Pregnant By A Bad Boy: A Dramatic Urban BWWM Romance Novel

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Pregnant By A Bad Boy: A Dramatic Urban BWWM Romance Novel Page 12

by Cookie Jones

  When I felt his fingers over my jumping pulse and his thumb at the base of my throat I wanted to jump out of my seat and have him take me on the office couch. Nick’s tongue licked into my mouth and caressed mine and I let out a sort of whimpering moan. Then he broke the kiss suddenly and took a step away from me.

  “Sorry, I don’t—I didn’t want to end up…having sex with you on your desk,” he said and I giggled. “You deserve a bubble bath with rose petals or like a bed of…rose petals and like angels singing in the background…” I laughed even harder and he grinned at me.

  “I don’t know; what if I like the idea of you fucking me on the desk?” I asked. Yes, it was completely uncharacteristic but the need was coursing through my veins like a drug and pretty much anything went. Nick stared at me with wide eyed shock and I smirked.

  “I’d never…in a million years ever expect that out of your mouth,” he said, but his voice had gotten all low and husky and he was looking at my shirt as if he wanted to tear it off. Or at least that was what I hoped he was thinking. Then his eyes fell down to the pencil skirt I wore and my legs.

  “Shit, Clary…” he grumbled then walked over to the doors and locked them before he came back over to me and picked me up from the chair and sat me down on the desk.

  He was careful to move certain things aside before he pushed up my skirt and spread my legs so he could step in between them. Nick pushed off my blazer and tilted his head to trail kisses along my neck. I hiked my fingers into the waistband of his slacks to pull him closer. I needed friction, pressure, warmth and I needed it all at once. I was already panting and he had barely touched me.

  “Nick, I—” he shushed me and then pressed his lips to mine before he got on his knees and pulled my panties off. He was tall enough that his shoulders came up to my knees, even though I was up on the desk. My breath hitched when he started caressing my legs and kissing my calves.

  “Have I ever told you how fucking sexy your legs are?” he asked and I shook my head. “I love your legs,” he murmured and then ran his hands up to my inner thighs.

  I braced myself on the desk as he pushed my legs open a little further and pulled my hips forward. Then his mouth finally found my core. He slid his tongue along the seam and then against my sensitive folds. My entire body seemed to quake when his tongue circled around my clit and my head fell back when he slid one finger into me. Nick pressed against my g-spot and I whimpered as the pleasure coursed through my veins like some potent drug. My palms were sweaty on the desk and I ran the risk of slipping the more he licked my clit and thrust his finger into me. My legs were stiffening and my back arched as the pleasure built and built. But then out of nowhere he stopped.

  “Nick!” I protested and he shushed me with a chuckle.

  I glared at him and he had the nerve to smirk and kiss my inner thigh. I watched him suck his finger clean while my body was like a tuning fork, humming with the need to orgasm. I was panting while I watched him unbuckle his slacks and pull out his cock which was definitely erect and straining. He pulled me forward a bit and then slid slowly inside. I arched into him and couldn’t help my moan, he filled me up so perfectly and reached deep. My entire body seemed to liquefy.

  “Oh my God,” I breathed and Nick wrapped his arms around me, holding me up while he thrust into me until I had a death grip on his shoulders and lost all sense of time and space.

  The orgasm hit me hard and Nick had to kiss me to drown out my cries from pleasure. Nick came shortly after I did, he cursed against my lips and his pace got wild until he stilled and shuddered under my palms. I rested my head against his shoulder and we stayed like that for a little while.

  “Clary…” he said eventually and I hummed. “Will people come looking for you soon?” he asked and I straightened a little so I could look at him. Nick’s features were guarded and I had no idea what brought it on.

  “I guess so…” I said and he slowly pulled out of me and then grabbed some tissues from the box on my desk to clean us both up. Nick helped me get back into my panties and he straightened my clothes and such. “Nick, what’s wrong?” I asked him when I saw he wasn’t snapping out of whatever mood he was in.

