Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 35

by Brian K. Larson

  “I’ll bet that cut is a pretty large one at that,” Shin commented.

  “Yes, a very deep cut to be certain. However, it would appear that the Warlords now feel that the Centaurians have become a threat to their hold on the Galaxy, and have come to decimate them, like they do with all others that dare to oppose them.”

  “Tactical reports all quiet. There are ships in this sector,” Lieutenant Ren interjected, “Getting reports of massive devastation near the sixth planetoid. I’m reading several ships that are nothing more than pieces of floating debris. There are few functioning ships left as it appears the Warlords made good on the promise our Eridonian has alluded to. Helm, I suggest we don’t get too close to that debris field. I’m detecting residual munitions detonating all over the place.”

  “Helm,” Commander Hikaru ordered with a point of his finger, “Adjust course as necessary.”

  “Aye, Sir. Adjusting course to avoid the debris field,” Lieutenant Yoshi acknowledged.

  “Raise shields,” Captain Shin ordered, “We still don’t know if they’ll scan us or not for sure. Communications, are you picking up anything on the frequencies we’ve been given?”

  Lieutenant Diasuke monitored her communication array, glancing between her station monitors, “I’m picking up several communiques, Sir. They are all distress signals. Sir, it appears there are some survivors on those damaged ships. Should we offer our assistance?”

  Commander Hikaru raised his eyebrows, “That might afford us favor if we were to offer help, Sir. I suggest we break radio silence and alert the Centaurians of our presence.”

  Hiram winced and then gave out a shriek, opening his almond shaped eyes wide.

  “What’s wrong?” the Commander asked.

  “I feel...death. Millions on the planet.”

  The Captain stroked his stringy goatee, contemplating his first officer’s suggestion, “It could be an opportunity, indeed. Diasuke, is any other ship responding to those distress signals?”

  “Yes, Sir,” the Lieutenant answered, “However, there are too many calls for help. They can’t respond to them all.”

  “Very well,” Captain Shin ordered, “Open a channel.”

  “Aye, Sir. Channel open. Loud speakers are on.”

  “This is Captain Shin of the Earth ship Yamato. We have detected several distress signals, may we offer our assistance?”

  The Yamoato’s crew held fast, listening to the crackling and distorted radio signals.

  “I repeat. This is Captain Shin of the Earth ship Yamato. We wish to assist. Do you read us?”

  The radio returned more static, and then a hissing voice broke in, “What isss Earth ship Yamato doing in our territory, and why do we not detect you on our scannersss?”

  “To whom am I speaking?” Shin asked.

  “No information’sss,” the voice retorted, “Ssstate your businesss and explain ssscanner isssue firssst!”

  “You are not detecting our ship because we carry an Eridonian that is masking our signature.”

  “A hostile move to be sssure! Why elssse would you hide?”

  “We have an Eridonian with us for protection. We are new to this sector, and wish to avoid any Antarian…entanglements.” Captain Shin acknowledged, “We’re new at space travel, period.”

  “We do not understand your babblingsss! You are invading our ssspace, taking advantage of our current ssstatus; that isss all!”

  “No, no, you misunderstand our intentions. We have been attacked by the Antarians. Our home planet is in danger and we came to ask you for assistance.”

  “You have battled the Warlordsss and lived?”

  “Yes, with the help of our Eridonian friends.”

  “Any speciesss with the fortitude to face the Warlordsss dessserve ressspect. That isss truth,” the hissing voice said.

  “It is customary on Earth for each party to know who we are speaking to.”

  “I am Zzzetaal. I am the lassst battleship planet side. Relegon, our Chancellor, isss badly injured. I’m afraid that if you came looking for our help fighting the Antariansss, we will not be of much help.”

  Zetaal’s transmission was suddenly interrupted by three explosions. The radio crackled static and then returned to a panicked sounding voice, “Our main enginesss just gave out, Captain Ssshin. Down to maneuvering thrustersss only, and we’re ssseeing more explosionsss on board...I don’t think my ssship will lassst much longer; we’ve taken major damage.”

