Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 52

by Brian K. Larson

  Two hairy creatures cautiously approached the crashed ship; each one over eight foot tall. The two cautiously sniffed into the air. Moving closer, one of them grabbed the hatch coaming and peered inside, and then turned to the other, “My Brother, it’s an Antarian and one human creature.”

  “Are they alive?”

  “They have not traveled to Revein’sev as yet.”

  “We must help our Brethren.”

  “What about the human?”

  “She is traveling with him in an Earth ship. Something about this female human is strange.”

  “Yes, I agree. The spirit within her blood speaks to me as well, my Brother.”

  “Hurry, we must take them to our cave and tend to their injuries, lest they fall to the great beyond of Revein’sev.”

  “Yes, my Brother. Once their health returns, we shall discover who they are, and what it is they are doing here.”

  The two creatures quickly removed the ship’s occupants. The Calypso teetered, up and down over the ledge as they delivered them to safety. The weight displacement caused the creaking Calypso to topple into the ravine. The sudden impact at the bottom of the rocky canyon caused the remaining fuel cells to explode, leaving nothing left of the ship as it burst into a large fireball.



  Calypso Crash Site


  “Colonel,” Lieutenant Bradley shouted, “I found something here!”

  “One sec,” Race Jennings answered, and then turned his attention back to his wireless comm link, “I gotta go, Admiral. My tactical officer said he found something.”

  “Were there any survivors, Race?” Admiral Jedidiah Fitz asked through his headset.

  “Not so far. It’s a pretty bad scene, Sir.”

  “I’m sending Malcom down to help with your investigation.”

  “Very well, Sir. I’m sure Artemis will be pleased to see him again, Jennings out.”

  Race made his way over to Lieutenant Bradley, “What cha got Bradley?”

  Bradley was on one knee holding a piece of old parchment paper with a pair of tweezers, “We almost missed this, Sir.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s an old hand scribed note.”

  “Let me see,” Race took the tweezers and examined the parchment, “I can’t make out what it says.”

  “That’s because it’s written in Antarian.”

  “You think they might have survived the crash?”

  Bradley looked over the edge of the cliff at the crash below, “It’s very doubtful, Sir. This was a pretty bad wreck.”

  “What about the Eridonian Scanner? Did it pick up any forensic signs at the site down there?”

  “The shuttle’s fuel cells exploded on impact. Anything organic was vaporized in the heat.”

  Artemis stepped over to the two from Race’s shuttle, “Excuse me, Colonel Jennings.”


  Her spindly hand asked for the scanner, “May I?”

  Bradley handed her the device, “By all means. It’s your tech. You’re better qualified to read this thing than we are.”

  “Do not be dismayed Lieutenant Bradley. Earthlings have come a very long way in a few short weeks. Give yourself time to fully understand things as you learn more.”

  She took the device and scanned the parchment paper and then passed it over the ground where it was found. After a few moments of nodding and muttering a few unknown words she looked up at Race, “There is no doubt this parchment is of Antarian origin. There is also no doubt that Danielle Cooper as well as the Antarian Darnash once held this with their hands.”

  “You saying they may be alive?”

  “There is not yet enough data to reach a conclusion on that matter. However, it is certain that this parchment survived the initial crash and somehow became separated from the crash below.”

  The thrusters of a landing shuttle interrupted them. The ship descended next to Race’s ship. A few seconds after touchdown the hatch rose, revealing the short bald Eridonian.

  Artemis’ almond shaped eyes widened. “Malcom!” she shouted, and then ran to greet her mate.

  The two locked forearms and touched their foreheads together, “It is good to see you again.” The two held their stance for several uncomfortable moments.

  “I know you two missed each other, but can we please get back to our survey mission?” Race begged. “You can get a room after we’re done here.”

  Malcom released Artemis and turned to Race, “Yes, of course, Colonel Jennings.”

  “Please accept our apology for our public display of affection,” Artemis nodded.

