Little Samantha's Choice

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Little Samantha's Choice Page 10

by Meredith O'Reilly

  I sat down on the couch and said, “Come here, baby girl.”

  Samantha climbed into my lap and asked, “What are the bottles for, Daddy?”

  “You, silly!” I said and then began to tickle her until she burst into a fit of giggles. I wanted her to be relaxed while she drank her bottles.

  When I stopped tickling her and grabbed the first bottle, she asked, “Why two bottles, Daddy? I normally only drink one.”

  “Well, since you didn’t want to eat the prunes from the jar, I put them in the blender, with some water and a little bit of sugar, so now, you can drink them and they should taste better. I want you to drink the prunes first, and then I’ll give you your milk bottle. Now open up, baby. With your illness, you need to drink lots of liquid,” I said, putting the bottle into her mouth.

  I could tell at first that she was hesitant to drink what I’d made for her. But once she took her first sip, she enthusiastically drank it. It made me feel proud that I was able to take a food that she hated and turn it into a drink that she seemed to love. Plus, she was getting some much needed fiber.

  “Does my baby girl like her prune juice?”

  “Mmm-hmm!” she agreed without taking a break from drinking her juice.

  “Good, baby girl. From now on, if I want you to eat prunes, this is what I will do,” I said, grabbing the remote and turning on the television to ESPN. I wanted to catch the highlights of the sports game I’d missed last night, but I could tell that Samantha wasn’t interested in what I was watching because she just closed her eyes and kept sucking away on her bottle.

  When she finished her first one, I fed her the second bottle of warm milk. It took her a little longer to drink it than normal because she had already been fed a bottle, but she managed.

  When she was done drinking, I took the kitchen towel I’d brought in and put it over my shoulder. Then I positioned Samantha so her head rested on my shoulder, and I slowly began to pat her back. It took a few minutes, but eventually she let out a huge burp.

  “That feels better, baby girl, doesn’t it?” I asked as I pulled her back down onto my lap and wiped her mouth with the towel. She just nodded, her face a light shade of pink.

  I put her pacifier back in her mouth and said, “Okay, baby. Let’s go get you dressed!”

  * * *

  Daddy carried me upstairs and put me down on the day bed. He went to the closet and pulled out a plain green dress with long sleeves and lots of ruffles. I noticed that the dress looked like it was pretty short on the hanger. Daddy came back over to me and took my pajamas off, and then he put the green ruffled dress on me and put white socks with ruffles on my feet. He picked me up and put me on the day bed again.

  “I’m going to brush your hair now, baby girl. Would you like to hold Molly?”

  I nodded and held my hands out for my Molly doll. Daddy brought her to me and I gave her a big hug as he sat behind me and began to brush my hair.

  I started to play with Molly’s hair and didn’t realize that my daddy was finished doing my hair until he said, “Oh, baby girl, you look so cute! I have to show you!” He carried me out of the nursery and into our master bathroom and sat me down right in front of the mirror.

  I could not believe my eyes. I looked like such a little girl! Daddy had brushed my hair out and then put my hair into two high pigtails with green bows at the ends of them. I was right in saying that the dress looked like it had been rather short. If I bent down at all, someone would see my diaper! Speaking of diapers, I was starting to have to go to the bathroom again.

  “You look so pretty, little girl. Come on. Let’s go put you in your swing so I can do a little bit of work.” He scooped me up and carried me downstairs to my swing, and then he strapped me into the swing and turned on the TV. I watched as a Dragon Tails episode began to play. I had seen this show before when I had been flipping through channels, and it wasn’t that bad if I remembered correctly. I snuggled deeper into my swing, and I didn’t even notice Daddy pressing the button to make my chair swing back and forth, or him leaving the room.

  I started to watch the show, but the pressure from my bladder was starting to become unbearable. Those two bottles that I had drunk sure had gone through me fast. I closed my eyes and tried really hard to relax my muscles. This time it worked and I felt warm liquid spread between my legs. Ahhh…sweet relief, I thought as I got into a more comfortable position and watched the episode my daddy had turned on for me. Without realizing it, my eyes began to close and soon I was sound asleep.

