A Dragon Speaks Her Name: A Nocturne Falls Universe story

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A Dragon Speaks Her Name: A Nocturne Falls Universe story Page 16

by Kira Nyte

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  Kaylae’s head jerked toward the familiar gruff she’d come to know as Cade’s voice. The burly beast of a man stepped out from behind a clump of trees and bramble, thumbs hooked casually through his belt loops.

  Kaylae’s joy soared, her heart rate skyrocketing. She tried her hardest to contain her relief. She was far from free and this was far from over.

  “We already found you.” Sheriff Merrow appeared, no-nonsense at it’s most intimidating. “I will give you one chance to come with me willingly.”

  The Baroqueth all laughed.

  Then the leader shot his hand out. A bolt of bright blue light exploded from his palm.

  Cade lunged in front of the sheriff, taking the power bolt. It threw him back several feet until he slammed into a tree and tumbled to the ground. The three Baroqueth began shooting the power bolts rapidly, aiming at Cade, but the dragon was back on his feet and…growing.

  Kaylae’s jaw slackened as she watched Cade change before her eyes. This was so much more than the taste he’d shown them in Sheriff Merrow’s office. The beast he became was striking.


  But she had little time to gawk before she caught sight of another huge figure slithering close to the ground, weaving between the trees.

  “Watch your fire, dragon. You don’t want to set her aflame, do you?” the leader asked. He dropped a hand to the pile she sat on. “Or do you?”

  Orange and blue flames erupted around the perimeter of the pile. Kaylae shrieked, struggling against her restraints. The heat from the fire was far more intense than normal flames, instantly taking the chill away and making her wish for the night air. Sweat beaded along her brow.

  Through the crackling and whoosh of flames, she heard the Baroqueth’s warning boom. “A life for a life. Give me a dragon and I will give you the Keeper.”

  “I don’t negotiate. You know that,” Cade replied.

  The flames roared.

  She whimpered and looked up to see another dragon sweeping the area behind the Baroqueth with fire. Something barreled into one of the Baroqueth, an unseen force that knocked the guy off his feet. The second Baroqueth stumbled as though pushed by the same force.

  “Kaylae, I’m right here, sweetness.”

  The leader of the trio spun around as a third magnificent dragon emerged from the trees. Zareh in dragon form stole her breath despite her predicament. As he lifted his head and his long, thick neck snaked back to oversee the Baroqueth, Kaylae couldn’t help but laugh…and sob.

  She was going to be okay.

  A moment later, a small woman stepped out from behind Zareh.

  The Baroqueth leader burst out laughing.

  The flames around Kaylae leaped into the sky and formed a dome over her head, suffocating her in melting heat.

  The ropes loosened, but her feet remained trapped in the pile of wood as the flames closed in around her.

  Curling in on herself, Kaylae screamed as the first flame scorched her skin.

  * * *

  Zareh tried to reach through the flames, but couldn’t penetrate the fiery wall. The sorcerer had reinforced it with strong magic.

  Chaos ensued all around as he battered down the raw panic rising through him. Alice, an ethereal glow about her, chanted at his back. Her eyes glowed white as power pulsed off her, power she drew from the witches positioned around the area to contain the Baroqueth.

  Kaylae’s time was running out. He’d sliced through the ropes to free her, but she remained trapped.

  When he heard her scream, he couldn’t wait any longer. He began clawing at the flames, his deadly talons hitting the equivalent of steel. Desperate, he slashed at the tree. Wood cracked and snapped until the tree toppled and crashed to the forest floor.

  Flames consumed the open space, enclosing his lifemate.

  “Kaylae! Kaylae, I’m going to save you. I promise you!”

  A bright flash of gold light blinded him. He reared back a step, twisting his neck to shield himself from the light. When he turned back to the fire, the Baroqueth were gone.

  Alice began another fervent chant, moving closer and closer to the fire. Zareh rocked in place, his hope of saving Kaylae resting entirely in the hands of this witch.

  The flames receded until all that was left was charred wood.

  And Kaylae, curled up in the center of the pyre, wet with sweat.

