Little Samantha's Choice

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Little Samantha's Choice Page 15

by Meredith O'Reilly

  Before I could even beg him to stop, I was coming, and I screamed as I came. It felt amazing! After a minute, I started to see stars cross my vision because I was continuing to come the whole time. I felt his expert mouth continue to bite, suck, and lick my clit.

  “S-stop,” I whimpered not able to take more of the sensations.

  “I can’t do that. Remember you are my prisoner right now. I like seeing you come. It is the most dazzling sight in the whole world,” he said, inches from my face.

  I turned my head to follow his voice and then I heard the rip of foil, letting me know that Jackson was putting on a condom.

  I felt warm lips kiss mine. Then I felt his hands start to twist and pull at my nipples and just like that, I was building toward an orgasm again. Then I felt his hard shaft enter my pussy swiftly.

  “Ohhh…” I moaned.

  “Does that feel good, darling? Do you like my cock inside you?”

  My pussy walls squeezed around his cock.

  “Ahhh… I see that you do,” he chuckled, right before he bent down to claim my lips again as he began thrusting in and out of me, one hand pulling and twisting my nipples and the other hand flicking my clit. I was captive, unable to move away from what I knew was building to be the strongest orgasm that I had ever had.

  Moments later, we came together, finding our releases as we screamed each other’s name.

  “I love you, Samantha,” Jackson whispered, right before darkness engulfed me.

  * * *

  I awoke to the feeling of having my limbs massaged. I blinked a few times, realizing that I could see again.

  “Welcome back, baby,” Jackson said, leaning over me.

  “Hi,” I whispered. I felt so weak from my five orgasms, and I hoped that he didn’t expect me to move because I seriously didn’t think that I could.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked as he moved back, took my right wrist in his hands and began to massage it.

  “Euphoric,” I said, turning so I could see him.

  He smiled at me with one of the biggest smiles I had ever seen before. “I’m glad that you feel so well. Here drink some of this,” he said, bringing me a glass of water with a straw.

  I greedily drank the entire glass of cool water. Jackson pulled the straw out of my mouth as I said, “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll be right back. Our food should be here soon.” He hopped off the bed in all his naked glory, and I watched the floorshow with no shame. My husband had the hottest body in the world.

  He came back into the room with a washcloth and I didn’t complain this time when he washed my pussy, figuring there was no point in doing so and that he would do it no matter what. He tossed the washcloth toward the bathroom door when he was finished and climbed back into bed with me.

  “Thank you, Jackson, for making another one of my fantasies come true.”

  “No need to thank me yet. I still plan on taking you in several more places. The first being the kitchen counter.”

  “Kitchen counter? We’re in a hotel, right?”

  “Yes, Samantha. We are in the penthouse suite of a fancy hotel.”

  Right before I was about to argue about it being too expensive there was a knock at our door.

  “Be right back,” Jackson said, getting off the bed, putting a robe on, and walking out of the room.

  A few moments later—and just as my stomach growled—he came back in, pushing a cart filled with food. “This couldn’t have come at a better time,” he said, pushing the cart toward me.

  I brought my legs over the side of the bed so I could eat, but he pushed them back up on the bed.

  “Stay. I will be feeding you tonight.”

  “Okay,” I said, sitting in bed and watching him unveil each covered dish. I was shocked at how much food there was. There was asparagus with hollandaise sauce, a New York Strip steak, salmon, creme brûlée, and there was even iced champagne. My mouth watered at all the delectable foods.

  Jackson fed me from each dish, and I have to admit that I enjoyed being taken care of. Once we were finished eating, he called room service so they could pick up the cart, and when they left, Jackson sauntered back into the room. “So, how’s my favorite captive?”

  “Full,” I said, rubbing my stomach.

  “Me too. I think I have the perfect solution before we begin round two,” he said, pulling out a bottle of oil from a bag that I hadn’t noticed on the ground. “Lie down on your stomach, darling.”

  I did and shortly afterwards, I felt oil being poured down my body. Jackson paid special attention to my wrists and ankles, making sure that they hadn’t gotten harmed when I had been tied up.

  After my rub down, Jackson said, “Well, darling, are you ready for some kitchen counter sex?”

  “Yes,” I said, launching myself into his arms.

  He carried me out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, where we had sex on the counter. After that, we managed to have sex on the couch, in front of the electric fireplace, and against the windows overlooking the people down below. When we finally crawled into bed, we were both well-sated and exhausted from the excursions of the day.

  “I love you, Jackson. Thank you for making my fantasy come true.”

  “I love you too, Samantha, and you’re welcome.”

  A second later, we were both fast asleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It had been a little over two and a half months since Samantha and I had started role playing. I was home alone since it was 1 p.m. on a weekday in mid-October. Samantha was at work, and I was taking a break from my work and was sitting in a pair of old faded jeans and a black T-shirt in a leather chair. This was one of the benefits of owning my own company. I could take breaks whenever I wanted to, go wherever I wanted to, and wear whatever I wanted to.

