“I’m sorry y’all,” Chanel said to Meisha and Leah, “I gotta get the fuck away from Candy.” She stormed out of the shop.
Everyone looked at each other. The fact that Chanel needed a temporary or permanent break after being manhandled by Candy was inevitable. But her delayed response to the incident could be a signal she had reached her boiling point and would soon explode.
* * *
Vanessa strolled down Broadway on her lunch break with Mimi. She had just finished telling Mimi about the shop scene with Chanel and the video being on the Internet.
“So what you gonna do?” Mimi asked.
“What do you mean?”
“With Candy.”
Vanessa was silent.
“Guess that's a I don't know,” Mimi stated flatly.
“I love her. I know you can't understand that. But I love her and I love Rich.”
“Did you find out if she made any other tapes?”
Vanessa shook her head.
“Un fuckin' believable.”
“That didn't cross my mind.”
“Nothing seems to anymore,” Mimi said, sarcastically.
“What are you saying, Mimi?” Vanessa stopped on the crowded street.
“You buggin' the fuck out. That's what I'm saying.”
Vanessa’s eyes widened in shock. “You never cursed at me before.”
“You never was buggin' the fuck out before.”
“Mimi, I don't have to tolerate this from you.”
“You toleratin' a whole lot of shit from Candy. I been your friend for years and never did no foul shit like she been doing to you from day one.” Mimi huffed. “You know what? I don't have to tolerate you beating me in the head with ya fuckin' problems no more.”
An eerie feeling burned deep inside Vanessa's chest as she watched her best friend turn her head and walk away. She never fathomed the day Mimi would literally and figuratively turn her back on her.
Vanessa stood in the middle of Broadway, oblivious to the people passing and the honking of car horns. All she saw was the unbelievable image of her best friend's back.
* * *
Vanessa moped back into the shop in silence. She spoke to everyone except Candy. She needed a break from the drama that had become her life, the drama that started the day she walked into the shop. The unpredictable atmosphere was slowly breaking her down. She felt out of place.
Candy walked up to Vanessa. “Please, Candy. Not now.” Vanessa walked by Candy. She made her way out the front door.
“Vanessa,” Candy called, jogging behind her until they were side-by-side. “Where you going?”
Vanessa's eyes never veered from in front of her. “I need a break.” She stopped at her car and slid behind the wheel.
“You buggin' out, Vanessa.”
Vanessa started the ignition and pulled off, never looking back at Candy.
* * *
A week had passed since Vanessa drove off Lennox Avenue in Harlem. She had kept driving her Altima until she was at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. The historic park was an oasis that her parents often took her to on vacations as a child. The tranquil place always brought her peace. The smell of the endless marsh of grass she would play in, the canyons, the fossil forest, the geysers—they were all things that evoked good memories for Vanessa. She looked to the stars at night, contemplating exactly where she fit in the world. During the day, she walked barefoot through the grass, taking in the sight of bears, elk, deer and other wildlife in the park. She slept at a nearby motel where she meditated and pondered life in silence. Seven days of stillness with herself and nature assured her exactly where she was in life and what direction she should travel in the future.
It was dark outside when she walked through the door of the penthouse. Candy dropped her plate of food on the floor and darted toward her. They hugged each other firmly for what seemed to be forever. Tears soaked both their faces.
“I was so scared that something had happened to you,” Candy said, taking Vanessa's face into her hands. “I'm sorry. Please don't ever leave me again. I can't take it.” Candy shook her head and hugged her tighter than she ever had.
“I'm sorry too,” Vanessa said. “I love you.”
Rich watched Candy and Vanessa from a distance. He was relieved but furious. He had endured sleepless nights and mornings that felt awkward waking without Vanessa's body against his. Rich and Candy had many heated arguments, because Rich blamed Candy for Vanessa's disappearance. Both Rich and Candy had a clear picture of how painful life would be without Vanessa. It was an image they never wanted to see again.
Vanessa spotted Rich, as she and Candy walked slowly in his direction. She wiped the tears from her eyes and stretched out her arms, attempting to hug Rich. But he raised his hand, stopping her.
“Do yourself a favor and play that couch.” He pointed to the leather love seat and paced in front of the coffee table.
“Rich, Vanessa—”
“Not now, baby,” Rich cut Candy short. “You and me been doing plenty of talking all week. Even had arguments because she wanted to play Terry McMillan.”
“Terry McMillan?” Vanessa blurted.
“Yeah,” Rich said. “Ol’ girl that wrote Disappearing Acts. Why don't you take us on the journey of your disappearing act, Terry?”
“I just needed some space.”
“Space? It's a whole lot of motherfuckin’ space downstairs in Central Park.”
“This is not called for,” Candy said.
“Speaking of calls, did you tell her that you called the police, Candy? That you cried all the way to the station and damn near fell apart when you filled out that missing persons report? Did you tell her that you couldn't eat the first two days? Or that you almost had a nervous breakdown, because she wanted to play hide-and-go-seek?” Rich shook his head. “Yeah, I hope you told her all of that.”