  An eight foot tall Antarian squeezed through the shuttle’s hatchway. He stood tall on the edge of the wing, arched his broad back, and stretched his arms to the sky, “Ahhh, it feels good to be in the open. It looks like you have a wonderful planet here.”

  “Thanks, Thelix,” Race winked, “We’re pretty partial to Earth too.”

  Thelix stepped off the low wing of the shuttle and approached the group. He raised his head and sniffed twice, “I smell Antarians.”


  “Yes,” Thelix sniffed twice more, “Unmistakable. Very close. They are likely watching us right now.”

  “Antarians? No escape pods made it to the surface.”


  “Yes it is,” Race questioned, and then turned to the two Eridonians, “Can you detect anything at all?”

  “Inconclusive, Colonel Jennings,” Malcom answered.

  “I don’t get this telepathy thing at all. Before you said you could tell if either Danielle or Darnash was alive. What gives?”

  “There are two possibilities. They died in this crash, and their life signs are hidden or too weak to detect. Or, there are other Antarians present.” Artemis shrugged, “We cannot say for certain which is the case.”

  “These could be other Antarians that our friend Mr. Thelix smells?”

  “There are creatures in the forest of your planet. They are nearby as Lord Thelix indicates...”

  “It’s just Thelix now. I no longer consider myself a Lord.”

  “Very well,” Artemis nodded, “as you wish. Do you prefer Mr. Thelix?”

  “Yes. I have grown fond of that...Mister Thelix...has a nice ring to it.”

  Race gave the parchment fragment to Thelix, “Can you decipher this? My Nanites aren’t interpreting the Antarian writing just yet.”

  “Of course,” Thelix grabbed the parchment and studied it a moment, “Hmm… this is very old, and badly worn.”

  “Can you read it?” Race asked, scratching the back of his head.

  “This is amazing. It talks about the time of old when we first populated Serintin. We had to reduce the Boreshog population. Some Antarians disagreed with doing this. From what I can make out, it says that the Antarians from the House of the Emperor, that’s Serintin, left our Rising Star Antares. They wrote another scroll. Legends speak of this writing, that folklore named this the Blood Scroll. This part of the ancient writings has been hidden for thousands of cycles. It also says this group of rogue Antarians traveled to a distant star; a primitive planet where they would live and hide in the woods.”

  “You’re not trying to say they came here, are you?”

  “Yes, Race,” Thelix answered, “It does appear from the evidence they did come to your planet. Why else would Danielle and Darnash make such a fool’s attempt to get to Earth?”

  Race rubbed his chin, “I’m afraid it does make sense.”

  “These Antarians planned on remaining hidden. The last part reads ‘never to be found by Antarians until the stranger from an unknown house appeared.’ They placed their hopes in waiting many generations until this new warrior arrived. It was seen as the only way they could change the ways of the Antarians.”

  “And our very own Danielle Cooper is the warrior from an unknown house they’ve been waiting for?”
  “The ancient writings have never been wrong.”

  “Well, then we have to believe they are alive.”

  “Living with these rogue Antarians.”

  “Okay, let’s form a search party. I’m going to call the Admiral and give him an update.”

  “Yes,” Thelix nodded. Then he handed the parchment to Malcom. “Take this sample and keep it safe. I will examine it fully later. I will remain planet side to help with this search effort.”




  Somewhere in the

  Olympic National Forest


  Naryah knelt beside the unconscious Danielle. The cool damp cave had a strong musky odor and was dimly lit. The seven and a half foot tall Antarian woman ran a wet cloth across Danielle’s forehead, “She’s burning with fever, Akua. I do not know if she will live.”

  Akua sat at a small fire, holding a wooden ladle, and stirring the contents of a brewing pot, “The dogwood tea is almost ready, do not worry, my Wife.”

  “This human your brother brought to us is so pale.”

  “I never promised Felvek they would live. And if I remember the conversation correctly, it was your brother’s idea to rescue them.”

