Ruthless Hero: A Military Bodyguard Romance (Savage Soldiers Book 6)

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Ruthless Hero: A Military Bodyguard Romance (Savage Soldiers Book 6) Page 7

by Nicole Elliot

  “Hey, Scarlett. I’m Dontrell.” He held out a manicured, spindly hand.

  I shook it as quickly as possible. “Hi. Look, don’t listen to my friends. I’m not looking for anything. I’m just here to have a quiet evening,” I said, hoping he would get the message.

  “Oh, we’ll see about that!”

  He winked and I shuddered.

  “Don’t worry. A few more drinks and I bet she’ll be well up for it!” his equally disgusting friend said in a strong British accent. So much for the stereotypical British gentleman.

  “Excuse me?” I said, incredulous.

  “Don’t worry, love. I’m just pulling yer leg.” He smiled crookedly, revealing bad nicotine-stained teeth.

  I fumed.

  One of the guys ordered a few more bottles of champagne, and crude conversation surrounded me. Dontrell tried to chat me up, but I wasn’t remotely interested and tried my best to ignore him. Yet, he wouldn’t take a hint.

  A while later, I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked at Dontrell to find him grinning at me. His hands were small and feminine, his muscles were out of proportion with his skinny body, and he had a poor attempt at a beard growing in his childish face.

  Disgusted, I pushed his hand away and rose to my feet. “I’m going to the bathroom,” I said, annoyed.

  Raven and Lonette chimed in, almost in unison. “We’ll join you. Won’t keep you waiting too long, boys.”

  I hurried to the bathroom, the girls following behind me. I was tempted to go and get Travis, but knew it would piss the girls off, so I considered just leaving them in the restaurant.

  “What’s your problem, Scarlett?” Raven asked. “They’re just being nice. Why can’t you lighten up for once?”

  Lonette had her arms folded, looking annoyed at me. “He’s nice. And I bet he’s damn rich as well. Why don’t you give him a chance?”

  “Because he won’t take no for an answer, that's why! You think he’s going to let me go back to my room alone when you’re each taking one or two back with you? You're disgusting, sometimes.”

  Raven held her hands up. “Whoa. Hold on there. Don't be mad at us because we like having fun. It’s not our fault you’re a stuck-up bitch!”

  I stared at them, stunned. They had certainly shown their true colors, and I hated what I saw. Deep down, I had always believed them to be decent people. But now, I could see that I’d been wrong.

  I sighed, almost feeling sorry for them as I left the bathroom. I was going to tell Dontrell in no uncertain terms where he could shove it, and then I was leaving.



  My hand froze, my whiskey glass halfway to my mouth. A few minutes ago, I’d seen the leader of the douches scoot in next to Scarlett, leering at her. Seeing how disgusted she looked, I shrugged off my jealousy and found my hands clenching.

  My heart pounding, I tried to calm down, fearing I would crack the whiskey glass. I took a measured gulp and then I drained the whole glass.

  “Would you like another, sir?” the barman said, appearing at my side. I looked at him, my eyes burning with poorly controlled anger, a visage of rage combined with years of suppressed emotion rising to the surface.

  He stepped back with fear in his eyes, fleeing straight for the other end of the bar.

  I looked back at the group, my tunnel vision setting in. I froze for a while, waiting for an excuse to approach the men.

  A long minute later, the other girls rose, with Scarlett rushing off to the bathroom looking pissed. Lonette and Raven hurried after her, looking equally annoyed, but I could tell their frustration was with Scarlett, not the guys.

  I looked back at the guys. The leader had a bottle of champagne in his hands, laughing. He then began rummaging around in his right pocket. Looking around, the others leaned over in attempts to obscure what he was doing, but I still saw.

  He’d put something into Scarlett’s glass before filling it up with champagne that fizzed a little too vigorously.

  I was on my feet in an instant, striding across the restaurant toward their table, reaching it in mere seconds. My cold stare was fixed solely on the leader with his stupid V-neck t-shirt.

