Dead by Midnight

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Dead by Midnight Page 10

by Kelex

  He fought off two of the newcomers, shooting one and slashing the throat of another. Noah heard a crashing sound coming from the machine and saw Kane bashing the machine below that appeared to control the portal.

  As two vamps were mid-move, the portal shut down. Two arms, a leg, and a head fell to the floor, cut off from the vampires who’d been trying to come through. Kane continued to bash at the metal, destroying the ring that had supported the opening, tearing it all apart.

  When he was done, he let out a scream filled with rage and anger.

  All grew quiet as the final vamps in the room were brought down. Noah turned to Colm and Theis. “Can you take the men and clear the rest of the building?”

  Both men nodded before rounding up the group. Kane walked past, but Noah reached out and grabbed Kane’s arm.

  “Are you good, man?”

  Kane eyed him, a frazzled, unhealthy glow to his eyes. “I want to kill them all. Every fucking leech in Midnight.”

  “There are some who have lived here peacefully for many years.”

  Kane spat on the floor. “Only good vampire is a dead vampire.”

  Noah watched as the man left the room, and then followed him out. He joined the half-vamp as they began clearing rooms, looking for stragglers, or anything that might help them piece together who was running the show.

  On the third room, they found a naked man tied to a chair.

  Kane shoved his silver stake into a holster on his hip and walked over to the man. He had bites all over his neck and shoulders. His head fell limply to one side, his skin pale.

  “It’s just a feeder,” Noah muttered.

  “No,” the man moaned. “Don’t… bite…”

  “Damn it,” Theis said, rushing into the room. “Ralnur.”

  “Ralnur?” Noah asked, remembering the name. “The king’s missing uncle?”

  Theis bent down to check the man’s face. “The king’s uncle—who was reportedly kidnapped by the Suns.”

  Kane began feverishly untying the man.

  “Wait,” Theis said. “We don’t know if he was a part of this.”

  “Does he look like he was a part of this?” Kane snapped before lifting Ralnur into his arms. The half-vamp walked on through the room and carried the king’s uncle out, Theis behind him.

  “Noah? Talk to me,” Eilam’s voice came into his ear. “You all clear?”

  “The portal is down. We’re clearing the building now—seems Theis has identified the king’s uncle. We found him covered in bites, bound naked to a chair.” Noah continued to clear rooms as he moved toward the voices below.

  “Damn,” Eilam sighed. “We’ve got healers already on location just outside the vampire’s territory—so far, we have three injured, one bitten, and one dead. The EMTs can take Ralnur to the hospital.”

  Noah heard his team calling in floors being clear, one by one. Finally, he heard the floor he was on was cleared and began heading to the stairs they’d fought their way up. “Status report, Theis?”

  “We had the one bitten and one injured. Seems the other team wasn’t as lucky,” Theis answered back.

  Noah finally reached the lower level and eyed Theis. “Who was the casualty?”

  “One of the SWAT guys,” Theis answered.


  “Angelo,” Chris called out.

  “Fuck,” Noah said. “I better go check on him. You guys stay put and keep this location secure. Eilam’s got a team coming in to get what’s left of the portal to dismantle it.”

  “Kane did a pretty good job of dismantling this one,” Chris said.

  Noah searched the group for Kane. “Where is he?”

  “Carrying Ralnur to the EMTs,” Theis said. “I sent Colm and one of the SWAT guys to cover him.”

  “Good,” Noah said. “Stay in contact. I’ll update you on Angelo as soon as I find out more.”

  Noah had hoped they all made it out of there in one piece…

  But the attack could’ve been a hell of a lot worse.

  * * * *

  Adriel was finally completing his locator spell. It had been a slow process, not helped by his worry for his two bears. It was imperative he finish the spell and get the information they needed. As he placed the finishing touch on it and whispered an incantation, it went to work over the map of the city.

  The door to his lab opened, and Eilam and Noah walked in.

