Darnash knelt at her side and wept silently to himself.
Dannielle’s senses faded away, her vision blurred, but she felt as if she was moving. She opened her eyes and discovered she was traveling a long and winding tunnel of light. She fought the current that pulled her in, but could not gain any ground.
She found herself standing on a marbled pathway before a veil that blocked her way. She began walking toward it, confused, yet intrigued. When she arrived at the shimmery energy curtain, she was met by a large Antarian.
The dead Emperor’s eyes glowed red and his face contorted, “You... you have caused us to die!”
He reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders. She resisted his grip and took him by the forearms. The two struggled together for a time, each threating to shove the other across the shimmering curtain.
Danielle wondered where she was, but only as a secondary thought. Her primary focus was what was she doing here? What was this place? Was she dreaming, or is this what death felt like?
The two continued to struggled when voices began to carry through the veil, no... do not... must not enter... Revein’sev... must be... protected... die you must not.
Several grotesque looking arms began pushing through, their hands crumbling like the skin of lepers. Spotted white and missing skin, the ends of the fingers were only bones, pushed back against Dumakas as she got closer to the veil. The hands continued to prevent Dumakas from falling through, she closed her eyes and thought, what must I do? I must... push... him... through... to complete... the Bron vis’Ka!
No... the voices whispered. No Bron vis’Ka!
She opened her spirit mouth and chanted the ancient words, “Kron’Shulooka! Ma’kaech Luma! Morgesh... Bea’goth...Mae’sheen!” Danielle shouted. Then with one final shove, she pushed Dumakas’ spirit body through the veil, “Bron vis’Ka!”
The voices shrieked as Dumakas fell into the shimmering energy, his body began glowing red, and then yellow, and finally turning white, disintegrating before Danielle.
The voices stopped.
The shimmering energy field vanished, as too did the marbled pathway.
She shot her eyes open and gasped for air, seeing Race and Darnash morning her death. She coughed up some blood and took in another breath.
Race jumped at her gasping with disbelief, and smiled softy at his love, and stroking her face, “You are alive!? It’s a miracle! She lives!” he shouted, “We need a medic!”
Danielle whispered softly, struggling to breathe, “I was... there...”
Race turned his attention to Danielle, picking her up by her shoulders and cradled her, “Where did you go? Where were you? What happened?”
“Revein’sev... it existed...but the veil... the veil to this world... is gone... the Bron vis’Ka has been done...”
The remaining Elite Antarian guards dropped their swords, looked up to the shining skies, and raised their arms. Together they changed, “Mae’sheen... Mae’sheen... Mae’sheen... we are freed... we are freed...
Sol Sector
The Rock
Jed held onto his restraint handles as the Rock shook from the massive detonations on the ship’s hull.
“We can’t take much more of this, Sir!” Commander Jameson shouted.”
“Point defense guns are low on ammo, Sir,” Lieutenant Collins reported, “Shields are buckling, Sir, I can’t keep them up.”
“Helm, rotate ship dorsal for main impact, those are the strongest shields!”
“Aye-aye, Sir, rotating to dorsal shielding!”
The Antarian flag ship continued to pound the Rock and Excalibur, the two ships flying a circular pattern to prevent their enemy from any firm weapons lock.
“Sir! Collins again reported, “There’s too many of them, Sir. We’re taking major fleet losses!”
“Admiral!” Lieutenant Henderson interjected, “I’m picking up a signal, Sir.”
“Wait...” Lieutenant Collins shot his Admiral a glance, the noise on the hull ceased, “They’re pulling back, Sir!?”
“Wait, what?” Jed exclaimed, “One at a time, TAC, what’s our status?”
“It’s the Antarians, Sir! Their warships are turning away and heading back to the corridor!”
“Comm; what’s that signal you’re receiving?”
“It’s the Liberator, Sir!”
“Put them through!”
“Rocinante, do you read me. This is Colonel Jennings, come in!”
“It’s over, Sir, Danielle did it!”
“Cease fire! All ships, cancel General Quarters!” Commander Jameson ordered, “I repeat, all fleet ships, cease fire, the enemy is retreating!”
“I don’t know how you did it, Colonel,” Jed smiled, “But it seems whatever it was has ended the war.”
Cheers sounded throughout the CSC of the Rock.
“Sir, we have a patient for Doctor Lambert.”
“Yes, Sir, it’s Danielle, Sir. She’s hurt real bad!”
“Permission to transport immediately, Doctor Lambert! Ready your sickbay!”