  “Davan is young and inexperienced. He does lack a certain amount of common sense...and I’ll be the first to admit that, Akua.”

  “Our brothers departed to watch for more human activity at the above-lands. Felvek and Davan brought them to me because I am their leader...”

  “And what other choice did they have, Akua?”

  “You are right, Naryah,” Akua motioned with one hand stirring the pot with his other, “Just keep rubbing those nettle leaves on her skin. It will control the pain.”

  “I do not know if this is helping, Akua.”

  The nine foot tall Antarian poured the elixir from the ladle into a wooden cup to measure the intended dose.

  “This needs to cool for a few minutes. How’s the other one doing, Naryah?”

  “I do not recognize the Antarian. He must be from a Clan much farther from here. Perhaps he is from the across-lands.”

  “I’ve never seen this one before either, Akua.”

  “He suffered a blow to his head. He has no fever, but he hasn’t awakened either.”

  The short ceiling didn’t allow Akua to stand at his full nine foot height. Being stooped over all the time made dwelling in these parts of the cave a challenge. He peered at the ceiling, “I shall be glad when our return trip to under-land comes.”

  “Soon enough, Akua, our rotation begins within two above-moons.”

  Cradling the hot cup of cottonwood tea with both hands, he gently blew on it, “It cannot be soon enough.”

  He made his way to the injured female but was interrupted halfway by his daughter.

  “Let me do that for you, Father,” the young Antarian begged.

  “Thank you, Ruki’. You are a blessing, my child, yes indeed,” Akua smiled as he handed the cup to his daughter.

  Akua rested on the log bench as his daughter carried the tea to her mother. Naryah nodded softly as she took the cup, “You are a good child.”

  “Mother, do you want me to fetch Kuhar and Rehor from the hunting-lands? You know, just in case they run into more humans?”

  “Ruki’, that is very thoughtful of you, but it’s much too dangerous for you to go out to above-lands alone. Am I wrong on this, Akua?”

  “Your mother’s right, Ruki’. Kuhar and Rehor are old enough to take care of themselves.”

  Naryah continued to blow on the hot tea, “They’ve encountered humans before at above-lands. Twice. They know what to do,” she nodded.

  “Here, Mother, let me prop her up. Maybe she’ll awaken enough to drink the tea.”

  “Perhaps, my daughter.”

  Danielle stirred as Ruki’ lifted her to a sitting position.

  “Where am I?” Danielle struggled to say. She fluttered her eyes against the light from the fire.

  “There, there, now, my Dear. Try not to speak. You have been badly injured.”

  “She speaks a human dialect, my Mother.”

  “Yes, it is certain she is from Earth-lands,” Naryah answered.

  Akua pointed his large hairy index finger at Darnash, “However, I am not convinced he is from one of our clans. I think he is an ‘off-worlder’.”

  Danielle became more alert at his last word, “Yes...off-worlder...Antares.”

  “She understands our language,” Akua exclaimed. “What is your name, my Lady?”

  “Danielle... of... the house... of... Cooper...” she panted.

  “Here, Danielle,” Naryah said holding the cup to her lips, “Drink this, you are very sick with high fever...this will help you.”


  “She is delirious, my Mother.”

  “What? No!” Akua said, now coming to his wife’s side, “What house did you say you come from?”

  Danielle sipped the hot cottonwood tea before answering, “The Empress’ House... of... Serintin.”

  “Remarkable,” Akua exclaimed.

  “...of... the... Rising Star... Antares.”

  “How does she know of this unless they are both ‘off-worlders’?”

  Danielle sipped more of the tea, “Darnash...Lord Darnash, is he alive?”

  “Darnash must be her traveling companion,” Akua surmised, “Yes, Darnash lives, Danielle of the House of Serintin.”

  Danielle smiled and leaned back. “So hot...sick...poison...”

  Naryah leaned closer to Danielle to hear her better, “What kind of poison, my Lady?”

