Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 20

by Brian K. Larson

  “Welcome to the world of Freedom.”


  “Yes, that is what we call it when we are able to make our own decisions, to do the things we wish to do, without worrying about others interfering. As long as you are keeping to the laws of the land, you have no worries.”

  “This is a most…unusual sensation.”

  “Unusual as in good way, or unusual as in a bad way?”

  “I don’t know if this is a good thing. But I am not sure. Very confusing.”

  “Lay back down, big fella. You need to allow your body time to recover.”

  “Yes, I agree. Must recover...”

  The doors to the sickbay slid open. Jed and Commander Jameson walked through the doorway. Several Marine guards in full combat gear waited outside the doors. Stopping within the portal were two humanoid beings.

  “Doctor Lambert,” Jed indicated the two Draconian officers in the doorway, “let me introduce you to Captain Trygg Rothgarson and his first officer, Styr Valbrandrson of Sigma Draconis.”

  The doctor briefly glanced up to see the Captain’s guests, “Pleased to meet ya,” and then returned to his monitors.

  Thelix turned his head to take in the group, “Captain,” he struggled to say, “you fought valiantly. You have gained my respect.”

  Trygg stepped into the room, flipping his long white hair to his other shoulder, “I should kill you where you lie!”

  The marines pressed closer to the new aliens, Trygg stopped his advance and composed himself, “My apologies to my gracious host. I meant no disrespect to your hospitality.”

  “None taken,” Jed answered.

  “But you must understand that these creatures are brutal. I have witnessed firsthand what they are capable of doing. Do not trust them.”

  “Oh, I’m not so sure this one is in any position to cause you harm.”

  “Quite right, Captain,” Doctor Lambert said, “He’s much too weak. However, he will recover...”

  Trygg interrupted the doctor, “Extract the required information from this one, and then kill him. Before he kills everyone on your ship.”

  “Captain, eh, Rothgarson is it?” the Doctor began.

  “Yes, your pronunciation is correct, Doctor.”

  “I seriously doubt that he will present any problems for your kind, or ours, from this point on.”

  “Oh really, Doctor? And what makes you say that?” Styr cocked his head to one side, “I have seen what they are capable of doing. They are cunning and evil creatures. I agree with my Captain. Kill him now, before it is too late!”

  “Now, let’s all just take a deep breath,” Doctor Lambert began, “and I’ll tell you all about my findings.”

  “What is it you have to tell us that will convince us to keep him alive?” Trygg asked.

  “This Antarian’s blood has been changed.”

  “Changed?” Trygg exclaimed.

  “Explain!” Styr demanded.

  “Relax folks,” Jed said, motioning with his hands. “I’m sure the doctor has a perfectly good explanation.”

  “We found this Antarian,” Doctor Lambert began, “very sick. Nearly dead...”

  “Humph,” Trygg added, “Too bad.”

  The doctor returned the Draconian’s glare, “As I was saying, we found them in a ship. They captured one of our support ships and crew. Apparently, they cut one of them and tasted their blood.”

  “Yes, their lust for blood would overcome the prudence of testing it first,” Styr said.

  Doctor Lambert cleared his throat and gave them another stare, “There was something within Human blood that caused them to get sick. Very sick...this did something to their blood. They lost the symbiotic connection to their blood.”

  “What are you talking about?” Trygg asked.

  “Apparently, they don’t understand the unique properties of Antarian blood, Doctor,” Commander Jameson said.

  “Let me bring you up to speed then,” Lambert said, before they could interrupt again, “Their blood seems to be aware, sentient even. It controls their thoughts. This is the main reason why they lust for blood.”

  “You’re saying they can’t help themselves?” Trygg asked. “Sounds more like you’re giving them an excuse to do what they do!”

  “Not at all, Captain. This infection has broken the connection to their blood’s awareness. At least this one is no longer subject to his blood lust.”

  Thelix, no longer able to stay silent again struggled to speak, “Doctor. I can prove to them that I am no longer controlled by my blood.”