  Adriel let out a sigh of relief before crossing the room and hugging each of them close. “A success?”

  “We lost one man… had a few injuries… but the portals are both closed,” Noah said.

  Adriel smiled up at him. “My hero.”

  A slight smile crossed Noah’s face, but Adriel could tell something was wrong. “Why are you not happier?”

  “It’s not all good news,” Eilam said.

  The king turned to face Eilam.

  “Ralnur was found locked in a room there, bound to a chair. He had bites all over his body. He’s been drained to an inch of his life… and at the hospital.”

  Not again!

  Adriel cast a look toward his spell before turning back to his bears. “Take me to him.”

  “There’s more,” Noah said. “The doctor we spoke to says there might be one chance to save him.”


  “Letting him be turned,” Eilam said. “Making him a vampire.”

  “It’s against our laws,” Adriel said. But it could save his life.

  He was faced with losing his uncle, who had been like a father to him.

  “Was there any signs there that Ralnur was working with them?”

  “No,” Noah said. “From what I saw, it definitely appeared he was a prisoner.”

  “Or that’s what the vampires wanted us to think,” Eilam said.

  “So, I either allow him to be turned, or sign his death warrant. If I allow him to turn—he might end up a more powerful enemy.”

  The two men were silent a moment.

  “Go to the hospital. Talk to him.” Eilam walked closer and laid an arm around his back. “Go with your gut.”

  Gut or no… it was illegal for a witch to be turned into a vampire. “Regardless of what he says, it is against our laws. I can’t live outside the rules and expect those in this city to follow them. What kind of leader would I be?”

  “What do you want to do?” Noah asked, moving closer.

  Ariel felt their strength surrounding him and for the first time, he felt truly blessed to have it.

  “If I’m to sign his death warrant, he deserves to see me face to face and know why,” Adriel said, his heart breaking.

  Eilam and Noah whisked him out of the room and down the corridor. His guardsmen… eight of them in all… slowly moved into formation, creating a shield around him. “What’s this?”

  “We expect retribution for what happened today,” Eilam said. “Your security will be bumped up for a while.”

  Adriel could’ve simply snapped his fingers and been there in moments, but he was in no rush to face his uncle. He needed a moment to compose himself and consider his words. The trip to the hospital went by in a rush. He wasn’t ready to face what he was about to.

  By the time he reached the room, he felt sick.

  Opening the door, he could see a pain wracking Ralnur’s body before he calmed. As he slowly died, Ralnur’s body would have many of these pains, until he was nothing but tremors and shaking.

  And then he would grow still.

  Adriel felt bile rising in his throat, knowing his uncle deserved better. He saw Ralnur was hooked up to several machines, but he knew no amount of drugs or medicines would stop all the torture to come.

  “I see you there,” Ralnur said, his voice wispy. “Come, nephew.”

  Adriel walked closer to the bed, his heart heavy.

  Ralnur’s pale eyes searched his, and he smiled slightly. “I know what you plan to say. You don’t have to say the words. I understand.”

  Adriel felt a tear slide
down his face. “You deserve to understand why I made this choice.”

  “I can’t ask you to break the law for me. Leaders must lead through example—and making this decision shows me just how much you’ve grown into your role as king. You’re taking your duty seriously.”

  Ralnur’s words only make it harder for Adriel.

  “I have one request,” Ralnur murmured.

  “What’s that?”

  “I won’t be there to lend an ear or offer support. But Eilam will. He and his brother bear can give you the balance you need and help you be even stronger.”

  Adriel shook his head. “I can’t. If the witch surrenders, Midnight will fall.”

  “Surrendering the city is vastly different than surrendering to love. They are your mates… and Eilam has proven his desire to protect you in every way. I can die at peace if I know there are two strong males watching over you.”

  “I will consider your words.”

  Ralnur smiled wanly. “The best I can do for now.”