  I got up from my chair, walked into Samantha’s nursery, and looked around. She had done much better than I thought she would have with the concept and actual acting of being my little girl. I had thought that once I told her how I wanted us to role play, she would leave me. But she hadn’t, and because of that, I wanted to give her a present that she would never forget.

  I was thinking over all of the things she had told me about her childhood. She’d had a decent childhood, for the most part. Except her mother had been a little too hard on her sometimes, in my opinion. Like yelling at her for wetting the bed because of nightmares and giving away all of her dolls when she still loved to play with them. I thought that was so wrong of her mother.

  Also, her parents had been fairly cheap. They never bought her things that she really wanted or took her on any vacations she had wanted to go on. Granted, parents shouldn’t buy their children everything they want, but would it have killed Samantha’s parents to have bought her a little something every once and awhile? Oh well, I thought. The past is over and done with. Now all I can do is try and give my little girl all the things that she had missed out on when she was growing up.

  That’s when the perfect idea clicked in my head. I knew just the place where every little girl wanted to go. Now I just had to book a few airplane tickets and a hotel room.

  I left the nursery and went straight to my computer.

  * * *

  I walked into my house, tired from the long day I’d had. I dropped my briefcase on the dryer and took my high heel shoes off. My feet were killing me. Maybe I could convince Jackson to give me a foot rub… That wouldn’t be too hard to do, I thought to myself.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I called as I walked into the kitchen. I looked around and he wasn’t there. I walked around the rest of the first floor and couldn’t find him anywhere down there either. As I began to walk up the stairs, though, I heard my husband in his office. I opened the closed office door and he was just hanging up the phone.

  “Hey, baby girl! How was your day?”


  He opened up his arms and said, “Come here.”

  I happily went into his arms, and
as I sat on his lap, he played with my hair with one hand and with the other he began slowly opening the buttons to my purple blouse.

  I was so tired that I just leaned my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes, finding that peaceful place I always went to when I was held in my husband’s arms.

  “How was your day?” I asked him.

  “Actually, my day was quite productive. I have a surprise for you I hope you will like.”

  “Hmmm… what is it?” I asked, without opening up my eyes or moving a muscle.

  “Seven days and six nights in Disney World!”

  “Oh that’s nice, dear… What? Did you did you say Disney World?” My head left his shoulder, and I stared at my husband in shock. I couldn’t believe he had booked us a vacation to Disney World. I had wanted to go there since I was six! “Oh my gosh! I’ve always wanted to go to Disney World! I can’t believe you did this! Thank you so much! You are the best husband in the world!” I squealed, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

  “You’re welcome, Samantha. Do you think that you will be able to get off work?”

  “Oh yes! I’ve been working at that company for three years now, and I’ve rarely used a sick day. I have like three months of time off saved up. When do we leave?”

  “Sunday morning, and we should be back by the following Saturday night.”

  “Oh! I’m so excited! I’ll go email my boss and tell him that I’m taking next week off.”

  “Alright, sweetie. Oh by the way, does pizza and wine sound good for dinner tonight?”

  “That sounds perfect,” I said, jumping off of his lap.

  I was so excited that I didn’t even realize that my blouse had been pulled out from my black pants and it was all the way unbuttoned, showing off my black lacy bra. I started to hurry out of the study, but then turned around and blew my husband a kiss before I skipped out of the room.

  * * *

  That night, over pizza and wine, a thought popped into my head. It had been bothering me for a while, but I didn’t know how to approach Jackson about it. Now is as good a time as any, I thought.

  “Hey, Jackson. I have something serious to ask you.”

  “Shoot,” he said, taking a bite out of his sausage and mushroom pizza.

  “First off, I want to say that for the most part, I enjoy our daddy and little girl role playing. Surprisingly, it is very relaxing for me. I never thought it would be, but it is. Anyway, I was thinking, what happens when we want to have actual babies? I mean, I can’t be a mom to our children and then have them sometimes see me act like a baby and calling you ‘Daddy’. That would confuse them so much!”

  I must have shocked him with the subject because he had just been about to take a sip of his wine, but his wine glass was frozen in midair. He finally set the wine glass down on the table. “When the time comes and we have children, we won’t let them see us role play like that, but we won’t stop either. We will probably have to not role play as much, though. When we want to, we can go to a hotel, or else we can wait until the kids leave the house for school or when they go over to their friends’ houses.”

  I looked down at my plate, not wanting to voice my next thought.

  Jackson said, “Samantha, please. Whatever you’re thinking, tell me.”

  I lifted my head and said, “When we have kids, you won’t want to role play with me anymore, because you’ll be a daddy full time to our children.”

  He took my hand and said, “Sweetie, that isn’t true. You fulfill a need inside of me that no one else can. Even if we had a dozen children, I would still want you to be my little girl. Okay?”

  I felt tension I didn’t even know I had leave my shoulders. “Okay. I’m glad that I got that off my chest finally.”

  “Samantha. If you are having a problem, no matter how small you think it is, please tell me. Remember, we have to be brutally honest with one another for this type of relationship to work.”

