Reverend Cash: Let Us Prey

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Reverend Cash: Let Us Prey Page 10

by Sa'id Salaam

  “Shit cost now! At least a dollar. I’ll take cash, reefer, tobacco, or some buck,” Billy explained. He really didn’t care for Earl much and would have sold his brown ass for a brown penny.

  “I got a dollar in my locker,” Randy whined. He wanted to hold on to it, but he wanted to ‘get straight’ too.

  “Well, go get it then!” Billy ordered, sending him rushing out the room.

  “So, how much I get?” Earl asked with his hand on his hip.

  “Bitch, I’ma pimp! You ain’t getting shit but the dick!”

  Chapter 24

  “Shit!” Billy fussed when another orgasm escaped him. He had a handful of lotion and dick, but all he got from all his stroking was a sore arm. He would get right to the verge of an orgasm just to have it slip away.

  Every time he got close memories of his dearly departed sister would invade his mind. He then stroked even harder to prevent his conscious from winning. That’s the sign of a true monster. Even a regular fucked up person is held back by scruples, but a monster didn’t give a fuck. The devil himself couldn’t corrupt this one because he was already corrupt on his own.

  “Let me help,” Earl finally offered. He’d watched the torment for an hour and felt bad for Billy. All that pulling and no payout was like being a loser at a Las Vegas slot machine.

  “Hell naw!” Billy screamed, only in his mind because his mouth remained shut. Earl took his silence as a tacit yes and quickly crossed the room. Billy watched helplessly as the sissy went down on him. His whole body flinched when Earl’s hot mouth engulfed him. He closed his eyes to pretend that he was a she, but then opened them back up to watch his head bob in the darkness.

  “Mmph,” Earl grunted when Billy’s explosion caught him off guard. He kept his mouth locked around him as Billy writhed beneath him. He swallowed with a loud gulp and stood. He took one step towards his own bed before Billy stopped him. He took his hand and pulled him back.

  “Lay down!” Billy ordered. Earl did and Billy fucked him, with his nasty ass.


  “Okay, I got two dollars, two sticks, and a pint of buck!” Randy announced when he returned. His dollar had gotten him sent away so he’d gone and collected all he could. He obviously really wanted to ‘get straight’.

  “It’s over with,” Billy announced with Earl laying with his head in his lap. “You may as well smoke that reefer and drank that buck cuz shop closed!”

  “Closed?” he asked as if it were a new word. He understood the word but didn’t understand why Billy was now cuffing the only sissy in the house.

  The dorm flipped often as boys came in and out of the revolving correction doors. Sometimes they got lucky and had two or three sissies, and other times drought struck like a famine and they had one or none. The truth of the matter was that Earl was leaving in a couple of weeks so Billy decided to keep him to himself. Randy made a ‘Will you look at this shit here?’ face and walked away shaking his head.

  “So you want a party ‘fo’ you leave?” Billy asked, resuming the conversation while running his fingers through Earl’s hair. “I’ll tell Vincent to fix up some of his potato liquor.”

  “I guess,” Earl sighed, like women do when they want a man to ask what’s wrong.

  “What’s wrong?” Billy asked proving that it even worked for sissies, “Scared ‘bout goin’ home? Seeing Pastor Paul?”

  “No. I ain’t even going back to Memphis. I’m finna go to my Nana’s house in Atlanta. Start me a whole new life.”

  “At-lanta!” Billy demanded as if it were preposterous.

  “Un huh! I ain’t never going back to Memphis!” Earl huffed.

  “Wish I could go to At-lanta,” Billy said wistfully. “I cain’t tho’ my mama need me.”


  “Please Leroy! I needs you!” Lady pleaded into the phone. She held the receiver in both hands, like Lady Sings the Blues, as she sang the blues, greens, and reds of a nasty withdrawal.

  “I’ll be through in a few,” Leroy said and hung up. He liked for her to feel the pains of withdrawals before he gave her, her next fix. The lower she got the more she’d appreciate the high.

  It was at least another hour before Leroy finally showed up. When he did he found Lady drenched in sweat and curled into a tight ball on her bed. Leroy got right to work and fixed her up a nice dose. He then pulled her arm free and prepped her for her medicine.