  Adriel sat by the bed and gripped his uncle’s hand. He wasn’t sure how much time passed in those minutes. He counted them by tormented moments of pain Ralnur seemed to endure.

  Adriel rose to his feet. “I am sending Varian to your room shortly. He’s still under arrest for what he did… but I won’t keep him from spending these final hours with you.”

  “Thank you,” his uncle whispered before reaching out to Adriel and gripping his hand. “I understand… and had you allowed the other option, I don’t know that I would’ve accepted it.”

  Adriel released a sigh, his heart breaking all over again.

  He wandered out into the hall and fell into Noah’s strong arms. Eilam moved closer and encircled him from behind. The two bears held tight as he cried his heart out.

  Later, when they got him home, they wrapped their warm bodies around him and protected him as he slept. Neither pushed him for more, they were simply there to help him in his moment of pain and exhaustion. Adriel had not slept for three days… and they hadn’t slept two…

  Finally a feeling of safety came over him, knowing they would protect him.

  I don’t deserve them.

  But it was then that his mind went to what Ralnur had asked him. Now, in this very moment of weakness, he was stronger for their presence.

  * * * *

  Kane slipped silently into Ralnur’s room and slowly approached the bed. “I won’t let them kill you.”

  Ralnur was suffering, sweat coating his brow, his body in turmoil. “Kill me,” he whispered.

  Not happening.

  Kane didn’t know why, but he couldn’t let this man die. He was only a half-vampire, one who had never tasted the blood of another, so he wasn’t even sure he was strong enough to do what his instincts screamed.

  He sliced a line down his arm and offered the blood to Ralnur. A cry rose from Ralnur’s lips, and his eyes slid back into his head before he took to the vein and drank.

  Kane slid into the bed beside Ralnur and fed the dying man. He felt his own strength fading… Ralnur was taking too much… he struggled to get his arm away but couldn’t. Finally he tugged and fell into the floor, his body wracking with its own pain.

  After he licked the wound to get it heal, he pulled himself up to his feet and stumbled to the door. He gave one last look in Ralnur’s direction—the man was now looking peaceful—and exited the room.

  The guard still slept at his post. Idiot.

  Kane heard voices and pulled his ballcap back on before slinking in the opposite direction. He slid into one of the doorways down the hall as he saw two guardsmen bringing another man in cuffs to the room. One of the king’s guard kicked the stool the sleeping guard sat on before the pair shoved the cuffed guy into the room.

  Once they were out of sight, Kane fled the scene, hoping it was enough to save the warlock’s life.

  Chapter Twelve

  Two days later, Noah stood at the back of the king’s throne room with Eilam as the members of his team were recognized for their bravery—including Angelo who was being treated for the “bite” he’d gotten. It had been more like a nick.

  Pride radiated from Noah as each man approached the king and took their award before the entire court. The men had risked their lives to save Midnight, and to see the king pay respect to them meant the world. When their king was done, he turned and motioned Eilam and Noah forward. “Eilam, I believe all of these men were ones you wanted to serve as my king’s guard?”

  “They are, Your Majesty. All but one,” Eilam answered.

  “Kane was my addition, Your Majesty.”

  “I was thinking that this special team of yours could be better led by someone on my king’s guard,” the king murmured. “Someone working side by side with Eilam.”

  Noah stiffened. “You’re kicking me off my own team?”

  The king lifted one brow. “If you’d let me finish… I thought your team should be led by my Sergeant at Arms.”

  “Sire, you don’t have a Sergeant at Arms,” Eilam said.

  The king turned to Noah and softly whispered, “I do now.”

  Noah met the king’s stare, and a smile grew on his face. The king returned it, a light shining in his violet eyes.

  Their warlock turned to Eilam. “And I also have a new Sheriff of Midnight.”

  “Me?” Eilam asked.

  “You,” the king answered. “It’s pretty much what you’ve been doing all along, but now you both have the titles you deserve. Ones befitting king’s consorts.”

