Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 41

by Brian K. Larson

  “I never said I supported you, my dear. I neither support nor oppose you; I am humbly ensuring that the ancient prophecies come to pass.”

  “I will tell you one more thing, my dear.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “The hold you currently have over Antares is fading...”

  “That is something I am already aware of, Tumaleka. Tell me something I do not already know.”

  “Dumakas did not kill the last Adolescent of this cycle.”

  “There is another?”

  “Yes, my dear. But you must hurry. Dumakas will also know of this other creature. Whoever reaches this young beast first will rule. Seek out Storm Keep. This much is also known from the ancient scrolls.”

  “What do the scrolls say about who reaches it first?”

  “That information is part of the missing scrolls. I cannot foretell this.”

  “You are one of the oldest seers of Delema. Why can’t you see the future in this matter?”

  “There is too much uncertainty. Unforeseen events have taken place; events that were not part of the original scrolls. Everything is clouded, the outcome cannot be known.”

  “Turn yourself in, Tumaleka. That is the only way I shall believe you.”

  “My dear, you must believe me in this matter, or Dumakas will surely reclaim his throne.”

  “I will trust your word on this. My blood spirit advises me to seek this new creature. Will you turn yourself in, madam?”

  “Certainly not, my Dear. I shall remain in hiding until it is time.”

  “Then I suggest you remain hidden, lest I kill you with my own hands.”

  “Find Storm Keep,” and then the comm link suddenly returned static.

  “Can you get a fix on her location?”

  “No, my Lady,” the technician reported, “Her shuttle has jumped away from our signal lock.”

  “Very well, my standing orders are that if you find her, you will bring her directly to me. If it is that I am away, then she will await for my return chained and shackled in Dumakas’ cell.”

  Danielle turned from the technician and addressed Laboolaron, who all at once drew his sword before Danielle. She instinctively darted to one side and pulled her sword into action.

  With a swift swing of Laboolaron’s sword, he blocked the passing blow from the Antarian technician. Laboolaron deflected the sword and then lunged forward, piercing the technician’s two hearts.

  The Antarian technician grimaced as he dropped his weapon and fell from the sword to the ground.

  Danielle stood holding her sword pulled to the side with both hands and ready to swing, “You just saved my life, Laboolaron.”

  Darnash dropped to one knee to check the fallen comrade, “He’s dead.”

  “Your blood spirit is weakening, my Empress,” Laboolaron said, sheathing his sword.

  “Laboolaron,” Danielle said, returning her sword to its scabbard, “You have proven your loyalty to me. I know that I can trust you with my life.”

  “As long as your blood spirit speaks to me, my Lady. Even now, I can feel your hold over Antares is weakening, just as the lady Tumaleka indicated.”

  “Laboolaron, I shall put you in charge during my absence.”

  “My Lady,” Darnash began.

  “Do not worry, Darnash. I shall have you accompany me on this quest for this new beast.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash bowed.

  “Take me to the beast. I must communicate with her before I lose my hold on her as well.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash motioned, “This way.”


  House of Gornash

  Dumakas’ Bunker


  Dumakas’ escape pod settled down inside a hidden bunker on the southernmost province on Gornash. The base lay deep within the rock of a mountain, undetectable by sensors.

  The doors rolled closed once the pod landed inside, and foliage covered the entrance. Dumakas pulled the emergency handle from inside the pod blowing the door and allowing the former Emperor of the Warlords to exit.

  Several Antarian soldiers rushed into the docking bay to greet Dumakas. Falling on one knee, they bowed their heads to this fallen leader.

  Shotzgren stood to his feet and quickly embraced Dumakas, “My Lord. It is good that you made it out.”

  “Indeed. Did you find Baelak? He saved my life. I would hope that he was able to make it.”

  “Yes, my Lord. Baelak suffered severe injuries. One of his hearts was damaged. Fortunately, his Nanites began sealing the wound long before he was picked up by a rescue team.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “He is still on Serintin, in a local Glavin infirmary.”

  “He has not been compromised then?”

  “No, my Lord, he is safe with our own.”

  “Is this base secure?”

  “Very secure, my Lord. This was a base that had been constructed centuries ago during the days before the games. It was kept by the Warlords for such a case as we have now.”

  “We must rally troops and storm the palace again. We will continue to hit them until we breach their walls and gain entry. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Unfortunately, my Lord, the Council of Elders on Delema has instilled sanctions on our takeover. Apparently, they support this usurper as Empress.”

  “I do not care what the Council of Elders on Delema has to say about my right as leader. My seat was taken from me illegally!”

  “They will hear your case, my Lord. There is a tight split among the House of Delema. This narrow margin has given you opportunity to be heard.”

  “What? So I can be captured in the council halls?”

  “My Lord, if you wish to gain access to the palace as our true leader, you must have the support of all Houses.”

  “How can I gain support of the House of Delema? My blood spirit that sings to me is already fading away.”

  “That would mean that the blood spirit within the Empress Danielle fades as well, my Lord.”

