17 Michael Hirsh, “What’s Taking So Long?” Newsweek, April 13, 1998, p. 49.
18 Goldman, 14.
19 Among many reports on Swiss public opinion on this matter, see Bernard D. Kapolan, “Holocaust Gold Becomes Political Football,” Nando Times News, August 16, 1997.
20 Luzi Stamm, Der Kniefall Der Schweitz (Zofinger Tagblatt, 1999) and Yves Fricker et al., La Suisse Face à l’Empire Américain (Journal de Genève, 1997).
21 Christoph Blocher, “Switzerland and the Eizenstat Report,” speech given at a function organized by the Swiss People’s Party of the canton of Bern, June 21, 1997.
22 New York Times, News of the Week in Review, September 13, 1998, p. 1.
23 David E. Sanger, “Germany Approves New Plan to Pay Holocaust Victims,” New York Times, February 10, 1999, p. A10.
24 Edmund Andrews, “Germany Accepts $5.1 Billion Accord to End Claims of Nazi Slave Workers,” New York Times, December 18, 1999, p. A10.
Chapter 6
1 This idea—that America was a danger to the world, and that the defeat in Vietnam had been necessary to exorcise that danger—was precisely the thesis of a volume edited by Anthony Lake, a pillar of U.S. foreign policy in the Nixon, Carter, and Clinton administrations. In fact, the idea had become the conventional wisdom of Lake’s class by the time of President Jimmy Carter’s 1977 speech at Notre Dame that the defeat in Vietnam had enabled America to rediscover its own values.See Anthony Lake et al., The Vietnam Legacy: The War, American Society, and the Future of American Foreign Policy (New York: New York University Press, 1976). Especially noteworthy is the chapter by Morton Halperin, “The Lessons Nixon Learned,” which argues that if American antiCommunism had not been defeated in Vietnam, the United States might well have started a nuclear war.
2 Lawrence F. Kaplan, “The Selling of American Foreign Policy,” The Weekly Standard, April 23, 1997, pp. 19–22.
Aare valley
absolute contraband
accommodation: Federal Council and; Pilet Golaz and; resistance vs.; Switzerland and
Adenauer, Konrad
Aktion Nationaler Widerstand (National Resistance Movement)
Albright, Madeleine
Allies: blockades of; economic relationships of; economic warfare of; economic weapons of; German assets and; gold trade and; intelligence and; neutrals and; Swiss franc and; Swiss merchandise trade and; Switzerland’s neutrality and
Alpine redoubt: aircraft and; Federal Council and; German invasion of Switzerland and; Guisan and; military rebuilding and; Pilet Golaz and; Swiss defense of; Wille and
Altermath, Pierre
America; Allied trade with; democracy in; economic sanctions of; foreign policy of; German assets and; guns in; image of Switzerland in; immigration and; intelligence in; international affairs and; Jewish refugees and; merchandise trade and; neutrality of; neutral rights to trade and; rule of law and; Swiss franc and; Swiss public opinion of; Vietnam and
Anti-Defamation League
anti-Swiss campaign: Bronfman and; class action lawsuits and; Clinton administration and; costs to U.S. of; Hevesi and; power in; as propaganda; as pseudo event; resolution of; significance of; Swiss public opinion of; WJC and. See also settlement agreement; Swiss banks; Switzerland
Army and Hearth
Austria: Anschluss of; Clinton administration campaign against; freedom of the press and; Germany and; Nazi subversion in; professional armies of
Austro-Hungarian empire
Austro-Prussian War
Axis powers: economic war against; gold and; military encirclement by; neutrals and; Swiss franc and; Switzerland and
balance of power: economic relationships and; international affairs and; military deterrence and; neutrality and; politics and; value of currencies and; weak and; in World War II, xii
Bankers’ Trust Company
Bank of International Settlements
Banque de France
Barbey, Samuel
Barth, Karl
Basler Nachrichten
Battle of the Atlantic
Beer, Greta
Begin, Menachem
Belgium; claims on German assets of; German assault on France and; German defeat of; Swiss merchandise trade and
Ben-Gurion, David
Berezina River
Berly, Hans
Bermuda conference of 1943
