Little Samantha's Choice

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Little Samantha's Choice Page 12

by Meredith O'Reilly

  I entered the store and instantly fell in love with it. I immediately went over to the first display case that had the most recent Disney Princess dolls—the Frozen Princess dolls, Ana and Elsa. I hadn’t seen the movie yet and I was dying to, but I had read all the reviews for the movie and the critics loved it.

  “Do you see something that you like, sweetie?” Daddy asked, coming up behind me.

  I didn’t even look at him as I nodded.

  “Baby girl, I’ll make a deal with you.”

  That got my attention and I turned around to face him.

  “You have to walk around this entire store once before you chose anything to buy. Then after you have done that, you can take one of their baskets and fill it up, and I will buy you everything in that basket.”

  “Really?” I asked, so excited.

  “Yes, baby girl.”

  “Thank you so much, Daddy!” I whispered to him as I gave him a bear hug.

  “You’re welcome, little girl. Now, go get shopping.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I walked around the entire store and knew exactly what I wanted. When I finished my walk, I grabbed my basket and grabbed the toys that I wanted. Within five minutes, my basket was full, and I walked over to my daddy. “I’m done.”

  “Already?” he asked, clearly shocked.

  “Yes. I knew exactly what I wanted after my walk.”

  “Okay then, let’s go pay for everything.”

  We walked up to the cash register and paid for all of my purchases. I had decided to buy the Princess Ana and Elsa dolls, a Disney Princess charm bracelet, a tea pot set from the movie, Beauty and the Beast, a T-shirt that was for adults that had all of the Disney Princesses on it, a Disney Princess crown that also came with clip on earrings, a necklace, and a magic wand. Now all I wanted to do was go home so I could play with my new toys.

  We left the Disney store and started walking again, when I spotted a candy store.

  “No,” Jackson said, as he saw what store I wanted to go into.

  Now that the mall was starting to get more crowded since it was later in the day, I decided that I would stick to my big girl personality because I didn’t want to have a slip up and call him “Daddy” in front of a bunch of people.

  “Come on, Jackson. Please! You can get something to eat from there too!” I begged him.

  “Fine. We will stay for five minutes, so hurry up and go get your candy. I will be watching the time on my watch.”

  “Okay!” I said, dashing off so I could get as much candy as possible.

  Ten minutes later, we walked out of the candy store and I had a huge grin on my face. I had managed to get a bag of gummy bears, malted milk balls, M&M’s, jellybeans, bridge mix, and jolly ranchers. I was set in the candy department for a good six or seven months. Jackson and I had just finished walking around the second level of the mall when my stomach growled.

  “Sounds like someone is hungry. Would you like to eat somewhere in the mall?” he asked, as we neared a map of the mall that listed all the stores in it.

  “Yes, please,” I said, looking at the list of restaurants the mall offered.

  After much debating, we decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Thankfully, when we got there the restaurant wasn’t crowded at all yet, so we got a booth in the corner right away. Jackson and I sat across from one another, each of us sitting next to a couple of our shopping bags.

  We were looking at our menus when our waitress came up to take our drink orders.

  “I’ll have a Sprite, please, and she will have a Coke,” Jackson stated.

  “Alright, I’ll be right back with those for you,” the waitress said, as she went away to get our drinks.

  “Hey! I could have ordered for myself, you know. Anyway, how did you know that I wanted a Coke? I didn’t tell you,” I said, angrily. I had wanted a Coke, but I was angry that Jackson hadn’t asked me and had just ordered for me like I was a child.

  “Sorry, sweetie. You just always get a Coke when we go out, so I figured I would order for you. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “It’s fine. I just would like to order for myself, okay?”

  “Okay,” he said, before he looked down at his menu again.

  The waitress came back with our drinks and then took our orders. I decided to order the Fettuccini Alfredo Pasta lunch special, while Jackson ordered a Mushroom burger. We sat and talked about each other’s work and before we knew it, our meals arrived.

