Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 75

by Brian K. Larson

  “Jump successful, we’re at the Corridor Event Horizon and holding.”

  “Damage report!”

  “Engines are out. We have thrusters only, Sir. Shields are down to forty percent and recharging.”

  “What about that warship?”

  “Sir, they took substantial damage to their hull plaiting, but no breach... their shields are holding at sixty percent.”

  “Open a channel to the Rock.”


  “Admiral Fitz, Captain Rollins, do you copy?”

  “Go ahead, Captain,” the crew heard over the crackle of the comm link.

  “We’re clear, Sir. Our engines are down, we can’t maintain the Event Horizon. We’re falling into the corridor,” Rollins looked at his helm, “Time?”

  “Thirty seconds before we cross, Sir.”

  “Thirty seconds, Sir. You’re fighters are in trouble, they need you’re assistance.”

  “We read you, Excalibur. We can’t jump to their location for another minute. Assemble the Draconian fleet at the Sol side. We need to withdraw before we lose all our resources.”

  “Understood, Admiral. Excalibur out.”

  The Excalibur’s helm righted the ship ninety degrees and entered the corridor.

  Jed looked over to his XO, “Get those jump drives on line, NOW, Commander!”

  “They’ll be online and ready in a few more seconds, Sir.”

  “NAV, plot jump course to our fighters. Henderson, open a channel to Duce.”

  “Sorry, Sir, I’m not reading Duce’s signal.”


  “Captain Simon, Sir. Black Widow has changed transponder codes to CAG.”

  “Open a channel.”

  “Sorry, Admiral, we’re a little busy out here, Sir. We could use a lift soon, Sir.”

  “You got it, Captain. Stand by, we’re jumping in a few seconds.”

  “Understood, Sir,” Rene flipped comm links to alert the remaining squadron to give the Rock space. “We’re ready, Sir.”

  “Comm, get me McCartney.”


  “We’ve been monitoring, Admiral, and will begin pulling our ships out.”

  “Start with the farthest battle point. Have that fleet jump in with number one. When number two leaves, jump the combined fleet through. We’ll follow through last.”

  “Aye, Sir,” McCartney acknowledged.

  “Jumping to fighter squadron in three... two... one...”

  “Hold on everyone,” Jed shouted.

  “Open channel to BW!”

  “Open Sir.”

  “Rene, we’re ready to receive you. Stay out of our PDS solution.”

  “PDS activated,” Collins reported, “Taking out several enemy fighters, Sir.”

  “Keep it up, Collins. Foster; plot our next jump to the Event Horizon, and spool drives.”

  “Aye-aye, Sir. Plotting jump course and spooling. Two minutes, Sir.”

  “Sir,” Collins reported, “The Antarian flag is in pursuit.


  “They’ll be back in firing range in thirty seconds, Sir.”

  “Shield status?”

  “Shields are back online, but only holding at forty percent recharge. They won’t last long under these conditions, Sir.”

  “Do everything you can, Lieutenant.”

  “Aye, Sir.”

  “Flight deck.”

  “Open, Sir.”

  “Chief, what’s our status?”

  “Sir, the fighters are all nearly aboard. We’re bring in the last of them now.”

  “Very good, Chief. Seal up and prepare for jump.”

  “Roger that, Sir. We’ll be ready.”

  The explosions rang out across the ship’s hull once again, “We’re under fire!”

  “I see that, Lieutenant. Are the shields holding?”

  “So far, sir, but as they get closer, we’ll take more of a beating.”

  “NAV; report?”

  “One minute, Sir.”

  “Shields are down thirty-eight percent...”

  “Return fire, all turrets and missiles! Rotate position! Get that ship in our point defense firing solution!”

  “They’re in range of PDS, Sir! It’s helping, Sir. They’re changing course.”

  “Helm, stay with them. Don’t let them get out of range.”

  “Shields are down to thirty-five and fluxing, Sir!”

  “And theirs?

  “PDS is having an impact with everything we have. I read them down to fifty percent.”

  “Still not good enough,” Jed stroked his chin, “How the hell do we kill that thing?”