  “Oh, this should be good,” Commander Styr scoffed.

  “No, let me finish. Then you may kill me as you see fit if you do not believe me.”

  “Go on, then,” Trygg smiled, “for it will be my pleasure to use your own dagger to remove your two hearts!”

  “Before I left on this mission, I swore a blood oath.”

  “Yes,” Trygg answered, “We are familiar with your blood oath. Apparently if you speak of something you swore, your blood boils or something.”

  “Doctor, you can confirm that I swore this blood oath. Tell them the Eridonian scanned my mind and became subject to the same oath.”

  “Yes, he is telling you the truth.”

  “You have Eridonians on board?” Trygg’s eyes widened with awe.

  “Not presently on our ship,” Jameson answered, “but when we were back at the Betelgeuse sector, yes.”

  “You have my attention, continue.”

  “It was with the Emperor himself.”

  “Dumakas made you swear an oath? What was it, if you are no longer subject to this blood oath, you can reveal it without harm to yourself.”

  “Yes, the Emperor has ruled Serintin for centuries. But he should not be ruler.”

  “How so?”

  “His house befriended our last successor. Dumakas’ grandfather fooled him into giving the crown to him. He is not of the royal blood of the Emperor’s house of Serintin of the star Antares. It is a closely guarded secret that has been forgotten long ago. If that was to be revealed, it would cause chaos, and most likely a civil war among the warlords.”

  “Well, his secret is now out, and you’re still alive,” Trygg said.

  “Yes, I have broken the blood oath. You must believe that I am no longer confined to this prison of blood. You can see, it no longer has control over me.”

  “Very well, I shall spare your life. I believe this one can be of use to us in our war,” Trygg smiled.

  “Will you join forces with us?” Jed asked. “For the common good of defeating this threat?”

  “Yes, I will send word to our other ships in the sector. We will offer our help in any situation with the Antarians.”



  Serintin Palace


  Dumakas towered over Race and Danielle, “You humans are more resourceful that we first anticipated.”

  Race held his tied hands in the air, “Are these really necessary? I mean, we did turn ourselves in.”

  “Yes, they are most necessary as this is your second escape attempt,” Laboolaron said.

  “You say you were close to leaving the Palace? Where did you think you were going?” Dumakas demanded.

  “Well, we weren’t sure; kind of flying by the seat of our pants, so to speak.”

  “Tell me again how you were freed from your cell? Did you kill the Antarian we found nearby?”

  “Darnash,” Danielle said.

  “Darnash? Bah! I do not believe you. Why would a trusted man, such as Darnash, risk his own death in freeing the likes of a couple of non-threating humans?”

  “Well, what do you think happened to our Eridonian friend?”

  “The Eridonian must have played a mind-trick. That is the only explanation that makes sense.”

  Danielle stepped forward, “Nothing else matters, my Lord Emperor Dumakas. We are here now.”
  “Yes, yes, I suppose you are at that,” Dumakas stroked his stringy goatee, “The question remains; what shall I do with you?”

  “I have already offered to fight in the Arena. Grant me this one request and I promise you a blood lust that will be spoken of for generations, my Lord,” Danielle grinned.

  “How can you be so sure that you will be the victor?” Dumakas drooled.

  “I know I am destined,” she puffed her ample chest out, “to deliver a blood lust of such magnificence that has never been seen on Serintin before.”

  Dumakas roared, “You know who won the last battle, and you know the fight must be to the death. That means you must kill your opponent. You will fight the female Draconian. Are you certain you are up to the challenge?”

  “Yes!” Danielle boasted with resolve.

  “I will grant you this request. However, your mate will remain here with me, where I can keep an eye on him.”

  Race’s eyebrows rose. He winked at Danielle.


  “Now, wait a minute...doesn’t the mate get a vote?”

  “No!” Danielle shouted, winked, and then turned back to Dumakas, “and he’s not my mate.”

