Enthrall Her

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Enthrall Her Page 12

by Vanessa Fewings

  “And he’s chosen you. Agreed to transform you. Dedicate his time and effort into seeing you break out of your chrysalis.”

  “And no one else can do this?”

  “No.” She smiled. “Before the butterfly emerges from its cocoon it must first retreat from the world. Next, it becomes completely transparent, revealing everything about itself. It knows to become still, vulnerable, surrender to its metamorphosis and only then when this transformation is complete can it break free from the chrysalis.”

  Ocean waves crashed on the shoreline as a dramatic backdrop to her words.

  Scarlet swept her hand through the air. “The color of your wings will be extraordinary. You will blind those around you with your beauty and you will shine brighter than any star. Cameron will transform you into a masterpiece.”

  All that remained was this breeze and the echo of her meaning.

  “What about Richard?” I whispered.

  “Who placed that collar on your neck?”


  “There’s your answer.” Scarlet held out her glass to me. “Hold this.”

  I took it from her, wanting to believe that I hadn’t burned my bridges and angered Cameron beyond repair.

  If this was the only way to get Richard to love me again…

  “Well Mia.” Scarlet’s voice sounded faint, distant. “What’s your answer?”

  My fingertips traced the diamonds, feeling the snugness of the choker.

  Scarlet held up a black velvet blindfold. “Cameron will expect you to be wearing this.”

  “When?” I said.

  “The moment you surrender completely to him.”


  THIS BEVERLY HILLS manor tucked away on north Alpine Drive was a striking statement of superiority. Having visited Cameron’s cozy Venice Beach property weeks before, I found it a relative understatement for a billionaire. So I wasn’t surprised to find this statement of privilege.

  Exotic foliage surrounded the house, and the fountain in the front was so dramatically lit up it was hard to tell whether it served to welcome or intimidate.

  I’d found the front gate open. A relief considering my taxi had just driven off.

  I’d visited here less than a week ago and Cameron had caught me upon entry. He’d led me up to one of his spare rooms and handcuffed me to his bed. All that had been done in silence.

  In the throes of madness, I’d found my way back. This visit promised to be different on every level. My thoughts tussled with my belief that I was here to get Richard back and at the same time the bright flame that was Cameron lured this wannabe butterfly. This yearning kept me moving towards the house, towards the unknown.

  A walled security camera above the doorway scanned the entryway. My arrival had been noted.

  The front door was open. I removed my coat and flung it over the end of a foyer table, glancing at a stack of letters addressed to Cameron. I rested my handbag there. The only items inside were my comb, makeup, and contraceptive pills. The basics I’d need for my new life. I placed the envelope next to them. It contained my contract, yet to be signed.

  Listening for any sign of life or even a guard dog that I may have missed the first time, I made my way in. The foyer’s checkered black and white marbled flooring oozed masculine power, and that central low hanging chandelier eclipsed everything around it. It swept out of the stucco ceiling and merged with circled larger crystal droplets below, then fell into a perfectly formed V in a decadent beacon of indulgence.

  Paintings hung on stark white walls. A few of them were floor to ceiling in size. The largest of them all was hung on the far left wall and depicted a man being attacked by angels. Dark clouds swarmed around them in a sinful theme, warning about indulging in the taboo. Or maybe I was reading too much into what looked like a Renaissance piece. Maybe it was merely where my head was.

  About to escalate into the forbidden.

  Taking my place in the center of the foyer, I wrapped the black velvet blindfold around my eyes, willing time to pass and my master to find me.

  Other than these high-top stockings, I stood naked in the center, ready to apologize for my outburst at Richard’s party and hoping he’d accept it. Accept me. It had only been one day since my eruption and Cameron’s stark invitation.

  I wanted this above all things.