  Zareh shifted back to his human form and dove onto the wood, frantically pulling Kaylae into his arms. Alice murmured something more as he tried to pry her feet free, and finally, they freed from the wood.

  “Little Doe? Sweetness?” He cradled her, wiping the damp strands of hair from her pink face. The bare skin of her arms was patchy and red, her clothing singed. “Kaylae, talk to me.”

  Cade tugged at his shoulder. “We have to get her home. No time to waste.”

  “She’s been poisoned,” Alice said quietly. Only then did Zareh notice her hand on Kaylae’s knee. Grief ripped through him until he wanted to roar. Urgency overcame the petite witch. “Yes. We must get her home. This is sorcerer magic at work. I can heal her, but not for much longer.”

  Zareh didn’t need to be told twice, but a car would take too long. He turned to Alice. “I’ll fly. Can you protect me from being seen by the humans?”

  A faint furrow formed over the witch’s brow. “Yes, but I would need to be with you.”

  “I’ll secure you and Kaylae on his back,” Cade said, holding his arms for Kaylae. Zareh handed his lifemate to his clan leader and transformed into his dragon. He lowered himself flush to the ground and waited for Cade to secure Alice and Kaylae on his back. “Ready.”

  Zareh flapped his wings, the strength in each downward stroke upsetting the ground beneath him and the trees around him. A faint vibration resonated along his scales as he crested the canopy of the forest. Urgency sparked the moment he cleared all obstacles and sped toward his home.

  “My sweet little Doe. I won’t lose you now.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Every painstaking hour that passed held a well of hope, and a plunge of disappointment. Night turned to day. Day turned to night. Alice Bishop and a few other witches came and went, performing chants, administering herbal this and that. They worked to heal the burns on her arms. Although she showed some signs of improvement, Kaylae’s skin remained raw.

  He hated how helpless he was to save his little Doe. He hated that he had failed to protect her. He had retrieved the dragonstone from her pocket and tucked the jewel in her hand, hoping the magic might help her heal.

  The actions became a blur. Alazar and Cade tried to get Zareh out of his room to walk his property for some fresh air, but he refused to leave Kaylae’s side. Not while her prognosis was unknown. At times, her cheeks colored. Other times, she paled to the point of death, leading him into a panic. She broke into a sweat a half-dozen times, then cooled to a frightening degree.

  With the last cooling, Zareh climbed into bed with her, pulled her against his body and provided the warmth she desperately needed.

  He did not move after that point.

  Though she didn’t respond, he spoke to her along their telepathic link, telling her all of his wishes for their future together. He painted his home in all of the glory he remembered, promising to bring her to The Hollow to see his hoard. He promised to teach her how to ride his back in dragon form, entertaining the idea of wearing a dragon saddle so she wouldn’t fall.

  He didn’t remember falling asleep. In his dream, Kaylae murmured words he couldn’t understand, but the essence fed him an ever-flowing sense of calm and peace.

  “Zar. Wake up.”

  Zareh growled, the sound forming deep in his chest and reverberating through his entire body. His arm tightened around Kaylae.

  Someone prodded his shoulder again. This time, he twisted his head and snapped at the finger, dragon fangs and all.

  “Hey, behave.”

  Slowly, he blinked away
the sleep and turned his rotten mood on Alazar. “What do you want?”

  “Don’t be a jerk to me. I’ve been watching over you watching over her for the last two days. You, Zar, need to eat. You’re no good to her if you let yourself waste away. I made you a monster steak and potatoes. It’s out in the kitchen. And if you try to argue with me, Cade said he’d come in here and drag you out by your crest. So I suggest you go on your own. I’ll stay here with Kay until you’re done.”

  Zareh stared at his friend for a long stretch of time, trying to force him to back away without threatening the man. Alazar stood his ground like a true friend, tapping his foot on the floor and casting his watch pointed glances every few seconds.

  “You two are really pissing me off.” Zareh sighed, turning away from Alazar. “Get the heck out of here.”


