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Sweethearts Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I need to go and put my bag in my room.” She grabbed Theo’s hand, and he saw her dad looking ready to attack him.

  “You’re not taking a boy to your room.”

  “Theo’s my boyfriend. We’re not going to do anything. Besides, you’re not the boss of me.”


  They were gone before they could be stopped.

  Within seconds, he was inside Ruby’s bedroom, and one look around her room, he knew it was hers. The color scheme was so light and bright. Pictures filled one wall, from family to scenic views.

  “Sorry about that,” she said.

  “Hey, I didn’t think for a second seeing your dad would get me into your room.”

  “It’s nothing. I’m sorry. I’ve not seen him in a really long time.”

  “Eight years?”

  “Pretty much. I wasn’t interested in visiting him in the city. Mom didn’t want to drive me out. He didn’t want to come and pick me up. I like where I live so never saw a reason to change. I was a bitch down there, wasn’t I?”

  Theo sat down on the edge of her bed. “You’re asking my advice?”

  “You’re supposed to be meeting my mother, and it’s turned into a mini drama.”

  “It’s nothing that we can’t handle.”

  She tucked her hair behind her ear, smiling. “We?”

  “You got that right, we.” He held out his hands, and she took them. “I don’t know everything that went on down there well enough to tell you if you were a bitch or not. It’s not my place.”

  He grabbed her ass, holding her close. He hugged her, and she ran her fingers through his hair. He loved the touch, the gentleness of her fingers on him.

  His cock started to harden at the merest caress from her.

  She suddenly pulled back and smiled at him. Seconds later, her lips were on his, in their first real kiss.


  Ruby’s lips still tingled as she sat at the table, very aware of her father near her. Theo sat opposite her while her parents were on either side of the table.

  “So, your mother tells me you’ve already got your letters and packages ready for the colleges you want to attend next year.”

  She stared at her mother’s pizza on the plate, and anger simmered inside. Why did he have to come back now?

  One glance at Callie, and she looked fine. It pissed Ruby off.

  “Don’t ignore him, sweetheart,” Callie said.

  “I don’t get this,” Ruby said, looking between both of her parents. “He just got up and left. I mean, why is he even here?”

  “He wanted to come and see you. We know it has been a long time, and we didn’t want to rush you.”

  “I still love your mother. We have been through a difficult time,” he said.

  Ruby shook her head. “No, that is not possible. People who love each other don’t go to the big city to get a job and never turn back up.”

  “Honey, he did turn back up. You just weren’t here when he did. It was only the one time, but we’ve been building … bridges. I did send divorce papers, and that’s when he came back, not too long ago,” Callie said.

  Ruby got to her feet. “I don’t want to hear this.”

  Stepping back from the table, she didn’t stop when her parents told her to. Theo was right behind her, and she was in his car, not looking back at the house.

  “You want me to go?” he asked.

  “Yes, please. I don’t want to be at home right now.”

  He pulled away from her house, and she didn’t even look back.

  “You’re not the biggest fan of your dad.”

  “I believe my mom deserves someone a lot better than him.”

  “Okay.” Theo kept on driving until they arrived at his home. She’d never been inside, and there was no sign of any cars. “My parents are away for the weekend.”


  “If you’re not comfortable…”

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine.” Climbing out of the car, she followed him into his home.

  Once inside, she saw how homey it was. There were jackets hung up in the hall, and she saw shoes aligned against the wall. The next thing she noticed were all the pictures of them. His family. She’d not met them, but she’d seen them on his cell phone when he shared them.

  It looked amazing.

  One day, she hoped to have a big family.

  “Your mom’s pizza was cool.”

  She tucked her hair behind her ears, and nodded. “Yeah, very cool.”

  “I’m going to go and shower.”

  Ruby turned to him. “So, I get to see your room?”

  “We’re all about sharing today.” He held out his hand, and she took it.

  She loved holding his hand and that kiss. She didn’t even know what came over her. His lips had been like a magnet, begging for her to kiss, and she’d given in, and explored his mouth. Theo had reciprocated and kissed her back, making her breathless.

  When the kiss had ended, she’d not wanted to go downstairs but to keep on kissing him.

  His bedroom was a real man cave.

  Football trophies were on one wall, along with pictures and newspaper cutouts. “My dad thinks it’s important for me to be surrounded in positivity.”

  “You should. This is your achievement, and it’s amazing, Theo. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.” She stepped up to the board.

  “You like them?”

  “They’re part of you, so yeah, I like them.”

  “You’re admitting you’re liking me?”

  “I do like you.”

  Theo wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck. “I know you don’t get sports.”

  “I get them. I just don’t agree with them, but that’s not going to stop me from liking you. I’m also listening and I’m starting to learn the rules, so one day I’ll know if you’re doing a good pass or a bad one.”

  “One day you’ll come and watch a game and you’ll see.” He kissed her again. “I’ve got to go and head for a shower. I stink.”

  She laughed.