  * * *

  I woke up some time later to see my daddy sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap. When he saw that I was up he said, “Well, look who woke up. Do you feel better after your nap, sweetie?”

  I smiled and reached my arms out for my daddy to grab me.

  He set his laptop on the coffee table and got up to walk over to the swing. “Did my baby girl use her diaper?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay, well let’s go change you.” Daddy picked me up, brought me to the nursery, and changed me. But before he put a new diaper on me, he carried me into our bathroom and sat me on the toilet.

  When I gave him a quizzical look, he said, “I thought that you would have to go poo-poo.”

  He was right. I did have to go number two. But then I looked up and realized that my husband had no plans of leaving the bathroom. “Jackson, please leave. I can’t go to the bathroom with you watching,” I quietly begged.

  “Little girls don’t go to the bathroom by themselves,” he replied right back.

  “Jackson, this is stepping across my comfort line. Please, or else I’ll have to safe word.”

  “Okay, sweetie. I didn’t understand that it bothered you that much. I’ll wait in the bedroom,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  I sighed. I wanted to fulfill all of Jackson’s wants for his fetish, but I just couldn’t do this one. I shook my head, and I quickly did my business. I took care of wiping myself and flushing, then I got up and washed my hands at the sink.

  Deciding to get back into role playing, I called out for my daddy.

  “What is it, baby girl?” he asked, opening up the door slightly.

  “I’m done!” I said, holding my arms up so my daddy would pick me up.

  He smiled, picked me up, and brought me back to the nursery, where he laid me down on the changing table. He put a pacifier in my mouth as I watched him place a fresh diaper on me after he had washed my bottom. Once I was all clean, he pulled closed the tabs of the new diaper, and it fit snuggly around me.

  Daddy kept me on the changing table and asked, “So, what would you like to do today, baby girl? You don’t feel like you have a temperature anymore. Are you still feeling sick?”

  I took the pacifier out of my mouth and said, “I do feel better. I feel very relaxed right now. We can do whatever you want.”

  “Okay. Would you like to be four again? But I still would like you to wear your diapers at least until tonight, and I want you to take it easy. I don’t want you feeling worse tomorrow because you did too much today.”

  I nodded.

  “Okay. You are four years old now. Samantha, I do want to apologize again. I didn’t realize that you would feel so uncomfortable with me watching you go to the bathroom earlier.”

  “It’s okay, Daddy. Maybe next time you can stay, but turn around and look at the other wall. I don’t think that I’ll ever feel comfortable letting you ever watch me do that.”

  “That is perfectly fine with me. So, are you sure that we are okay?”

  “I’m sure, Daddy!” I said, holding up my arms so he would give me a hug. He did, then he picked me up and carried me downstairs where we drew pictures, played with play dough, and baked cookies. I had an amazing time.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Samantha acted like a four-year-old girl for the rest of Sunday and all day Monday. Monday night, after I finished bathing her and putting a new diaper and pair of footie pajamas on her, I aske
d, “Little girl, how would you feel about going back to being a big girl tomorrow?”

  “Okay. As long as you read Molly and me a bedtime story tonight.”

  “Would I ever not read you one?” I asked in fake horror.

  “No. That’s ‘cause you’re the bestest daddy in the whole wide world!”

  I chuckled. “Alright, pumpkin. Why don’t you and Molly go pick out a book for me to read to you girls, while I make up a nice bottle of warm milk for you?”

  Samantha nodded and turned around with Molly in her arms and ran to the bookcase. I smiled, knowing that my little girl loved picking out a book to read before bedtime, even though she picked out the same book every night.

  I walked downstairs and made her bottle, making sure to heat it longer than normal so I could read Samantha her book and then when it was time to give her a bottle, it would be the perfect temperature.