  “Mmm, you my savior,” Lady moaned as she felt the feelings of the drug enter her body.

  “Thought you said Jesus was yo’ savior?” the piece of shit mocked.

  “No, you is!” she said, looking up for the first time and realizing that he wasn’t alone. “Oh!”

  “Don’t fret none. This is my patna’ Dave. I tol’ him how good that pie was and he wanted to get a lil’ slice. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No, I don’t mind,” Lady said and laid back on her back. She spread her legs apart before departing into a dope induced nod. Lady hadn’t bothered with panties in months so her bushy box was out in plain view.

  “Hell yeah!” Dave clapped and cheered before he passed Leroy the agreed upon ten and dove in. Lady had already left the building so his fondling failed to lube her vagina. Dave shrugged, his indifference, spit on the head of his dick and shoved it inside of her.

  “Slow down boy, you…” Leroy began but Dave cut him off.

  “Oooooowweeeee!” he shouted and went completely stiff as he busted a nut. He shook and shivered then took a second to recover. Once he did he started stroking again.

  “Nuh uh nigga, if you gon’ go again you gotta pay again!” Leroy advised ready to snatch him out of the vagina in mid stroke.

  “In… my… wallet!” Dave called over his shoulder. The pimp dug into his pocket and retrieved the other man’s wallet. There was two more tens inside so he took them both.

  This marked the first trick Lady would turn for Leroy. He could and would now mark her off his list of ‘The Ones That Got Away’. There weren’t many on it being that he had tracked them down and turned them out decades after adding them.

  Leroy would have to save up shit to be a piece of shit because he wasn’t shit and neither was his son. The old saying was true, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  Chapter 25

  The last twenty-four hours had been hard on Earl. Billy had kept a hard dick in him for most of them. In fact, he had a mouthful of dick when the guard stuck his head in and yelled for him to pack it up.

  “Mgfghpi,” Earl mumbled, which translated to ‘I gotta go’ when you had a mouthful of dick.

  “Okay,” Billy grunted and threw his hips into overdrive. A minute later he presented him with a going away present. The two shared a hug before emerging from the room.

  “Yay!” the boys all cheered at Earl’s departure. This one would not be coming back. Mainly because he was eighteen, but also because he had a one way bus ticket to Atlanta, Georgia.

  “Bye. Bye-bye!” Earl said as he skipped through the dorm. It wasn’t long after he left that the mood turned serious. All the boys scanned each other with the same thing in mind, who could they fuck now.

  “Hell naw! Not me!” Cat Eyes shouted when a few eyes locked on him. He wasn’t gay or the least bit feminine, but he did have green eyes and that was close enough for the other boys.

  “Well, somebody gotta get fucked! We needs us a fuck boy,” Ox proclaimed. It was a tense couple of weeks. Tensions flared and fights broke out. It was good thing Carl came when he did.


  “New meat!” the guard shouted and shoved the new boy inside. Even he knew that the timid child was in trouble.

  Carl Clay was also from Memphis, but just barely. He’d grown up in one of the upper, outlying, middle class neighborhoods. As far out as you could be if you were black. He was also black, but once again just barely. Although he had curly hair and his skin was high yellow, courtesy of his white daddy, it wasn’t enough to save him.

  As a matte
r of fact, being light skinned with curly hair was enough to turn the boys on and his long lashes and girlish ways only made it worse. He wasn’t gay, but he had very feminine mannerisms from being raised in a house full of girls. He’d also been raised with a silver spoon in his mouth which meant he’d never did a hard day’s work which in turn left him soft and tender.

  “All the way in the back, last room on the right,” Billy directed. There were plenty of open bunks but he wanted first dibs on the pretty boy.

  “Thank you,” Carl replied and walked to the back with all eyes glued to his backside. Billy stuck his tongue out playfully as he followed him to their room.

  “That’s yours,” Billy said and pointed to the bare mattress. “Make sure it’s tight come Monday fo’ inspection.”