  Zareh swatted a taloned hand at Alazar. “Give me a damn minute, okay? Wait in the hallway for all I care, just…give me a minute.”

  Ultimately, Alazar was right. He would be no good to his lifemate if he didn’t keep up his strength.

  Alazar left, but Zareh sensed his friend hovering right outside the open door. Pressing up onto his elbow, he gazed down at Kaylae’s peaceful face. He traced her brows, her nose, the delicate bones of her cheeks, and finally her lips. Leaning down, he brushed his lips across hers, satisfied that her skin was warm and not cool.

  “Little Doe, come back to me.” He kissed her, keeping his lips against hers for a long moment. “Please.”

  Kaylae didn’t respond, as he secretly wished she would, so he climbed out of bed, tucked the blankets around her, and headed to the kitchen. He cast Alazar a perturbed glance on his way, then regretted his coldness a few moments later. His friend was only looking out for him, and for Kaylae. Zareh had to stop projecting his inner turmoil and guilt on his dragon family.

  Cade was in the kitchen, gently tapping a beer bottle against the table between sips. His fiery eyes observed Zareh closely as he took his seat in front of the only plated meal. He ate in silence, avoiding Cade’s piercing gaze.

  “What are you going to tell me?” Zareh asked, uncaring that his mouth was full.

  “Stop blaming yourself.”

  Zareh finally looked up. “Who said I’m blaming myself for this?”

  “You.” Cade finished his beer and shoved the bottle away. “In no certain terms, but who needs terms if your actions speak louder?” He leaned over the table. “None of us could’ve been prepared to face what we did the other night. It has been thirty years, Zareh. Thirty years of them plotting and planning. Thirty years of them increasing their powers, their skills, to best us. We may not have the magic they possess, but that doesn’t leave us helpless. We have power. We have strength. We have diamond hides and a will to survive. And we will. We received a taste of what we’re going to face in the future. Now, we can prepare. We have allies we didn’t have before. Allies who are willing to help us preserve our breed.”

  “If you are referring to the witches here, forget it.”

  Cade arched a brow. “That is not your decision to make. That is their decision, and theirs alone. And they have decided to help.”

  Zareh gritted his teeth. “I don’t want harm befalling anyone in this town.”

  “Judging by what I witnessed over the last few days, I don’t think you have to worry about harm befalling them.” Cade rapped his fingers on the tabletop. “You found a great place here, Zar. The people are quite incredible. They band together in times of need. For that, you should be grateful.”

  The anger he had gathered in the pit of his stomach started to fizzle. He lowered his gaze to his empty plate and nodded. “I am grateful. For everything.”

  “Good. Now that we got a sample of the Baroqueth’s new powers, we’ll be ready for them the next time. And, last I saw, Kaylae isn’t dead. Stop mourning her like she is. I don’t think she’ll appreciate that when she wakes.”

  Zareh didn’t say anything. He returned to his bed, relieving Alazar of his short watch. He settled himself around Kaylae and, soon after, fell asleep.

  * * *

  For a long while, the sea of gray nothingness carried her along a weightless course. She felt nothing but warmth. She heard nothing but the soft whispers of a familiar voice. As time slipped by, the gray grew more dense. Her surroundings became more substantial, as did the voice.


  Before long, serenity gave way to small aches and pains. Memories began to flash before her, memories of a life she had lost and a life she had gained.

  Her last rise from the gray nothingness brought with it a fierce burning pain along her arms.

  She grimaced, a weak squeak pushing through the dryness of her throat.

  That single sound drew her away from the gray and dropped her straight back into reality.

  Her eyes shot open. She stared up at a shadowed picture for a long while before she realized it was moonlight seeping through open curtains.

  Heaviness bore down on her chest. She twisted, but the slight movement brought back the burning sensation and she whimpered.


  Kaylae gasped, trying to ignore the pain, but found herself fighting to hold back a sob. Her body dipped to the right before leveling out.

  “Kaylae? Sweetness? Can you hear me?”

  She clenched her teeth and nodded. “My arms.” A short sob forced its way past her teeth. “They hurt.”