  When I returned to the nursery, I sat down in the rocking chair, putting the bottle on the floor next to me. Samantha jumped into my lap with Molly and handed me the book she had chosen.

  “What a surprise,” I said, laughing. It was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? She smiled and giggled along with me.

  After I finished reading, I grabbed Samantha’s bottle and popped it into her open mouth. She started to suck on the bottle greedily to get the warm milk. This was my favorite time of the day. I got to hold my perfect wife and just watch her fall asleep. I knew that most women wouldn’t act like little kids just to please their husbands, but Samantha did. I never heard her really complain once about it—even after I had finished spanking her bottom or she had gotten out of corner time. I could tell that there were times that she struggled with being my little girl, but she put aside her fears and trusted me to take care of her. That was why I had a big day planned for her tomorrow. I wanted to thank her once again for being such a great wife.

  I was pulled out of my introspective thoughts when I looked down and saw that she had just finished her bottle and was now sound asleep.

  I pulled the bottle out of her mouth, picked her up, and placed her in her crib. I went back to the chair, grabbed Molly, then tucked Molly next to Samantha and tucked the covers up to her chin. I kissed her forehead, raised the railing of her crib, made sure the baby monitor was on, and walked out of the nursery, quietly closing the door on my sleeping angel.

  * * *

  I woke up the next morning in my crib with a full bladder. Since I was still wearing a diaper, I let myself go. It surprised me that after only a couple of days of using a diaper, I could let myself go so easily. I should have been highly embarrassed that I was a twenty-five year old executive, and was using diapers, but I couldn’t be. It felt nice to not have to worry about anything at all, including my bathroom needs. When I finished wetting my diaper, I closed my eyes, dreaming of what my daddy had planned for me today.

  Several minutes later, my daddy walked in and said, “Good morning, sweetie!” He lowered the crib railing, kissed my head, checked my diaper, and said, “Looks like someone used their diaper. Come on, let’s go change you.” He picked me up, brought me over to the changing table, and quickly changed me. Once he was done cleaning my bottom, he asked, “You ready to be a big girl again?”

  When I nodded, he pulled off my pajamas and carried me in all my naked glory back to our bathroom.

  Jackson stood me up in our bathroom and asked, “I was wondering if you’d like to take a shower with me?”

  “How could I ever resist taking a shower with my perfect husband?” I answered, moving closer to him and putting my hands around his neck. He was fully dressed as I leaned in to kiss him, and the feeling of my naked body pressing against his clothed one felt weird.

  “You have too many clothes on. We need to get you out of them,” I whispered into his ear. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off of him. Then I said, “Lift your arms.” He did and I quickly pulled off his undershirt. His feet were bare, so I didn’t have to worry about taking off his shoes. I unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of the belt straps, and it hit the ground with a loud thump. Then I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.

  As I pulled his pants and underwear down his legs, I followed them and then got on my knees and quickly grabbed Jackson’s hard cock. I saw that there was already a little pre-cum leaking out, and I licked my lips.

  I slowly pushed the head of his shaft into my mouth and licked it, swirling my tongue around it. He moaned and placed his hands in my hair. That first taste of his cock was delicious. He tasted sweet with an extra little tang.

  “Oh, Samantha. That feels incredible, baby.”

  I brought his entire nine inches into my mouth. The entire time I kept twirling my tongue around his shaft. Once my mouth covered his entire shaft, I pulled my lips back and gently raked my teeth up his length.

  “Ohh…” he groaned and his grip on my hair tightened.

  I smiled around his cock as I was happy that I could make him feel that way. Then I took his entire length into my mouth again until the head of his cock was in my throat. I decided to try this new technique I had read about, and so I tightened my throat muscles and half-swallowed, causing Jackson to moan louder as he tightened his hold on my hair.

  With my left hand, I began to massage his sac. He moaned again, and I pulled my head back a little and twirled my tongue around his length again.

  “Oh, Samantha… baby. That feels so gooood!”

