Enthrall Her

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Enthrall Her Page 24

by Vanessa Fewings

  My lesson began and I didn’t do too badly, considering I really was such a newbie to this sport, or any for that matter, having never participated in any athletics before. Other than running in school.

  Cage had to be playing at fifty percent because there was no sign of any competitiveness, merely a focused instructor. He went over how to hold my racket correctly, how to hit a ground stoke from behind the baseline to land it deep in the court over the other side, and how to get my opponent to stay behind their baseline to prevent them from attacking. After I’d gotten used to my strike zone, I actually found it easier to hit the ball over the net.

  I couldn’t wait to tell Bailey and Tara about my new adventure. Hell, I might even challenge them to a game if I got good at this. Maybe I’d even get to play with Cameron, but something told me he’d be amazing at this. The thought of having to face off with him made me miss a ball.

  “Focus, Mia,” shouted Cage from the other side of the net.

  Sorry, I was busy musing about what kind of punishment I have coming from the man paying your salary. He’s kind of a delicious distraction.

  Those hours I’d spent cycling my bicycle around Studio City when I’d lived in my dinky apartment were coming in handy. It turned out I wasn’t as unfit as I’d suspected. Even Dominic, who sat patiently on the sidelines, seemed pleasantly surprised when I hit the ball.

  It made me wonder what other activities Cameron had arranged. This wasn’t so much a finishing school as a starting one. For me anyway. I was being groomed, and despite my ego taking a battering, there came a smidgen of pride.

  I, Mia Lauren, was playing tennis at one of the swankiest clubs in Los Angeles and had my very own personal instructor. And from the way Dominic’s eyes never left Cage, he too was impressed that Mr. Universe didn’t work up a sweat. That, and Dominic’s obvious crush.

  My first class was a success.

  Jumping up and down in exhilaration, I shouted, “Wimbledon, here I come!”

  Which amused Dominic and Cage, and they laughed alongside me. I was informed that my next lesson would be in two days. This was going to be a regular occurrence.

  Taking a dip in the enormous pool was my next activity. I was so excited to be swimming that I giggled for the first four laps, much to Dominic’s annoyance. He had again chosen my bikini and again he sat close, though this time on a lounger while sipping Sangria.

  Taking another lap, my attention drifted to the large house and I considered how it could be transplanted to England, to rest amongst their rolling landscapes, the ones I’d read about in Richard’s coffee table books. He’d promised to take me to Britain and I couldn’t wait for our trip. Maybe Cameron would come along too. He’d told me he had a club in London. Maybe all three of us could visit together?

  My thoughts wandered further to the scariest place of all: the future. Would Richard be pleased with how my training had turned out? Would these new skills I was learning endear me more to him?

  A housekeeper opened one of the upper bedroom windows. The place was coming alive with staff in preparation for the arrival of guests. I wondered how long before I’d be allowed to wander about unaccompanied. I really enjoyed Dominic’s company, but it was starting to feel like I had a babysitter. Maybe Cameron was nervous I’d leave while he was away. I really had meant it when I’d told him I wanted to be here.

  After swimming thirty lengths or so, I joined Dominic at poolside and dried off with the plush towel he’d gotten ready for me. I wrapped a fresh one around my waist. The Californian sunshine made it possible for us to eat lunch out here, beneath this dark green awning. Hungry from my morning’s activities, I devoured my shrimp salad and actually finished eating before Dominic.

  “Look!” I pointed to the two elegant peacocks cresting the lawn.

  Their blue necks and heads contrasted with the lush grass. Upon their tails was a spectacular spray of color.

  “There they are,” said Dominic. “Wait till you see the male dance. He’s quite the show off.”

  “They’re beautiful,” I said. “Everything here is beautiful.”

  “Are you aching yet?” he asked. “That was quite a match with Cage. You really gave him a run for his money.”

  “The swim helped.” Raising my glass, I took a sip of Sangria. “So will this. Jeez, Dominic, I can’t keep this up or I’ll turn into a lush.”