  “Nothing, are you okay, you feel okay?” he asked and I nodded.

  “I feel great actually,” I said with a smirk and Nick smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes.

  I didn’t get it, one second he was passionate and then the next…? He stayed with me to eat the food we had almost forgotten about, but didn’t say much. All I could think was that I was right, having sex with Nick was a bad idea that only led to complication and confusion. After Nick left with an awkward hug goodbye, I buried my face in my hands and groaned. That was so not how things should have gone. I should’ve just stopped things after he kissed me and tried to salvage our lunch; who knew what Nick was thinking after all of that. I didn’t even want to go home after work anymore.

  I forced myself to focus on my job while I was there and I stayed late to make up for the weekend of ignoring things. Then Gina called me around eight-thirty and I smacked my forehead. I hadn’t told her about the baby, what if she heard from my mom or something? I’d have an ear full that’s for sure. I answered on the second ring.

  “Hey, Gin—”

  “Don’t hey Gina nothing, you’re pregnant and you didn’t tell me!” she exclaimed and I had to hold the phone away from my ear briefly.

  “Gina, a lot has been going on since I found out, I’m sorry. I mean, of course I would have told you…” I said in an apologetic tone.

  “You would have told me when you remembered that you had a best friend. Or am I not your best friend any longer? Please tell me I’m the godmother, if I’m not the godmother, I will kill you. Also the baby is going to be one fourth Jewish by association,” she ranted and I couldn’t help but laugh. “But seriously, Clary…Nick knocked you up?” she said and I chuckled, but rolled my eyes at hearing his name.

  “Yeah…he knocked me up. I was a one night stand and I got knocked up,” I said as the reality dawned on me.

  “But he’s there in New York, he’s helping you out right?” she asked hopefully.

  “Yeah, he is…he’s looking for a place and a job; right now he’s staying in my guest suite,” I said and Gina paused on the other line.

  “You have Nicholas Price staying in your guest bedroom while you’re in the same house being racked by pregnancy hormones…?” Her tone was skeptical and I answered slowly.


  “So the real question is, have you had sex with him again?” she said and I sighed. Gina knew me too well. Just…too well.

  “We had sex again today…in my office at work…on my desk,” I said and she gasped in true dramatic Gina fashion.

  “You’re shitting me! You, Clary Clarice Richards, had office desk sex at your job? He’s changed you,” she said and I laughed again and wiped tears from the corners of my eyes.

  “I know, I think it’s the hormones, they’re making me act all…not how I’d normally act. But then after we did it he like completely withdrew and things got awkward and now I’m scared to go home and face more awkwardness.”

  “You have to go home eventually, Clary. Just face him head on, ask him what the hell is up,” she said and I sighed.

  “You know how I hate confrontation,” I mumbled and Gina sucked on her teeth.

  “You have to woman up, if you let the awkwardness fester between you two, who knows what effect it could have on his decision to stick around for the baby,” she said and I could see what she was saying. Though I doubted things would get that bad. “So before you go home I have some news for you,” she said in a singsong voice and I perked up.

  “This sounds like happy news, what is it?”

  “Well, you know how your mom and I talk like every week or so, she called me today and I was telling her how Columbia was starting up a pediatrics program for their cardio department and they want me to be one of the doctors on the team at NY P

  “Columbia is in the city!” I said excitedly and we had an insanely girly moment of excited squealing and planning on the things we’d do around town once we lived close to each other again.

  “Yeah, so that’s when your mom got all excited and was telling me how it was great I was moving to the city because I can help you with the baby when they aren’t there,” she said and I winced.

  “I’m sorry, Gina, I really was going to tell you and of course you’re going to be the godmother,” I said.

  “It’s going to be a couple of weeks before I fully move out there, but I’ll be there soon and whenever Nick is acting crazy we can both put him in his place,” she said and I wondered what kind of guy it would take to handle all of Gina’s…Gina-ness. We talked for a while more and by the time I got off of the phone with her it was almost nine, and Nick called…I let it ring four times before I finally decided to answer.