  “We’ll launch a rescue ship, Captain Zetaal,” Shin said, engaging his senior staff motioning with his hand, “Stand by, we’re on our way. Gather as many as you can to your nearest hard seal. Our transport can hold two hundred.”

  “I’m sssending you docking coordinatesss now,” Zetaal answered, “Pleasssse, my brave crew…hurry.”

  “I’ve got the docking coordinates, Sir,” Lieutenant Hikaru reported, “Dispatching one transport, two fighter escorts, and an ACE support ship. ETA two minutes.”

  “Sir,” Lieutenant Ren reported, “Two ships have entered the system...confirmed, two Antarian scouts inbound on an intercept course.”

  “Battle stations! Hard to port!” Commander Hikaru barked, “Set condition one throughout the ship. Tactical, arm all weapons, activate point defense systems, and launch the alert fighter squad!”

  “Delay that last order,” Shin instructed, “What’s their ETA?”

  “Ten minutes, Sir. They’re on the outer rim of the solar system.”

  “Let’s make that fifteen, Helm, change course for the debris field. That might give us some cover while we rescue our new friends.”

  “Aye, Sir. Plotting best course through the field,” the helm acknowledged.

  “We’ll launch our alert fighters on the other side to give our guys support. The debris field should hide them from the Antarians.”

  Hiram opened his eyes, “The Antarian ships are telepathic inhibitor enabled. I cannot mask our ship’s signatures any longer.”

  “Hold on,” Lieutenant Yoshi yelped, “it’s going to get bumpy!”

  The Yamato rocked back and forth as more explosions went off inside the debris field. Several hulks scraped along her hull as they made their way through.

  “Activate auto restraints!” Commander Hikaru shouted.

  Several rods rose from the deck of the Yamato’s CSC, folding out into seats and hand holds, each crewman now securely held in place as the ship shook from the pounding.

  “We’re through!” Yoshi exclaimed, “Plotting course and parking between our target rescue and the field, Sir!”

  “Good work, helm!” Captain Shin praised, “Launch all alert fighters and fly cover, get twenty percent of our drone out there and make ready to target bogies!”

  “Aye, Sir!” the tactical officer nodded as he manipulated his ship’s console, “We’re launching fighters now, Sir.”

  “We bought a few minutes, Sir; the Antares scout ships will be on us in twelve.”

  “Get our jump drive prepped and ready. As soon as they’re back, we go to our first set of coordinates back to Sigma Draconis.”

  “It’s going to be close, Sir,” Lieutenant Ren added, “We should hold this position with point defense for as long as we can, Sir.”

  “Captain Zetaal, how many can you save?”

  “Your transssport is docking now, Captain. We’ve only got thirty, including the Chancellor.”

  “We’ll be out of here in a few minutes.”

  “Jussst as well, Captain Ssshin, we can’t faccce them in our present sssituation,” the radio crackled and then a clunk was heard over the loud speaker, “They’ve essstablished their hard ssseal. We’ll be loading ssshortly, Captain Zzzetaal sssigning off.”

  “We’ll see you on this side,” Shin nodded. “That large round object on the edge of the debris field nearest the Antarians, it could be a ship’s reactor. Load missiles and lock one on to it. When they begin to cross, launch a volley of five plus the one.”

  “Aye, Sir,
launch tubes at the ready,” Lieutenant Ren answered. “Target locked...tracking ten fighters, Sir.”

  “Stand ready everyone,” Captain Shin proudly said, “Fire when ready!”

  “Enemy fighters entering the debris field now...FIRING!” Lieutenant Ren shouted with glee as he pressed the firing sequence on his panel.

  Five missiles shot from the Yamato’s launch tubes, each to their own targets. The missiles raced until impact. Lieutenant Ren’s timing was precise as they struck their targets a millisecond after the one missile struck the reactor core. The resulting explosion created a chaos of energy that hid the Yamato’s attack on the Antarian fighters.

