Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 61

by Brian K. Larson


  Earth Orbit

  The Rock - Admiral’s Quarters


  “Lieutenant Henderson, please patch the Admiral through.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the comm link crackled.

  Admiral Gilmore’s face appeared on the comm screen, “Afternoon, Admiral. What can I do for you, Sir?”

  “You know damn well why I’m calling, Jed.”

  “I have heard nothing from Race, no.”

  “That’s better, Jed. At least you're being truthful.”

  “How’s the Moon Base repairs coming, Sir?”

  “The entire south dome had to be evacuated. The Draconians are helping us replace the fractured skylights.”

  “Sorry to hear about the Aga, Sir.”

  “Not as sorry as I was, and that’s one of the main reasons for me contacting you personally.”


  “I need a ship. You’ve had over twelve hours with no word from Colonel Jennings, and we need to make an assault on this underground lair you keep talking about. Starting with a low orbit with the Excalibur.”

  “Sir, that’s Race’s command.”

  “Colonel Jennings is missing, Admiral. We’re going down to find him and I’m using his ship. You can stay locked in orbit if you wish, or you can break orbit and follow the Excalibur and help me lay some shells down. Maybe that’ll rock them out of their underground and just maybe, they’ll release our officer!”

  “Sir, we’ve got to give Race, Colonel Jennings, more time.”

  “Either you’re with me or not, Jed.”

  “Just a few more hours, Sir, then I’ll personally lead the assault team.”

  “All right, Jed, but only because we’ve known each other for so long. I trust your judgment here.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Be ready in three hours. That’s all the time I will allow, Jed; three hours.”

  “Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir.”

  The comm link faded Gilmore’s image. Jed sat back in his leather chair and sighed, “You better get with me soon, Race, that’s all I got to say, better get with me soon.”




  Dumakas’ Chambers


  Tumaleka rested her hands on her hips as she paced in front of Dumakas, “You know what the war ministers have said, my Grandson!”

  “We are not ready, you old wretched meddler! I am the one granted Clokchek’! It is not for you to decide when we launch our assault on the humans!”

  Tumaleka continued arguing her point, “Dumakas, this is the perfect time to launch an assault! They will not expect this so soon. We can catch them off guard!”

  “We must wait for the rest of our ships to arrive!”

  “Are you not a Warlord, my Grandson?”

  “What kind of a question is that, old woman?”

  “I am beginning to wonder if you have the courage it takes to be leader of the Rising Star of Antares.”

  “You will hold your tongue!”

  “I shall not!”

  “You will silence your shrill voice, lest you curse me with a case of Cephalalgia,” Dumakas pleaded, holding his head with both hands.

  “Relax, Dumakas. I am not what is making your head ache.”

  “Do not be certain of that, old woman.”

  The door to Dumakas’ chambers interrupted them with someone pounding. Dumakas turned to his door, “What is it!?”

  “It is Laboolaron, my Lord. I have a detailed report about the human vessel.”

  “Ahhh! Cannot this wait until morning?”

  “No, my Lord, this is of the upmost importance. I am afraid this information cannot wait.”

  “Very well, you may enter, but make it quick!”

  “My Lord,” Laboolaron bowed as the door creaked open. He stepped inside the chamber holding a lit data pad. “I want to personally thank you for the particularly interesting games today.”

  “Yes, yes...it was long overdue to be certain.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “You did not come here to tell me of the games, Laboolaron.”

  “I do apologize, my Lord. I suppose it is a human trait that I picked up on while with Empress Danielle.”

  “Do not waste my time on these ridiculous pleasantries! What is this important information that you must bring me?”

  “My Lord, it is regarding the human vessel and its design.”

  Dumakas waved a lazy hand, “Yes, go on, I’m listening.”

  “The humanoid vessels are susceptible to a scalar pulse.”

  “Scalar? We haven’t used a scalar weapon in many cycles.”

  “Yes, my Lord. However, this may prove to be a vulnerability that we cannot ignore.”


  “Our ships would first fire a plasma burst of set harmonic frequencies at the enemy shielding. Their shields will fail when our harmonic burst comes in contact, leaving only their armor plating we will have to penetrate.”

  “Are you certain those shields will be neutralized, Laboolaron?”

  “Yes, my Lord. I was present for the field test.”

  “What yield of missile will penetrate the armor plating?”

  “There is more, my Lord.”

  “Do not waste my time,” Dumakas shot a finger at Laboolaron.

  “My Lord, this is not a waste of time. Not only will we be neutralizing their shielding with the scalar interference grid, we emit a continuous EMP or electromagnetic pulse...”

  “This is sounding difficult to orchestrate. I know what an EMP is! Now, get to the point!”

  “My apologies, my Lord. The EMP wave will neutralize the electronics of the target vessel.”

  “Hmmm, I’m still listening, Laboolaron.”

  “My Lord, we can even increase the interference pattern great enough to totally destroy the human’s nervous system, killing them instantaneously.”

  “Is that so?” Dumakas said, stroking his chin.

  “Yes, my Lord, a scalar weapon can be set on 'high intensity pulse mode'. This will disrupt all bio-electrical activity in every Human cell, so the human bodies will fall like dead leaves.”

