Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 22

by Brian K. Larson

  “What’s so funny,” Fetcher panted, finally tossing his shovel aside.

  “You will not get your ship free by digging it out.”

  “You got a better idea?” Hopkins asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  “Step aside,” Darnash warned. Then he crouched low and hugged the nose of the ship. Pushing with his shoulder, his feet digging into the soil, he slowly moved the ship. The rest of the group joined in and pushed the nose out of the hole and slid it to solid ground.

  “Something like that?” Darnash smiled.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Anything else I can help you with?”

  “Well, I’ve been beating on this bent landing strut. With not much success I might add.”

  “Let me see,” Darnash knelt down as far as he could and examined the bent strut. He reached out with his powerful hands and started pulling the metal. He let go, moved back a little, and checked the straightness by eye. He repeated the process twice more before he was satisfied.

  “There! It is fixed.”

  “Wow,” Hopkins smiled, “Remind me to put one of you in my toolbox next time.”

  Darnash stood and brushed the dirt off his knees, “I am happy to be of service.”

  “Yeah, now, that’s got me wondering…” Hopkins began. “Why is it that a Warlord is helping his enemy?”

  “Well, yes. That would be the question of the day, now wouldn’t it?” Darnash replied.

  “I think the better question is where our other guys are?” Fletcher asked.

  “Yes, I will answer both questions. First I must explain that I became infected by the blood from the female called Danielle Cooper.”

  “Her blood?” Fletcher grimaced.

  “So you did take some,” Hopkins slapped his thigh, “Guess I win the pool.”

  “You bet on that, Captain?” Fletcher asked.

  “Yes I did, and it looks like I win.”

  “I became infected and then passed the illness to our Captain and Pilot before I left for Antares. I did not show signs right away, but it did nearly kill me. When I recovered, I found myself at our Antarian infirmary. That’s where I discovered there was something different.”

  “What was different?” Fletcher asked, being totally captivated by the Antarian’s words.

  “That’s why you’re helping us now, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Darnash continued, “I have lost my blood spirit. I no longer am held by the desire to kill to satisfy its blood lust.”

  “So, now we know why you’re helping us...why didn’t the others come with you?”

  “There is more to this story that must be told, but first I will tell you that the female decided to stay to fight in the arena. She was convinced that if there was any chance that her blood could cure our blood lust, she could not pass up the opportunity. The male who calls himself, Race Jennings, offered to stay with the female. He said it was his fault that she was mixed up in this, so he felt an obligation to see it through.”

  “Okay, a big risk...”

  “Yes, but I feel the female will be victorious. Her spirit is strong and her tenacity extraordinary. She must win.”

  “Malcom?” Hopkins asked, “Did you get a chance to train her telepathically?”

  “Sadly, no. There was too much interference with the dampening field. But I told her I did. That will be enough to give her the courage...she will have to find her own way.”

  “You mentioned that there was more to the story?” Fletcher asked.

  “Yes...it goes back centuries ago. It was foretold by our forefathers; one would come that would satisfy our blood lust forever...a female warrior...one that fights with such a ferocity that she defeats the Boreshog in the Valley of the Trenches.”

  “And you think this person is our Danielle?”

  “I believe it is so. There has been no other that ever was able to affect our blood as she has done.”

  “What else do your forefathers tell you?”

  “They told us about the star that would supernova and create a way to this new humanoid race to find Antares. They foretold that the star Betelgeuse would explode. However, they did not know exactly when it would.”

  “Is there anything more?”

  “Yes...however, it is only known by a few.”

  “And you just happen to be one of these few?”

  “There are three moons, or as we call them, houses. There is the first moon Delema. I am of that house. The second house is Gornash, which is the house my Captain is from. Finally, there is the house of Serintin, the house of the Emperor. Delema is mostly an intellectual house, they are the ones who look beyond today.”

  “They’re fortune tellers, then?”

  “That is the closest translation, yes. The house of Gornash is where most of our warriors come from. These are raised by special blood relations, they are taught the ways of the Warlord.”

  “Okay,” Hopkins nodded, “I’m beginning to understand the hierarchy, but what does that have to do with your blood?”

  “Nothing with my blood, as I am a foreteller. However, I elected to learn the ways of the second house and became a warlord. This is how I met Thelix of the House of Gornash. Now,” Darnash explained, “There is legend, that the Emperor’s House keeps a great secret with regard to Dumakas, of the house of Serintin.”

  “Let me guess...he’s really not from Serintin, is he?”

  “His grandfather was a great warrior. He was called Dumakas, Son of Thumakas, Son of Gorax the Great, of our Lord and Emperor’s house. The legend is that Gorax the Great was actually from the second house, and therefore, should not be heir to the throne.”

  “I see...if that were to ever get out as fact...”

  “It would destroy the Emperor’s house. Civil war would break out among the three houses. The Emperor that was of the House of Serintin gave the crown to Groax for his worthy deeds, but we think that Gorax fabricated the Emperor’s will and then proceeded to kill him to secure the throne.”