  “Targets hit!” Ren exclaimed, “All enemy fighters have been destroyed.”

  “Excellent!” Captain Shin again praised.

  “Not so fast, Sir, there’s now a passage straight to our current position!”

  “Weapons hot, all systems open fire! Activate PDS!” Commander Hikaru ordered.

  “The transport is on its way back, Sir!” the comm station reported.

  “Jump drive coordinates locked,” the NAV officer counted. “FTL is online and ready, Sir!”

  Captain Shin looked to his comm officer, “ETA to docking?”

  “One minute, Sir!”

  “Recall all fighters and support ships!” Hikaru ordered.

  “All fighters,” Diasuke ordered over the comm channel, “Return to base! We’re bugging out!”

  “The two Antarian ships are entering the debris field. ETA is thirty seconds, Sir!”

  “Let’s give these bullies a punch in the mouth. Missile volley!” Shin ordered. “Activate PDS when in range!”

  “Aye, Sir! Five more missiles locked on targets...and...away. Point Defense Systems on-line and firing!”

  “Picking up ten...no...make that fifteen battle ships! Detecting radiological devices being armed, Sir!” Yoshi reported

  “Sir, they’ve got nukes!” Ren shouted.

  “The Transport is secure, Sir!” the comm station reported.

  “The two scouts made it through. The Missiles missed, Sir! Point Defense Guns are keeping them back...Sir, we have three nukes inbound to our location, ETA fifteen seconds!”

  “We’re out of time! Get our fighters on board!”

  “Yes Sir! The last fighter just boarded,” Yoshi shouted, “Launch bay doors secure, we’re green to jump!”

  “All systems prepare!” Shin ordered, “Jump!”

  The Yamato jumped from the Theta Centauri sector as the three nuclear missiles zoomed past.

  “SITREP!” the Commander ordered.

  “Jump complete,” Hikatsumi reported.

  “Scanning current position,” Ren added, “No ships detected, Sir.”

  “Secure from General Quarters!” Commander Hikaru ordered.

  “Medical teams to the landing bay!” Captain Shin ordered. “Attend to the Centaurian injured, and escort Captain Zetaal to the CSC.”

  “Right away, Sir,” the comm officer reported.

  “Helm and NAV, prepare for jump two. After that we, can hold for eighteen hours. The farther we are from Theta Centauri the better.”

  A green reptilian creature shadowed the entry of the CSC, “Where are we headed, Captain Ssshin?”

  “Sigma Draconis...”

  “What!? Isss this sssome kind of trick? I can’t go to Sssigma Draconisss,” Zetaal protested. “We’re currently in conflict with them!”

  “Well, Captain,” Shin answered, standing to greet his new friend, “It would appear that you have something in common after all.”

  “With the Draconiansss?” Zetaal hissed. “What could we possssibly have in common, Captain Ssshin?”

  “All three of our races are fighting the Warlords.”

  “They attacked Draconisss?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid so. They’ve been decimated just as you have been.”

  “We ssshall prevail!” Zetaal scorned. “There will be sssurvivors on Theta.”

  “Until we can safely return, I suggest we all try to get along. We have a common enemy. Become our ally and all three races will be secure in our victory. If we align with beings as intelligent as you, how can we fail?”

  “Yesss, well...of courssse. We are of a higher intellect.”

  “Well, of course! Thank you! Your wisdom will help the Draconians look past petty misunderstandings and see the wisdom of joining forces. Such an alliance must prevail!”

  “The Chancccellor will make the final decisssion.”

  “If he lives,” the ship’s medical doctor said entering the bridge. “I need the Eridonian to give me knowledge on how to heal the Centaurian Chancellor, or Zetaal will be making that call himself.”

  “Will he die?” Zetaal’s yellow eyes betrayed his concern.

  “If we don’t get back to sickbay he will. I’ve got most of the bleeding stopped, but I need to know your physiology to proceed.”