“Aye-aye, Sir. I’ve been monitoring. I’m ready to receive.
“Thank you, Sir,” Race said, Jed could see his smile through the radio.
“No, thank you, and your team, Colonel. I’m sure you have lots to tell me. I’ll meet you in the debriefing room. Rocinante out.”
Edge of the Arena
The circling Boreshog creature vanished with the appearance of the Antarian sun. Ruki’, the young Sasquatch, stood on the ledge of the balcony overlooking the bloodstained arena. Holding the crimson stained and jewel inlaid sword in the air above her head, she began to address the assembled Antarians.
“I, Ruki’ of the Clan of Grey-con, youngest born of the one-hundredth generation, stand here on this ground, on this site, which will forever be remembered and never forgotten... I will lead my people and my ancestors of Antares, into a new era of excellence!
“I, Ruki’, shall hold this sword as a token of remembrance. The Empress of Antares, Queen Danielle, and what she has done here for our peoples... we will always hold her name sacred in our scrolls.
“Empress Danielle, you have freed the Rising Star of Antares from the Kron’Shulooka. No more shall we be infected by this curse. You have delivered to us the Bron vis’Ka; the deliverer... liberation from ourselves.
“No more shall we be called the Warlords of Antares, rather, the Peacemakers of Antares. From this day forward, the Boreshog of the Valley of Trenches shall forever remain in hibernation. Their ancient fossils embedded within the rocks of the trenches will be a reminder to us all... a constant reminder that we shall never take of this curse again. With their blood dried and bodies petrified into eternity, there blood spirit will no longer affect us.
“Empress Danielle,” Ruki’ continued, holding the sword higher into the air with pride, “Your blood spirit, now dead and the curse of Revein’sev removed, the song you sang here will live on in Bron vis’Ka for all of eternity!”
She lowered the sword from the sky and turned to jump down from the balcony. Walking to a glass case, she set the sword inside and sealed it closed. Daven and Felvek each picked up an end and carried the glass container to where it would be displayed at the entrance to the Palace, a constant reminder of their salvation.
As Ruki’ and everyone left the arena, Akua tapped his headset, “Fire!”
Six Antarian warships hovered above the sacred ceremonial grounds launched a barrage of missiles each striking the arena. The impact reduced the area to rubble in a matter of minutes. The falling rocks and debris from the missiles quickly filled the arena.
Ruki’, the new leader o
f Antares, made sure this would never be used again.
Earth Orbit
The Rock
~ Three Days Later ~
Race stood by Danielle’s bed, watching her slumber. Jed and Skatie stood at the foot of the bed, while Doctor Lambert attended to her vital signs.
She fluttered open her eyes. The first thing she saw was a beaming Race Jennings.
“Well, good morning, sunshine. How you feeling?”
“W-where am I?”
“Your safe and in Doctor Lambert’s sickbay,” he answered, taking her hand and gently squeezing.
She feigned a smile and weakly answered, “That’s good... what happened, I feel awful...”
Doctor Lambert turned his attention to her question, “Well, little lady, it’s no wonder you feel so bad, you were stabbed in the heart and died.”
“I died?”
“Yes, and it’s a good thing your DNA was altered. That second heart is what saved your life. The Nanites did the rest, repairing the bleeding. I didn’t have much to take care of when you arrived.”
“It feels worse than being stabbed in the heart.”
“Again, not surprising,” Lambert said, “Your body is undergoing more major changes.”
“I remember you saying if we didn’t reverse the DNA changes, I would die.”
“Well, that’s just it, little lady, your body is reverting back to the way it was... it’s almost as if none of this had ever happened.”
“It sure feels like something happened, Doc.”
“You’ll be sore for a few days, but the Nanites will repair the rest of the damage.”
Danielle looked around the room, “Where’s Darnash?”
Jed lifted his head and answered, “He’s fine, Danielle. He and Mister Thelix stayed behind on Serintin. Ruki’ has become the new leader, and they are going to help her build a new government.”
“Poor Darnash,” Danielle began, “I feel bad that things can’t work out for us.”
“Now, never you mind about Darnash,” Race interjected. “It seems Ruki’ and he are becoming an item.”
“I am glad for him; he will always hold a special place in my heart to me. What about the female Boreshog creature? I have to thank her for the help she provided.”
“I’m afraid that’s impossible,” Skatie answered.
“What do you mean? Is she dead?”
“She was dead long ago. Her fossilized remains are in that very cave you were bitten in.”
