Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 4

by Brian K. Larson

  “Yes, my Lord. They disappeared. First they were there, and then they were not.”

  “Interesting...what else?”

  “I sent a scout vessel from my flag ship to investigate.”

  “What did they report?”

  “They too disappeared.”

  “To what conclusion does this lead you, Thelix of the second house?”

  “My Lord,” Thelix continued, taking another handful of flesh, “I conclude that the Betelgeuse supernova has stabilized.”

  “The conduit has been restored?”

  “It does appear that it has. I recommend sending a larger ship to explore.”

  “It is most certain that it leads to our long lost friends at Epsilon.”

  “My Lord, our scanners indicate that it travels well beyond the star Epsilon Eridani.”

  “We have long suspected that the Eridonians have been protecting another star system.”

  “Yes, my Lord. It may be that the Betelgeuse conduit does in fact lead to a new star.”

  “Yes, yes indeed,” Dumakas laughed between chomping, “A new star, new planets, new races we can conquer.”

  “Yes, my Lord. I can taste the spoils of our raids already.”

  Dumakas pointed his finger, “I want you to lead the exploration team. Take a small corvette class ship. Investigate these new findings. Bring back a good report, and I will order our invasion fleet to be dispatched at once.”

  Thelix smiled, baring his stained, yellow fangs, “Yes, my Lord. A small craft such as our corvette class, operating alone, will be nearly impossible to detect.”

  The Emperor leaned toward Thelix, “Be cautious, Captain. Do not let these Eridonians trick your mind.”

  “I will equip our ship with a telepathic inhibitor. They will not fool us.”

  Dumakas leaned back in his chair, “Tell me, Thelix of the moon Gornash, you are familiar with my grandfather’s legend?”

  “Yes, my Lord. Everyone is aware of the Great Warlord, Gorax. He captured two Eridonians and brought them to our home world for analysis. It was the first live Eridonian capture known in the history of Antares. It is his act of capturing them, and fleeing the supernova before it destroyed them; it was this very act that rewarded him with the crown as our new Emperor of Antares. Your grandfather was responsible for the development of our telepathic inhibitor.”

  Dumakas smiled, “Yes, that is the legend. But there is more to the story that is only known by the House of the Emperor.”

  “Curious, my Lord? Why do we not know the entire story?”

  “It has been kept secret. We were told by my grandfather to never discuss this until it was time.”

  “...and you’re saying it is now that time, my Lord?”

  “Yes, I believe that this is what he was telling us. I will trust you with his knowledge, only because you will be crossing near Epsilon.”

  “My Lord,” Thelix answered, wiping his large hands on the front of his clothes, “You can trust me.”

  “Very well, Thelix. You will tell no one else.”

  “No one, my Lord.”

  “Swear it!” Dumakas ordered, pulling a dagger from his belt.

  Thelix held his hand out before his Emperor. Dumakas held his hand and drew his dagger across his open palm. Thelix grabbed the blade as the Emperor pulled the blade, forming a deep wound.

  Thelix winced at the pain, and looked into Dumakas’ eyes, “I swear it, my Lord!”

  Dumakas leaned down and licked the blood that pooled in his hand, slurping it into his mouth. Then he closed Thelix’s hand and returned his blade to his belt.

  “It is sworn with my blood, my Lord!”

  Dumakas licked the leftover blood from his lips, “You have sworn to me your blood oath. I will now reveal to you the secrets of the Gorax legend.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Thelix nodded, and then wrapped his hand with a cloth he took from his vest.

  Dumakas pressed a button on the arm of his chair, “Laboolaron, do not disturb us...do you understand?”

  A smooth, yet gruff voice, echoed from the intercom, “Yes, my Lord. You chamber is secure.”

  “Now,” Dumakas began, “You know about the tale of the Great Warlord, Gorax. But you only know part of the legend. You see, my grandfather did indeed capture two Eridonians. There were three ships they detected at the Betelgeuse star. We had known that star was doomed for many years. We didn’t know it would be so soon. Our best scientist expected it would be another ten-thousand years.”

  “Yes, I do remember reading that during my training at The War Foundation.”

  “Well, the readings were off the chart. It was those tremendous radiation waves that emanated from that star that prevented the Eridonians from using their telepathic mind tricks on them. This is why they were detected by my grandfather’s battle cruiser.”

  “Why did they come to the Betelgeuse star system and risk detection, my Lord? Surly they would have known this, am I not correct?”

  “You are most correct, Thelix. They were unable to use their mind tricks on us. When Gorax gave the order to jump from the system, they escaped the supernova. They had seconds remaining before their ship would have been destroyed.”

  “Their jump setting was off slightly. Is that why they jumped two hours from our home world?”

  “Quite right again. The ship’s helmsman punched in the jump setting but did not take into account the supernova’s effect on the ship’s engines. They were in fact two hours out from our home moon Serintin. What happened during the next two hours was kept secret.”

  “My Lord, I would guess that the radiation from Betelgeuse no longer inhibited the Eridonian prisoners.”