  “It’s your first day. We wanted to spoil you. You’ll have to get used to being pampered. It’s what we do here.”

  “You’re all being very nice.”

  “Think of yourself like a racehorse, my dear. You’re the master’s property. Truly, his most prized possession. I’ve never seen Dr. Cole so eager to discipline a sub.”

  Resting my glass against my lips, I stared at him, speechless.

  “Don’t look so abashed,” he said. “You’re the one who went looking for your collar.”

  That much was true, but comparing me to animal stock was humiliating. Yet the thrill of Cameron considering me his prized possession softened the blow. Dominic had merely been tasked with watching over the goods, it seemed.

  He glanced at his watch. “You have a ninety minute massage in the spa at 2PM.”

  “A massage?”

  “Let’s make our way over there now,” he said. “It’s time to get pummeled within an inch of your life.”

  “Will it be one of those hot stone massages?”

  “I’m sure we can request that.” Dominic swept his hand wide across the silhouette of the house. “Mia, if you haven’t already figured it out, you soon will. Anything is possible here. Absolutely anything.”


  WAKING FROM MY doze, I looked around to get my bearings.

  That’s right, I’d been pampered with hot stones for the last hour and a half. My achy muscles had been warmed and relaxed and I truly knew the meaning of spoiled. This, along with my sporting activity from earlier and that tall glass of Sangria, had all done their part to make me drowsy.

  The soothing scent of sandalwood filled the air. I swung my legs around from the massage table and reached for my glass of lemon water, the ice now melted. I took several refreshing sips. My eyes adjusted to the low shadowy lighting. Soft music flowed from hidden speakers, all lending a high-end air. A candle burned in the corner. The black and white print of Chrysalis’s symbolic shield encased within a black frame served as a reminder that a submissive was in here at their master’s discretion.

  The post nap grogginess lifted and a slow, steady dread seeped in.

  What the hell was the time?

  I leaped off the table and scrambled into the terry cloth gown, my inner clock sensing it was late afternoon. I ran through the empty reception and caught sight of the wall clock pointing to 4:15PM.

  Oh no.

  Gripped by terror, I bolted out of there, hoping with every cell in my body that traffic had slowed Cameron down. I sprinted down the hallway.

  Then I burst into his office.

  Oh fuckerty, fuck.

  I paused in the doorway, frozen by his austere glare. Cameron leaned back against his office desk, his arms folded as though he’d been in this pose awhile.


  “I’m sorry,” I burst out. “I fell asleep.” My eyes flitted to his desk and I caught sight of a glint of diamonds. My collar sat next to the whip I was meant to be holding.

  Cameron turned his head to look at it. Though the frown that followed hinted I may not be getting it back today. Or maybe never. He really looked pissed.

  Quickly, I shut the door and moved towards him, shrugging out of this terry cloth gown and letting it fall behind me, leaving me naked. I dropped to my knees and bowed my head low.

  “Too little, too late,” he said darkly. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “And how do you propose to do that?”

  “A punishment of your choosing, Sir?”

  “As opposed to your choosing?”
r />   “What I meant was—”


  “But I have to explain.” I looked up at him. “I had a tennis lesson. Thank you for that by the way, and then I went swimming. And then Dominic took me to the spa for a massage—”

  “Mia,” snapped Cameron, “My interest ends right where those details begin.”

  Silence actually was a good idea.

  “I hate being late,” he said. “So you can only imagine how irked I am when I set an appointment and it is broken. My time is valuable.”

  My tears welled as frustration set in. He was right. Cameron had been so kind to me today and I’d selfishly only thought of myself.

  “Stand up,” he said.

  Rising to my feet, I considered running out of there and finding the sanctuary of my bedroom. Cameron grabbed my arm, proving there was no escape now as he dragged me towards the back. He reached up high onto his toes and grabbed a long dangling chain attached to the center of a four foot horizontal bar. A padded leather cuff sat at each end.