  “Twenty seconds, Sir.”

  “Secure all stations, prepare for jump!”

  “Sir, all fleet ships have gone through the Event Horizon. We’re the last.”

  “Shields down, again, Sir. Hull plating is weakening!”

  “Jumping in three... two... one...”

  Once again, the hammering barrage of weapons explosions stopped.

  “Position report!”

  “We’re holding at the Event Horizon.”

  “Scan the sector!”

  “Scanning, Sir... the enemy fleets are reforming together, the flag is still in pursuit; ETA ten minutes.”

  “Is everyone out?”

  “Aye, Sir,” Commander Jameson confirmed, “Any ships still alive are through.”

  “How long before we have shields back up?”

  “A couple of minutes, Sir.”

  “We have to risk crossing though with zero shielding. We can’t stay here. Collins, do you think our hull integrity can withstand those forces?”

  “I think so, Sir. But just in case, I would seal off all bulkheads and get emergency life support ready.”

  “Get on it, Lieutenant.”

  “Aye-aye, Sir.”

  “Sir, the flag ship is spooling its jump drive. I think they’re going to try and catch us, Sir.”

  “Sir, we can’t wait any longer,” his XO whispered.

  With a nod of his head, Jed waved at Erica, “Helm, set course for the Event Horizon. Full power to engines. We’re going in!”

  “Aye, Sir, changing course. ETA to cross EH in ten seconds.”


  Erica examined her console and then looked over her shoulder down to the CSC pit, “We’re exiting the corridor, Sir.”

  “Scan report!” Jameson ordered.

  “Sir,” Collins nodded, “All contacts are friendlies, Sir. Centaurian fleet ships from Betelgeuse and the Draconian fleet at Sol.”

  “Total ship count, Lieutenant?”

  “Reading just over three-hundred and eighty total ships, Sir.”

  “Put me through to McCartney.”


  “Captain McCartney, do you read me?”

  The comm link crackled the familiar serpent voice, “Thisss isss Captain Zzetaal. Captain McCartney is in our sick bay.”

  “Is everything alright, Captain?”

  “Yesss, his resstraint sstrap broke and he took a nassty fall on my deck. He’ll be alright, Admiral.”

  “What’s our fleet status, Captain?”

  “The Cssentaurian fleet took a thirty-five percssent lossss. We’re down to a hundred and thirty shipsss.”

  “What about your friends from Aquilae and Ceti?”

  “They left when the Antarian fleet ssshowed up in full ssstrength. They were not asss ssstrong as we. Thisss isss not much of a losss, Admiral.”

  “Any word from Chancellor Relegon?”

  “Yesss, Admiral. The Chancssellor has managed to round up fifty more fleet shipsss. They are on courssse to Betelgeussse now.”

  “Well, they’ll find an Antarian controlled sector. Do they have the jump coordinates to the Event Horizon? Can they bypass the Antarian war machine?”

  “Yess, Admiral. They will jump to the Event Horizzzon and meet up with usss here.”

  “We need to regroup our fleet and prepare fo
r their arrival.”

  “We are already moving damaged shipsss to the rear formation, and sssending our ssstronger shipsss to the front line, Admiral.”

  “Excellent, Captain Zetaal. Have we counted their losses?”

  “Yesss, Admiral. The Warlords lost twelve percent of their fleet.”

  “We need to get set up for the best strategic positioning; this is our last line of defense.”

  “Yesss, Admiral. We will do everything in our power to prevent your world from being dessstroyed like oursss.”

  Alarm bells rang throughout the Rock.

  Lieutenant Collins interrupted, panic was written in his voice, “Multiple contacts, Sir.”

  “Sound General Quarters!” Commander Jameson barked.

  “They’re here,” Jed swore, “Battle Stations, okay, this is it, folks. We can’t lose any more ground!”




  Storm Keep


  Danielle’s shuttle landed on the edge of Storm Keep, a few meters from the crack in the rocks, giving this lair protection from the hostile elements.

