The Chancellor pointed back to Jed, “You have not ssseen aggresssion!”
Jed came from behind the podium and stood face to face with the Centurion and calmly explained to the lizard creature, “May I remind you that we are all on the same side, Chancellor. I will not tolerate ANY member of this alliance displaying such behavior.”
“Or what?” Relegon pressed forward a couple of inches.
“Or you will be removed from this assembly. I have the power to cut ties to our alliance.”
“You wouldn’t! You need our ssships!”
“I can, and I will. Mark my words, Relegon. Take your seat or I will sever our alliance. Also, remember that only allies will benefit from sharing the technology and weapons system schematics.”
Chancellor Relegon stepped backward and hissed before returning to his seat. Jed nodded and then returned to the podium.
“Friends, we are all on the same side, you should know that I will draw a line against any bullying from any alliance member. We must remain focused and united around this one cause; to defeat the Antarian Warlords.”
Dumakas’ Shuttle
The snow melted beneath the thruster exhaust as Dumakas’ Shuttle settled. He set the craft down on a snow field below a mountainous outcropping.
With the engines spinning down, Dumakas unbuckled his harness, “Prepare for the great cold, Shotzgren. This time of year the elements can be unforgiving.”
“Yes, my Lord. We have plenty of provisions. Ti-Ehow?” Shotzgren yelled to the back of the shuttle, “Are you prepared?”
“Yes, my Lord. I am ready for the climb.”
Dumakas stood at the hatch, ready to pull the door open. He knew the blast of cold would take him back. Their fur parkas, leggings, heavy boots, and gloves would be all they had to prevent them from becoming frozen.
Looking at Shotzgren’s side arm, Dumakas pointed, “Leave your side arms behind. It is too cold for them to work. We will use the metal strapped to our sides.”
Shotzgren pulled the weapon from its holster and laid it on the seat. He unstrapped the holster and set it next to the gun, “This too will only weigh us down.”
“Is everyone ready?” Dumakas asked.
“Ready, my Lord.”
“Brace yourselves, and welcome to Storm Keep!” Dumakas shouted as he pulled the release lever.
The door popped open exposing the Antarians to a blast of frozen wind. Snow blew hard inside the cabin as the three exited the craft. Dumakas was the first on the ground, followed by Shotzgren. Ti-Ehow sealed the shuttle’s door and jumped from the short wing to the ground with the rest.
Dumakas held his hand over his eyes, shielding them from the punishing snow and wind. With his other hand he pointed to a high rock outcropping, “There!”
The others shielded their eyes in the same manner, trying to see where Dumakas was pointing.
“That outcropping!” Dumakas cupping his hand over his mouth projected his voice over the wind, “We should get moving. Do not stay in one place for too long, lest you will become frozen to the ground.”
“Yes, my Lord,” Shotzgren agreed.
Dumakas motioned with his arm, “Let’s move out! We have about an hour’s climb ahead of us!”
“Ti-Ehow, prepare the ropes and rigging to ascend,” Shotzgren ordered, “It’s nearly a vertical assent at the last one hundred feet of our climb.”
“Yes, my Lord,” Ti-Ehow echoed over the stinging snow and wind.
The three Antarians lowered their snow goggles from their hoods to protect their eyes and then wrapped the parka hood around their faces to keep their breath warm as they headed to the base of the mountain.
Storm Keep Cave
Darnash followed Danielle as she made her way through the cave. The two continued searching for the adolescent beast for over an hour when Danielle began to notice warm pillars to her touch.
“Darnash,” Danielle asked. “What’s this?”
She came to a rest and lowered her hood and immediately began noticing the warmth radiating from the rocks.
“These are hollow volcanic heat tubes. They run from the moon’s core to several channels beneath the ground and through the Storm Keep Mountains.”
“This must be how the young creatures make it through until spring.”
“Yes, my Lady. They will hibernate for several cycles. By lowering their body temperatures, they are able to enter a state of suspended animation.”
“Sounds like goldfish being frozen in a pond until the thaw back on Earth.”
“Gold fish?” Darnash asked, taking a sip of water from a leather bode bag. He handed the vessel to Danielle and made her take a drink.
“Yes, they’re small gold colored fish with bulging eyes. They always start swimming around under the ice in the spring. It’s kind of cool.”
“My Lady, you should remove those thoughts of home. They are weakening you.”
“I don’t understand?”
“Your fond memories are taking you back to your time on your home world. Put those feelings away lest your blood song stops altogether.”
“It is difficult, but I will do as you say, my friend.”
Darnash returned a crooked smile, acknowledging her tough task, “We are getting closer. Follow the warmth to its strongest source. It is there we will find the creature.”
Danielle took another long swig of water before Darnash pulled it back, “Slowly, my Lady. Do you tire?”
“Yes, Darnash, I require a break.”
Darnash climbed the side of one of the pillars and looked around, “I think I see it, my Lady.”
“No wait. I must wait...I sense him nearing.”
“The Adolescent?”
“No, Dumakas. He is here. Nearby.”