“Fossilized? I don’t understand.”
“When you delivered the Bron vis’Ka, you destroyed the veil of Revein’sev, which was where the curse originated. They used the Boreshog as vessels to this universe. When you destroyed the Kron’Shulooka, the Boreshog creatures ceased to exist. Now, they are no more than fossils that remind us of the creatures that once roamed Serintin.”
“They never really were here, then?”
“Oh, they were quite real,” Race added, “but the essence within their blood, the veil to their existence was destroyed. When the Kron’Shulooka could no longer communicate with this universe, the creature’s life essence ceased to exist, returning them to their resting grounds of old.”
“I’m sorry, Race...”
“For what?”
“For treating you like a gorech when you found me.”
“Eh, think nothin’ of it sweet cheeks. It was the infection controlling you, not you.”
“Well, still, I do remember.”
“Eh, exactly how much do you remember?”
“Enough to know that you owe me a dinner for all this crap you put me through. I mean, talking me into stowing away on the Admiral’s ship? That was insane... we could have been caught... you could have faced a court martial...”
Race held his hand in surrender, “Say no more, your wish is my command. As soon as you have your discharge from the ol’ Doc here, you name the place and it’s all on me...”
“Careful what you wish for, Colonel,” Danielle managed a real smile, “I know a lot of high-priced places!”
“Oh, and Colonel,” Jed said, holding a smirk at bay, “Speaking of stowing civi’s on my ship...”
“... Admiral...”
“No, this is a serious offence, Colonel...”
“... Jed, come on now... at this point, you can’t be serious...”
“Serious as a crutch... though not as serious as the court martial Admiral Gilmore faces.”
“... Jed, my old friend, you can’t do this...”
“...oh I can, and I will. However, unlike Admiral Gilmore, who’ll never hold a rank again, I will speak on his behalf. I doubt he’ll serve any time.”
“What kind of charges are you talking about here, Sir?” Race asked, his anxious ears turning beat red.
“I’m prepared to pass sentence right here.”
“On what charges, Sir?” Race begged.
“I find you guilty of providing access to a secure base, aiding and abetting a stowaway, helping a civi impersonate an enlisted serviceman...”
“...You can’t do this to me, Jed... I-I helped save humanity here... C’mon, have a heart.”
“...I hereby sentence you to thirty days, house arrest...oh and one of those expensive bottles of fine Scotch Whiskey.”
Skatie raised her white eyebrows and wrapped an arm around Jed’s waist, “Make that two bottles.”
Jed gave Skatie a glance and then returned a smile, “Yes, make that two.”
Skatie, Doctor Lambert, and Jed began roaring with laughter.
Danielle attempted to hold back her snickering, but joined them.
“Oh, yeah, ha-ha, very funny everyone, very funny.”
Epsilon Eridani
The misty green planet occupied the fourth orbit around the star known as Epsilon. Several Eridonian leaders gathered in the familiar center courtyard.
Towering spires surrounded the courtyard which signified their meeting place.
Malcom and Artemis stood before the assembled leaders. None spoke. Only an occasional nod testified to their communication.
It is good that you have returned home.
Yes, Malcom and Artemis both nodded, it is indeed good to return.
Your mission was a success.
Thank you, pro-chair, yes, we succeeded in assisting the humans.
Curious creatures, they are.
Yes, they are very different from any species we have helped in times past.
And the Warlord threat was eliminated, bringing peace and balance once again to the galaxy. Have we decided to stay on Earth and continue to monitor their growth?
We agreed that it would not be beneficial to continue with our monitoring. However, we will return every century to look in on them.
Very well, it is agreed. We will remove our presence from Earth.
I understand you have another assignment for us.
Yes, as you know, there is another race that is not too far from Earth. They are entering a new area of technological development.
We shall investigate at once, Malcom nodded.
Yes, we need to determine if they will require our intervention.
It has been seen that they will destroy themselves if we do not provide assistance.
Yes, you shall make haste and prepare for departure.
We agree, Artemis nodded, we will leave at once, pro-chair.
The two faced the assembly and bowed.
The five assembled Eridonians nodded their acknowledgement, turned and walked away.
Malcom and Artemis turned to face each other, let us hope that our next destination is just as exciting as before.
Agreed, Artemis smiled.
They turned from the towering spires of the courtyard and walked along the shadows they cast from the bright sun of the Star of Epsilon Eridani.
~ The End ~
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Warlords Saga Page 77