  When we were about halfway through our meal, Jackson put down his fork and he looked up at me. After a few minutes of him staring at me, I finally said, “What? Is there something in between my teeth?”

  “No. I was just thinking, you keep fulfilling my fantasies, but I haven’t fulfilled any of yours.”

  “Don’t be silly. Being with you is my fantasy,” I said, continuing to eat my pasta.

  “I’m serious, Samantha. Come on. Tell me one of your fantasies.”

  “I really don’t have one.”

  “Samantha, everyone has a fantasy. Come on, tell me. I’m your husband.”

  “Okay. I… well… I wouldn’t mind being… kidnapped,” I said very quietly, while looking down at my food.

  “Kidnapped, huh? That’s it?”

  I looked up from my plate at my husband. I was shocked. Jackson looked like he was very interested to hear what I had to say, so I figured telling him my entire fantasy wouldn’t be the worst thing.

  “Well, my fantasy is that I would be kidnapped and my abductor would bring me to this fancy hotel, and he would realize that I was turned on and he would… ummm… take care of me.” Just thinking about my fantasy made my bare pussy start to get wet.

  “Take care of you? As in have his wicked way with you?”

  My pussy got even wetter as I imagined what it would feel like to be kidnapped and then to lose all of my control and be forced to take the pleasure that my captor gave me. I ached to run my fingers against my pussy just to get some relief.

  “Is everything going well over here?” our waitress asked as she came up to our table.

  Just like that, I was snapped back into reality.

  “We’re fine, thank you,” Jackson said, giving me a smirk.

  When the waitress walked away, I decided to put an end to this talk of fantasies.

  “Jackson, seriously, you don’t have to worry about my fantasies. I am perfectly happy with how our love life is now. Besides, my fantasy is unrealistic, and even if it were possible, it would be way too expensive.”

  “Samantha, there’s no need to worry. I was just curious. Now, let’s finish our lunch before it gets cold.”

  I was happy that he was dropping the subject, but at the same time, I was disappointed that he didn’t push for more information about my fantasy. I shook my head. Someday, all of these mixed feelings inside of me were going to make my head explode.

  I had just finished my pasta when Jackson got up from his seat and said, “Sweetie, you are such a messy eater.” He sat down on my side of the booth, dipping the corner of his napkin into his water cup, and with it started to wash my face. I was mortified! He was treating me like a child in public!

  “Jackson! Stop it!” I whispered furiously to him.

  “All done!” he said, wiggling my noise and moving back over to his side of the booth.

  I was going to say more when our waitress came over to clear off our table and ask if we wanted any cheesecake for dessert. Of course we wanted cheesecake for dessert! I would never turn that down. So, I ordered a slice of the chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake, while Jackson ordered a slice of the Snickers Bar and Chunks cheesecake. We only had to wait a few minutes before it was delivered to us. My piece was mouthwateringly delicious, and so was Jackson’s as we both tried each other’s slice.

  We both ended up not being able to finish our slices, so we had our waitress wrap them up to go after Jackson paid the bill. After dinner, we walked to our car with our purchases and then
we headed home.

  On the drive home, I was thinking about the past few hours. I knew how much Jackson hated shopping, but he hadn’t complained once while we were at the mall. In fact, he seemed to have had a really pleasant time, which made me happy. I had to also admit that when I had acted like a little girl in the Build-A-Bear store and Disney store, it didn’t bother me as much now when looking back at it. I knew that my daddy wouldn’t have allowed me to embarrass myself when I was acting like a little girl in public. It made the trip more enjoyable, I had to admit. I really wanted to do this again sometime. I wasn’t sure if Jackson would go for it, but I hoped that he would.

  When we arrived home, Jackson and I walked into the laundry room, carrying all of our purchases. After we kicked our shoes off and walked into the kitchen, placing all the bags on the kitchen table, I let out a loud yawn. With all the shopping and tasty food that we had eaten earlier that day—plus the fact that I had gotten used to taking an afternoon nap—I was very sleepy.