  “Rotheg should be on his way back, my Empress,” Laboolaron radioed.

  “Thank you, Lord Laboolaron. I knew I could count on you, my old sparring partner.”

  “Yes, my Empress. When this is over, I shall enjoy your company once more.”

  “I hope you’ve been practicing, you have yet to beat me.”

  “I have, my Empress, and I shall make for you a formidable opponent.”

  “Very well, Lord Laboolaron, I look forward to seeing that.”

  Darnash bundled his fur coat all the way to his neck, slid his hood over his head and set the snow goggles over his eyes, “The weather has turned for the worse, my Empress.”

  “Yes, I know, Lord Darnash. How much longer shall we wait inside for his signal?”

  “It is not far to the shuttle, my Empress; he should be here by now.”

  “Then let us take our leave of this ship and seek him out.”

  Laboolaron approached the ship, the doors briefly opened and he handed Darnash a package. The door closed and he returned to the hidden bunker to monitor their status.

  Darnash unwrapped the package and handed Danielle a brand new sword, inlaid with gold and silver. The handle was fitted with one large red jewel that glistened with light. “Where did you get this?”

  “It is a gift from Laboolaron, my Empress.”

  “It’s beautiful...”

  “He said it will bring you great fortune.”

  “He said that?”

  “Yes, my Empress, I have no reason to fabricate such a tale.”

  “No, I suppose you do not.”

  Darnash pointed out the shuttle’s port window, “Look, there he is now.”

  “Open the hatch,” Danielle ordered.

  The hatch opened with Darnash’s instructions, blowing snow entered the ship as the two exited and sealed the door behind them.

  Darnash helped Danielle from the ship’s wing to the ground. Rotheg began climbing down the jagged rocks to the precipice where the shuttle rested.

  Rotheg held up his hand displaying his success, the only means of communications in this sub-zero environment.

  Danielle gave a sigh of relief and began climbing the boulders to reach Rotheg quicker when her ears were invaded by a loud screech. She froze as a dark shadow enveloped her. Turning she saw a diving female Boreshog, her eyes filled with hate and the desire to kill. The two met eye to eye as the beast landed in front of Danielle, the creature’s wings spread wide, head lowered toward Danielle.

  Returned... you have... returned... Empress Danielle... Rising Star... Antares...

  Danielle instinctively drew her sword and held it crossways in front of her as the creature spoke to her mind, “Wait! Stand down! I still have the Blood Song of your son! You cannot harm me!”

  Blood song... fade it does... kill you... I will... kill you...

  Darnash grabbed for his sidearm and aimed it at the beast, continuing to threaten Danielle.

  Danielle glanced at Darnash and then back, eye to eye with her standoff, “No, Darnash, do not interfere. My blood still holds...”

  “...Are you certain, my Empress?”

  Rotheg stopped as he neared Danielle, who then glanced up behind the beast, “This creature is under my power! I am communicating with it now.”

  Kill you... I will... kill you... Empress Danielle...

  Danielle closed her eyes and spoke to the creature’s mind, No, you will not harm me. I have another dose. I must take it, and you know it... do you not?

  Yes... Empress Danielle... the creature reared its head and blew a fireball toward Rotheg, who ducked behind the rock before the flames lapped at him. Harm other... I will... harm others... I will...

  No! I command you not to harm anyone that is with me! Hear me now, and obey my song!

  Danielle opened her eyes to see the flames finish licking the rocks where Rotheg took refuge, who was poking his head over the edge. The two made eye contact before she returned to concentrating on the creature.

  Kill them all... I will... kill them all...

  ...Not when I take this last dose... Danielle reached in the air with one of her hands, balancing the sword before the creature, and snatched the flying injector that she had silently instructed Rotheg to launch into the air.

  She took the injector and jabbed it into her thigh and depressed the plunger. The blood jetted into Danielle’s blood stream. The powerful adolescent blood mixed with her own, sending a renewed song throughout her body. Her pupils dilated, and all color washed from her eyes.

  She made eye contact with the creature and smiled, “Now, my friend, you will obey all my commands, I once again hold the sacred Kron’Shulooka!”

