Play With Me, Baby: A Yeah, Baby Novella

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Play With Me, Baby: A Yeah, Baby Novella Page 3

by Fiona Davenport

  I didn’t have a comeback for that, so I kept quiet when he climbed into the car and pulled away from the curb. Full from our amazing meal and tired from a long day, I fell asleep only a couple minutes after we left the restaurant as Rhys drove me home. Or, at least, that’s where I thought he was taking me until I woke up when the engine cut off and I found myself staring up at a huge house I didn’t recognize.

  “Where are we?”

  “My place.”

  Sharp disappointment stabbed through me. Even with all the sparks flying between us at dinner, Rhys had acted like the perfect gentleman. He hadn’t even so much as stolen a kiss, even though there had been a few moments when he’d come awfully close. He’d lulled me into a false sense of security, only to show his true colors by assuming a dinner date meant I’d go home with him.

  “Just because I work at a sex toy shop doesn’t mean I’m easy.” My voice cracked at the end, the hurt I was feeling coming through loud and clear.

  “No! Shit. Fuck,” he hissed, jumping out of the car and rushing around to my side to throw the door open and bend down next to me, taking my hands in his. “I never, not for even for one second, thought you were easy.”

  “Then why did you bring me to your house?” I asked softly.

  “Because I don’t know where you live, angel. You fell asleep before I asked, and I didn’t want to bother Weston. If I interrupted him and Aspen again tonight, I’d probably find myself in a shallow grave come morning.”

  The breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding rushed out of my lungs in relief. “Oh.”

  “Yeah. Oh,” he chuckled. “You were awfully quick to jump to the conclusion that I made assumptions about you because of where you work.”

  “It happens sometimes.”

  “What happens?”

  “Guys figure that I’m a certain kind of girl because of where I work,” I explained. “I’m probably just feeling overly sensitive because I had a male customer yesterday who asked me if I was a bad girl. He didn’t wait for me to answer before he told me I must be one since I worked in a place like Dirty Players. And then he made it clear how much he likes bad girls."

  I was rambling and it didn’t occur to me that it was a bad idea until Rhys abruptly dropped my hands. He yanked his phone out of his pocket, jabbing his finger at the screen while he muttered to himself.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making a note to myself,” he murmured distractedly.

  “A note to do what?”

  His eyes pierced through me when they lifted to meet mine. “To go through the security tapes so I can figure out the name of the guy I’m going to kill.”


  I was tempted to put in a call to Xander right then, but some part of my brain was still functioning rationally and it told me to calm down so I didn’t frighten my angel.

  To my surprise, she snatched my phone from my hand and glared at me. “You’ll do no such thing! I can take care of myself and conjugal visits are not on my list of things to do before I die, so I suggest you curb your murderous impulses.“

  My head fell backwards as I roared with laughter. Damn, she was feisty, and so fucking adorable. All of the anger drained away, replaced with warmth and the sharp bite of lust. Bringing her to my home was probably a stupid idea, especially since I was trying to go slow and convince her that she was more than just one night for me.

  I could have easily found her address by looking at her license, but the need to have her in my space—our space—had taken on a life of its own and steered the car to my home.

  Still smiling, I leaned in and kissed her cheek, ghosting my lips over the cute smattering of freckles. There was a flash of disappointment in her eyes when I retreated and I fought the desire to grin in smug satisfaction.

  I reached in and unbuckled her, then took her hands to help her from the car. “I have a big guest room you can sleep in, with your very own bathroom. Do you work tomorrow?”

  Macy hesitated, her intense green eyes studying me, then she nodded. “Three to close.”

  I stifled my sigh of irritation and silently vowed to get her away from that fucking job as soon as possible. Taking her hand, I guided her from the driveway, up the twisting path to the front door. “A friend of mine will be taking care of your car. I’ll drop you off at work and pick you up tomorrow night.”