  Jackson came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, and asked, “Honey, why don’t you go upstairs and rest on the couch in my office for a while? I’ll be able to work while watching my angel sleep.”

  “That sounds perfect.” I turned in his arms and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Hand in hand, we walked up to his study. He went over to his desk to work, and I curled up on his inviting couch. I grabbed the blanket that was on the couch, covered myself, and closed my eyes, waiting to fall asleep.

  After ten minutes, I got frustrated as I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. I was tired, but I kept thinking about work and everything that I had missed by taking two days off. Of course, my husband noticed that I had not fallen asleep.

  “Can’t sleep, baby girl?”

  I shook my head.

  “I thought so. I’ll be right back,” he said, getting up from his desk and disappearing. I fell back on the couch, annoyed that I couldn’t fall asleep when I wanted to. Stupid type A personality, I thought to myself.

  Jackson returned a few minutes later, ran into the nursery, and came back carrying Molly and a bottle of warm milk.

  “Here you go, sweetie pie. Try snuggling with Molly and drinking a bottle. That should help you fall right asleep,” he said, offering me both objects and going over to sit back down in his chair.

  I hesitantly took them, but instead of using them like he told me to, I just put them on the floor and lay back down on the couch.

  “What’s the matter, sweetie? You know that the warm milk helps you relax, and you love snuggling with Molly during your nap time.”

  “Yes, I do. But, that’s when I’m acting like a little girl. I shouldn’t need that stuff when I’m acting like a big girl. I should be able to fall asleep now without any baby help.”

  “Sweetie, everyone needs help sometimes. Why don’t you come here and I’ll feed you the bottle myself?”

  I was thinking about it, but not wanting to have to run to my daddy every time I wanted to do something as simple as take a nap.

  “Come on, baby girl. You know that you will fall asleep within minutes if you come here,” he said, patting his lap.

  Reluctantly, I grabbed the bottle and Molly and went over and sat on his lap.

  “That’s my good girl,” he said as he took the bottle from me and plopped it into my mouth.

  I immediately began to suck on the bottle, and within seconds I felt my eyes start to get heavier and heavier. Still, I was upset that I couldn’t fall asleep by myself when I wanted to take a nap. I didn’t mind letting my daddy help me when we were role playing, but I didn’t want to have to rely on a bottle of warm milk to fall asleep when I was acting like an adult. I had a problem with that. If role playing for my husband started to affect me when I was acting like an adult, it was going to be a huge problem that wouldn’t end well.

  I was getting sleepier and sleepier when I heard Daddy say, “That’s right. Go to sleep, baby girl. Go to dreamland and have happy dreams. Reality will be waiting here for you when you wake up.”

  That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep to dream of my daddy and me playing together, forever.

  * * *

  I woke up two hours later with Molly curled under one of my arms, and I opened my eyes to see that Jackson was still at his desk, working on his computer.

  “Hey. You’re up. How did you sleep?” he asked.

  “Good,” I said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Jackson turned his chair toward me and opened his arms in invitation. I got up from the couch with Molly in my arms and went right into them. “Do you have a lot of work left to finish?”

  “Unfortunately, yes,” he said, slowly rubbing his hand up and down my back.

  “I’ll leave you alone then. Let me know if you need anything,” I said, giving him a big kiss on his cheek and getting off his lap.

  I walked into our bedroom, still holding Molly in my arms, already knowing what I wanted to do with my free time. Since I had taken the day off work, I didn’t need to worry about anything work related until tomorrow. So, I headed over to the small bookcase in our bedroom and pulled out my old, beat up copy of Romeo and Juliet, my all-time favorite book. It had been a present from Jackson when I was in college, and I had read the book so many times that the binding was barely holding the book together. I went to our bed, lay down, and opened the book to page one.