“Reminds me of that night that somebody ran outta here with a gun and left me and Candy crying on the bed,” Vanessa said, staring at Rich. “Why? Because he wanted to play Scarface. Then he came back in here shot, like it was nothing. And had the nerve to get mad at me for caring about him.”
Rich was silenced, his mouth wide open. He didn't want to think about his old war story through Vanessa's eyes. He knew he had done her wrong, caused her pain and ignored her concern for him. But he still felt that Vanessa had caused a lot more pain than he did.
“You fucked up, Rich. Just like Candy did with that video. Just like I did. But you know what I realized when I was gone?” Vanessa asked. “I'm still in love with you and Candy. I just needed some time alone to look inside of me. The deeper I looked, the more I saw you two. No Mimi, nobody from the shop, no online viewers of the sex tape. As far as I'm concerned,
both of you are the only two people that exist besides me in this world.”
Vanessa's words moved Rich. He knew they were true. He knew they were coming from the only woman who had an understanding and love for him based partly on truths that no one else in the world knew. They shared a bond that was unparalleled. He could not deny it. “You know I love you, right?” he said.
“Of course,” Vanessa answered.
Rich stepped around the coffee table to her. “And I agree with everything that just rolled off your tongue. But you gotta understand that I was laying it on you kind of thick just now for a reason.” Rich paused. “Baby, I done been shot, seen friends killed and a whole bunch of other things I don't even want to remember. But I could handle all that because I knew what I was dealing with. It was all a part of the game. But not knowing where you were, if you was safe, or if I was ever gonna see you again was killing me. It was unexpected.”
Vanessa burst into tears. She got up and hugged Rich. Afterwards, Rich sat down between her and Candy. Vanessa began explaining what happened from the moment Mimi walked away from her to the minute Vanessa walked through the door of the penthouse.
Rich looked back and forth at Candy a
nd Vanessa. It felt good to see them smiling and talking again. They had overcome one of the biggest obstacles they could face. Rich's only hope was that all the drama was behind him. But in the back of his mind, he knew his life would always be filled with drama. It was a reality he could not deny.
Candy, Rich and Vanessa had become popular within publishing circles and among fans of Vanessa’s book and the sex tape. A tweet from a famous rapper about the video sparked over a half-million views and an interview of Vanessa by Wendy Williams. Vanessa mentioned the main male character was similar to Rich and that they were in a three-way relationship with Candy. Vanessa also admitted that her relations had also influenced other elements in her book. With public interest in their relationship growing, Ted Stevens suggested that the trio write a tell-all book. The video they once feared would destroy them had become the ultimate promotional tool for Vanessa’s book.
Rich was seated by Vanessa's side at a table inside a Barnes & Noble in Atlanta. Promotional posters were displayed on easels and stacks of books were on the table. Candy, Vanessa and Rich were coming to the end of a question and answer session with the nearly 100 people seated and standing in front of them. The diverse group transcended race, gender and age brackets.
“My question is for Rich,” said a twenty-something black man. “Does it get tiring holding down two women? On the mental side?”
“Not at all,” Rich responded. “When you truly love someone, being with them and tending to their needs becomes second nature. Things become a strain for me when I don't want to do them. And it's nothing I wanna do more than keep these women happy.” He kissed Vanessa on the cheek, then did the same to Candy.
“I don't understand how one man can have two women,” said an older black woman.
Vanessa said, “That's because we live in a society where a so-called normal relationship consists of a man and woman. But there are countless societies throughout the world that are filled with relationships like ours. The only way we can begin to understand things that are different is to expose ourselves to things that are outside the norm.”
That statement ended the Q&A session and people began to line up and buy books. Candy watched the stacks of books dwindle. Soon, more than 120 books were sold.
“You putting up numbers, girl,” Candy said.
Vanessa smiled. “I owe everything to you and Rich.”
An older white woman walked up and asked Vanessa, “How does it feel knowing that people are watching a video of you getting ate out?”
Candy was thrown off by the bold question, even though it was not intended for her. Vanessa was cool and collected. “It feels good,” she replied nonchalantly. “It's a turn on.”
Candy stepped out of the Barnes & Noble with Rich and Vanessa. They got inside of a Land Rover and Rich pulled off. They discussed Candy's new business, which was soon set to open. Nature's Beauty had been incorporated and the first Candice Cream was in production. Rich had invested a 30% stake in Candy's company. He had also introduced her to a distributor that agreed to make her first product available in forty states across the country.
Before Candy knew it, Rich was parking in front of the shop, which was packed inside. There had been more people hanging around the shop than usual since Rich and Candy had been appearing with Vanessa at book signings and receiving media coverage. Fans had often found their way to the shop. The very thing that Vanessa feared would be bad for Candy’s Shop had become her strongest asset to attract new customers to the shop.
“I'm a be waiting at the crib,” Rich said.