  He looked up at me and grinned. “We’re okay. Thanks, waiter. Just got some champagne, see?” He gave a patronizing smile and waved the half-full bottle at me. “You can go away now.”

  I leaned over the table, smashing the bottle out of his grip with one strong backhanded slap of my left hand. The bottle flew toward his friend, breaking on his chest. Sharp glass shattered everywhere, and the guys shouted.

  I swung on my hips, sending a vicious right backhanded punch that connected with the side of his face without even taking my eyes from the ringleader who’d spiked Scarlett’s drink.

  The guy I’d hit flew backwards through the air, landing at Scarlett’s feet. She stood there, shocked. But I couldn’t concern myself with that right now.

  “As for you, you piece of fucking shit!” I said, leaning across the table to the ringleader. “You’re dead!”

  I grabbed him by the neck, my muscles bulging as I dragged him across the table and punched him savagely in the gut, knocking all the air out of him.

  Scarlett was next to me all of a sudden, her hand on my arm.

  “Travis,” she said, softly. I looked down at her as she held onto my arm, which I’d drawn back for another brutal punch. But as soon as I saw her face, my rage lifted.

  Realizing I was still holding the guy by his neck, I dropped him to the floor, where he began coughing and sputtering, gasping for breath.

  Raven and Lonette had just then arrived on the premises. “What the fuck are you doing?” Raven screamed. When she turned her gaze from the guy on the floor to me, her eyes widened. “Oh…my…God. Did you kill him?”

  The two bouncers approached, although they stopped a distance away, neither wanting to come near me.

  “These pieces of shit,” I said, my voice calmer, “needed to be taught a lesson.” I pointed to the guy on the floor in front of me. “Look in his right pocket.”

  “You can’t search him, mate! You ain’t the police!” his friend behind me said, apparently feeling braver now that the bouncers were there.

  I turned to face him, poking a hard finger in his chest. “Sit. The. Fuck. Down,” I said.

  His face drained of color and he flinched away from my touch.

  I turned back toward the bouncers. “Please,” I said, gesturing to the V-neck wearing punk again. “I swear, it was him. Trust me.”

  The big bouncer hesitated for a moment, but then bent down and began rummaging around in the guy’s pocket, struggling with his massive hands. He froze, frowning. Then he removed a small bag of white powder.

  He looked up at me, eyebrows raised. I turned around to grab Scarlett’s glass and showed it to him close up. A trace of sediment was still visible at the bottom of the champagne flute, slowly dissolving.

  The bouncer looked down to the guy again. “You fucking scum,” he said in a deep voice heavily accented in French.

  Not before long, the guy was escorted—or carried, rather—out towards the back entrance of the restaurant by the bouncer, disappearing out of sight. I suspected his punishment was not yet over.

  I turned to face his friends. “I suggest you all fuck off before I get angry again. Nobody wants to see that.”

  The other bouncer, roughly the same size as me, punched his fist into his hand and the remaining guys left swiftly, gathering their semi-conscious friend that I’d hit earlier.

  I looked at the bouncer and he looked at me for a long moment before subtly nodding and leaving to follow the guys to the front entrance, making sure they left.

  “I can’t believe you did that,” Lonette said, glaring at me. “You’re a psycho.”

  I grit my teeth and kept my mouth closed.

  “We’re leaving. You coming, Scarlett?” Raven said, her expression and tone indicating that she shared the same sentiments as Lonette.
  It wasn’t until then that I noticed Scarlett was still holding onto my arm. Her grip was tight, and when I looked down at her, her gaze was hard. Yet, it wasn’t directed at me.

  “Just go. I’ve had enough of you two,” she said, waving towards the front entrance.

  My heart sped. She was taking my side? She wasn’t afraid of me?

  The sneers on Raven’s and Lonette’s faces deepened.

  “You’re choosing him over us?” Raven said, shaking her head and turning her nose up at me. “You’re just desperate.”

  “Fuck both of them. Let’s go,” Lonette said.

  With angry huffs, the two of them locked arms and headed for the door.

  Scarlett sighed and leaned against my shoulder, giving me a quick hug.