  Before I knew it, Jackson was calling me downstairs for dinner. I looked up at the clock on my nightstand and couldn’t believe that I had been reading for the past three hours. I used a bookmark to save my spot, then jumped out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

  To my surprise, Jackson wasn’t in the kitchen. I noticed light coming from the dining room doorway, so I walked out of the kitchen and through the hallway that connected the two rooms.

  I froze at the doorway, my hand covering my mouth. I was in shock. There were candles lit everywhere around the dining room. They gave the room an intimate glow, which was the perfect setting for a romantic dinner for two, and he was standing by a chair he had pulled back.

  “Come and sit, Samantha, before our food gets cold,” he said.

  I walked to the table and sat in the chair he was holding. He helped me push the chair in before he sat down in the chair next to mine.

  The dining room was the fanciest room in our house. The walls were a beautiful light brown that went well with the dark oak table in the center of the room. There was a cream plush carpet under the table and a small chandelier above it. Against one wall, there was a huge oak china cabinet, filled with china that both Jackson and my mother had given us. On the opposite wall there was a matching buffet table that provided extra room for food if needed.

  When I looked down at my plate, I realized that Jackson had made my favorite dinner. Grilled salmon with mashed potatoes, green beans, and a salad with raspberry vinaigrette.

  I turned toward my husband and said, “You know, you spoil me way too much.”

  He grabbed my hand in his, smiling. “Haven’t you figured that out yet, honey? It’s my job to spoil you! I adore every minute that you allow me to spoil you. Also, make sure to leave room for dessert. I made your favorite.”

  “Homemade chocolate caramel cheesecake?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Yes, ma’am. Now, I know that you had cheesecake earlier for lunch, but since we are having a celebratory day today, I’ll allow you to have two servings of cheesecake. Just make sure that you don’t get used to it.”

  “Oh, Jackson. Thank you so much. I love you and don’t worry, I won’t get used to eating cheesecake twice a day.”

  “Good. And I love you too, dear,” he said with a big smile on his face.

  I reached over and gave him a big smooch.

  He pulled back laughing and said, “Alright, now seriously, let’s eat. I didn’t slave over a stove for three hours for nothing.”

  The rest of the evening was lovely. After dinner, we watched A League of Their Own. It was the perfect movie f
or us because Jackson loved the baseball and historical facts, while I loved the chick flick part. After the movie was over, Jackson carried me off to our bedroom, where he made love to me twice before we both fell into a well-sated sleep. Life couldn’t get any better.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was another fall Friday night, and I had just gotten home from work and had walked into the laundry room. I took off my shoes and put my purse on the dryer while I hung onto my briefcase.

  “Hey, baby girl. How was your day?” Jackson asked, greeting me at the laundry room door.

  I let out a loud groan.

  He opened his arms. “Come here.”

  I dropped my briefcase and walked into his welcoming arms.

  “Good thing today is Friday. I have a lot planned for you this weekend, little girl, and all of it will help you relax.”

  I groaned again.

  “What is it, baby?”

  I lifted my head so I was looking up at my husband. “I can’t be your little girl this weekend. An hour before I was ready to leave work today, my boss handed me this huge project that he wants done by Monday morning.”

  Jackson pulled his head back in shock. “That’s unfair!” He was going to say more, but I interrupted him.

  “I know, honey. It is unfair, but our company just acquired a few smaller businesses and this project is due to that. I’m sorry, but I think that it is going to take me all weekend, or at least most of it. So I won’t be able to be your little girl this weekend,” I said, walking out of his arms and bending down to grab my briefcase. I had to admit to myself that I was more disappointed in not being able to spend the weekend acting like a little girl than I was about having to work all weekend. That voice in the back of my head kept whispering to me that I was turning into a freak. I shook my head, trying to get that annoying voice out of my head.

  “Aww, sweetie. I’m sorry. I know how stressed you’ve been.”


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