  “Hi, Nick,” I said almost cautiously. Then I heard Gina’s voice in the back of my mind telling me to woman up.

  “Hey, just calling to see where you are?” he said in an easygoing tone that threw me off a little.

  “I’m still at work, about to get going…can we talk about earlier?” I asked him and he took a deep breath.

  “Yeah, we should talk about that…when you get home?” he asked.

  “Sure, I should be there in, like, half an hour or less if traffic is okay,” I said then we ended the call shortly after. I went about packing up my rolling briefcase and then headed home. Before I walked into my apartment I took a deep breath, then unlocked the door and walked in to the smell of something delicious cooking. It was all oregano and pasta sauce and garlic.

  “Hey, I’m making chicken Parmesan,” Nick said when I walked into view of the kitchen. I set my stuff down by the coffee table then walked over to the stove. “No peeking until its ready,” Nick said when I went to look into the oven.

  “It smells great,” I said and he smiled.

  “It’ll taste even better,” he said and then handed me a wine glass, it had what looked like red wine inside and I quirked my eyebrow at him.

  “You do know I’m pregnant, right?” I asked.

  “Yeah, it’s grape juice,” he said and I laughed then took a sip. It didn’t taste like pure grape juice, more like some fruit juice concoction.

  “So can I look forward to you cooking like this all the time?” I asked and he chuckled.

  “Yeah, if you want...but also I’m just trying to impress you,” he said and I set the wine glass down on the counter and prepared myself for ‘the talk.’

  “I don’t know what happened today in the office,” I said and he rubbed the back of his neck guiltily.

  “I…for a long time I’ve been on the road, going from city to city, mostly partying and hooking up with girls that didn’t mean too much to me. I was running from a life of commitment and responsibility and…baggage. Then you happened and the baby and all of a sudden I want to commit and I’m excited about the baby and having a job and…it was all just overwhelming after we did what we did in your office. I didn’t know I was capable of this complete turn around and it freaked me out a little, but I’ve accepted how I feel now, a hundred percent.”

  I was a little taken aback at Nick’s admission. He had spoken earnestly and he was standing super close to me, like if I arched my back my boobs would brush his chest close. Then he was gazing at me with his green eyes, all hopeful and I really didn’t know what to say.

  “You like me?” I asked and Nick cracked a smile and then he laughed. The sound was soft and warm.

  “Yeah, I ‘like’ you, Clary,” he chuckled and then brushed a stray hair out of my face before cupping my cheek in his hand. “I like you like you,” he said softly before he bent his head and pressed his lips to mine.

  “Oh…okay then,” I said in a whisper when he pulled back and he chuckled.

  “So how about dinner?” he asked and I nodded.

  “Yes, please, I’m starved,” I said and he checked the chicken in the oven.

  “It’ll be a few more minutes, in the meantime do you want to see my portfolio?” he asked and seemed excited to show me.

  “Yeah, let me see,” I said and he took me to the third bedroom, which I had set up as an office; it was at the very end of the hall. On the wall near the door was a huge portfolio case and Nick went about taking out his drawings and laying them out on the floor.

  “All of these have been made into, like, 3-D models too, but that’s on the computer,” he said and I studied each building sketch.

  Nick was more inclined to drawing modern homes and buildings; the were cool and some designs played on asymmetry, which made them look like buildings of the future.

  “Wow, this is…this is great, Nick, I think you’ll be a shoe in for that job,” I told him and he smiled proudly, his chest a little puffed up, too.

  “I can only hope so. But you like it?” he asked and I nodded.

  “Yeah, definitely, it’s amazing.”

  I sat down on the floor to study some of the drawings more closely and Nick explained to me what he was going for and used a bunch of architect terms he also had to explain. We’d gotten so distracted that we forgot about dinner until I smelled something was burning.

  “Nick, the chicken!” I said and he cursed then sprinted to the kitchen. I laughed and followed him out, but secretly hoped the kitchen wasn’t burning down.