  She knew I was just doing my job, keeping her safe.

  So many emotions ran through me, I could hardly make sense of them.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I said, putting my arm around her.



  I reluctantly let go of my grip on Travis’s strong arm as our car was brought to the front of the restaurant. He gently pushed the valet aside as he approached us after taking the keys from him. He opened the passenger door for me, his eyes not moving from my face for an instant.

  I stepped towards the car and paused, looking up at him. He had done what no other man had ever done for me before—protecting me without so much as a moment’s hesitation. I felt safe whenever Travis was near. And not only did I appreciate him, but I felt incredibly aroused by him too.

  I wanted him badly.

  Before I lost my nerve, I leaned over and kissed him on his lips before ducking to get into the car. The gesture caught him completely off guard, yet he didn’t object…

  A few men near the restaurant entrance stared jealously, but a simple look from Travis as he closed my door ensured they looked elsewhere.

  Evidently, they’d seen his display in the restaurant.

  Travis swiftly got into the driver’s seat. He started the ignition and the powerful Mercedes engine roared to life. The tires squealed as he put the car into drive.

  I put my hand on his thigh as he drove towards our hotel, and he settled his massive hand over mine.

  “Thank you,” I said, my voice husky.

  “You don’t have to thank me. I just wanted to keep you safe.”

  “Still, I want to thank you,” I said. “And once we get back to the hotel, I…I want to thank you properly…” Pushing aside my reservations, I slid my hand up his thigh.

  He moaned gently. “Careful, Scar. I gotta drive.”

  Blushing, I removed my hand.

  He cleared his throat. “I didn’t say move your hand. Keep it right there. Just…be gentle.”

  A smile crept onto my lips. “Whatever you say,” I whispered.

  The five-minute drive seemed agonizingly long, the anticipation of finally getting Travis inside me seeming to distort time.

  Travis parked the car haphazardly and was out of the door in an instant. I saw him throw the car keys at an approaching valet.

  All of a sudden, my door was wrenched open and big, rough hands grabbed me around the waist, pulling me from the car. I ground my hips against his, my sense of shame forgotten as we stood in front of the hotel.

  I stared deeply into his blue eyes for a second, the world around me forgotten.

  A mischievous glint lit his eyes. He smiled, and for the first time, didn’t look menacing.

  Suddenly, he picked me up and put me on his shoulders.

  I squealed in delight.



  I effortlessly tossed Scarlett onto my shoulder, carrying her to the hotel in a fireman's carry. Incredulous eyes stared our way as I carried her towards the elevator, but I didn’t care.

  The bellboy looked at us awkwardly, and then averted his eyes altogether, clearly not sure where to look.

  “Top floor,” I said, hoping the elevator would hurry.

  The bellboy sensibly decided not to follow us in, nor did anyone else.

  The doors slid closed behind us, and I pressed the button for the top floor.

  “You can put me down now,” Scarlett said.

  “Whatever you say, miss.” I lowered her onto my chest, holding her so that her face was in front of mine. She draped her arms over my shoulders and wrapped her legs around my hips. I grabbed her thighs and pulled her closer. Her dress lifted, and I felt the warmth from her seeping through.

  I kissed her gently on the lips, her mouth tasting sweet as she grabbed the back of my neck and caressed me. The smell of her was wonderful—a mixture of her natural scent and musky perfume. I could barely control my desire to rip her clothes off.

  The elevator pinged behind me.

  Our lips still locked, I carried her through the corridor and to her suite.

  She pulled her face away from me and stared into my eyes, her cheeks flushed.

  “I want you to fuck me, Travis. Now,” she said, her voice deep with lust.

  I carried her over to a large ornate desk and swept it clean with one strong brush of my arm. A few items clattered to the floor and something smashed, but I didn’t care.

  I placed her on the desk, opened her legs, and lifted her dress over her hips, revealing her skimpy soaked panties. I could see the shape of her, swollen with arousal.

  I lifted the dress farther, pausing to grab her breasts. I squeezed them together, feeling her hard nipples on my palm as she groaned.