  Macy stopped and tugged at my grip, but I kept going until we reached the porch and then used my fob to unlock the door and usher her inside. “First of all,” she sputtered. “How the hell are they getting my car without the key and what makes you think they won’t steal it? Second, I don’t need a babysitter. I’ll get myself to and from work all by my itty bitty self.” She ended with her tone dripping in sarcasm.

  I pulled her into my embrace and stared down at her face, momentarily stunned silent by her beauty. When she started to wiggle, attempting to get free, I broke out of the fog. “First of all,” I mimicked without snark. “I completely trust the person retrieving your car and as for how they’ll get in, don’t worry about it. Second,” I hurried on when she attempted to speak. “No way in hell am I letting my woman work at a place like Dirty Players without making sure she is safe.”

  Macy rolled her eyes, but a sweet shade of pink tinged her cheeks. “I’ve done just fine for the last year, Rhys.”

  I bowed my head and brushed my lips over her forehead, nose, and cheeks. I carefully avoided her lips, afraid that one taste would snap my control and I wouldn’t be able to stop. “But, you weren’t mine for the last year. I protect and cherish what’s mine, angel.”

  Her jaw dropped a little as she stared up at me, her blush deepening. “Yours?” she reiterated. Her eyes melted into liquid emerald and I scooped her up into my arms before I did something stupid, like kiss the fuck out of her until she agreed to let me take her to bed.

  “Yes, angel. Mine,” I confirmed as I stalked into the den at the back of the house and took a seat on one of the grey, soft leather couches. I shifted her carefully, trying to keep her from sitting on the hard bulge in my pants.

  “This is crazy, Rhys. I just met you a few hours ago!”

  I shrugged, completely unconcerned about her argument, then my lips turned up to form a naughty smirk. “You’re the one who is consumed with thoughts of fucking.”

  Macy gasped in outrage. “I am not!”

  “Your smartass comment about conjugal visits said otherwise.“ Before she could rebut my logic, I changed the subject since who she belonged to wasn’t up for debate. “I’m assuming that working at Dirty Players is not your dream job. What would you like to be doing?” An idea sparked. “You could come work at my company, you know. I’d find a place for you.”

  Macy’s head reared back so she could look me fully in the face. “There you go again, putting me in the ‘paid companion’ category. I will not be your booty call with a salary.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed in frustration. As much as I loved the fire inside her, I didn’t want it aimed at me. “I didn’t mean anything of the kind, Macy.” It was clear that she disliked her job. We both had the same goal—to get her away from it. So why was she balking when I offered a perfectly reasonable solution? I knew she was sensitive about how people perceived her because of her employment, but it clearly ran deeper than I’d initially thought. “I won’t pretend that I don’t love the idea of having you close every day, knowing you’re safe.” I grinned, hoping to lighten the mood. “Nor will I pretend that I didn’t picture fucking you on my desk.”

  Her mouth quirked up in a half smile, humor returning to her eyes.

  “But, since you have burst my little fantasy bubble,” I quipped. “Tell me what your plans are.”

  Her gaze slid away and that pretty blush returned to her cheekbones. I was going to take full advantage of that tell, she wasn’t very good at masking her emotions and her fair skin gave away a lot when it colored.

  I took her chin between my thumb and index finger, turning it
back to me. “You can tell me, angel.” I smiled encouragingly.

  “Um, I want to be a writer,” she muttered. “Young Adult.”

  The minute she said it, I could see how right it was for her. With her fun and spicy personality, I could only imagine the stories she would come up with. And something told me that I wouldn’t be surprised how talented she was once I got to read something of hers.

  “Have you finished anything?” I was genuinely interested and it seemed to unlock a door she’d been hiding behind. She immediately launched into an animated explanation of the books she had completed. Her expression fell a little when she admitted that she had received rejections for one book and she’d been waiting months to hear about another two.

  I soaked in every word, not only because I wanted to know everything about her, but because I loved listening to her talk. When her eyes started to look heavy, I checked my watch. It was after one in the morning. I hated to move from my very comfortable spot, but I reminded myself that we had the rest of our lives to cuddle and get to know each other.

  With one arm under her legs and one behind her back, I easily held her to me as I stood. “Let’s get you to bed, angel.”