Bernese Oberland
Black Forest
Black Orchestra
Blocher, Christoph
Blockade Division
Boer War
Bohle, Gauleiter
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Boorstin, Daniel
Boxer, Barbara
Bretton Woods Resolution VI
Britain; apparent German defeat of; blockade of 1939 of; coal sales of; German assets and; Jewish refugees and; neutral rights to trade and; Swiss franc and; Swiss merchandise trade and; war against Zulus of
Bronfman, Edgar: anti-Swiss campaign and; Democratic Party and; Eizenstat report and; governmental power of; political contributions of; power of; reparations from Swiss government and; WJC and
Büro Ha
Bush, George
Caesar, Julius
Canaris, Wilhelm
Capone, Richard
Carter, Jimmy
Castro, Fidel
Catholic Conservative Party
Celio, Enrico
censorship. See freedom of the press
Charité Sur Loire
Christian Democratic Party
Churchill, Winston: democracy and; Hitler and; image of Switzerland of; military power and; Switzerland’s role in World War II and; war and
Cisalpine Republic
civic virtues
Claims Resolution Tribunal
class action lawsuits: anti-Swiss campaign and; big business of; Cuomo and; Democratic Party and; gun ownership and; industry and; plaintiffs in; process in; without trial
Clinton, Bill: Bronfman’s political contributions to; campaign against Germany and; Eizenstat report and; reparations from Swiss government and; Switzerland’s role in World War II and; WJC and
Clinton administration: anti-Swiss campaign and; attack on Germany by; foreign policy and; Joint Statement and; reparations from Swiss government and; settlement agreement and; Switzerland and
Cold War
compensation goods
conditional contraband
“Conflict in the Balkans: Serbian Strategy,” xiv
Congress of Vienna
Credit Suisse
Cuomo, Andrew
Currie, Lauchlin
Czechoslovakia: freedom of the press and; Nazi subversion in
D’Amato, Alfonse: anti-Swiss campaign and; Bronfman’s political contributions to; Eizenstat report and; reparations from Swiss government and; Switzerland’s role in World War II and
Dangerfield, Royden
Daniker, Gustav
Davis, Gray
Death Row Records
de Gaulle, Charles
Delamuraz, Jean Pascal
De Lattre
democracy; in America; people and; political parties and; in Switzerland; virtue of; war and
Democratic Party: Bronfman’s contributions to; of Brooklyn; careerism of; class action lawsuits and; Swiss banks and
Der Grenzbote
de Rougemont, Denis
Deutsche Bank
Die Front
Die Nation
Discourses (Machiavelli)
District of Columbia
Division of Press and Radio
DNB (Deutsches Nachrichten Büro)
dollar zone
Donovan, William
Dora ring
Dulles, Allen
Eben Emael
Ecole de Guerre
economic autarchy
economic liberalism
“economic refugee,”
economics: balance of power and; immigration and; international; Montesquieu and; neutrality and; war and; World War II and
economic warfare
Edict of Nantes
Eisenhower administration
Eizenstat, Stuart: settlement agreement and; Switzerland’s role in World War II and; unclaimed Swiss bank accounts and
Eizenstat report: American image of Switzerland and; Bronfman’s anti-Swiss campaign and; campaign against Germany and; Clinton and; German assets and
El Alamein
Erin Brockovich
Europe: Germany’s conquest of; liberalism in; Nazi Germany’s dominance in; neutrals of; Swiss differences from; wealth in Swiss banks of
European Free Trade Area
European Parliament (Strasbourg)
European Union
Evangelischer Pressdienst (Protestant press service)
Evian conference of 1938
Fagan, Edward D.
Farmers, Workers, and Citizens Party
Fascist Italy. See Italy
Federal Council: accommodation and; Alpine redoubt and; army’s political role and; economic concessions of; freedom of the press and; full powers of; gold trade and; Guisan and; immigration and; Jewish refugees and; makeup of; Nazi subversion and; political parties and; settlement agreement and; Socialist Party and; Socialist Party in; Swiss independence and; Swiss intelligence and; Swiss merchandise trade and; Switzerland’s government and
Federal Military Department
Feldmann, Markus
Finance and Customs Department
Finletter, Thomas K.