  “Large...bug...eight legs...what was it he called it? ...Oh yeah...” she whispered weakly, “...it was... an Erontos... bite...”

  “Oh my,” Naryah exclaimed, “She knows of an Erontos?”

  “That proves she’s been to Serintin,” Akua said, stroking his chin. “Do we have any dried Bladderpods?”

  “Yes, I believe we do,” Naryah nodded, “I will fetch the herbs to make a salve. Ruki’, you look for the bite mark.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Ruki’ nodded and turned Danielle on her side.

  She inspected her arms and torso, working her way to her legs when Darnash snorted and grunted.

  Ruki’ stopped and looked over to Darnash, “He is awakening, my Father.”

  Akua came to Darnash’s side, “Are you alright, my Lord?”

  Darnash moved his head side to side and groaned, “Where I’m I?”

  “Your ship crashed on above-land, a ways east of water-land. You’re off-worlders, aren’t you?”

  “I am from the Rising Star Antares.”

  “Who is the female human? Why does she have such a power over us? We remain hidden from humans in above-land.”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Time you seem to have since you crashed your ship above-land.”

  “Is she alive?”

  “Yes, but she has a dangerous fever.”

  “How bad is it?”

  “We gave her some cottonwood tea. That should help bring the fever down. However, my wife went to fetch some dried bladderpods from storage. Your human friend Danielle was bitten by an Erontos?”

  “Yes, but she was treated before we left for Earth.”

  “Something has caused the poison to return to her body.”

  Darnash rose up, nearly bumping his head. He watched Ruki’ for a moment.

  “Her bite was on the left ankle.”

  Ruki’ glanced at Darnash, then uncovered Danielle’s ankle. She found two holes oozing a yellow-green liquid amidst swollen, angry red skin.

  “It is infected, my Father. A gomish fluid runs from the wound.”

  “Take us back to our ship,” Darnash begged, “There are other Antarians that came with us. I must take her back to the Rising Star of Antares.”

  “Your ship was destroyed. My brother rescued you
from the wreckage. Why have you come here?”

  “We come seeking Truth.”

  “We risk a great deal. We must not let any humans at above-lands find us.”

  “You are the Sasquatch’s of Earth that Danielle told me of, are you not?”

  “Yes, yes...the above-land dwellers you call humans use that name for us. Or big foot, or Yeti. Humans consider us legends or myths. We take great care to ensure that does not change. However, it is becoming ever increasingly difficult to remain hidden. A few Humans seek us out. We must remain on the move at all times when we’re on lookout at above-lands.”

  “There is much we must discuss,” Darnash insisted.

  “Yes, I agree, Lord Darnash. One such item is how your wounds heal so quickly. How is this possible?”

  “Father!” Ruki’ scolded, “You do not need to interrogate our guests.”

  Akua returned a stern look, “And you should be mindful of your tone, my Daughter.”

  “It’s alright,” Darnash motioned, “We are all Antarians here...”

  “Except for the female human who you have yet to explain why you are keeping a human in your company? Forgive my rudeness, Lord Darnash, I am in charge of the Clan of Grey’con. I must be mindful of our family’s best interests.”

  “It is the Nanites.”


  “They are microscopic technology that flows within our body. They repair flesh and seal our wounds when we are injured. They also translate languages.”

  “Amazing! Such wonderful advancements the Antarians have made,” Akua nodded. “And the female companion?”

  “She is from Earth...”

  “So she is not an off-worlder? Yet, she was with you in the wreckage.”

  Naryah returned with the dried Bladderpods, “This is all we have, Akua.”

  Akua held his hand open for her to transfer the flowers. He looked at the amount in his palm and then nodded with satisfaction, “This will be enough. Naryah,” he brought the bundle to her, “you must hurry. She has the gomish fluid.”

  Naryah nodded as she cupped her hands together. When Akua had given the dried flowers to her, she quickly began preparing the salve.

  “I have something that might work better than the dried flowers of that plant,” Darnash said, fishing around inside his pockets.


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