  I started to suck on his shaft, knowing that was one of his favorite things. I knew the harder that I sucked, the more pleasure it brought him. His legs began to quiver and I could feel that he was close to coming as his balls tightened up.

  All of a sudden, an idea I had read about came to mind. I stopped massaging his sac and pulled his cock out of my mouth. The look that he gave me made me almost laugh. He looked like I had just killed his puppy.

  “Don’t worry. I just want to try another thing that I read about.” I said, grabbing some lube I kept in my bathroom drawer.

  I kneeled down in front of him again and got my right index and middle finger all lubed up. I began to suck on his cock again while my left hand resumed massaging his sac. I knew that he was curious why I lubed my two fingers. He was about to find out.

  Just as I saw him close his eyes, I snaked my hand around his backside and put my first lubed finger into his bottom hole. I felt him jump. I looked up at him and he looked right back, clearly confused.

  I worked the finger in and out of him and quickly added the second. Then I decided it was time to finish him off so I began to suck his length as hard as I could while my left hand massaged his sac and my right hand massaged his prostate.

  Within seconds, his balls tightened up and with a low guttural moan, he exploded into my mouth. His hands tightened in my hair so I could not move a muscle even if I wanted to. I swallowed every drop of his sweet cum as I continued to massage his sac and prostate. His orgasm kept rolling on until I finally pulled my hands to my side.

  When he finally finished, I noticed that his legs were shaking. I felt very proud of the fact that I was able to drive my husband over the edge and into a mind blowing orgasm.

  His breathing was still ragged when he lifted me to my feet and crushed his mouth to mine. After a minute, we pulled away to catch our breaths.

  “What did I ever do to deserve you? Come on, let’s go shower, missy.”

  As I turned and started to walk to the shower, Jackson quickly slapped my bottom. I turned my head to look at him, and Jackson had a sexy grin on his face. I couldn’t help but have an identical look on mine.

  The warm spray felt heavenly. I had been taking baths for the past couple of days, so it felt wonderful to take a shower like an adult. Jackson grabbed the shower gel, put a dollop of gel on his hands, and rubbed them together, lathering them up.

  He stepped behind me and whispered in my ear, “Let me wash you, and thank you for earlier.”


  He started firs
t with my neck and worked his way down my arms and back. Then his arms came around and started to massage my breasts. I felt them swell in his hands as my nipples pebbled into two little beads.

  “Ahhh!” I cried out, as he twisted and pulled one nipple while he pressed his thumb on the other and massaged it, making little circles, my pussy drenching itself in my juices.

  “You like that don’t you?” he asked as he continued his sweet torture.

  “Yes,” I moaned, my body filling with desire for him.

  I felt his smile as his hands traveled down my stomach and onto my bottom. “We have to keep this very clean,” he said, as he slowly pushed one of his fingers into me.

  I felt my breath hitch at his contact. He kept bringing his finger out and then back in, my pussy began to produce even more wetness. I was sure that if I had been wearing underwear, they would have been drenched.

  He finally pulled his finger out of my bottom hole and worked his hands down both of my legs. Then he made me stand on one foot while he washed the other.

  When I thought he was finished, he said, “Turn around. I have two more spots to clean.”

  I did as I was told as he added more shower gel to his hands.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I did and felt him gently wash my face.

  “I’m going to stand you under the spray for a second.”

  I felt water splash my face.

  “You can open your eyes now.”

  I did and saw that he was holding a can of shaving gel and a razor in his hands.

  “Are you going to shave my legs?” I joked.

  A whisper of a smile crossed his face. “No. I’m going to shave your pussy just like I promised. Now, I want you to stand very still when I do this.”

  I froze as he kneeled down and gently covered my pussy in shaving cream. Then with precise strokes, he shaved my pussy.

  It didn’t take him all that long and when he was done, I could not believe how it felt down there—naked and exposed like I’d never felt before. I let my hand touch my now bare mound and it felt so soft and sensitive. I could already feel that my pussy was drenched.


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