  Noah froze and lifted his stare to the king. Their monarch waved a hand and two witch males came up, both of them with heavy gold circlets on velvet pillows in their hands.

  Adriel took the first of the two and walked to Noah. “Take a knee.” He smiled before whispering, “So I can reach your head.”

  Noah lowered to one knee, his whole body trembling. He stared at the golden circle in the king’s hand. It was very much like the one the king wore for court. He had no desire for titles, or crowns, for that matter—but what it symbolized, he wanted more than his next breath. Adriel took a half step closer and lowered the circlet to Noah’s head. He lifted his stare and held his mate’s for a moment before the king leaned his head and pressed his lips to Noah’s before the entire court.

  And then he stepped back, took the second circlet, and moved to Eilam.

  Noah turned to watch Adriel crown his brother bear. When it was over, Eilam looked his way, his eyes bright.

  He’s ours.

  Protect him.

  Noah took a ragged breath, stunned they’d reached this point. Still shocked that it had even happened. He tilted his gaze and looked up at the king, who wore a wide smile.

  “You may rise,” Adriel said. “And turn and meet the court as king’s consorts.”

  Cheers and applause arose around them as they turned to see the court and his team watching what had just transpired.

  While the applause was appreciated, these were not the people Noah wanted to see. Not now… not when they had a mate to finally claim. His bear roared within, ready to get their warlock naked.

  Once the cheering calmed, Theis stepped toward the dais and whispered something into the king’s ear. Eilam grew worried and moved closer. Noah followed suit.

  The king looked at them both. “Follow me.”

  * * * *

  “He survived?” Adriel asked. “I spoke to the healers, and they said there was no hope.”

  “There are no answers… they’re still doing tests, but Ralnur has somehow weathered this storm and is growing stronger.” Theis paused. “And has been turned.”

  “His room was supposed to be guarded at all times… how did a vampire get in?” Eilam demanded.

  “It has been guarded since he arrived. I don’t have any answers,” Theis said. “We’re pulling surveillance from the hospital and seeing who came in or out of his room.”

  Adriel moved to the enchanted map that held his locator spell. A red dot
was illuminated at the hospital… the one and only being within Midnight that was both a warlock and a vampire was there.

  His uncle.

  He stared a moment, getting his head straight. While there was a small part of him that was pleased, he feared for the worst.

  How was he changed?

  Is he fighting against us?

  “I need to talk to him,” Adriel said and stormed forward.

  Eilam stilled him with one hand. “Let the guards investigate. See who was in his room… then go see him and ask your questions once you have more information.”

  “If he’s working with the vampires, we need to tread carefully,” Noah added.

  He’s not. Adriel knew in his gut that his uncle wasn’t working against him, yet there were so many signs that it was possible. Was his love for the man clouding his judgment?

  “Double his guard. Search the recording and find out all you can. Come back to me when you have everything you can find,” the king said to Theis.

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Theis began to back away, bowing, but paused. He frowned and eyed the king. “I do have one more question to ask you, although I know the timing is horrid.”

  “Ask,” Adriel said.

  “Reese’s friends… the other three… they returned again.”

  Adriel frowned. “A third time?”

  “We have no record of wiping a mind more than twice—it’s never been necessary to use the spell a third time—so I wasn’t sure how you wanted to proceed,” Theis said.

  Adriel was thoughtful a moment. “What led them back this time?”

  “They sensed they’d left someone behind. Even though Reese and Hart were wiped from their minds the last time… they couldn’t reconcile the loss and knew something was missing from their lives.”

  “These five seem to have an interesting link.” Adriel thought on it a moment, unsure what to do with three reckless humans in his city.

  “I would be happy to take custody of them… and bring them into my home as my guests while you considered what came next,” Theis offered. “Reese has expressed sadness over losing his close friends.”

  “Fine,” Adriel said. “Do that and I will consider their case at a later date.”


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