  “I’m sorry. I promise I will be from now on.”

  “Good. Now eat the rest of your pizza, little girl,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

  Like any good little girl, I did as my daddy told me.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The time flew by, and it was finally Sunday night. Jackson and I had just checked into our hotel room in Florida. He swiped his key and opened the door, revealing a beautiful room. Together, we stepped inside, carrying our luggage, and Jackson closed the door.

  A few feet into the room there was a door that led into a bathroom. It had a beautiful claw foot bathtub, with a shower head above it, so a person could take a shower in the tub. I couldn’t wait to try it out. On the opposite side of the tub was a toilet and a counter with two sinks.

  I stepped out of the bathroom and back into the great room. There was a small kitchenette in one of the corners of the room, with a mini fridge next to three counters, a sink, and a microwave. A couple of feet from the kitchenette there was a small table with four chairs. Across from the kitchenette was a couch with two armchairs that were all in a small circle, facing a flat screen TV. There was also a glass door that led out to a balcony, and on the balcony there was a comfy swinging couch.

  Off to the side in the great room was a double set of doors, and inside that room was a king sized bed, with two nightstands on either side, a lamp and a clock on each stand. Across from the bed was another flat screen T.V.

  I didn’t pay attention to anything else once I saw that huge bed. I loved jumping on beds, so I ran and jumped onto it. I flew into the pile of small pillows and pushed most of them off, then I got up and starting jumping up and down, laughing the entire time.

  Jackson followed me into the bedroom. “Samantha, stop jumping! You could hurt yourself.”

  I didn’t listen and kept jumping because I was having so much fun.

  He walked closer to the bed and pulled my ankle so I fell backwards onto the bed. He was quickly on top of me as I continued laughing. “Thank you for bringing me here! I didn’t realize how much I needed a vacation.”

  He looked into my eyes and smiled. “You’re welcome, baby. This will be a vacation that you will never forget. I promise.” He gave me a kiss and then got up and begin to sort our luggage out.

  Once we got settled, I walked out onto the balcony and sat down, rocking the couch back and forth as I watched the sun set on the first day of our vacation. What a breathtaking view.

  Jackson sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. “Are you happy?”

  I leaned into him. “More than you will ever know.”

  “Listen, there is something that I wanted to talk to you about. I know that we promised to not expose our role playing relationship in public. I still don’t want to do that, but in private, you can here. Also, when you’re in public, if you want to, you can act a little more childish. Remember, we will never meet these people again. I just want you to enjoy this vacation as my wife and as my little girl.”

  I thought about what my husband said. I had wanted to do the same thing on this vacation. “That sounds good to me. As long as you don’t embarrass me out in public or anything.”

  “I would never do that. You know that I wouldn’t enjoy seeing you embarrassed.”

  I nodded.

  “How does ordering in room service sound?” he asked.


  “Okay. I’ll go order,” he said, unwrapping his arm from around me and getting up to go and order.

  Half an hour later, a cart filled with yummy smells arrived. The cart had plates that were covered, so Jackson opened up all the dishes. There was pasta, chicken, red meat sauce, and broccoli.

  “This all smells so mouthwatering!” I said, reaching for a plate to serve myself. I hadn’t eaten much that day because I was anxious about the plane ride, so I was starving.

  “Hold on, little lady!” Jackson said as he grabbed a suitcase near us and pulled out my Disney Princess plate, fork, and sippy cup. He then put some Coke into my sippy cup
and gave it to me while he got my food. After loading my plate with food and making sure to cut everything up into small bite-sized pieces, he handed me the plate. As I took it, I made sure to say thank you before I dug into my dinner.

  We ate dinner at a slow pace, enjoying every bite. When we were finished, Jackson took my sippy cup, plate, and fork and washed them in the sink in the kitchenette, then put them back in the suitcase.

  It was late, so I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I began to brush my teeth and must have been really sleepy because I didn’t see or hear Jackson enter the room until he was right behind me, holding a few items in his hands.

  “Little girl, since you had a soft drink tonight, you need to wear your training pants to bed in case you have an accident. I also bought this nightgown for you. Do you like it?” he asked, holding up a nightgown that had Disney Princesses on it.

  “Oh, I love it!” I said, grabbing it so I could get a better look at which princesses were on it.

  He chuckled. “Come on, you can look at the princesses after you have your nightgown on.”

  After he helped me put on my training pants and nightgown, I felt like a little princess. I did a twirl for my daddy and he applauded loudly for me. I gave an exaggerated bow.

  “Come on, baby girl, bedtime.”

  We both walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom and climbed into the massive bed.

  I cuddled up to my daddy and when he didn’t begin to tell me a story, I asked, “What, no bedtime story? Daddies always need to read their little girls bedtime stories or else their little girls will have nightmares.”

  He smiled down and said, “I see your point. I wouldn’t want you having a nightmare. I forgot to bring any books with me, so I guess I will have to just tell you a story of my own. Here goes nothing… Once upon a time…”

  Chapter Twenty


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