  “I’m not?”

  “Race, be still,” Danielle whispered, “Just play along already!”

  “Right, right, we’re not mated, my Lord,” Race tried to convince, “We’re just friends, yeah, that’s it! Just friends.”

  “Humph...I trust nothing this male human says.”

  Race grabbed Danielle by wrapping his arm around her, “Okay, okay, we’re a couple. You got me. We just haven’t…mated yet!”

  Danielle shoved Race away from her as Dumakas laughed, “Someone please shut this male human up!”

  “No, really, I’ll be quiet now,” Race said as two determined looking Antarian guards stepped forward.

  Dumakas waved his hand, “Prepare the female for the games! Laboolaron, ensure that you keep this male human silent throughout the battle.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” then Laboolaron motioned to his guards who then promptly escorted Danielle to the arena.

  Race jumped up to get one last word out, “You can do it, Danielle! I’m rootin’ for ya!”

  The guards loomed over the smaller earthling, “You had best take your seat before we have to make you take it.”

  “Oh, right...yeah. I’m gonna take my seat now.”

  Dumakas addressed Laboolaron, “Ensure that our invasion fleet is assembled. Once the games are completed, send the order to dispatch them to the Betelgeuse Conduit. Travel to this Earth and bring me back the spoils of our raids.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Laboolaron bowed before his Emperor.

  Danielle was ushered below to the arena entrance. An iron gate lifted, revealing spikes at the ends of each iron rod. The gate creaked open and the guards gave her a slight nudge across the entrance threshold. She turned and extended her tied hands, “You mind?”

  One of the guards took his dagger and cut the ropes off her hands, and then the other guard let the Iron Gate slam down into the ground with a thud.

  One of the guards laughed, “The rules are simple. There are none!”

  “Your time starts now,” the other guard stated, “I would not waste time looking at us.”

  Danielle took off to find what supplies she had to work with. She glanced up once to see Dumakas and Race watching her from the Emperor’s balcony.

  She saw the forging fire and air bellows on a flat slab of stone, next to a stone honing wheel. Several shards of metal lined the wall. Some had fallen to the ground. She ran over to the bellows and began pumping, making the fire hotter.

  She examined the metal as she pumped the billows. The metal had already been cut into basic sword shapes. One in particular caught her eye; she thought it could make an effective sword.

  She began to sweat from the heat of the fire. She ran to grab her selected metal shard, and then ran back and set it in the fire. She looked around, finding the anvil and hammer nearby.

  “Looks like I just need to put a good edge on this sword.”

  As she let the metal heat up, she searched for a smaller section of metal she could fashion into a cross guard.

  “Nice,” Danielle hissed. She removed the heated metal from the fire with tongs and held it to the anvil.

  The metal glowed red with heat. As she struck the edges with the hammer, metal sparks shot out in all directions.

  She quickly found the rhythm and pounded out the basic sword edge. Her design featured a pronounced profile taper, and then it widened, and finally tapered to its tip. She smiled as it took shape. The double edged weapon had a mean look to it. Satisfied with the blade’s edge, she again carried it with tongs and doused it in the water. Steam vapor leapt from the water’s surface as the hot metal’s immersion set it to a boil. Danielle ran back to the forge and heated the blade once more to temper the metal, increasing its hardness without making it brittle.

  After cooling the blade to complete the tempering, she heated the smaller pieces and hammered them onto the hilt, forming a crescent shaped cross guard that pointed down the blade.

  She grabbed two lengths of leather and began braiding it to form the handle and then tied it off at the pommel.

  She nodded with satisfaction as she set the nearly finished blade against the honing stone. A few minutes against the wheel and it was done.

  Holding the sword in the palm of her hand, she gauged the balance and pivot points.

  Race watched Danielle in amazement, “Hey, Dumakas, that’s a pretty wicked looking sword, ain’t it!”