  “So yeah…the chicken is ruined,” Nick said after he pulled the smoking oven dish out and turned on the vent over the stove to try and funnel out the burnt smell.

  “I’ve got a good Italian place on speed dial,” I said and Nick turned to me, pouting and I had to giggle.

  “I wanted to cook for you and have you be turned on by my skills,” he pouted and I walked over to him and pulled him in for a hug.

  “You don’t have to cook to turn me on, trust me. Don’t worry, next time just remember to set a timer,” I told him and he kissed my neck affectionately before reaching into his back pocket for his cell.

  “So what’s that number for the takeout?” he asked and I leaned forward to kiss him on the mouth.

  “Can we wait on the takeout for a little while?” I asked in a low voice and kissed him again, that time slower.

  “Um…hell yeah,” he said in a husky voice then picked me up in an easy motion and carried me off to the bedroom.



  I felt like all was right with the world when I woke up the next day and had Clary sleeping next to me. Even better, she was completely naked and I knew for a fact she was sated from all we did the night before. As I studied her peaceful features, the cave man in me beat his drum and chanted, ‘mine, mine, mine’ over and over again. I wasn’t sure how Clary felt about me, though she knew how I felt about her. Clary’s alarm went off and she stirred, her face scrunched up before she even opened her eyes and then she groaned and popped out of bed to run to the bathroom.

  “Throwing up sucks!” she groaned and I went to make sure she was okay. She groaned again when she saw me walk into the bathroom. “Go away, Nick, I don’t look sexy right now,” she complained and I laughed. She was sitting next to the toilet bowl and had her head rested on her arm, a look of misery on her face while she held her stomach with her other arm.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, you are completely naked right now and your boobs are perfect, not to mention those legs…”

  I licked my lips and she laughed, then really started to throw up. I hurried over and held her hair and rubbed her back for good measure. Mostly I didn’t like that I could only wait for her stomach to settle. Hell, if I could take on the morning sickness for her I would.

  “Can you go, please, Nick,” Clary said and I shook my head.

  “Nope, not going,” I said stubbornly and she groaned again.

  Clary was sick for a while that morning and she had convinced me to leave her for a sec so I could call
her assistant Stacy, who had no idea Clary was pregnant. I hoped she was okay with her assistant knowing. By the time I got off of the phone, Clary came shuffling out of the bathroom. She had her robe on and looked like she hated everything she laid eyes on.

  “How do you feel?” I asked and she mumbled something before walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grimacing, then closing it again.

  “My stomach…I don’t think I can handle pasta sauce or tomatoes…or red things anymore.”

  “You sound miserable, maybe you should take the day off from work?” I told her and she shook her head.

  “No, I can’t, I’m working on a big case and I have to meet with Jayce again today…and…” Clary put her head down on the counter and I went over to the fridge to make her a plain bagel with a touch of butter.

  “Do you want to try for ginger ale?”

  “No, just water I think,” she said and sort of dragged herself to the breakfast bar and put her head down.

  “You know the doctor said that if you get really bad morning sickness she can prescribe you something for it.”

  Clary made some mumbling noise in acknowledgment. I gave her the bagel and waited to make myself some bacon and eggs. After Clary ate, she looked a lot better and then went to get ready for work. I could tell that in the last months of the pregnancy she’d have a hard time taking it easy, then I imagined Clary on bed rest and knew I’d probably have to invest in some bed restraints or something.

  “So what time will you be home?” I asked her once she came out of the room all shiny and new.

  “Uh…probably late, around the same time I got home last night,” she said a little apologetically.

  “Alright, I’ll probably hang out with Buddy then while he’s still in town,” I said and then Clary glanced up at me from rummaging around in her purse.

  “Hang out?”

  “Yeah like maybe get a couple of beers or something,” I said and she seemed hesitant for a second.

  “Oh, okay then…well good luck with your project today and thanks for the bagel,” she said and flashed me a quick grin before she was out of the door.


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