  There was a television in the corner, and cupboards across one wall with a few books on top and his deodorant.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took everything in, feeling comfortable. This was Theo’s room. His domain. His cave.

  She liked it. It suited him, even the cream walls and black furniture.

  It wasn’t long before he returned with a towel wrapped around his waist. His body was on full display, every hard, muscular inch of him.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I just realized that I’m alone in a room with you and you’re naked.”

  “You worried I’ll take advantage?”

  She shook her head.

  “What is it?” he asked, stepping in front of her.

  “I’m worried I’ll take advantage of you.”

  He laughed. “I hate to break this to you, but I’ve got no problem being taken advantage of.”

  She stood up. Her hands went to his hips, holding him steady as she stared into his eyes.

  Something was happening right now, and as she leaned in to kiss him, she didn’t want to stop. Slowly, she ran her hand up his chest, watching him as he circled his neck.

  Was she ready? Could she do this?

  Theo wrapped his arm around her, and she waited, watching him.

  With her other hand, she fingered the edge of his towel, toying with it.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I really like you, Theo. I know I’ve been … weird, and I’m sorry. I just, I’m not used to being wanted.”

  “I want you.”

  “I like that you want me, and I want you.”

  “What are you saying, Ruby?

  She dropped the towel but didn’t look at him. She stayed in his arms, watching him.

  “I’m ready, Theo,” she said.

  Finding his erection, she wrapped her fingers around his length, and waited.

  “I want you.”
/>   It was the only time she’d ever said it, and this would be her very first time. She was ready, and she wanted him.

  Chapter Six

  At first, Theo didn’t know what to do. With Ruby’s hand on him, he couldn’t even think. This was what he’d been wanting for so long, and now it was finally here, he was freaking out while keeping it together.

  He wasn’t a virgin. That ship had sailed a long time ago. His first time had meant nothing to him.

  Gripping her hand on his cock, he stared into her eyes.

  “Ruby, no, you don’t want this.”

  “I do want this.”

  “This is about your father.”

  “No, this is about the two of us. I’m ready, Theo. I want you. No one else.” She kissed him again, and he was completely lost. “If you don’t want to, we’ll stop.”

  “I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  “I feel like I’m the one doing all the pressuring.”

  He cupped the back of her neck and showed her with actions how he truly felt. He hardened the kiss, wanting to taste her, exploring her mouth, moaning as she opened up to him and he could deepen the kiss.

  Her hand still worked on his dick, but he didn’t even try to push her away. He stepped toward the bed, pushing her down. She lay back, and he stared down at her after breaking from the kiss.

  Taking hold of her hand, he lifted it above her head.

  “I’m the one in charge if we do this.”

  “I’ve got a feeling you have a lot more experience than me.”

  Touching her hip, he lifted up her shirt and leaned down to press kisses along her stomach.

  She let out a gasp, arching up, and he continued to trail kisses as he exposed her to his gaze. Removing her shirt completely, he made quick work of her bra, and her tits were incredible. He’d spent a great deal of time admiring them and wanting them. Seeing them now, he was completely floored by her beauty. She truly was stunning.

  His cock hardened even more, and he couldn’t get enough of her.

  Dropping a kiss to each peaked tip, he flicked his tongue across, and relished her gasp as he did.

  He sat back, working the catch of her jeans, and together, they slid them off her body, and before he had any doubts, he removed her panties as well. She lay beneath him, open, spread out, for his gaze only.

  Stroking her thighs, he slowly drew his fingers up, moving toward her center and touching her pussy.

  She gasped.

  Moving down the bed so his mouth was above her, he spread her lips wide, and licked between her slit.

  She cried out his name, and he loved the taste of her. Up and down he slid his tongue, feeling the shock slowly leave her body as she started to rock against his face. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he used his teeth to bite down just slightly, hearing her cry out before soothing out that pain with his tongue.

  Staring up the length of her body, he watched her tits shake. His own cock was begging for him to touch. The past month, in fact, the past year he’d been wanting her, he’d had blue balls.

  This for him, was a dream come true. To finally have her in his bed, giving her pleasure was what he’d been wanting for so long now.

  Over and over he suckled on her clit, wanting to take her virginity, but holding back.

  When she came, he wished he could see her face and watch her come apart. There would be time for that. He waited for her orgasm to ebb away before moving up her body and staring down into her eyes.

  She looked mesmerized, and he was completely drawn to her. He reached into his drawer and got a condom.

  “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Yes. I’m ready.”

  He tore into the condom, sliding it over his erection and moving between her spread legs. His nerves took over as he stared at her. She meant everything to him. For so long now, he’d been trying to get with this girl, and the past month had been a whirlwind.

  She wasn’t some joke or a passing fancy.

  Ruby was the woman he wanted to be with.

  With his cock at her entrance, he knew it was going to hurt. In one swift, hard, thrust, he filled her pussy, tearing through her virginity and claiming her as his own.

  Once it was done, he kissed away her cries and wiped away her tears, keeping himself perfectly still within her, not wanting to cause her any more pain. He didn’t know how long the pain lasted for, only that he didn’t want to hear her cry like that again.