“Climb on my back, I will take you across the ravine to the other side. You must drink of the blood soon. I fear Dumakas’ hold is strengthening over you.”
“This is happening much too quickly. I thought I had at least two cycles before I lost the blood song?”
“Perhaps the effects are diminished for the same reason your blood took away our blood lust, my Lady?”
“I won’t discount that by any means, Darnash.”
“Come, my Lady, before you lose your entire hold and Dumakas reclaims power.”
Danielle climbed and held on to Darnash’s back, “If Dumakas is this close, we will have to fight him before we make our way back.”
“Yes, my Lady. He will have to defeat the female creature guarding the Keep entrance, first.”
“I do not think he will enter the Keep, even if he kills the female. Wouldn’t he just as soon wait for us to exit? Pick us off as we leave the Keep?”
“He will need to seek refuge inside the Keep as we did, my Lady. It is only going to get colder as time passes.”
Darnash carefully traversed a path to the ravine. They could clearly see the Adolescent who was nested between three rock columns, giving a red glow to the cavern. The young creature’s wings were folded around the rocks and his body, anchoring it with strange silky webbing.
“How are we going to cross? That’s at least fifty feet!”
“Do not be concerned, my Lady. I have provisions for such a problem.”
Darnash took his crossbow and armed it with one of his arrows. With a cable attached to its end, he carefully aimed at a stalactite near the cocooned creature and fired.
The arrow shot from the crossbow, the recoil of the weapon caused Darnash to correct his footing. They watched as the arrow ignited a stream of thrust, sending the cable across the cavern. The arrow imbedded into the rocks and Darnash grabbed the cable, bringing up the slack.
“Fancy arrows my friend.”
“Yes, I am rather fond of my
weapon,” Darnash grinned.
Darnash secured the cable at their end and gave it a couple of tugs, “This should hold us.”
“Do not worry, my Lady. It will be alright.”
Danielle looked over the edge of the cavern, “Um, I don’t know about this.”
“I will not drop you, my Lady.”
“How can I be sure?”
“Because of this, my Lady,” Darnash held up a harness with a wheel attached to the top.
“A zip-line?”
“If that is what you call it, yes.”
Darnash connected the wheel to the cable and ensured Danielle had put on her harness properly. He tightened his straps and wrapped his arm around Danielle and grabbed the wheel with his other.
“Hold on tight!” Darnash instructed before he ran and leaped off the edge of the crevasse.
The two zipped across the fissure, the cable sagging as they made their way. Darnash held his feet out in front of them and used them as shock absorbers when they hit the rocks. He pulled the quick release sending them both to the ground in a heap. Danielle landed on top of Darnash and was faced to him.
He grimaced, landing on his back, as he absorbed the fall for his Empress.
“Darnash, are you alright?”
“I shall be fine, my Lady,” Darnash answered, returning her gaze.
“I am glad, my friend. If anything should happen to you...”
“My Lady, do not be concerned with your servant,” Darnash grunted, “Partake of the beasts blood. You must hurry before it is completely in hibernation.”
“I need to make sure you’re alright first.”
“No, my Lady. The strongest blood song within the creature will be consumed by the hibernation. This is why you must do it now!”
Danielle unfastened her harness and looked around her surroundings. She found the easiest path to the creature.
Climbing over and around rocks she slowly made her way to the beast. The creature pulled against the silk-like webbing, attempting to back away from the alien woman approaching him.
“You must remove the webbing from the creature’s neck, my Lady. Do not cut the creature too deeply.”
“I know, I know, just enough for my syringe to get past this thick skin.” Danielle removed her dagger and began working on the webbing, “This is tough stuff!”
The creature opened one of its yellow eyes and roared with protest.
“Ignore the creature, my Lady. He is very close to complete hibernation.”
“There!” Danielle smiled, “The adolescent’s neck is exposed!”
“Cut the beast, my Lady. Do not worry, it will not remember in his current state.”
Danielle pressed her dagger at the creature’s neck making an incision through its thick skin. Blood began to pool around the neck wound. She leaned close and slurped the creature’s blood song into her.
Danielle’s eyes shot wide open as the blood renewed her strength, and then she shot a stare at Darnash, “Dumakas!”
“What is it, my Lady?”
“Dumakas is at the entrance to Storm Keep!”
“Quickly, my Lady, insert the syringe and extract a vial!”
Storm Keep Entrance
Outside the entrance of Storm Keep the winds blew, and the snow pounded the female Boreshog. She continued to guard the entrance. Relentlessly staying fixed to ensure her enemy Dumakas would not gain access.
Dumakas and his team hid out of view behind a few rocks below the Storm Keep plateau. He pointed with two fingers at his eyes and then in the direction of the beast. Shotzgren and Ti-Ehow nodded their understanding.
“You two move around to the other side and attack the beast. Draw its attention and I shall attack from its rear.”
Shotzgren motioned to Ti-Ehow and began moving to the other side of the outcropping.
Dumakas quietly drew his sword and made ready. He watched the beast as it protected itself with her wings, and then it closed its eyes, ...enemy of mine...kill you...I will...kill you....enemy of mine...
“You know I am here,” Dumakas answered.