  Tumaleka chuckled, “You see, Dumakas?”

  “I am intrigued.”

  Tumaleka wrapped Dumakas’ arm around hers, “This is good intelligence Lord Laboolaron brings us. I tell you, Dumakas, now is our time!”

  “I doubt that they have any defense against Scalar weapons.”

  “Most of the vessels’ systems were designed by the Eridonians.”

  “They do not know we possess Scalar technology?”

  “We have not had many encounters with the Eridonians. We’ve never used that technology on them. All other species in this quadrant have shielding to protect their vessels, rendering the weapon useless.”

  “Unless the Draconians or Centaurians have alerted the humans of this deficiency within their shield configurations...”

  “The proof was in the testing, my Lord. The Earth ship’s shielding was charged to full capacity. One burst is all it took to bring the shields down. The next pulse passed through the ship, destroying all electronic devices.

  “Quite impressive, Laboolaron, I must admit. You may be close to redeeming yourself.”

  “Thank you, my Lord. We investigated the ship’s systems and found no other significant technology aboard. We have also uploaded all missile platform data and ship transponder codes to our master database.”

  “Now that information does not impress me, Laboolaron. You know that they will have already changed their ship’s transponder codes.”

  “Yes, however, if we strike now, they will not have sufficient time to change their battle tactics. I am with Lady Tumaleka. The missile platforms data we can use to navigate around and reach Earth without incident. At the very least, we should strike the human vessels at Betelge
use and take them and the Eridonians out of the equation.”

  “Perhaps you are correct,” Dumakas snorted.

  “Well, it’s about time the Clokchek’ sees the truth in what I say!”

  “How long will you need to prepare our fleet for this assault?”

  “There is one minor drawback to using this weapon, Dumakas.”

  “Hopefully, this has not all been a waste of my time. Out with it!”

  “The scalar weapon takes an enormous amount of power to generate each pulse. We will not be able to maintain the function of all our telepathic inhibitors.”

  Dumakas raised one eyebrow, “That is a rather important piece of information, Laboolaron. You make me begin to doubt you and your abilities.”

  “My Lord, I would not have come to you if I did not have a solution to the problem.”

  “Very well, proceed.”

  “We form several smaller fleets and send them to the Betelgeuse sector. The first wave of ships will be armed with the first pulse. Each ship will target one Human or one Eridonian vessel.”

  “How many ships?”

  “There are about sixty ships we need to initially pulse, my Lord; fifty Eridonian, and roughly ten Earth ships.”

  “Send eighty. Have ten generate the telepathic inhibitor signal, the other ten as reserve prepared to take any of the fleet’s positions.”

  “The second fleet will jump into the sector as we jump away. Their job will be targeting the same ships with the EMP wave. This will destroy the vessels electronics. When the third fleet jumps in, all humans in the weapons range will be obliterated.”

  “Then all we have to contend with are the Dracs and Cents.”

  “Yes, my Lord. I shall formulate three separate fleets of eighty ships and provide each of their assignments.”

  “I shall be on the first run,” Dumakas smiled.

  “My Lord, allow your first strike force to go in your stead. Let us secure the sector of the Eridonians first.”

  “I know you are doing your duty, Laboolaron. For that I thank you. Just the same, prepare my flag ship I will show the Antarian houses that I am still your leader, and as so, will take the lead position.”

  “Oh, this is so very good!” Tumaleka gleefully whispered. “I will see my Grandson going off to battle once more.”

  “You will not be accompanying me, old woman.”

  “Nonsense, I am a seer. I must go with you...it’s for your own protection, my Grandson.”

  Dumakas rubbed his head with his hands and then turned to Laboolaron, “How long will you need to prepare?”

  “We can have the fleets formed up in a few hours. However, it will take until well into tomorrow’s cycle before our scalar weapons systems are online.”

  “I will give you a bonus, Laboolaron. To boost morale and to increase the workers efficiency, I shall hold another arena match in the morning.”

  “Very well, my Lord,” Laboolaron smiled, “I shall be looking forward to another match.”

  “You are invited to watch from my balcony if you so choose.”

  “Thank you, my Lord. I will see you there. For now, I shall take my leave and prepare my orders.”

  Laboolaron nodded before bowing and leaving the Chambers.

  “It looks as if I was right all along, my Grandson. Now is the time to go on the offensive.”

  “Now if you will take your leave of me, old woman? My head now suffers from Cephalalgia.”

  “I have a cure for that, my Grandson,” Tumaleka said, holding a black pouch.

  Dumakas waved off the magic dust, “No thank you, it is your dust that started this.”

  “I thought it was this old woman?” Tumaleka pressed her hand on her chest.

  “Trust me, old woman; you do not make it any better.”

  Tumaleka lifted her head in the air before leaving, “Have it your way then. I shall take my leave.”



  The Excalibur


  Admiral Gilmore stepped out onto the low wing of the ACE support ship. Commander Pete Rollins stood at attention saluting, “Admiral on DECK!”

  “At ease, Commander.”

  Commander Rollins relaxed his stance and shook Gilmore’s hand as he stepped down from the ship’s wing, “Welcome aboard the Excalibur, Sir.”