  “So, Dumakas is a sham.”

  “Yes, that is the legend. However, until that one great warrior who will quench the blood lust arrives, we shall not have proof.”

  “How will this warrior provide proof?”

  “The books do not specify, but they say that it will be a female warrior from an unknown house, and that we will be given a sign. We shall know that sign when it is time.”

  “That’s what your ancient books say?”

  “That is what they say.”

  “What do you think, Darnash?”

  “It matters not what I think.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because of my treason...I betrayed my people; I have lost any credibility I may have had. I killed an Antarian and freed prisoners. My punishment will be death should I be caught.”

  “Well, we will just have to ensure you’re not caught, then.”

  “How can you do this?”

  “You must come with us.”

  Darnash looked at the size of the ship, “I do not think so. I will not fit with everyone onboard.”

  “He’s got a point there,” Fletcher added.

  “We’ll find a way.”

  “No, I must stay and fight for my people here. I can hide in the forest. They will not risk coming to find me here.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Maybe it’s that beast in the field,” Fletcher said, pointing at the rock outcropping.

  “The boy is correct...”

  “Boy? Gee, thanks.”

  “I will remain here on Serintin. Perhaps I can be of some use in trying to uncover the Emperor’s deception.”

  “That’s up to you, Darnash. If you change your mind, we will make room.”

  “Thank you for your generous offer. I will take it into consideration.”



  Serintin Arena


e, Race and Skati stood below the Emperor’s balcony, on the high ground of the arena.

  “My Lord Dumakas of the Emperor’s house,” Danielle shouted, “We have each completed forging the weapons we will use to kill the great Boreshog!”

  “Excellent!” Dumakas shouted in return, “You will exit the arena at the Southern gate. From there, you will make your way to the Valley of Trenches.”

  Dumakas grabbed a large burlap bag and tossed it down into the arena, “Return with the Boreshog’s head, and I will reward you as I have promised.”

  Danielle snatched the bag from the air and tucked it into her belt, “I shall return the head of the Boreshog to prove my worthiness.”

  Dumakas waved at Laboolaron, and the exit opened to the three, “Then go!” Dumakas ordered. “You will not have my audience further until you return with the prize.”

  The three rushed to the exit on the other side of the arena, and ran out of the palace toward the Valley of the Trenches.

  “That was smooth, Danielle,” Race smiled, “But you’re really not serious about fighting that beast, are you?”

  “Heavens no!” Danielle answered, “You think I’m crazy? I needed a reason to get us out of there.”

  Skati’s white hair flowed out from behind her as she kept up with Danielle’s pace, “Humans...it will take some time to understand you. What is our plan?”

  “We’re going to follow the river south, away from the palace to the forest like Darnash instructed. There, we can stay hidden from that monster and get to our ship. The Valley of the Trenches lies to the east of the forest. As long as we stay at the tree line, the monster will not see us.”

  “How much time before they leave us behind?” Race asked.

  “Danielle glanced over, “I’ve lost track, but we don’t have much time. Two hours, tops.”

  Skati caught up to Danielle, “Will there be room in your rescue ship for me?”

  “We’ll make room, Skati. Don’t worry.”

  “Thank you, Danielle. Once I have been reunited with my people, your reward will be great.”

  “So, who are you to the Draconians, anyway?” Race asked.

  “I was their Empress.”

  “Wow, really?”

  “Yes, Race. You both will be rewarded handsomely upon my return, this I know for sure.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Skati,” Race smiled, “But reward isn’t really what we’re looking for...”

  “Then what? Why do you offer your lives to help me?”

  “That is what we humans do,” Danielle said. “It is difficult to save ourselves. To save one more is not much harder. Come on now, the forest is just up a head.”

  “But if you were to give us a reward...”

  “Race!” Danielle scolded.

  “...we don’t want to offend her by not accepting it, now do we? It’s all part of the diplomatic thing, you know.”

  Danielle didn’t bother to look at Race, “You are incorrigible.”

  “What? I’m just trying to solidify our Draconian relations.”

  “You’re trying to solidify relations, all right...”

  The group made it to the forest edge in good time and headed south. An hour into their journey, they slowed their pace.

  “The forest is getting pretty thick,” Danielle said, “Maybe we should head back to the edge more,” but before she could finish, an old Antarian woman appeared in front of the group. She stood between them and their current path, holding a golden sword, cross ways in a defensive stance. She made an imposing figure, in spite of being the shortest Antarian the three had ever seen.

  “Who are you?” the old Antarian asked.

  The group stopped dead in their tracks and armed themselves with their swords.

  “Tell me who you are?”

  “Danielle of the House of Cooper,” Danielle reluctantly answered, “Who are you?”

  The old woman smiled and lowered her sword, “Follow me. These woods are not safe here.”

  Race shrugged, but held his weapons firm, “And where do you propose we go if these woods aren’t safe? As if there is any safe place on this rock!”

  “Do not be concerned with me. I mean you no harm. You will see. Now follow me before it’s too late!”