...yes...enemy of you...kill you...I shall...enemy of mine...
“You speak to me through my blood song.”
...plans you try...I know...fooled I am not...
“No matter. I shall have the adolescent!” kill adolescent...too late...Empress partook...blood song sings lost...enemy of mine...
Shotzgren and Ti-Ehow snuck up to the outcropping, stood to their feet, both drawing their swords.
The creature roared, spun around and swiped at the two. The creature’s talon connected with Ti-Ehow and knocked him off the precipice, ripping his arm off. Ti-Ehow screamed as he flew from the outcropping and fell to his death.
Shotzgren stood his ground, his sword swinging at the beast as it tried to grab him a second time.
Dumakas charged from behind the rocks, and the beast turned to face him. The creature’s tail flung at Shotzgren who blocked the powerful blow of the beast with his sword, imbedding it into the creatures flesh.
Dumakas swung his heavy sword as the beast approached. Shotzgren pulled his sword from the wound and sliced again at the creature.
The beast roared with anger and flapped its wings creating more wind for the two Antarian warriors to fight against.
...too of mine...
The creature swiped its claws at Dumakas’ sword, clanging and deflecting each of the former Emperors’ hacking.
Shotzgren swung his sword over his head and charged at the beast’s backside.
The roar of a thruster arrow exhaust screamed above the icy wind in the Antarians’ ears. The arrow hit Shotzgren in the chest causing him to drop his sword. He fell to his knees, grabbing the arrow with his hands on the way down.
Danielle stood at the Storm Keep entrance, crossbow in hand and loading another arrow.
Dumakas sliced and hacked at the creature, “You will not win!”
The creature’s talons were no match for Dumakas’ sword. He continued to swing, slicing them one by one from the female beast’s claws.
Danielle took aim at Dumakas. Shotzgren looked at Danielle and grabbed a large rock lying next to him. He tossed it at her, at the same time Darnash exited the Storm Keep entrance. He drew his dagger and threw it at the fallen Shotzgren, hitting him in the Antarian’s second heart. The rock hit Danielle’s arm, causing her aim to miss Dumakas as she pulled the trigger. The arrow shot out and hit the female beast in the side.
The beast raised its head, roared with pain and violently flapped its wings.
Darnash lost his footing after throwing his dagger. The rocks crumbled out from under him and he fell to his back. His momentum carried him down the side of the mountain. He flipped to his stomach and clawed at everything he could to stop him from reaching the edge of the cliff. The female Boreshog flew into the air to escape Dumakas’ sword and swooped down the mountain slope.
Darnash continued to slide down the rocks and dropped over the edge falling from the precipice.
The enraged Danielle screamed at the sight of Darnash going over the cliff. She turned her newly found strength at Dumakas.
Dumakas snarled at the approaching Empress. He held his heavy sword in an offensive stance, “I see you drank of the adolescent’s blood.”
“I have! You will be no match for me!” Danielle stood on higher ground, making her eye level with Dumakas.
“So be it,” Dumakas spat, “Your defeat will be all the more honorable.”
Danielle let out a war cry and began spinning and turning, slashing her sword at his.
Dumakas blocked each blow and countered with every swing. The two swords clanged as they deflected off one another.
“I will kill you! You are responsible for Darnash’s death! I shall
avenge him!”
The former Emperor laughed at Danielle’s words and continued to fight the blood spirited woman.
Sol Sector
The Excalibur
“Colonel,” Captain Corey Wallace complained over the wireless, “These nugget pilots are having a hard time setting one of the missile platforms.”
“What’s the problem, Captain?” Race answered, from the Excalibur’s CSC.
The Excalibur’s lead pilot flew a holding pattern over the missile deployment team in his fighter. Captain Barrett Roberson piloted the area combat support ship and crew of four. Each crew member was busy with their tasks and recorded the failed attempts at mooring the missile platform to the target asteroid.
“They’ve nearly had three collisions,” Cory explained. “This damn asteroid is a moving target, Sir. They just don’t have the training for this!”
Colonel Jennings turned to his Eridonian advisor, “Our new ‘nuggets’ have been trained by your Jedi mind tricks, right?”
“Yes, Colonel Race Jennings,” Artemis smiled, “I assure you, all of our new pilots have had physical touch mind training. I fail to understand why they are having such a time of it.”
“Well, do ya mind,” Race motioned, pointing out the front view screen, “Maybe a little personal touch would be in order? We can’t afford to lose any more time out here. This is the last outpost setup before we head inside the asteroid belt and begin at the interior planets.”
Artemis joined Race’s crew from assisting the planet side efforts only a few hours before. She nodded her head and turned to face the view screen, “Of course, Colonel Race Jennings.”
“...and stop calling me that, will ya?”
“I am sorry for any inconvenience,” Artemis answered with her usual flamboyant hand gestures, “How would you prefer me to address you?”
“Oh for cryin’ out loud!” Race threw his hands in the air, “We’ve gone over this with the Eridonians before. Beats the hell out of me why you don’t communicate with your counterparts on a more regular basis?”
Warlords Saga Page 43