  When no more tears fell, he lifted up, and stared down into her eyes.

  “You okay?” he asked and winced.

  “Yes. I knew there’d be pain.”

  “I didn’t want to prolong it.”

  “You had sex with a lot of virgins?”

  “None.” He stroked her cheek. “Just you.”

  “Just me?”

  “Yeah, and only you from now on.”


  “Don’t say anything. I know you doubt me at every turn, but there’s no need to. I’m not going to hurt you, but that’s okay. I will spend every single waking moment of my life to prove to you that I’ll never hurt you. That I’m here. I have no reason to leave. You’re everything that I want.” When he finished, he pulled out of her, and slowly began to sink inside her.

  She gasped.

  He thrust inside slowly, feeling the walls of her pussy tighten around him, gripping him.

  Waiting for her to belong to him was the best time he’d ever spent. Over and over, he thrust, making love to her. Kissing her lips, he couldn’t believe she was his, and he certainly had no intention of ever giving her up, not for anything.

  Driving in deep, he felt the first pulse of his own arousal. After months of going without, and finally being in the woman he wanted, he filled the condom, feeling like he was drowning in a sea of need.

  Ruby arched up, screaming his name, and he felt her release as well with him. They came together, and to Theo, it was the best experience of his life.


  The condom had broken.

  Ruby watched as Theo disposed of it, returning to his bedroom with a washcloth. She was no longer a virgin. She had sex after walking out on her parents. Her life couldn’t get any more complicated, and yet, the condom had broken.

  On their first time.

  He wiped away the remnants of his semen and her virgin blood, leaving her again before returning. Theo didn’t grab his clothes.

  He climbed into bed, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.

  Neither of them spoke for what felt like a lifetime.

  Were words really needed?

  “The condom broke.”

  “Did you enjoy that?”

  They both talked at the same time.

  Ruby smiled. “Yes, I enjoyed it.”

  “We’ll handle whatever happens. Do you want me to try and find the morning after pill?” Theo asked.

  “You’d do that?” She looked up at him.

  “I’d do anything for you.”


  Theo opened his mouth and closed it.

  “What?” she asked. “What is it?”

  “I, erm, I’d met your mother before today. Before you introduced us.”

  “I know. She told me that she remembered you and your dog. Where is your dog?”

  “My parents take him with them whenever they have to leave the house, so he’s not on his own with me at school and everything.”

  “Ah, I’d love to meet him.”

  “I asked your mother for help.”

  “What?” Ruby asked, watching him.

  “The day at the vet. I knew who she was, and in all honesty, I was getting desperate.”

  “Desperate for what?”

  “To get to know you. To talk to you. I couldn’t think of how best to get your attention, and I told your mother.”

  “Wait. My mom knew you were going to ask me out?” Ruby asked.

  “Yes. I told her I had very deep feelings for you, and she
asked me how deep, and I told her the truth. You mother really should work for law enforcement or something.”

  “You have feelings for me?”

  Theo cupped her cheek. “How could you think I don’t?”

  “Theo, you don’t think this is moving too fast?”

  He laughed. “I’m in love with you.”

  Her heart pounded. “What?”

  “I told your mother that. I knew without a doubt my feelings for you, and at first, she laughed at me. Told me that I didn’t know what I was talking about. Then, I told her what I felt. How I watched you from afar and had been doing so all these years. How you went through that year of wearing nothing but dungarees all year with a different neon shirt. She told me you were going through your rebel stage. I thought you looked so cute, and I loved the way they hugged your ass. Then you went in long dresses. Another thing you were going through. I didn’t like them. They were always too big and never showed your curves, apart from when you walked with speed. I’d watch you during classes, at lunch when you were around. I saw you around town with your mom, and I even begged my parents for a dog. We went to the rescue, so I could go to the vet’s.”

  Tears filled her eyes as he continued.

  “For a long time, I’ve been wanting to be part of your life. To see you smile. To watch you, but I didn’t know what to do, and after I revealed everything to your mother, she told me to stop doubting myself and to show her daughter how I feel. So I did.”

  “I never knew.”

  “I never blatantly showed you how I felt. I didn’t want you to know. I was scared, but it has never once wavered even though I wanted it to. I love you, Ruby James, more than football, more than anything else in the world. My one secret is that your mother knew how I felt as well. One day, I hope you can forgive me.”

  She sniffled. “What is there to forgive?” she asked. “How can I be mad at you for that?” She pushed him to the bed and straddled his waist, kissing him hard. With how she sat, she felt him harden beneath her, and she gasped at the sheer pleasure that rushed through her.

  “I want you again.”

  “You’ll get sore.”

  “I don’t care.” She gripped his neck and kissed him hard. “Theo,” she said.


  “I think I’m falling in love with you as well.”

  In a matter of seconds, he had another condom on his hard erection, and he was at her entrance, and she slid down his length with his guidance. He showed her what he wanted, how to ride him.


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