Foot, Dingle
Ford Motor Company
Foreigners’ Police
Foreign Ministry (Jerusalem’s)
Foreign Ministry (Swiss)
foreign policy: of Allied powers; of America; in America; Clinton administration and; domestic interest groups and; factionalism and; franchising to interest groups of U.S.; government and; military power and; power of U.S. government and; seriousness of; of United States; unseriousness in; in war. See also international affairs
Four-Year Plan
Foxman, Abraham
France: America and revolutionary; Clinton administration campaign against; fall of; German defeat of; professional armies of; safeguarding of Switzerland by; Swiss merchandise trade and; Swiss military planning and; Swiss plans with; war colleges of; World War I and
Franco-German War
Franco-Prussian War
freedom of the press: Federal Council and; Germany and; Nazism and; neutrality and; private organizations and; Swiss government’s role in; Swiss policies on; World War I and
free trade
French Armistice
French Revolution
French Swiss
Frey, Oscar
Frey, Roger
Frick, Hans
Furius Camillus
Gamelin, Maurice
Gempen plateau
German External Property Commission
German High Command; Swiss army and
Germanic Swiss
Germans: blockades of; neutrals and; Swiss franc and; in World War I
Germany: Alpine redoubt and; assets of; Austria and; Belgium and; claims on assets of; Clinton administration’s attack of; counterblockade of; Denmark and; deterrence of; economic deficiencies of; economic relationship between Switzerland and; economic relationships of; economic warfare of; encirclement of Switzerland by; as enemy; European conquest of; European dominance of; France and; freedom of the press and; gold trade and; intelligence in; invasion of Soviet Union by; invasion of Switzerland by; Italy’s alliance with; Morgenthau Plan and; neutrals and; resistance of; slave labor in; Soviet Union and; successes of; Swiss democracy and; Swiss financial market and; Swiss independence and; Swiss intelligence and; Swiss merchandise trade and; Switzerland’s neutrality and; Switzerland and; violence against Jews in; war colleges of; World War I and
Gilligan, James
Gisevius, Hans
Giuliani, Rudolph
Gnomes of Zurich
Goering, Hermann
gold: demand for; hard currency and; market for; as wartime investment
Goldmann, Nahum
Gonard, Samuel
Gordon, David L.
Gotthard League
Gotthard tunnel
government: domestic groups and; foreign policy and; intelligence and; popular
Great War. See World War I
Gribetz, Judith
Grisons canton
ground combat
Guisan, Henri: Alpine redoubt and; Federal Council and; foreign policy and; as general; intelligence and; military and; Nazi subversion and; politics and; popularity of; resistance and
Gulf War
Gustloff, Wilhelm
Hague Convention of 1907
Halder, Franz
Hamilton, Alexander
hard currency
Hausamann, Hans
Hausfeld, Michael
Hevesi, Alan: anti-Swiss campaign and; campaign against Germany and; settlement agreement and
The Hidden Weapon (Finletter)
High Command
Himmler, Heinrich
Hitler, Adolf; Austria and; Churchill and; freedom of the press and; Mussolini and; New Europe of; opinions of; Rhineland occupation of; rise to power of; Stalin and; Swiss Communists and; Swiss people and; violence against Jews of
Holtzman, Elizabeth
Holy Roman Empire
Huber, Jakob
Hussein, Saddam
Il Duce. See Mussolini, Benito
The Image: A Guide to the Pseudo Event in America (Boorstin)
immigration: in America; economics and; Evian conference and; Federal Council and; Foreigners’ Police and; Jewish refugees and; official preference and; Swiss restrictions on; Swiss tradition and; unemployment and. See also Jewish refugees
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Independent Committee of Eminent Persons
INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service)
intelligence: Allied powers and; in America; counterespionage and; German; government and; in Soviet Union; Swiss
interest-group politics: domestic; money and; property rights and; restitution and
interest groups: distribution of settlement proceeds and; foreign policy and; power of
Interior Department
international affairs: America’s first decision
in; American people and; balance of power and; challenges in; logic of; military power and; realities of; unseriousness in. See also foreign policy
international coalition
International Committee of the Red Cross
Interscope Records
Iron Law of Bureaucracy
Italian Swiss
Italy; Abyssinia and; German alliance with; traffic through Alpine railroad tunnels and
Jacobson, Per
Jewish Community Relations Council
Jewish organizations: distribution of settlement proceeds and; German assets and
Jewish refugees: Federal Council and; French; Hungarian; Swiss policy and; in Switzerland; in United States. See also immigration
Jewish Restitution Organization
Jews: German assets and; German discrimination against; Swiss banks and assets of. See also Jewish refugees
John, Saint
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson Act
Joint Statement
Jost, Hans Ulrich
Journal de Genève
Judicial Selection Committee
Justice and Police Department
Justice Ministry (Israel)
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Joseph
Kennedy administration
Kieser, Rolf
Kings County courthouse
Kobelt, Karl
Korman, Edward: distribution of settlement proceeds and; settlement agreement and; suit against Swiss banks and
Krauthammer, Charles
Kunin, Madeleine
Kurz, Gertrude
L’Argent Secret et les Banques Suisses (Laya)
Labhart, Jakob
Lake Lucerne
Lambsdorf, Otto
Latin America
Laya, Jean Marie
League of Nations
Left Bank
Lenin, Vladimir Ulyanov
Limmat River
Linth River
Linth-Zurich position
Locke, John
“Long Live Our Militia System” (Altermath)
Louis XIV
Louis XVI
Luck, James Murray
Between the Alps and a Hard Place Page 23