  The three followed the old Antarian woman to what appeared to be a small hut, hidden in the thick forest.

  She opened the makeshift door and motioned for them to enter, “Get inside, quickly now!” The woman scanned all around the area before entering and closing the door.

  “Please, have a seat. I don’t get visitors very often.”

  “Apparently,” Race said, noticing the dust covered furniture.

  “Where are you three heading?” the old woman asked.

  “The Emperor has freed us!” Race answered.

  The old woman scoffed, “Not likely...”

  “How would you know?”

  “Because the Emperor I know...you I do not!”

  “Ma’am,” Danielle began, “If you don’t mind telling us who you are? We’re kind of in a hurry.”

  “Oh, yes, yes, of course,” she laughed, “You are trying to leave Serintin, aren’t you?”

  “Well,” Race answered, “the thought did cross our minds.”

  “You were sent here to fight the Boreshog, weren’t you?”

  “Yes,” Danielle answered. “What do you know about this?”

  “Because, Emperor Dumakas is my grandson.”

  “Grandson?” Skati exclaimed.

  “Wait, wait,” Race asked, “Emperor Dumakas never mentioned anything about you.”

  “Well, of course he didn’t. He doesn’t want anyone to know I’m still alive, lest I reveal his secrets.”

  “Secrets? Whattya mean?” Race asked.

  “Here, you are in a hurry. It is better I show you.” The old woman grabbed a large book from a dusty shelf behind them. “It’s all right here.”

  “What is this?” Danielle asked.

  “The book of prophecies, that’s what.”

  The old woman set the book on a table in front of the group and slowly opened the binding. The dust from the pages lifted into the air. She blew the dust in their faces and then slowly began to chant, “Morgegh telemin josineh. Morgegh! Telemin! Josineh!”

  Race and Skati’s eyes glassed over, but Danielle remained alert, “What did you just do to them?”

  The woman chuckled, “I will tell you in a moment, my dear...but first,” she said, turning her attention to the other two. “You will leave here and never return. You shall flee to your rescue ship...do you understand me?”

  Race and Skati nodded, and then stood to leave the woman’s hut.

  Danielle jumped up to stop them, but the old woman blocked her. “Even though I am small in stature, compared to other Antarians, I am still much stronger than you, my dear. Now, please sit down. They will be alright.”

  “Tell me what’s going on!”

  “Very well, my dear,” the old woman said, “They will return to your ship, and you will fight the Boreshog.”


  The old Antarian woman lifted a hand to silence Danielle, “You were not affected by my dust. That proves it.”

  “Proves what?”

  “That you are the One.”

  Danielle held her hand on her chest, “Me? You think I’m going to fight this Boreshog? Alone?”

  “Well, since you weren’t hypnotized by my sacred dust, you will.”

  “What if I decide to flee with the others? What’s stopping me?”

  “Because that is not the way the book tells of it.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  “It’s all right here, Danielle, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, that’s my name.”

  The woman turned several pages and pointed, “It’s all right here.”

  Danielle leaned closer to try and read the book, “I can’t read Antarian. Only my Nanites are interpreting your spoken words.”

��Well of course you can read it...or you will in time.”

  “You make it sound like I’m going to stay here...that’s not going to happen.”

  “If you want your friends to make it safely to your rescue ship, you will.”

  “I’m afraid I still don’t understand.”

  “Very well, I will explain it all to you.”

  “Please do!”

  “This is one of the very last books of prophecies. No one else knows of its existence. You see, I am not of the House of Serintin, but of the House of Delema.”

  “That’s one of the other moons of Lebencha, isn’t it?”

  “You are quite correct, Danielle.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “My name matters not. Now, shall we get back to the book of prophecy?”

  “Please do.”

  “It says that a female warrior will come to the star Antares...a woman that is not of any of our houses. It states that this warrior will have a profound effect on our blood lust. Let me ask you. You had to win the arena battle, in order for you to be here right now. Did your blood have an effect on Dumakas?”

  “I’m not sure if Dumakas was affected or not, but I do know of another who said he lost his blood spirit.”

  “Yes, yes...then it is just a matter of time before Dumakas loses touch with his blood.”

  “You’re certain of this, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, quite certain.”

  “We’re not sure if your doctors have reprogrammed your Nanites to prevent the infection.”

  “Well, they can try, but they will not succeed.”

  “And this book,” Danielle said, examining the dusty pages, “this book says that I will defeat the beast of the Trenches?”

  “See, you just read that,” the old woman pointed, “You read our words without hesitation. See? You can read our written word.”

  “I did?”

  “Yes, you deliver the beasts head to the Emperor.”

  “Dumakas said he will free us if I return its head.”

  “Keep reading, my dear.”

  Danielle looked at more of the pages, “It says that after the Boreshog has been decapitated, the female warrior will drink of its blood.”

  “Again, word for word, yes, yes, keep reading.”

  Danielle continued to read the book to herself. Then stopped and looked up at the old woman, “You can’t be serious.”


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