  These white high-top lace stockings were my last act of rebellion. The current Mia still had some fight left in her, and challenging Cameron pushed all my pleasure buttons. Five inch strappy heels added height to what I hoped would be a regal air, and his diamond encrusted collar felt like it owned each breath, catching each inhalation as though he already possessed me. Merely the thought of him caused exquisite spasms down there and my exposed nipples hardened, the buds peeking through strands of hair cascading over bare shoulders.

  Despite such vulnerability, empowerment wrapped her arms around me and made me feel strong, free even, and in total control of my destiny. Thoughts of what Cameron would do filled me with excitement. An unquenched desire. I’d never felt more ready for him.

  For this.

  My heart thundered in my chest at seeing him again, feeling his hands on me, and hearing his commanding voice. Preparing to fall to my knees and show him my willingness to submit made me lightheaded.

  The muffled sound of laughter. A door opened.

  I ripped off the blindfold and stared in horror at the stunningly beautiful twenty-something woman. Her tall, slim frame was dressed in an elegant evening gown, and her long black hair fell down her back.

  She saw me.

  Oh shitity shit.

  My thoughts raced out of control as I wondered who she was and how she was connected to Cameron. Oh please tell me this isn’t his girlfriend. She was certainly elegant enough to meet his impossible standards. What if she was his current submissive and I was too late? I considered bolting for the door.

  She strolled towards me in slow motion, or so it felt in my dreamy haze of mortification. She was probably Cameron’s type. There was a similarity in those deep chestnut eyes, her refined nose and full lips just as hauntingly beautiful.

  “Hello there,” she said, reaching out to squeeze my arm reassuringly. “Are you one of Dr. Cole’s patients?”

  I shook my head.

  She seemed to cheer at that and she took in my body, showing a mixture of awe and surprise. “Who are you?”

  “His friend?” I struggled to articulate more.

  Her gaze rose and fell over my nakedness.

  The words that would best describe a submissive’s role scuttled away out of reach, hiding behind my fear that she knew nothing of Cameron’s other life.

  “Are you his girlfriend?” she said.

  “You’re not?”

  She giggled. “God, no. That would have been awkward for us. I’m his sister. Is he your beau?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Your boyfriend?”

  I gave a nod.

  Kind of, or maybe that was a no. It was definitely a no.

  “You’re very young,” she said, her cheeks flushing as though only now taking in my nakedness.

  Everything about her screamed privilege, from that confident air to her designer dress that hugged her fine figure and showcased her upper classiness. That refined elegance that the moneyed possessed.

  “I’m Willow.” She held out her hand.

  I shook it. “Mia.”

  “We have to hide you away before—” She spun round to face the door she’d come out of.

  Oh no.

  An elegantly dressed woman of sixty or so closed the door behind her when she saw us. I wanted to run, hide, my embarrassment lighting up my bright red face. My moment of empowerment dissipated.

  I was fricken naked for goodness sake.

  Cameron had told me his family was coming to town. That glass of champagne I’d drunk earlier to calm my nerves had addled my memory and skewered my judgment.

  The older woman neared us,
her elegant shoes clicking on the marble, echoing her strides with short, sharp clips. Her long black skirt fanned around delicate heels, and her blue chenille blouse enhanced her grey-blue eyes. A fine silver necklace caught the light. She emanated class and a regal air of authority.

  If I wasn’t already naked, I’d feel it now.

  “To whom do we have the honor?” she asked calmly, admiring my collar with intrigue.

  “Mia is Cameron’s girlfriend,” said Willow.

  “My dear.” She eyed me with a dignified grace. “You look like you’ve stepped out of the Musée du Louvre.”

  The word ‘sorry’ wouldn’t come, refusing to leave my lips along with all the others that should have been offered to apologize for my presence.

  Willow snapped back to me. “Mia, I’m delighted to introduce you to my Aunt Rose.”

  Oh no.

  Aunt Rose scrutinized me as though assessing the value of a thoroughbred. She didn’t flinch, didn’t blink, and showed no signs of surprise or distaste. These women really did know how to deal with anything. A Cole trait it seemed.