  She tugged at the dress herself, pulling it over her head. Her plump breasts bounced slightly after being released from the confines of her clothing. I grabbed them a second time, the feel of the soft flesh under my tough hands putting me into a trance.

  I slid my hands down her sides and hips, pausing to grab her ass and pushing her legs back as I pushed into her again, teasing. She pushed back, and we ground against each other, rhythm increasing in pace while we locked eyes.

  She was so beautiful.

  I grabbed the top of her panties and slowly pulled them down her legs, my eyes still on hers.

  Completely naked, legs open, sitting on the desk, she stared at me. My gaze wandered down her body, seeing the way she glistened with arousal.

  She ran her hand down her stomach, slipping two fingers into herself. With her eyes half closed, she moaned my name.

  I threw my suit off as quickly as I could. Buttons and fabric ripped as I threw the clothes to the floor and stepped forward, unbuckling my belt, hands shaking with anticipation.

  “Let me,” Scarlett said, jumping off the desk and pushing my hands away. She got down onto her knees and looked up at me as she unfastened the belt, the zipper, and the button of my pants. She then yanked them down in one deft movement.

  Released by my boxer shorts, I sprang up, inches from her face.

  “You’re a big boy,” she said, leaning forward. “Luckily for you, I’ve got wide hips. And a big mouth…”

  I groaned as she took me in her mouth, gently rocking forward and backwards, her tongue circling the tip. Closing my eyes, I put my hands gently on to the back of her head and got lost in the sensation.

  “Fuck, Scarlett. You’re beautiful,” I murmured.


  Travis lifted me again, his strength never ceasing to amaze me. I caressed his chiseled chest, my fingers tracing the route of a faded scar that ran from his collar bone to his abs.

  He placed me back on the desk, and I felt one of his large hands at my thigh while the other grabbed my breast.

  I moaned as he pushed two fingers into me. Strong waves of pleasure flowed through my core as he increased his rhythmic pushing.

  He stood in front of me, completely naked and he looking better than I’d imagined in my fantasies. I longed for him to take me and finally, he obliged.

  His hands went to either of my legs as he pushed them apart and I felt myself open to him.

  He stepped forward
, slowly pushing into me. I felt myself stretch, struggling to accommodate him. There a slight twinge of pain, mixed with the pleasure of a week-long fantasy come to life. He pushed himself into me deeply, grunting with animalistic pleasure and then leaning over to gently bite my neck.

  I’d never felt anything like this before. As I felt him filling me, my knees shuddered. Without breaking stride, he kissed my neck and kept his hips pressed into mine.

  I grabbed his shoulders. “Travis,” I moaned.

  He groaned in response.

  “Fuck me, Travis. Hard,” I said, my voice a strained whisper.

  He leaned in to kiss me deeply as he slid back, almost exiting me. Then all of a sudden, he deeply pushed himself back in. Intense waves of pleasure built inside of me as his pace slowly increased.

  The ecstasy in my belly increased as he went harder and faster, his hips slapping against my skin. I scratched his back with my fingernails, and my breasts pushed against his chest, erect nipples pressing against his muscled frame.

  It was almost too good. The pleasure was unbearable. Tension built within me, rising into my core in an unstoppable wave.

  My face contorted as I leaned into Travis, pushing him deeper into me. His moans were loud in my ear. I convulsed with pleasure, the waves of sensation radiating from him becoming almost painful in their intensity. I screamed as I orgasmed, quivering and clenching with each wave of tension.

  “Oh fuck!” I screamed as the orgasm built to a crescendo. I’d never cum like this before.

  Travis slowed as my orgasm faded. He looked down at me, his blue eyes wide with pleasure and his jaw clenched.

  “Your turn,” I said. I wanted to see him orgasm now.

  He was still inside of me, though he’d slowed down to a steady push. “I’m gonna fuck you real hard now, Scarlett,” he said, almost like a warning.

  My whole body tingled in response.

  He turned into an animal in an instant, fucking me harder and faster, concentrating solely on his intense need.


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