  “I can walk,” she protested, even as she snuggled deeper into my embrace.

  “Just let me enjoy holding you,” I murmured as I kissed her forehead. She was so tiny compared to my large frame that I felt like I was carrying a pillow. A very sexy, beguiling pillow.

  Once we reached the guest room, I set her down beside the bed and reluctantly let her go. “The bathroom has a large Jacuzzi tub if you’d like to relax in a bath first.” Pushing that image away was a monumental feat. I looked at her clothes and remembered that she had nothing else with her. “I’ll find you something to wear.” Swiftly, I went to my room and grabbed a T-shirt. She would swim in it, but if I couldn’t be wrapped around her all night, I wanted her wearing my clothes. Lucky fucking shirt.

  I also retrieved a new toothbrush from a drawer in my master bath before returning to her. I handed both items to her and backed away a few inches. “I’m right next door”—I gestured to a connecting entrance between the two rooms—“if you need anything.” She nodded her thanks and my feet were like cement blocks as I trudged from her room.

  After getting ready for bed—wearing pajama pants I had to dig out of the back of my closet since I usually slept naked—I decided to look in on her and make sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed.

  I knocked on the closed door and waited, then tried again. When I still heard nothing I assumed she was asleep, but a small part of me was worried that she might have slipped and fallen in the bath or been a victim of some other calamity. Flimsy excuse.

  Quietly, I turned the knob on the door and pushed it open. Her light was still on and a hasty glance at her bed showed it was empty. “Macy?” I called, walking fully into the room. The bathroom light was on and the door was wide open, so I padded over to it. Just as I reached the entrance, I froze in mid-stride. Every nerve in my body coiled tight, unable to move. Except my cock which was rapidly growing and hardening.

  Macy was just slipping my shirt over her head and before it fell, I got a glimpse of all that was underneath. High, rounded breasts that would fit so well in my hands, pink nipples that made my mouth water. A slender torso, nipped in waist, and a belly button that had my tongue itching to lick around it. Her hips flared out just enough to be perfect for a tight grip while she was thoroughly fucked from behind. Toned, sexy legs, and my jaw practically dropped to the ground at the sight of her smooth, bare pussy.

  Son of a fucking bitch! I mentally screamed at the fucking garment that was hiding all that perfection. Macy gasped, penetrating the fog of lust surrounding me. At first, I thought she was going to yell at me, but the look on her face wasn’t anger. It was. . .astonishment and wonder as her eyes roamed hungrily over my shirtless chest. The green emeralds heated as they lingered over each of my tattoos and landed on my nipple piercing.

  I could have walked away. It would have been the hardest thing I’d ever done in my life, but I could have achieved it at that moment. But just then, her pink tongue darted out and licked her rosy lips.

  “Fuck,” I rasped as I prowled over to her and dragged her up against me, leaned down and slammed my mouth over hers. Her hands plunged into my hair and she kissed me back with matching passion. She was so much smaller than me that when I straightened it lifted her right off the ground, and she was forced to wrap her legs around my hips so she wasn’t dangling. Her pussy was hot as it pressed into my stomach and when she shifted, I felt the smooth glide that told me she was wet.

  I tore my mouth from hers and rained kisses along her jaw and down her throat. “You’re soaking my stomach, angel,” I murmured, my voice muffled against her skin. “So wet. So hot. I need you, baby. I need to feel that heat gripping my cock.” I swallowed her moan as my mouth overtook hers once again.

  My hands slipped under the shirt and palmed her naked ass, keeping her plastered to me as I stalked to my bedroom. I lowered her to sit on the edge of my bed and kneeled between her legs. My craving for her had consumed me and I ripped the T-shirt over her head before diving down to bury my head between her legs.

  Macy whimpered and fell back on the mattress, inadvertently opening her wider to me. I lapped at her pussy like an addict getting a hit after a long bout of abstinence. I plunged my tongue inside her and with every stroke in and out, up and down, she gave me more to drink, her moans growing louder. It was such a huge fucking turn on to hear her and my dick was responding painfully, ready to burst.