  “Delighted to meet you,” said Aunt Rose as she reached for my hand.

  Her grip was firm, persuasive, and I had a sense of where Cameron’s confidence came from. Even the Cole women were impressively composed.

  “My grandson has exquisite taste. If not emboldened.” She raised her chin. “There you are.”

  Cameron stood a few feet away. I could have sworn he appeared out of nowhere, his ability to sneak up disarming. His beautiful face was a welcome view, and at the same time it was devastating to be caught like this by him.

  His rage was inevitable. His denial he knew me was a real possibility. And I wouldn’t blame him. I’d go along with it. Try to lessen his embarrassment, not to mention my own.

  Cameron’s expression was serene. “I see you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Mia Lauren,” he said, casually tucking his hands into his pockets.

  “She’s quite lovely,” said Aunt Rose.

  “An exquisite find,” said Cameron.

  Aunt Rose turned to him. “Where have you been hiding her?”

  “If I had my way, in a cage,” he muttered.

  “What was that dear?”

  “They just got engaged!” announced Willow. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

  Cameron’s eyebrows rose sharply and he glared at his sister.

  “Willow, you’ve ruined the surprise,” said Aunt Rose. “Look, Cameron was going to announce it over dinner. You stole his thunder. Willow, you are naughty.”

  Willow glared back at her brother, their silent scream shared with each other.

  I felt terrible about the confusion. “Actually, I’m—”

  “She’s sorry she’s late,” said Cameron. “Mia, you’re not forgiven.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” said Aunt Rose. “She’s missed nothing.”

  This was all very surreal, me standing here with nothing on except high-top stockings and a collar and hanging out with Cameron’s relatives like I was at a garden party and my nipples weren’t on show along with my nether region.

  Not five minutes before, I’d been ready to kneel at my new master’s feet and surrender to my fate. Yet my fate was currently staring me down as Cameron’s glare liquefied my insides.

  Aunt Rose turned to study me again. “Cameron, you’ve outdone yourself. She’s extraordinary.”

  “Thank you, aunt,” he said, his glare fierce.

  “A rare beauty.” Aunt Rose affectionately brushed a strand of hair back over my shoulder. “Willow, get some clothes on her before your father sees her and has a coronary.” She turned back to face me. “Mia, welcome to the family. I look forward to getting to know you.”

  In a daze, with Cameron’s hand gripping my upper right arm, I was escorted up the sweeping staircase and away from the foyer. Willow followed and both she and Cameron held an uncomfortable silence until we were in one of the bedrooms. The same one I’d been handcuffed in three nights ago.

  Cameron dragged a soft throw off the bed and wrapped it around my shoulders. He pointed to the bed. “Sit.”

  With all confidence lost, I did as he commanded while watching the brother and sister dynamics in fascination and with gratitude the focus was no longer on me.

  I’d really fucked up.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” said Willow to Cameron. “I saved you.” She poked his chest with her well manicured fingertip.

  “Willow, you’ve confused saving with sabotaging,” he said.

  She looked defiant. “You had a naked woman in your foyer. I had to come up with something.”

  “I am here,” I said.

  Cameron threw me a glare.

  Feeling the full force of his annoyance, I flinched, wondering if now was a good time to make an exit. Though the threat of bumping into other family members made me sit still.

  “I had to think on my feet,” said Willow.

  “Stupidity is a close cousin of dangerous,” said Cameron.

  She rested balled fists on her hips. “Where’s my thank you?”

  “Why did you have to tell Aunt Rose we’re engaged? Mom will know immediately we’re lying. Father will be on my case all night.”

  She lit up with excitement. “Tell them you’re having the ring designed by Robert Procop.”

  “You’ve lost your mind.” Cameron blinked at her. “Trust me, I’m an expert on this. Your brain’s not firing on all cylinders.”

  “You’re the great professor.” She smiled mischievously. “You’ll think of something.”