  “Yes, and she is merely human. Without the adolescent blood lust, she will lose all control in less than two cycles, and so will I.”

  “Ah, my Lord. You do not know yet,” Shotzgren smiled.

  “Do tell me, my number one.”

  “Your Grandmother has left word for you.”

  “Tumaleka? What does that old wretch have to say?”

  “My Lord, she is the one who freed you from your prison cell.”


  “Yes, my Lord. She has also informed us that there is yet another young beast on Serintin this cycle. If you were to obtain its blood before the Empress, you would surely have favor of all the Houses.”

  “Where is this beast?”

  “She says its living at Storm Keep, my Lord.”

  “Prepare a hunting party. We shall leave for Storm Keep at once.”



  Serintin Palace

  Boreshog Holding Pen


  “We are taking good care of the beast, my Lady,” Darnash said.

  He came to a stop at a tall iron door. Danielle stood in the darkened corridor with her hand on hips, “Is she chained?”

  “Yes, my Lady. With your absence, she resists.”

  “Open it!”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash obeyed and the iron door creaked open shedding what little light there was from the corridor into the cage.

  “Be careful, my Lady,” Darnash warned, “With your blood song weakening, you may not have full control over her.”

  Danielle grabbed a lit torch from the cement wall and carried it inside the room with her. She held the torch to give the room the best light possible. She examined the iron shackles on each of the beast’s legs, arms, and body and then turned to Darnash.

  “You will unchain this creature at once! It knows I am here and will remain sub
dued before me.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash said, pulling keys from his side pouch.

  He stepped over to the beast who was now wide eyed and pulling away against the chains.

  “Easy now,” Darnash warned the creature, “I know you understand the Empress is here.”

  Darnash reached over to unlock the leg shackles first. With a quick flick of his wrist they fell to the ground. He unlocked the beast’s arms and then pulled the chain from its body. After their removal, he laid them in a pile at one corner of the cage.

  Danielle passed the torch to Darnash. Then the creature kneeled down on all fours and folded its wings behind. Its yellow eyes told the story of despair to Danielle as the two focused on each other.

  “I understand, old friend. I am sure that if you had not fought them, they would not have chained you.”

  Free me...you must...free me... the Boreshog said to Danielle’s mind.

  “Let me ask for your help once more.”

  I know...I know what you ask...it is a hard thing...hard thing...for me to do...

  “You must understand, I must ask you to take Darnash and I to Storm Keep.”

  Adolescent...you...seek... the creature turned its head away from Danielle, but she held its head with her hands and turned its face back to hers.

  “You must obey. My blood sings to yours. You must help us.”

  Compelled I am...hard it will be...I do not wish...no die adolescent...no die...

  “I will do everything in my power to prevent the young beast from being killed.”

  Humans lie...you lie...no promise...no take...I resist...resist with all...

  “I make no promises. You must trust me. I need to consume...”

  ...Blood spirit...yes...fading song you have...

  Danielle pulled out her dagger from her belt, “I will give you my blood oath...”

  Darnash grabbed her arm to pull it back. Danielle gave him a stare and yanked her arm free, “I must do this. It is the only way I will maintain full control over the creature.”

  ...blood oath...you will give... Blood oath... I will accept... then take you to Storm Keep...


  “No, my Lady. I do not understand the grunting’s of the beast.”

  “The creature is communicating such as it did in the cavern; through my blood spirit.”

  ...yes...blood oath...then take... Storm Keep...

  Danielle drew her blade against her palm and held it up to the beast to taste. The creature closed its eyes and took in a deep breath before licking her sacred blood from her wound.

  “I Danielle, Empress of the Rising Star of Antares give you my oath. I will not purposely injure the creature.”

  The Nanites closed the wound. She sheathed her dagger and looked up at the beast.

  The creature raised its head high in the air and screeched, blood oath...received...

  “Now, take me to Storm Keep. If you do not, Dumakas, the one who killed the last young beast, will kill this one too.”

  Dumakas is enemy...kill him I will...when song fades...

  “He’s on his way from Gornash to Storm Keep as we speak. We must hurry if we are to beat him. The youth will die if he gets there first.”

  I will take you... the one called... Darnash... will I take...together...

  “I knew you’d see it my way.”

  Little choice...no choice...if want youth...live...must go...now...free me...I will take... Storm Keep... awaits...

  Danielle released her gentle grip and turned to Darnash, “Open the cage for her to climb out. We’re leaving at once.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash said, reaching for a wheel imbedded to the castle wall, “I must fetch my crossbow.”

  “No, Darnash. I said we would not hurt the creature.”

  “The crossbow is not for the beast, my Lady, rather Dumakas.”

  “You must hurry!”

  Darnash finished opening the top of the cage, revealing the night stars and the fixed globe of Lebencha low on the horizon. Its power stream glistened like an aurora borealis.

  “I will fetch supplies and warmer clothes. Storm Keep is named for a reason.”

  “I thought it was cold already on Serintin?”

  “Serintin is much colder at Storm Keep. It is the farthest north and closest to the Moon’s poles. We will need supplies and warmth.”