  “Indeed,” the Emperor smiled in return. “She will make a formidable opponent.” The Emperor rubbed his hands in excitement. “It appears as if she may deliver what she has promised.”

  “You think she will win?”

  “That remains to be seen. However, this will make for a most excellent blood lust ceremony, regardless of who wins.”

  Danielle raised her newly fashioned sword over her head and swung it around in a circle, finally aiming it out in front of her. She smiled up at Race and winked.

  “Nice,” Race cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled.

  “Do not speak with the players,” Laboolaron cautioned.

  “Oh, sorry. I thought I could at least cheer for the good guys!”

  Danielle swung her sword with her eyes closed, feeling its weight and balance. She parried and then advanced with masterful precision.

  Noticing the time was quickly running out, she began making her way to the high ground. Looking around at the rocks she needed to climb, she decided on a route and dashed to the edge. Once there, she leapt across to a rock outcropping. Her footing gave way, and she dropped her sword as she clutched at the rocks. She watched her sword clank and tumble, and then finally splash into the water.

  “Damn! I didn’t need that,” she mumbled to herself. “That must be about ten foot drop...shouldn’t be too bad.”

  Danielle let go of the cliff and fell feet first into the water below with a splash. Diving to the bottom, she grabbed the sword and swam towards the surface. Something brushed against her leg. She yelped in fear. Air and bubbles escaped from her lips as she quickly scrambled out of the water and up the rocks.

  When she turned over she saw one of the large Antarian alligators looking over her. Planting the end of her sword on the ground, she aimed the blade in the air just in time to pierce the Gronjech before it could tear her in half.

  She stood and withdrew her weapon from the fallen beast, “They look bigger up close.”

  Dumakas laughed with joy, and then yelled down to her, “You’ll have to do better than that, young lady, if you are to satisfy our blood lust here today.”

  Danielle looked up at the balcony, “Don’t you worry about me...I’ll be just fine!”

  She dashed up the side of the rocks and scoped out a new route for her trek to the high ground platform.

  “You better hurry, human fema
le. Your opponent is nearly there already.”

  Danielle changed her mind and leapt three times to another large rock. Walking up to the rocks edge, she looked down at the twenty-five foot drop and then across at the ten foot jump.

  “I can do this!” she convinced herself.

  She took several steps back and then sprinted to the edge. As she leaped across the chasm two Gronjechs snapped at her feet, their teeth barely missing her as she landed on the other side.

  “YES!” she shouted with victory.

  Spotting the frail wooden ladder, she dashed to it and climbed to the top. She had arrived seconds before her Draconian opponent. She held her sword in a stance and waited for the alien woman to attack.

  “Excellent...most excellent!” Laboolaron exclaimed.

  “Well done, female human!” Dumakas praised. “Watch carefully, human male,” he said, leaning closer so Race could hear, “the best is yet to come.”

  Danielle countered the Draconian’s movements as the two circled each other. The Draconian swirled her sword, taunting Danielle.

  “What’s your name?” Danielle shouted to the alien woman.

  “What does that matter? I am here to take you down so I may live another day!”

  “My name’s Danielle!”

  “I told you human female! It matters not!”

  Dumakas stood and leaned over the balcony, “Stop speaking with your opponent and get to it!”

  Danielle, not taking her eyes off her opponent, “Why?”

  “Because...” Dumakas answered in frustration, “it’s...it’s just not allowed!”

  “I thought you said there are no rules, Emperor!” Danielle shouted in return.

  “Skati,” the alien woman answered, holding her sword with both hands and in a defensive stance.

  “Skati? As in Kati with an S?”

  “Yes, that is correct, alien female!”

  “Pleased to meet you...”

  “Not so much for me!” Skati said before charging Danielle.

  Danielle spun around and held her sword in the air. Skati’s sword connected with Danielle’s with a clank, and then slid to the cross guard where both the opponents’ swords and eyes kept contact.

  “We don’t have to do this, you know,” Danielle said through clenched teeth.


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