  “Thank you,” Carl said again fluttering his long lashes, making Billy hard.

  “Mm hm,” Billy said watching him bend to make his bed. “So, what you did? Why you here?”

  “Because I was greedy,” Carl admitted with a remorseful headshake. “I worked at the department store and stole some clothes.”

  “You fucking?” Billy blurted from sheer desire.

  “Excuse me!” Carl demanded and spun around.

  “Nothin’” he said taking his reaction as a no. That only meant he would have to take his time and seduce him. “Got a gal back home?”

  “Yes, I certainly do!” he replied exuberantly. His whole face lit up at the very thought of her. He couldn’t help but dig her picture out to show her off. He shouldn’t have, but he did.

  “Pretty,” Billy grimaced when he looked at the picture of the gorgeous girl. He couldn’t help but notice how much she looked like him. They both had light skin and hazel eyes. Her sandy brown hair looked like a halo over her head.

  “Yes, AnJanay is very pretty,” he said proudly. “She’s going to wait for me for my six months. Then when I get out we’re going to get married!”

  “That’s nice,” Billy remarked. He was sincere in his sentiment, but still planned to fuck him. Her too if he could.


  Carl stayed in the room all weekend and stayed out of trouble. That option was taken away from him when Monday morning rolled around. He was rolled out of the bed to work the fields like everyone else.

  Billy debated on whether or not he should put him on the Elite Team to help tend the weed crop. In the end he decided the hard work might make his job a little easier.

  “Pick cotton!” Carl shrieked in response to the answer of what they were doing there.

  “That’s right nigga, pick cotton! Now you can do it with or without my boot in yo’ ass!” the guard clarified. The threat was enough to get him started.

  “Sup with lil’ mama?” Ox asked once he and Billy got to the rows of weed. “You gon’ share or what?”

  “She ain’t shakin’ nothin’ yet. Give me a second to put this pimpin’ on her,” Billy replied. The two went back and forth referring to the boy as a girl as they did. That wasn’t a good sign.

  “After a few days in that sun she gon’ be relieved to suck some dick in the shade!’ Ox cracked and he was right.


  “Y’all got ten minutes!” the guard yelled once they reached the dorm. Each dorm was allotted ten minutes in the shower so that supper could be served.

  “New gal got a fat ass!” Cat Eyes called out when Carl got naked. He was relieved that he was no longer the object of desire.

  “Yeah, he do,” Billy agreed. The life of privilege had the boy soft which in turn had Billy hard. He grabbed his erection and began to pull while staring at the boy. He wasn’t the only one. Almost everyone was jacking off in the shower and half of them were doing it with their eyes locked on Carl too.

  “What the!” Carl screamed when he saw what was happening. The high pitch yell got a couple of the boys off instantly. He looked to Billy for him only to find that he was gunning for him too.

  That was the first time Carl saw Billy masturbating but it wouldn’t be the last. As a matter of fact, it wouldn’t even be the last time he seen him doing it for the day. When Carl went back to the room he found Billy holding AnJanay’s picture in one hand and his hard greasy dick in the other.

  “Give me that!” Carl demanded while stomping his foot like an eight year old girl.

  “Here,” Billy said, extending his dick to the boy.

  “Not that! Give me my picture,” the boy whined with a double foot stomp.

  “One… second… mmm… just one… ugh! Shit! Whew!” Billy exclaimed as he got off. Now that he was finished he handed him his picture back.

  “Ewwww!” Carl shrieked upon seeing that Billy had skeeted on it a little. He grimaced as he wiped it off before putting it away.

  The next day Carl walked in to find Billy reading one of his letters from AnJanay and jacking off. He read it aloud in a girly voice and got himself off again. Things had gotten bad, but they were about to get even worse.


  “Mane, you still ain’t cracked dat egg?” Ox asked again, like he had every day since Carl arrived two weeks ago. “And you say you s’posed to be a pimp!”

  “I’m is!” Billy shot back feeling wounded by the other boy’s insult. He was doubting his pimpin’ and he took that personal. “Bet I hit that tonight!”

  “Bet yo’ crown!” Ox dared. He only had a few weeks to go on his sentence and he wanted to be king, if only for a minute.