  When her hips began to lift in search of more, I penetrated her with one thick finger and focused my mouth on her swollen bud.

  “Oh!” she yelled, her tone filled with shock. Had she never been eaten before? The idea fueled my desire and I sucked her harder and sped up the movement of my finger. I tried to add a second one, but she was so unbelievably tight, it took a little work to get it in there. You’d think she was a fucking virgin with how snug she was. I was going to have to be very gentle with my cock so I didn’t hurt her.

  “Your pussy tastes so fucking good, baby,” I growled. “That’s it,” I encouraged as her hips bucked violently. “Fuck my face.”

  “Yes! Oh! Oh! Yes!” Her hands fisted in the blankets. Her whimpers and moans were quickly becoming screams of ecstasy, and I was only a breath away from losing it myself.

  “Let yourself go, angel,” I growled. “Just give in and let it happen.”

  Macy froze for a second, not even breathing, and in the next one, she burst apart. I licked her through her orgasm but didn’t prolong it like I wanted to. I was on the edge, right on the precipice, and I knew I wouldn’t last. I was desperate to get inside her before I blew.

  Getting to my feet, I gently moved Macy so she was lying in the middle of the bed as she panted, her body was still shivering from the aftershocks. I ditched my pants and joined her, covering her from head to toe. Her hands roved my body, her face flushed and filled with wonder.

  Then her eyes dropped to the thick rod jutting up against my stomach and I waited to see how she would react. Her face reddened and widened with shock, but I wasn’t sure if it was due to my size or the metal bar at the tip of my cock.

  I used one leg to nudge her legs apart, forcing them as wide as they would go. One of her hands slid down and tentatively brushed the piercing. “It will feel fucking amazing, angel,” I reassured her. “Just trust me.”

  “You’re so big,” she said, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “I don’t think you’ll fit.”

  “Do you trust me, Macy?”

  She immediately nodded, and then her eyebrows shot up when she realized what her instinctive reaction had been. I smiled, overjoyed that she was already putting her faith in me.

  Gently, I rubbed the tip of my cock over the lips of her pussy, then up and down between them. I made sure the piercing dragged across her clit and Macy’s hands clasped
my biceps while she moaned wildly.

  “Do you want me, angel?” I bit out as I held myself back with my last shred of control. I needed her to be sure, to know she wouldn’t wake up tomorrow and regret this. “You belong to me, but if you want more time, I’ll try to give it to you.” I didn’t know how I would accomplish it, but I would do anything for her.

  “Once I have you, there is no turning back, Macy.” My voice was stern as the words escaped through my clenched jaw. Her eyes met mine and I felt like I was looking into her soul. “Who do you belong to, angel?” I pressed.

  “You,” she whispered.

  I thrust my hips so that my whole cock slid against her pussy, rubbing over her hard little clitoris. “Who?” I demanded.

  “You! Oh, don’t stop! You!” she cried.

  “Right fucking answer, angel,” I growled with satisfaction. I lined my shaft up and slowly began to push in. “You’re so fucking tight, Macy. Shit. Oh fuck.”

  “Rhys,” she whimpered, and her nails dug into my skin. “I—um—I haven’t—oh!”

  I stared into her eyes as I retreated and then pushed in a little further. She was so small and I was barely an inch inside her. Little by little, she was stretching to accommodate me and I was able to sink in further. Until I couldn’t. Something was stopping my progress—holy fuck! My head reared back in shock and Macy’s expression morphed into a mixture of fear and embarrassment. “You’re a virgin?” I exclaimed.

  A tear leaked from the corner of her eye and she looked away as she nodded. Shit. She’d mistaken my astonishment for anger. I pressed a finger to the side of her chin and turned it back to me. Tenderly, I placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “This is a precious gift, Macy, and you have no idea how honored and unbelievably ecstatic I am that you are giving it to me.” I kissed her again and the darkness began to fade from her eyes. “I may not be a virgin, but it’s been a long fucking time, angel. I don’t even remember anyone before you.”


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