  Five additional crewmen exited after Admiral Gilmore. The Admiral looked at the puzzled expression on the Commander’s face, “Relax, Pete. This is only temporary.”

  “Yes, Sir, I understand, Sir, but the entire bridge crew too?”

  “It’s just that I’m more familiar with how my men work, and they know how to anticipate my commands, Pete. Like I said, it’s only temporary, and your bridge crew is invited to remain onboard to observe. Perhaps they will learn a thing or two from my men.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Commander Rollins said, hiding his gritted teeth, “Right this way, Sir.”

  Commander Rollins led the Admiral and his bridge crew to the Excalibur’s CSC, “You have a fine ship here, Commander. The Eridonians have done us right by providing us these ships.”

  “Yes, Sir...thank you, Sir, she is a fine ship indeed...and my crew knows how to run her like a fine tuned machine.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you crew is competent, Pete...”

  “...Sir, if I may speak freely, Sir?”

  “Oh, by all means, Pete.”

  “Sir, the Eridonians have provided some system changes in how our original ships operate. I think the crew of the Excalibur should remain at their posts, Sir.”

  The Admiral’s XO, Nick Bridges snickered as they walked. Pete stopped and looked back at Gilmore’s XO, “Peg pardon, Sir, but your crew doesn’t have the experience with the new systems to run her...”

  “That’ll be all, Commander, and Nick, you hold your lip,” Gilmore pointed, and then addressed Pete’s concern, “I can certainly appreciate your concern, Commander. My men will pick up on the differences quick enough, and since I’ve extended my invitation for your crew to remain here, they can help point out those differences to my men.”

  “Yes, Sir, I understand, Sir.”

  Commander Rollins came to the entrance of the CSC and stood sideways at the coaming. “Admiral on the Bridge!” he snapped a salute.

  The bridge crew snapped to attention, with the exception of helmsmen Lieutenant Reuben Russell who was piloting the vessel.

  “At ease, men,” Gilmore said with raised hand. “Thank you for your hospitality. I know this will be difficult...”

  “Difficult, Sir?” Comm officer Lieutenant Taylor Fulton asked.

  Gilmore turned to Rollins, “You haven’t told them yet?”

  “No, Sir. I only found out from Admiral Fitz a few minutes ago when he announced you were on the way.”

  “Okay, that’s fine, Commander. I’ll make this easy for everyone.” Gilmore took his place at the Captain’s position in the CSC pit, “I’m taking command of this ship while Colonel Jennings is absent. My bridge crew will take your places during this mission.”

  Rumblings began among the CSC crew before Gilmore said more, “That’s enough! This is not up for debate. I expect everyone to conduct themselves as professionals; do I make myself clear on that?” The murmurings ceased. “That’s better. Now, the sooner we transition my crew the quicker we can begin our descent.”

  “Descent, Sir?” Commander Rollins quizzed, “You gave Admiral Fits three more hours. We’re not set to break orbit for another two, Sir.”

  “Commander, there’s no better time than the present. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Sir, I respectfully ask you give Admiral Fitz those two more hours before we begin any assault, Sir.”

  “Commander, are you questioning my orders?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good, because I’m sure you would agree it would be better to observe from the upper deck of the CSC than the brig.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

; “Commander Rollins, I now will officially relieve you of this command.”

  Rollins stood to attention and saluted once more, “I stand relieved, Sir.”

  “That means the rest of you too. Give your posts to your counterparts, and brief them on any of these system changes that Commander Rollins was telling me about.”

  “You heard the Admiral,” Commander Bridges barked, “Get to it!”

  “With the exception of the helmsman,” Gilmore added, “Lieutenant Russell is it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Lieutenant Russell answered, settling back into his seat.

  “You will work with my navigator since my helmsman is no longer with us, you’ll do fine.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Position report?” the new XO barked.

  “We’re currently in high equatorial orbit, Sir.”

  “Bring your mains online, Lieutenant, and break orbit.”

  “Yes, Sir. Course, Sir?”

  “Bring us down to nine-thousand meters over the 47th Parallel by 124th Longitude.”

  “Yes, Sir, changing course as requested, Sir.”

  “Tactical; bring our weapons online...”

  “Sir,” Commander Rollins interrupted, “You can’t just lay down missiles with no warning. There are people down there!”

  “It’ll be fine, Commander. Lieutenant Hudson; target unpopulated areas only.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir,” the Admiral’s tactician acknowledged. “Weapons online, targeting systems online. First target set, and ready to fire on your order, Sir.”

  “Hold all weapons until we’re over our target,” Gilmore ordered.




  The Rock


  “Admiral,” Lieutenant Henderson said, looking up from his console, “The Excalibur is moving off, Sir.”

  “Moving off?” Jed questioned.

  “Yes, Sir, they’re breaking orbit and descending into the upper atmosphere.”

  “Open a channel!”

  “Channel open, Sir.”

  “Admiral Gilmore, come in. This is Admiral Fitz, what are you doing, Admiral?

  The crackles of the radio static ended with Gilmore’s voice, “Admiral Fitz, what I’m doing is not your concern.”


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