  “Yes. Gorax resisted the best he could. Even with his strength, he fell to their mind tricks, and so did his helmsman. Gorax killed one of them to force the other to communicate. Then after the last Eridonian spoke within his mind that they were on a one-way mission, the helmsman ran his sword through him.”

  “If the Eridonians were killed, how did your grandfather discover how to make the telepathic inhibitor?”

  “It was three days later. Apparently, the Eridonian’s communication with my grandfather transmitted more information than he wished to. Gorax began having vivid dreams. It took him six months to compile all the details. The Eridonian didn’t intend to transmit any additional information. Gorax surmised that they were still affected slightly by the radiation from the supernova. This is the only reason he was able to figure out the inhibitor. It’s based on the radiation signature that Betelgeuse emitted.”

  “So as long as our telepathic inhibitor produces the signal, they will not be able to influence our minds?”

  “Yes, you are correct. However, if the inhibitor signal is terminated, you and your crew will be susceptible to their mind tricks.”

  “I understand, my Lord.”

  “No, I do not think you really do fully understand.”

  “My Lord?”

  “Let me explain. Gorax was affected more than he first knew. The Eridonian that was last to die, well, he planted thoughts in his mind. Thoughts that he would not know were not his own until much later.”

  “What happened, my Lord?”

  “When they boarded his ship, they found Gorax sitting by himself in the command chair.”

  “What happened to the rest of his crew?”

  “He killed them.”

  “He killed them?”

  “Yes. Gorax killed them all. Every last one of them. Our people carried him from his ship and placed him in an isolation cell where he was to await punishment. He knew that he had murdered the crew. He wasn’t able to stop himself. He killed them with no purpose, no meaning...he robbed his entire crew of their blood lust in order to quench his own. This was a blood lust he had never experienced before. We had never sought after our own kind to satisfy this desire within. He had escaped the supernova, captured the Eridonians, and then killed the rest in a rage he was unable to control or understand.” />
  “How did he become Emperor if he committed this unnatural crime against his own?”

  “A few weeks after isolation, he was brought before the Emperor. The Emperor at the time was fascinated by his ordeal. They became so close that the Emperor brought Gorax to his council hall every day to talk with him. This went on every day for the next six months. Together they sorted out the thoughts that were trapped inside of his mind. It was ultimately ruled that Gorax was a victim of the mind manipulation. He was not punished for this crime. The Emperor was old. He had lived four-hundred and twelve years. His health was failing and he had no offspring in which to pass his house to. Gorax fell to the leadership position at the Emperor’s request. They had cracked the invention of the telepathic inhibitor. Once Gorax took the throne, he wanted to ensure that his line would continue. So he ordered as many females to be brought to his chambers as possible. He mated with hundreds over a period of fifty years. Then one day, at long last, my father was conceived.”

  “I never knew, my Lord.”

  “And you will never tell a sole about this secret.”

  “My Lord, I pledged a blood oath that I will not.”

  “Yes. You most certainly did. Your blood oath will keep your promise. This I know too. You are aware, that if you speak of this to anyone, your blood will boil, killing you.”

  “Yes, my Lord. Our blood oath: it keeps us or kills us.”

  “It is our way.”

  “My Lord, I shall prepare my team and depart our system for the Betelgeuse corridor immediately.”

  “Yes, you will depart as soon as you are ready. I know you will miss the games. For that I am sorry.”

  “My Lord, my blood lust will be quenched by this journey.”

  “Very well, Thelix. Take your leave of me. Report when you return.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  Thelix stood and bowed before leaving the Emperor.




  John F. Kennedy Space Center


  Race pulled the towering glass doors of the hanger open, and then followed Jed through.

  Across the way they saw Admiral Gilmore on a raised platform, speaking to a group of officers. The Admiral addressed the two men approaching, “Well, it’s about damn time you two showed up!”

  “Nice to see you too, Admiral,” Jed said, with a weak salute.

  Race smiled at the sight behind the Admiral. “Wow, Admiral. That’s some scaffolding. What’s ya buildin’?”

  “Race Jennings,” Gilmore said, placing his hands on his hips, “So, they decided to let you in after all.”


  “You know what...”

  “Hey, that was a long time ago. Besides, you told me to bring him here.”

  “I said bring him, I never said you were on the team.”

  “I’ve been a military consultant for a long time! Cut me some slack here.”

  “How about peeing in a cup?”

  “Any time, Admiral. I’m clean.”

  “We sure can arrange that.”

  “Just show me the way, Sir.”

  “Admiral,” Jed interrupted, “I think we have more important things to discuss. Maybe we should leave the past, well, in the past.”

  “...coming from a man who can’t leave the past alone himself,” Race kidded.

  “He’s right,” a man said, appearing from nowhere.

  Admiral Gilmore jumped, “Malcom. You made it!”

  “Quite right Admiral Gilmore,” Malcom answered, “But it is difficult to remain here in all of your minds at once. It is taking considerable resources. Especially after last night’s display across your world, so I must address you quickly.”

  Admiral Gilmore stepped aside, “The floor is all yours, Malcom.”

