“This is my problem.” I pointed to the buildings of the school, sweeping my finger across the campus at all the students. “If someone saw us kissing, do you realize what a field day they’d have with it?”
“Well, then forget the student body in general. What would Summer do? Sanchez? The rest of the team? Do you realize how much shit they’d give you for being with me?”
“I can handle them.” He took another step toward me, but I retreated. “Scared?”
“No, but I don’t need the extra headache.”
“Bullshit.” He crossed his arms, growing more distant.
And as much as my heart ached to witness the change in him, my mind rejoiced. I’d keep pushing him away. It was best for both of us.
“Why are you afraid to admit you have a thing for me?” he asked.
I wanted to lie and say I didn’t, but there was too much evidence against me. He’d seen how I responded to his touch, to his kiss. He knew the difference between my furious face and my flustered face, and he knew how easily I melted into his arms.
I leaned back against the scoreboard and sighed. “Fine, I admit I have a thing for you. I’ll go as far as to admit that I really like kissing you.”
“Then why are you acting this way?”
“Because when we’re together, it’s too intense, too hot. It’s like throwing a lighted match into a warehouse full of fireworks—one big, beautiful explosion that will leave nothing but ashes once the smoke clears.” I paused then added, “And I don’t want to do that to you.”
“Who says it has to end that way?” He tilted my chin up until my eyes locked with his. “I’m willing to chance it if you are.”
“Do you realize what you’re saying?”
He nodded, his expression soft yet serious. “I really like you, Lexi. You’ve always intrigued me. That’s why I offered to switch names with the person who drew yours. I wanted to get to know you, to spend time with you.”
I turned away before I crumbled under his sweet words, before he saw the tears gathering in my eyes. “I’m not ready to take that step, Brett.”
His hands fell to his side, and the ache returned to my chest. I doubted any other girl in school would’ve turned Brett down, but that wasn’t who I was. I was hard. I was cruel. I didn’t let people get to me. I was the Queen B.
And at the moment, I hated being that.
So much, that I took his hand in mine before he drifted too far away. “I’m sorry, Brett, but I need time to get my head around all this.”
He didn’t have to say he thought I was a coward. I saw it in his eyes.
I tightened my grip on his hand. “Please?”
“So what are you suggesting?”
“That we start by being friends.”
One dark brow rose. “Friends?”
I nodded.
“You know that’s the nice way of softening a brush-off, Lexi.”
The corners of my mouth twitched. “Maybe for other girls, but I’m not like them.”
“You’re not kidding,” he said with a grin. “But I’m willing to try it.”
The warmth returned between us, his fingers squeezing mine. “You know, it’s quite an honor to be one of my friends. You’ve joined an elite group.”
“Just promise me I won’t have to watch any of Richard’s cheerleading routines.”
I laughed and then looked down to where our fingers were still entwined. My breath hitched. I forced myself to untangle my hand from his. “We should start moving before the gossip mill starts spinning.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” He picked up my bag and handed it to me as we resumed our course around the field. “Although I meant what I said—I’m willing to chance it if you are.”
“I’ll keep that in mind the next time my hormones get the better of me and demand a hookup.”
“Drag me into the janitor’s closet anytime you want, Lexi. Maybe then I can convince you how good we could be together.”
“You are so full of yourself.” But deep inside, I hoped he would. My lips already tingled at the thought of another make out session.
“So, are you going to come to the game tonight?”
“Keep dreaming.”
“Not even to cheer for one of your friends?”
I grinned. “Nope.”
We’d barely reached the edge of the field before Summer and her entourage (which included my sister) surrounded us. She looped her arm through Brett’s, letting her minions push me to the edge of the crowd. “There you are, Brett. I’d heard that you were stuck out here with her, and I came to rescue you.”
“Scared I’ll steal him away?” I countered, sharing a secret grin with Brett.
“Someone like you doesn’t stand a chance.” She whirled so her skirt flared around her hips, showing off her bronzed legs. “Come along, Brett. You don’t have to hang around her anymore now that your stupid baby project’s done.”
A dozen comebacks sat poised on my tongue, most of them revolving around Summer’s silicone parts. They stayed in the recesses of my mind, ready for another day. I already knew I had the upper hand. Let her live in her delusions a bit longer.
Brett offered a wave from the center of the cheerleading squad. “See you around, Lexi.”
I saluted him and strolled off in the opposite direction. I was Queen B, after all. I wasn’t about to give that title up.
But I was willing to try something new, including being friends with a guy I used to think was the epitome of everything I was against. Turns out I might have been wrong about him. And since this was my final year of the level of hell Dante missed, I might as well have a good time dancing in the flames.
As soon as I got to my car, I pulled out my phone and dialed one of the few numbers I had on speed dial. “Hey, Richard, do you need a ride to the football game tonight?”
I wasn’t finished with Brett Pederson.
Confessions of a Queen B* Page 18