  Hiram stood and placed a spindly finger on the side of the doctor’s temple, “There, go now. Save the Chancellor.”



  House of Delema

  Council of Elders


  Danielle approached the Delema council chambers’ entry wrapped in a warm howler skin, her sheathed sword swinging at her waist. She stopped at the short Antarian woman silhouetted in the portal.

  “My Empress,” Tumaleka said with a short bow, “It is good that you are here. Quickly now, the Council of Elders awaits you.”

  “Thank you, Madam Tumaleka. You have been most helpful and supportive in this entire ordeal. I appreciate the opportunity...”

  “Save your speech for the council, my Lady...now go, quickly, quickly,” the old Antarian woman motioned.

  The huge wooden doors creaked open, revealing seven Antarians seated behind a curved stone table. The room was bare except for the Council table and a podium centered in the hall. A presenter there would have to look ninety degrees left or right to address the council member at each end of the table. A cold breeze sent shivers through Danielle.

  Tumaleka followed Danielle to the podium. She placed another fur coat on her shoulders and whispered, “Here you are, my dear,” turning to address the seven, “Council of the Elders of the House of Delema. I, Tumaleka of the House of Delema, seer and keeper of the sacred scrolls of the Rising Star Antares, present to you, Her Majesty, Danielle, of The House of Cooper, of The House of Serintin, Empress of Antares.” She bowed low as she backed out of the room though the exit, closing the wooden doors behind her.

  The center Antarian stood at the formal announcement. He spread his arms wide, inviting the other council members to stand, “My Empress of the House of Serintin of the Rising Star Antares. Greetings from the Council of The Elders of the House of Delema. We are most pleased that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to come all the way here to meet with us,” then the Antarian bowed, motioning for the rest to follow, and then returned to his seat.

  “Most of us are pleased that you have come,” the third Antarian balked, “I for one have doubts as to the validity of the sacred scrolls, and that you are fulfilling a role prophesied there in.”

  “Here, here,” the fifth Antarian chimed in, “I agree with my good friend that holds the third seat.”

  The second council member gave a brief nod, “I am not convinced as well. However, I am keeping an open mind here, as I hope all members of this Council will do.”

  The remaining council members held still, their arms tucked within large flowing sleeves, their heads shadowed by their hooded cloaks. Danielle barely could see their eyes glowing from within, “I Danielle, Empress of Antares, greet the Council of Elders of the House of Delema. Thank you for granting me this audience...”

  The fourth seat interrupted Danielle, “It may not be wise for you to be so gracious. You are not before us today to try to sway and give you our support.”

  “Then why i
s it you have called me here before you?”

  “You are on trial,” the fifth chair said.


  “Yes, trial,” the first chair said, addressing Danielle with pointed finger, “You are here to prove that you are what you say you are.”

  “And if I fail?”

  “You shall be executed and Dumakas’ power will be restored,” the first chair nodded.

  “You do know that Dumakas has escaped? You can be certain that he is preparing an attack on the palace as we speak. I do not have time for this trivial act of self-serving, feel good about the ancient scriptures, nonsense!”

  “Dumakas has escaped?” The sixth seat asked.

  “Yes! He was freed.”

  “By whom, my Lady?” The seventh seat protested.

  “That is under investigation. However, I have secured his former first officer, Laboolaron, as a primary suspect.”

  “Laboolaron is loyal to Dumakas...”

  This time Danielle interrupted the third seat, “Loyal yes. However, I’m not convinced he set Dumakas free. He claims to have been bound by the blood oath, and that it would be impossible to defy my command.”

  The council members conversed among themselves, their anxious tones barely audible to Danielle. After a few moments, the first chair addressed her, “Very well, my Lady. By our ancient writings, the events you describe are indeed foretold in our scrolls.”

  “In other words,” the second chair added, “The facts that you present to us here are hard to discount. They are unfolding exactly as they have been written, eons ago.”


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