  Instead of fear, all I felt was relief that Cameron would punish me and then perhaps return to the kinder version of my master. His jaw tensed in frustration, that severe expression of fury revealing his sternness wasn’t letting up anytime soon.

  Yielding to his tug on my arms, I let him pull my hands out, stretching them wide to either side of the bar and securing my wrists into the leather cuffs before pulling the straps tight. He stood back, his stare sweeping from my toes to my head as though assessing his next move.

  Despite this rousing excitement at being at his mercy, I hoped there wouldn’t be too much pain. Blinking through these stirring emotions, I tried to control this heady fevered flush, this low ache in my belly. He brushed his hand over my cheek and I swooned at the welcome touch of affection. A show of kindness I yearned for.

  Cameron left me hanging. He ambled over to a dark paneled cabinet and within seconds music flowed. Rock blared through hidden speakers.

  My master was back before me.

  “Permission to speak,” I said.

  He paused, as though mulling over my request.

  “I really am sorry,” I blurted. “Please forgive me.”

  “It’s under consideration,” he said. “Do you rile me up on purpose?”

  “No, never, Sir.”

  “Mia, I give you all this.” He swept his hands wide. “All of it. Whatever is mine is yours. And in exchange I get you. It’s quite simple. All that I ask is your obedience.”

  “I only want to please you, Sir.” And really I did, yet in pleasing him my heart selfishly soared.

  His touch returned, his hand lifting my chin, sending shivers, a pulse of pleasure, yet he’d done nothing yet.

  Cameron’s expression was full of longing. “My submissive.” He made it sound so beautiful, so full of promise.


  “I’m going to use a bull whip on you. Your behavior calls for it.” He strolled with the elegance of a panther, his hand reaching for a long whip, its handle made up of thick crisscrossed leather. He carried it back to me.

  “Thank you, Sir.” I exhaled in a rush, eyeing it suspiciously.

  Cameron dragged the end across my lips. “I do believe this may prevent any further episodes of lateness.”

  With him standing behind me now, I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the first sting. His fingertips dug into my shoulder and he dragged his nails down my spine, pausing on my butt to clench it firmly. His hand lifted…

  The snap stung like hell and I yelped after the air came back into my lungs.

  When another strike came, I flinched forward and lost my footing, but the bar prevented my fall. The whip struck again, though this time softer, merely causing a warm tingle across the back of my thighs. When the whip snapped against my sex I jolted upward, gasping at the shock of pleasure. He worked a steady rhythm, a hypnotic whipping and stroking as he marked my body, leaving red welts that tingled deliciously. My skin warmed beneath each contact, awakening.

  To think I’d believed the horse whip was harsh. This was taking punishment to an entirely new level. Its snap was like a sharp edged sword striking my body. I gritted my teeth, determined to prove I was strong enough for this.

  When it became too much, I gave a thin cry, “Mercy, Sir.”

  He halted, merely patting my sex with the end of the whip and quite possibly using this to show his approval that I willingly accepted my discipline.

  He resumed whipping, establishing a rhythm, a tempo that was easy to fall into. My mind focused on each and every strike and forgot everything else, pushing out all rogue thoughts, all reasoning…

  “We ease pain with pain.” came my silent mantra.

  I rocked with the pain. Breathed with the pain. Until all that was left was liberation.

  Exhilaration swept over me that I’d found a pathway into my master’s life. All the roads I could have taken, yet I’d ended up here, fate leading me to this, Cameron’s perfectly timed touches of both leather and hand ethereal.

  Nothing came close to this.

  His hands running up and down my body took their time to explore, alighting nerves, stirring senses, until there came an explosion of shocking sensations as his firm caresses ignited this quickening, this aliveness.

  An indescribable centering of body and mind.

  Cupping my breasts, he tweaked my nipples, aiding their pertness, sending twinges of delight through each one. The pinches sent spasms of bliss right into my sex.

  This dampness between my thighs proved his touch was perfection. Letting out a long protracted moan, I swung towards him, desperate for my body to be against his.