Candy and Vanessa kissed Rich, then climbed out of the Land Rover and walked into the shop. They were warmly greeted, as they flopped down in their chairs that their clients usually sat in. Candy noticed Leah and Chanel talking. Leah had been the negotiator who arranged a sit-down with Candy and Chanel. Leah stressed that they had been friends for too long to part ways. Chanel agreed and came back to work after Candy apologized. Candy was really concerned with having Chanel’s help, because with Candice Cream and the book tour, the shop was short-staffed. Candy had allowed Leah to manage the shop when she was not there.
“So what's good? Y'all move them books on that tour or what?” Meisha asked.
“Did really good,” said Vanessa.
“I'm drained,” Candy interjected. “City after city, listening to people hit you with some of the wildest questions.”
“Like what?” Leah asked.
“Have I ever had a train ran on me?”
“Whole lot of heifers in the 'hood was getting gang banged,” Chanel declared.
“I ain't a whole lot of heifers.”
“People don't know that,” Chanel said. “They see you on a sex tape and you in a three-way relationship. What they supposed to think?”
Vanessa cut her eyes at Chanel.
“I really don't care,” Candy said, emphatically. She stared at Chanel, as she braided a man's hair. Candy was trying to figure out the nature of Chanel's comment. Was it a genuine analysis or one of her infamous snide remarks? Chanel had managed to censor her tongue since the incident with Candy. But Candy was always wondering. She knew Chanel was still attracted to Rich and she was probably just as jealous of Candy now as she was of Vanessa.
“So how things been going here?” Candy asked Leah.
“A new order of India hair came in yesterday. The invoice is in your desk. We got some chemical orders in because stock is low. The booth rent was paid on time by everyone. It’s all deposited in the bank. So you can verify that on your iPhone. As long as I’m here everything is under control,” Leah said.
Candy was impressed with how Leah had been managing the shop. Leah always conducted herself in a professional manner. Candy had not told anyone, but she was planning to offer Leah the opportunity to run the shop full time. Candy would soon need the help, because she would have to dedicate most of her time to running her new business.
Vanessa watched a smooth, young man a few years older than her step inside of the shop. He was sporting a freshly trimmed 'fro and a ton of jewelry.
“That's a fine brother, there,” Meisha said to Chanel.
“Shit, what's fine is all that platinum and diamonds. Look like he got his weight up enough to get down with the Chanel Legacy.”
The young man smiled when he spotted Vanessa and Candy seated feet apart. He walked past Leah and stopped in front of them. “Vanessa Denay and Candice Johnson.” He flashed a sly grin. “They call me Cash and I'm from Philly. I'm double-parked outside,” he said, waving his hand toward a blue Mercedes S-Class. “I'm just out here to handle some business, but I wanted to shout y'all out quick fast and let y'all know I was feeling the book almost as much as the sex tape.” He reached inside the pocket of his Red Monkey jeans and handed Candy and Vanessa two business cards. “I own a few clubs in Philly. If y'all ever wanna play the stage, just holler.”
When Candy and Vanessa looked up from reading the cards, Cash was already gone.
“Did he say 'club' and 'play the stage' as in strip club?” an older woman asked.
“Yeah. According to this card, he owns four strip clubs,” Vanessa said.
“Child, I know you ain't gonna be up on no stage swinging around no damn pole,” the woman said.
“Definitely not,” Vanessa stated. Stripping was far from her style. But Cash's offer was one of many she and Candy had received since their video went viral. They had received e-mails from swingers clubs, pornography producers and strip club owners. No one seemed to understand that the video was simply a private affair that leaked into the limelight. And only a handful of people realized that Vanessa and Candy were in a loving relationship that encompassed more than steamy sex.
Leah said, “Cash. He got some damn nerve coming all the way from Philly to New York with a proposition.”
“That man own four clubs and his name is Cash. He tryin' to get gwap like everybody else. M
oney to blow,” Chanel said. “Money to blow.”
“Yeah, yeah, Chanel,” Leah said.
“You should understand, being that you going to school for business,” Chanel added.
“I didn't notice you telling him you was interested,” Candy said with a sly grin.
“I ain't the one with the fan base from a book and a sex tape.” Chanel waved her hand from her head to toe. “And strippin' is not a part of the Chanel Legacy.”
“Mine either,” Vanessa said, visibly upset.
“It ain't much difference in somebody looking from their chair in front of a computer or somebody looking from a chair in a club. Still an audience,” Chanel said.
“You don't get tired of making indirect statements?” Vanessa's voice rose.
“What you need to do is calm down,” Chanel said.
“Or what, huh? I'm tired of your shit, Chanel!”
Chanel laughed. “Seem like you grew a heart since you found out Candy gon' protect you.”
“Watch your mouth, Chanel,” said Candy, pointing at her.
“I ain't say nothing that ain't true. You know you ain't gon' let that heifer fight her own battles.”
“You know what? You really think you get busy,” Candy said, standing up.
Vanessa grabbed her arm and looked at her. “I'm not scared of her. I can fight for myself,” Vanessa said, knowing that Candy doubted that she could hold her own. Vanessa just needed to release the tension that Chanel had ignited within her.
“You better fuck her up,” Candy whispered to Vanessa. She grabbed a few rubber bands from her station.
Lickin' License Page 19