  “Go and get her one of your dresses,” he seethed, glancing at my feet. “Something to match her shoes. You’re about the same size.”

  “Oh Mia,” she said. “I’m so happy you’re here. These things are so tedious, and now I have a friend to hang out with. You are so much fun.” She blew a kiss to her brother and disappeared.

  Cameron paused, staring at the carpet.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  Cameron went to speak and then paused, commanding even the silence. His thoughts took him away from me.

  A knock came at the door.

  Willow entered with an elegant black dress on a hanger. “How’s this?”

  “You had to pick the sexiest thing in your wardrobe?” said Cameron.

  Willow looked hurt. “It’s Stella McCartney.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I said.

  Willow brightened and smiled back at her brother. “See.”

  Cameron stepped towards her. “Thank you.”

  “The only reason I’m not wearing it,” she said, “is because Daddy disapproves of me wearing anything off the shoulder.”

  Cameron closed his eyes for a second. “Willow, you’ve outdone yourself. Now run along and let Mia get dressed.”

  “It’s not like I haven’t seen her naked,” said Willow, looking like she wanted to hang out with us a little longer.

  “Mia and I need a moment,” he said. “We’ll rejoin you in a few minutes.”

  She waved goodbye and I watched my lifeline leave the room. Cameron made his way over to the door and locked it.

  “I am so sorry,” I said, again. “Truly I am.”

  “For what?”

  I gestured to my outfit, or lack of it.

  “Other than wearing stockings, you obeyed. A punishment will find its way to you no doubt for that particular indiscretion.” He tilted his head. “Your timing was… interesting. Timing is something I can teach you.”

  “Did I embarrass you?”

  He blinked at me as though assessing my words.

  “Your aunt?” I said.

  “Did she look embarrassed to you?”

  “Well…not exactly.”

  “My aunt was a nurse in the Vietnam War, so you’d have to do a lot worse to ever get a rise out of her.” Cameron caressed his brow. “We’re going to have to make it look like we’re lovers, Mia.”

  I gave a sharp nod.

  “We can
pull this off. It’s doable. We just have to be convincing. I don’t want my aunt disappointed.” He shrugged. “She’s open-minded but won’t tolerate lies.”

  “Of course.”

  “I love my sister, but God, Willow is incorrigible.”

  There came a little guilty relief that Cameron’s wrath was redirected at Willow. Even with his family present, Cameron oozed enough intensity to power a city. Or entire country for that matter.

  “I can act affectionate towards you,” I reassured him.

  His stare found mine. “In a couple of weeks I’ll inform them we called the engagement off. I’ll tell them it was you and not me. They’ll expect it. It will come as no surprise.”

  “You’ve been engaged before?” I wanted to learn more, see beyond the wall thrown up before Cameron.

  “Get up,” he said.

  I pushed myself to my feet and glanced over at the off the shoulder black dress.

  “Not yet,” he said. “Come here.”

  Staring up at him, I felt small, vulnerable even.

  As though sensing this, he took my hands in his. “Richard printed you off another copy of the contract?”

  “It’s on the table in the foyer. In a white envelope.”

  “You consent to everything?”

  I gave a sharp nod, not ready to tell him yet that form still awaited both our signatures.

  “If you give yourself over to me completely, I will give you the world, Mia.”

  “I only want to please you.”

  “Be sure you do.” He let go. “I will see to it that when the time comes for me to return you to your master, you will rule his heart.” There came that glint of emotion, though it was quickly gone. “Mia, you are about to cross a psychological threshold unlike any other.”

  “I want this more than anything.”

  He looked menacing. “I will take you further than you have gone before. What will be left of you is that which you do not believe exists within you. I will destroy you. I will burn away this façade and I will reveal the true Mia.”

  I gave a slow, steady nod as my mind raced after his words, causing a rift in my mind, a need within me pushed out by anticipation.

  “By the time I’ve finished with you,” he said, “you won’t know which way is up or which way is down.”


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