  Malcom turned to the twenty men in the large hanger, “Thank you for coming today. As you know, my name is Malcom. I am projecting myself into your minds telepathically. We came to you last night because time is of the utmost importance. The conduit from the star Betelgeuse has reached your star system. You saw the evidence in your skies last night. We hoped that the people of Earth would have advanced to a higher technological state than you have. Unfortunately, the wars that you have fought over the centuries have significantly delayed your development. Your governments,” Malcom turned toward Admiral Gilmore, “have kept us a secret for too long.”

  “We felt...”

  “...your governments felt...”

  “...that there could be panic, that the shock would be too hard for many to handle.”

  Race stood with his hand on his hips, “You knew about them all along, didn’t you?”

  Malcom again turned to address the assembly, “There were reasons to keep this secret. We couldn’t convince your powers in authority any differently. Once lie was cast, it had to be continued in order to keep the trust of the people. All of your governments thought that revealing our existence could cause significant panic. Some governments were not as confident as others. They were undermined by their fears of losing power. These would be the first to fall at the hands of the Antarians. The reasons to keep our presence quiet outweigh the present danger your planet faces. If we do not intervene and prepare your people for the coming threat, your civilization will not survive the attack. The survivors will be taken to Antares and...” Malcom paused, “there is no need to discuss that matter just yet. Let’s just say, they will leave some behind and take others for their own wicked desires. This is why we have reached out to you now. The Warlords we told you about last night have discovered the conduit. It was unavoidable. We had hoped that we had more time, but they discovered our ships entering the wormhole. We tried to mask those signatures, but for some reason, they were able to detect us. We are on our way to Earth. It takes three days to travel the conduit. We are halfway there now. We are certain they will send a scout ship and discover Earth’s location.”

  “Don’t you people have any good news?” Race asked from the crowd.

  “Yes,” Malcom answered, turning to Race, “I am on my way to Earth to offer our assistance to you. Not just the military, though they will have an important role.”

  “Oh good, we get to see the real Malcom after all.”

  “Zip it, Jennings!” Admiral Gilmore yelled.

  Malcom turned to the Admiral, “It is quite alright, Admiral. It is perfectly logical for him to question us. The civilians, such as you, Race Jennings, will provide invaluable assistance.”

  Gilmore crossed his arms, “What possible good can this degenerate druggie have to offer us?”

  “More than you understand, Admiral Gilmore,” Malcom answered.

  Race crossed his arms and smiled with satisfaction, “Well, thank you Malcom.” He turned to Jed, “See? I have purpose.”

  “Each and every one of you that I have called here today has a crucial role.”

  “Malcom, I have to disagree,” Gilmore protested, “They’re not soldiers. They don’t know how to fight.”

  “This is precisely why they have been chosen. All these men here today have no war background. They have not been damaged by your training methods of ground based warfare.”

  “Damaged? Now wait here just one minute...”

  “Admiral Gilmore,” Malcom said, touching the center of his forehead with his hand, “You must understand this is not a disparagement on your military’s skills. However, these men will be trained by us. Our methods need to be revealed to those with zero contamination. The tactics that you have ingrained for ground battle would undermine the tactics that are needed for space conflict.”

  Admiral Gilmore nodded, stepped back and apologized.

  “What’d you do to him?” Jed asked, “He’s never backed down from an argument before.”

  “Do not worry. I touched his mind in a way that he will not understand. Please, do not interfere with our plans. We mean you no harm. We have been watching you
r planet for centuries. We only come to you now so you will have a fighting chance against the Warlords.”

  “So,” Race scoffed, “What’s behind door number one?”

  Admiral Gilmore stepped forward, “This is the very first interstellar warship.”

  “Warship?” Race exclaimed.

  Malcom took over for the Admiral, “We gave the military these designs five years ago. There have been five similar ships built. Two by this government, three by other governments who have agreed to cooperate.”

  “You’re saying that you gave us the technology possible to build such a vessel?” Jed asked.

  “This is an advanced design. However, since you are not sufficiently technologically developed, you do not have a power supply for these ships.”

  “So what good is this grounded spaced fleet of five, anyway?” Race asked. “And how in the hell do you expect our planet to fight against a superior force with a fleet of just five ships?”

  “This is why we had to come to Earth in our ships. Those will be integrated within these war ships to be used as the power source.”

  “Well, that’s all good and well,” Race opposed, “But I’m not sure if only five ships are going to thwart off any massive invasion that’s coming our way.”

  “Do not underestimate our ship designs. They are complete with advanced weapons systems. Five of these ships can easily overpower twenty of the Warlord ships.”

  “Well, that makes me feel better…as long as these Warlords don’t show up with more than twenty five ships!” Race countered, “Pardon me for being skeptical, but I have to agree with both you and the Admiral on one point: we don’t know how to fight in space.”

  “Ah,” Malcom smiled, “But you do know. We have transferred all the necessary knowledge and skills you need to fly these ships to those designated as fighter pilots.”

  “You what?”

  “That information will manifest as if it is second nature to you when you are ready to use that particular skill. When our saucer ships arrive in thirty-six of your hours, we will dock with each of the battleships. They will power on and will be able to launch. You will only have a few days to train in your new fleet. Now is the time to prepare for the first scout ship to arrive from Antares.”


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