten used to his girth and could savor the feeling of having him so deep. Once I felt like I could handle it he, started to rise and fall against my ass, going slowly at first, but then the speed picked up. I started to feel a strange sense of pleasure the more he fucked my previously untouched hole. He stretched me so wide that every insertion stimulated my pussy. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, he reached around and started rubbing my clitoris.

  “Oh God…” I moaned.

  “Now I’m going to really fuck you.” He said. “I’m going to fuck this hole until I unload every drop of my cum.”

  He grabbed my hip with one hand and kept the other one on my stomach, a finger on my clitoris. He trapped me there in eternal bliss as he started to really pick up the pace. My clitoris turned to a magnet for my pleasure, begging for more of his touch each time he drove himself deep. With the pleasure I was feeling from his cock and his finger, it quickly became more than I could handle. I started to feel his cock throbbing inside of me as my body started to orgasm.

  “You’re making me cum!” I yelled, clenching my teeth and twisting my hands around the sheets that were already tight in my hands.

  He kept thrusting himself in me until I was over the edge and orgasming like never before. I felt the first stream of his cum erupt inside of me and I let my drawn breath escape in a sigh. He continued thrusting until every drop of his cum was unloaded into my anus and every orgasm he could extract from my body was spent. We collapsed against the sheets and he pulled me close.

  “I love you Emily.” He said with a sigh.

  “I love you too.” I replied.



  The wedding was beautiful and everything I could have ever wanted. Everyone said I made a gorgeous bride, but all of my attention was on the man standing across from me. He was like a dream come true. He was beyond handsome, especially when his lips were turned upwards into a smile that lit up the whole room. How he ever decided I was good enough to stand across from him and hear his vows was something I didn’t understand. Underneath my wedding dress was a scared little girl who felt like she was in way over her head. We had rehearsed the moment enough that I could have done it on autopilot, which was exactly what I needed when it officially began. My mind was fogged with emotions and my heart was beating out of my chest. When the preacher finally pronounced us husband and wife, after I dropped his ring once and nearly tripped over my own dress trying to retrieve it, I was a mess of tears and mascara. Thankfully, he still dipped me backwards and placed the most passionate kiss he had ever given me on my trembling lips. The hard part was over, or at least that was what I thought.

  The first year was filled with absolute lust. We couldn’t get enough of each other and we never wanted to get out of bed, even for food. The honeymoon wasn’t long enough for either of us, and we still acted like we were on it every night when he got off work. The weekends were a blur of eagerness and excitement. God, how I loved his touch. It was always in the right place, and it always drove me wild. I’m surprised my parents didn’t send out a search party when I went days without returning their call because I was too busy being consumed by his carnal appetite for every orifice I would give him. When he was pulled from my arms for work every Monday morning, I spent the day hungry for the moment he walked through the door and we picked up where we left off. How could something so magical ever wear off? I was sure we were going to grow old living that same moment over and over—I was more than okay with that. I envisioned a white picket fence, a yard full of kids, and us in bed while they took care of themselves. I just wanted to live in our blazing indulgence forever.

  “Stephen, don’t go…” I was on the edge of the bed with both hands wrapped around his wrist, my naked body barely covered by a sheet.

  “Julie, I have to go. This is a huge opportunity for us. The management seminar is how the compan
y recognizes future executives. It is what I have spent the last ten years working for.” He lovingly tried to pry my hands away, still wearing the smile I loved so much.

  “Then take me with you. I’ll stay in the hotel all day and wait for you, just like this.” I pushed the sheet away to completely reveal my naked body.

  “You know I can’t. You would distract me so much that I would never get anything done—not that I wouldn’t love that—but they want us focused on nothing but work for the entire week.” He leaned over and smacked my bare bottom with his palm.

  “Hey!” I rolled it towards him. “You can’t just turn me on and leave me here…”

  “I’m going to miss my flight.” He laughed and picked up his suitcase. “But don’t worry; I’ll be thinking about you every minute I’m gone.”

  The taxi honked outside for the third time, and I knew I had to let him go, even if I was sure it was going to kill me. I reluctantly released my grasp and he rewarded me with a kiss that lasted so long I felt my whole body igniting with a fiery thirst for me, but that moment was shattered when the taxi honked for the fourth time. The seal our lips had created was broken, and he hastily left trying to adjust the bulge in his pants, but it resulted in a comical waddle out the front door. I had no idea how I was going to survive without him for a whole week, even though I had two months to prepare for the moment. The worst part was that he was going to be gone for our second anniversary. That alone made me selfishly ask him to give up the opportunity and stay home, but I knew it was something he had to do. There were two sides to Stephen Crane—the husband I loved and the business man who wanted the CEO chair of his investment firm so bad he was willing to do damn near anything to sit in it. I wanted him to achieve that goal, but I also wanted to keep him locked in the bedroom all day long. I guess there were two sides to Mrs. Crane as well.


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