  “Well, Darnash, make haste. I shall remain with the beast to keep my blood song within its heart.”

  “I shall not be long, my Lady.”

  “See to it.”

  The female Boreshog climbed out the top of the cage to a landing on a castle plateau. Danielle grabbed an iron ladder and ascended behind the creature.

  A few minutes passed and Darnash met them on the castle landing, situated high above the walls.

  He carried a fierce black-colored cross bow and a quiver of arrows slung over his back. Dressed in thick skins that resembled a parka, it was custom fit to his large girth.

  “My Lady,” Darnash held out a smaller fur jacket, “put this on. Here is a backpack full of supplies and a means of communication to Laboolaron.”

  “Thank you, Darnash,” she took the parka, donned it, and tied it tight around the waist with a leather lanyard. Then she slipped the backpack over her shoulders.

  “Is the beast able to carry both of us, my Lady?”

  “Yes, the female creature has told me she can hold both of us with no problems.”

  With a boost from Darnash, Danielle climbed to the creatures back. Darnash raised the hood over his head and then climbed to sit behind his Empress. He took another leather lanyard and wrapped them to the creature’s neck and head. Then he handed her the leads.

  “Take us to Storm Keep!”

  The creature rose onto its rear hooved legs. Unfolding her wings to full length, she beat them once, then two more times, creating a gentle lift. With a few more strokes, the wind gave the creature enough lift and soared high into the air. Danielle let the creature fly its own path north toward their destination while the two of them held on.

  “How long is our journey to Storm Keep?”

  The creature echoed within her mind, two hour...Storm Keep...two hour...

  “Darnash, you instructed Laboolaron to inform us of any developments?”

  “Yes, my Lady, Laboolaron has proven himself as a true follower of her Majesty.”

  “Yes, Darnash, he has.”

  “We have three days before the first two fleets return to Antares, my Lady.”

  “...and two weeks before the rest return, correct?”

  “That is true, my Lady.”


  “What are your plans when we return to the Palace, my Lady?”

  “I shall make preparations to attack Earth before they have time to bring the fight to our front.”

  “We are heavily guarded, my Lady. Three destroyers at each energy collector station for each moon. Eighteen additional cruisers and thirty battleships are in system patrolling the three houses. Each cruiser carries fifty fighters. The battleships carry seventy-five fighters for a total complement of over three thousand one hundred.”

  “Darnash, I want you to get word to Laboolaron. Have him split the battleships into two groups. Take thirty and move them to our closest planet and monitor Lebencha. That will leave fifteen destroyers and the cruisers guarding the energy collectors. If they send a reconnaissance, they will see thirty-three ships in system, not sixty three.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash smiled his agreement, “keeping thirty destroyers to descend upon them will catch them off guard.”

  “It is always good to have a backup plan.”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  “When the two large fleets arrive, I want word given to resupply in system, and then depart to flanking positions to Lebencha.”

  The female Boreshog flapped its wings, soaring higher into the dark red skies of Serintin, flying north to Storm Keep and vanishing into the night


  Earth Sector

  The Excalibur


  The Excalibur, as Colonel Jennings named it, exited the wormhole to the Earth solar system. The ships engines whined to a halt as they transferred power to the ion drives.

  “Jump complete, Sir,” the helmsman reported.

  “Position confirmed, Sir. The Jannali is off our starboard bow and waiting for us,” his NAV officer said.

  “Lieutenant; send word to Captain Martin that the rest of my fleet will exit in two minutes.”

  “Helm, hard to port. Let’s give them some room out here. The Jannali should form up on our starboard side after our turn.”

  “Aye, Sir; sending flight instructions to the Jannali.”

  “I want the transponder codes relayed to the Jannali for identification protocols,” Jennings added, “before they exit the corridor.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the communications station confirmed, “All transponder codes are sending now.”

  “Get me Captain Martin.”

  “Channel open, Sir.”

  Race listened to the booming voice over the CSC’s speakers, “This is Jannali actual. Major Jennings, good to hear your voice, Sir.”

  “It’s good to be heard, and it’s full Bird Colonel Jennings now. I trust your Eridonian has relayed our plans?”

  “Yes, Sir, we are to split the arriving fleet.”

  “You will take the Nuria, Bandit, Valor, Marrow, and the Whirlwind to Earth and setup up a perimeter as the last line of defense, after we’ve set up our stations in the asteroid belt and interior planets. When we jump back to Earth, park your fleet behind the moon’s terminator. Any passing ships will be unable to detect you. You can make a surprise run at them if any make it that close.”

  “Yes, Sir, we can hope that Admiral Fitz’s plan will work and you won’t need us.”

  “My fleet will comprise the Excalibur, Renault, Reaver, Claymore, and the Royal. We will set up a parameter inside the asteroid belt with an early warning detection system here at this location. Any ships not carrying an allowed transponder code will set off alarms, and will have a nice surprise of several inbound missiles. We’ll hit them with everything we’ve got and hope that our alliance shows up in time.”


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