  “Huh? Um… yeah. Hell yeah! I bet I hit that tonight. You gon’ hear it too!” he nodded confidently. “I’ma set it out too!”

  “If you don’t, I will! I’ll sho’ you how it’s really done!” he shot back. The rest of the day was spent in silent contemplation of what was to come.

  Carl held his head high and ignored the boys masturbating in the shower. His time got shorter by the day and soon he would be able to leave all this behind. He was almost surprised at not seeing Billy pulling on himself none that day. Then night fell and he found out why.

  “Good night, my love,” Carl said to his girlfriend’s picture before giving it a kiss. He then laid it beside him on his pillow and flipped over to go to sleep.

  Carl had a bad habit of sleeping on his stomach. Not only was it bad for the heart and lungs, but it was also bad because it gave Billy the opportunity to stare at the curve of his ass and jack off most nights, making him want the boy even more. Not tonight though. Tonight Billy stripped naked and crossed the room.

  “W–wh–what are you doing?” Carl gasped when Billy landed on his back. His forearm on his neck held Carl in place while he tore away his underwear.

  Carl let out a yell so loud and so shrill that it cleared the sleeping birds from the trees. Even they didn’t want to hear a boy get raped. Ox and a few other of the sicker boys smiled with glee upon hearing what was taking place. Others thrust their fingers into their ears to shut out the blood curling screams.

  “Hush now!” Billy warned. He then put AnJanay’s picture on the back of the boy’s head and proceeded to violate him.

  The violence of it got Billy off just as much as the feeling of being inside the boy. The combination of the two ended the rape quickly. Not ended in the sense of being over, more like in the sense that it provided a pause. After taking a break to smoke a stick Billy raped him again. Then again. He raped the boy again and again throughout the night. No, the apple sure doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  Chapter 26

  “You got lil’ mama walking around her’ bow legged! What it hit like?” Ox said when the two came out for breakfast. Carl was wandering around in a state of shock from the rape. He had a blank look in his eye as if he was being maneuvered by remote control.

  “Pussy good and tight! I’ma see what that mouth talkin’ ‘bout tonight,” Billy said as if the boy wasn’t there.

  “Mane, I thought you said you was gon’ set it out once you broke it in,” Ox whined.

  “I’m is. Just give me a minute,” Billy vowed. Billy wasn’t much on ho
nor, but he did believe in keeping his word when he gave it.

  True to his word he raped Carl orally once the lights went out that night. Oddly, the boy didn’t even put up a fight this time. He just stared off with a blank look upon his face. The lights were on, but no one was home.

  The next day the fields were buzzing with excitement at the upcoming events. Poor Carl picked cotton while all of his peers plotted and planned. As soon as they hit the shower they attacked.

  Billy whistled as he washed his muscular body. He was behaving extremely casual while Carl was being gang raped. The other boys ravaged him two at a time. He was fucked from every angle and in every orifice until everyone had had a turn. Billy didn’t take part in the rape since he would have him all to himself later. That night Billy had his way with him.


  “I can’t continue to live like this,” Carl told the smiling picture of AnJanay. “Just know that I’m always going to love you and that I’m sorry.”

  Carl took his last night of abuse in stride. He managed to hold his head high while once again being gang raped multiple times and again later that night when he was once again raped orally and anally by Billy when the lights went out. He held his head high because he’d already decided that this would be the last time any of it happened. The next day while out in the fields he took steps to make sure that it never happened again. Those steps were in the direction of the gun line.

  “Where you goin’, Nigga?” Cat Eyes asked when Carl started his march. Carl tilted his head in pride and kept on moving.

  “Where you goin’, Nigga?” a guard asked. He got the same answer so he racked his rifle and asked him again. “I said where you goin’, Nigga?”

  Carl took a deep breath, it would be his last, and took off running. The first shot deliberately struck the ground in front of him as a warning. When that failed to stop him the guard leveled his sights and as Carl stepped one foot over the gun line he gunned him down. The instant death froze a smile on the boy’s face, to be worn later at his funeral.


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