  “Oh, sweetness. My lovely little Doe. I’ll take care of you.”

  She nodded against the pillow, ignoring the shift in the mattress while she concentrated on trying to alleviate the pain in her arms.

  A few minutes later, something cool and damp covered her skin from wrists to shoulders. As the pain slowly eased, she found the strength to open her eyes.

  Her brooding dragon man hovered over her, dabbing something over the linens on her arms that was quickly absorbed.

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “A medicinal wash Alice Bishop gave me. Your burns are much better than they were the other night, but it will take time to heal.” His eyes glimmered with love and regret. He tried to smile. The corners of his mouth twitched, but fell flat. “I’m so sorry, Kaylae.”

  She stretched her fingers until she reached his thigh. “Zareh, I don’t blame you. I could never blame you. You’ve protected me from the first day I landed in this town. You came to me, risked your life to save me from the Baroqueth. And you continue to care for me and protect me. You are my dragon and I love you. I love you for everything you have done, shown, and promise.”

  Zareh placed the wooden bowl and brush on the nightstand. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Nothing will ever touch you again. I promise you, Kaylae. I will never let them harm you again.”

  “I know you won’t.”

  “I love you, little Doe.”

  Kaylae smiled. Those words from his lips took the edge off the pain and filled her heart with life and love and promises of a future full of happiness. As long as Zareh was by her side, she would always be complete.

  Chapter Nineteen

  One month later

  Pandora, the real estate queen of Nocturne Falls and highly recommended agent by Willa, straightened up in her chair. “It’s a go?”

  Zareh turned his love-filled gaze to Kaylae for the final decision. Kaylae clasped his hand. Giddiness bubbled up inside of her and she nodded. Pandora’s mouth lifted into a huge smile and she rubbed her hands together.

  “Great! Monday, we’ll start the process of applying for permits. You two will be busy picking out all of your cabinets and countertops and hardware over the next few weeks,” Pandora said.

  The contractor sitting beside her rolled up the blueprints of their new home. He reached across the table and shook hands with Kaylae and Zareh. “I am looking forward to working with you. This is your home and I am honored to have been chosen to build it.”

  “We’re looking forward to the expe
rience,” Zareh replied.

  After Zareh showed the contractor and Pandora to the front door, Kaylae gave in to her overwhelming excitement. By the time Zareh returned, she was overjoyed at the significance of this latest venture.


  A solid foundation in a life that handed out obstacles like candy.

  She crossed the small space of kitchen and jumped on Zareh. His arms wrapped around her and he spun her in a circle, soft, breathy laughter filling her ear.

  “This is so exciting.” Kaylae found the floor with the tips of her toes and eased herself to her feet. Zareh didn’t release her from his embrace, and that was perfectly okay with her. “We’re building a house together.”

  “It’s more than a house.” He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “It is our future.” He straightened, his grin transforming into his signature devastating smile. “On that note, I have a surprise for you.”

  Kaylae’s brows quirked. “Oh?”

  “You don’t mind getting wet, do you?”

  Confusion settled on top of her excitement. “Wet? Why?”


  Zareh’s arms dropped and he gathered her hands in his. Without an explanation, he led her to the back door and pulled her onto the covered patio. The rain came down in pelting sheets. Lightning lit up the sky. The loud rolls of thunder shook the ground beneath her feet.

  Kaylae tipped her head and shot Zareh a concerned glance. “Oh, no. We’re not dancing in the rain. Not this rain, at least. I don’t like needles, and acupuncture by storm is certainly not on my list of enjoyable adventures.”

  Zareh laughed and shook his head. He released one of her hands and snatched up a satchel from the chair closest to him.

  “Let’s go for a ride.” He pulled out a thick, leather-hooded coat from the bag before slinging the strap over her head. By the looks of it, the thing was about two sizes too big for her. “This was Talius’s riding coat.”

  Kaylae’s humor faded. She slipped her other hand from Zareh’s gentle grip and took the item. It was heavy, extremely heavy. The leather was thicker than she first gauged, and was lined with soft, plush material. She lifted it to her nose and took a deep breath.


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