  Rotheg had made it to the shuttle and stood by Darnash, who continued to look at the sight of the beast and the female warrior facing off.

  Kron’Shulooka? ... you cannot know... name of... Song... how do you... know Kron’Shulooka?

  Danielle, with opened eyes and lowered sword, she spoke to the giant creature, “Be not dismayed, my good friend. It is I, Empress Danielle, of the House of Cooper, of the Rising Star Antares. I have returned with the knowledge of the Blood Scroll. I have returned to Serintin as prophesied by our forefathers. The ones whose heart beats for the House of Delema... seers of what is, and what will be. They have written this, that it shall and is coming to pass. I now hold the Bron vis’Ka!”

  The creature folded its wings and knelt before Danielle, No longer Empress... Queen you are... Queen Danielle... Holder of... Bron vis’Ka! Release us... you will... release us... from our... captives...

  Who... who are your captors?”

  Captors... destroy captors... destroyed they must be... captors... ancient beings of Revein’sev... they are not... sever tie to Revein’sev... kill blood spirit forever... free Boreshog spirit for all eternity. Cleanse blood spirit... Bron vis’Ka! Bron vis’Ka!

  “Take me to Emperor Dumakas! He must partake of my Bron vis’Ka!” Danielle looked over to the gazing pair, “It is alright, Darnash. Go, take leave of this place. Make way for the palace. There, I shall take my rightful place as Queen of Antares.”

  Take you... I will... take you... Enemy Dumakas... Kill him... Enemy Dumakas... kill him I will...

  Danielle climbed on the back of the beast and took off toward the palace.

  Darnash smiled at Rotheg, padding him on the shoulder, “Just another day in paradise. Come, we shall pick up Laboolaron and Chelek.”



  Primary Energy

  Collector Station


  Race followed Akua and Davan up a ravine, crawling on their bellies. They climbed to the peek to look toward the outer wall of the collector station. Felvek, Kuhar and Rehor positioned themselves as lo
ok outs round the perimeter. Draped over Race’s shoulder was a knapsack full of explosives. He held one of the smaller Antarian rifles cocked and ready as he inched himself to the edge of the hill.

  Akua tapped the side of his headset, “Report!’ the giant Sasquatch whispered as quietly as he could.

  Daven held a pair of field glasses as he laid on his elbows, scanning for any movement.

  “All clear, my Brother,” Felvek answered.

  The three got up and ran to the outer wall in a crouched position. Reaching the wall, Race slammed his back against it with the others.

  “I thought they said there was a shield surrounding the complex?”

  “There is, but according to Mister Thelix, it does not reach to ground level.”

  “So, we’re gonna waltz right in there?”

  “Yes,” Akua nodded.

  “How many do ya think are inside?” Race began, “I know, I know, Mister Thelix said this was an automated station, but what happens if there’s someone doing maintenance inside?”

  “There will not be anyone inside,” Akua assured.

  “But what if there is...”

  “Enough!” Akua shouted in the best whispered voice possible. “Now, follow me,” he said with a wave of his arm.

  They made their way to a door on the side of the complex. Davan pulled the handle and opened the door and watched as the two Sasquatch entered the room. Akua reached back out of the door, grabbed Race’s collar and yanked him inside.

  “Hey! Easy there, big guy!”

  “We have no time to waste.”

  “Okay, we’re inside. Now what?”

  Akua gave a sigh, noticeably irritated.

  “Alright, alright,” Race said with raised hands, “we need to find the control room.”


  “By the way,” Race said, tapping Akua on the shoulder, “Why are we still whispering if there isn’t anyone home?”

  Akua stopped, turned and looked down at the gulping Race. Then he laughed and resumed moving, “Good point.”

  “I think it’s just up ahead,” Daven said, pointing a finger down the hall.

  “Ya think?” Race whispered to himself.

  Davan gave Race a gentle shove from behind, “Hey, watch it... I’m the one with the explosives, remember?”

  “Yes, this is the main control room,” Akua nodded.


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