  “Very good,” he said.

  I arched my back, pressing my breasts farther into his hands, my thoughts having long ago scattered from reach. All that I wanted in this moment was him, his guidance, his commanding of me, and I gave myself over willingly, my eyes sharing that which he seemed to already know.

  “I’m going to lower you to the floor,” he said. “Sit.”

  After doing as I was told, the chain slackened above and I watched in fascination as Cameron unhooked my wrists. There came a sense of loss, right up to the point when he used those same shackles to secure my ankles.

  It happened fast. The chain pulled at a dramatic rate upward. My body lifted off the floor feet first. The room now hung upside down. My legs spread wide, making my sex easily accessible. My arms stretched down towards the ground and my fingertips were inches from the carpet. Locks of my hair covered my face.

  If it was possible to be thrilled and terrified at the same time, this was it.

  Cameron tested the cuffs tautness around my ankles, as though checking I was safely entrapped. He gave several hard slaps to my butt. The sting sent short sharp bursts of thrills into my core. He was behind me now, doing nothing, merely watching, waiting, taking his time as though letting my anticipation grow.

  How quickly words fell away. How easily time no longer mattered.

  Cameron ran his hand between my thighs, a finger trailing along my wet sex. “Good girl.” He slapped it. “But I do believe you can do better.”

  I moaned. “Yes, Sir.”

  This was the true meaning of vulnerable. This was subjugation in all its glory. The blood surging into my head caused elation. This floating was overwhelming, this and the hypnotic stimulation Cameron was bringing to my clit with his steady strokes.

  “Release will only be permitted if you please me, Mia. If you obey.”

  My teeth dug into my lower lip; I’d do whatever he asked.

  The inverted image of Cameron walked back to his desk. From there, he fetched a long box and made his way back to me. “You will silently endure this. Do you understand?”

  Crooking my neck forward and swinging slightly to better see, I caught sight of what looked like a pearl necklace. Only the beads were fewer in number and larger. My breath hitched when Cameron’s fingers explored me, easing apart my swollen lips, and
slowly he inserted the line of balls into my vagina. Soft spasms encircled them, my pussy eagerly welcoming this fullness, this delicate process made easier with his expert flicking of my clit in-between inserting each ball.

  With my ankles shackled and spread wide and fixed in their bindings, it was hopeless to struggle, or even try to close my thighs. I was hopelessly his to do with what he willed.

  I reached out for Cameron’s legs and rested my head against them, hugging him into me to try to find solace. This stretching within created pulsing waves of ecstasy.

  “I do not remember giving you permission to touch me,” he said.

  I let go and swung back. He caught me, stilling the chain.

  Leaving the beads in, Cameron resumed whipping me, sending me further into a trance. He circled around me like a predator stalking his captured prey. The slice of pain balanced out these delicious ripples of bliss inside me. The soft end of the whip struck my sex repeatedly, sending shockwaves down the string of spheres, and he tapped rhythmically as though reading each and every response, pausing just shy of my release.

  He threw down the whip. “Ready, Mia?”

  Cameron’s fingers neared my sex and he gave the beads a gentle tug, pulling them out slowly, the balls bursting out one by one. I gasped and shuddered with the blissfulness of them leaving my body, like a sensuous massage deep inside, rippling along my channel and out. My pussy instinctively tried to hold onto each one. My groan echoed, only muffled by the music.

  “Oh,” I moaned my joy.

  “You will remain silent,” he demanded, and again began the process of filling my vagina with the beads. Tension built as his fingers worked their magic. In-between inserting those welcome balls, he kneaded my clit, pushing me to the brink.

  Tranced out, beholden to his gentle fondling, I lost count of the times he inserted those beads inside me and then pulled them out again, bringing a delectable sensation of an impending climax that never was. He merely left a delightful rippling as he tugged those beads from me.

  With the beads fully inserted yet again, Cameron’s mouth met my clit, his tongue sending me hurtling to the edge, dazzled and unbidden, and I cried out, begging him to let me come.


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