Enthrall Her

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Enthrall Her Page 28

by Vanessa Fewings

  He paused mid thrust and leaned on his elbows and peered down at me. “If I make you come hard, will you forgive me?”

  “I’ll consider it.”

  “Consider it, Sir,” he corrected.

  “Sir,” I added through gritted teeth.

  He slid out of me and there was a terrible emptiness.

  “Sir.” I grasped his arms. “I forgive you. I forgive you.”

  Cameron chuckled and slid back in, filling me again, stretching me wide and creating delicious spasms that radiated outward and upward. These whirling tingles captured my body with need. He pounded me towards the steepest edge, deep and hard.

  Nothing mattered but this. Him. I held onto this man, remembering his words from Big Bear, that ‘now was all we had.’


  I screamed my climax, digging my fingernails in farther, fiercely scratching at his back. His warmth filled me, sending me into a spiraling dive into nothingness. I buried my face against his neck, taking short sharp breaths as his scent of dominance filled my lungs.

  Lying still now, feeling his breathing slowing, I luxuriated in him. This completeness was a nice change from all that craziness.

  He pulled out of me and glanced over at the cage.

  “No,” I said.

  “I might as well be in there,” he whispered. “That’s what you do to me.”

  That dark revelation was so fleeting it caused me to doubt he’d even spoken it. Cameron was on his feet and pulling me up to mine.

  In a flurry of movement, both of us soaking wet and not caring, we wrapped ourselves in plush white towels then made our way through the house.

  We lingered outside my bedroom door before separating.

  Parting was getting harder.


  CAMERON MET WITH his friends at the bar in Chrysalis’s lounge.

  I wasn’t invited.

  The evening was mine to do what I wanted. He’d invited me to visit the screening room to watch a movie and mingle with the other subs. Still undecided, I took my time to shower and change into this Cameron approved halter-neck black dress and pumps.

  Not wanting to show off my post fucked glow to anyone, I made my way toward the privacy of the kitchen, in need of a snack.

  I stood in the doorway, thinking twice about entering.

  “Come in.” The woman gestured. “I’m Pilar.” She went on to tell me she was Chrysalis’s housemaid.

  “Mia,” I said.

  Pilar was plump and pretty, her maid’s uniform showing off the creases of a long day of work. I guessed her age around fifty; her beautiful olive skin luminous. I wasn’t the only one happy to be here it seemed.

  “Hungry?” she said.

  I gave a nod that I was and followed her direction to take a seat at the kitchen table.

  “Savory or sweet?” asked Pilar.

  “Savory, please.”

  She rifled through the fridge.

  I rose to my feet. “I can get it.”

  “Then I’d be out of a job,” she said cheerfully.

  I was feeling proud, despite the weirdness of what Cameron and Shay had intended in that tiled room. My rebellion had been the last thing they’d expected. It made me laugh. The look on their faces had been classic. My inner goddess gave me a high-five.

  Rain came down hard against the window, the wind blowing leaves up against it. I wondered how safe it was to fly in this weather. Luckily Cameron and I had missed it several hours ago. The weather report was no doubt all part of a flight plan. Cameron looked so sexy when he flew his Benz. That man had style. Enough sophistication to make an ex-girlfriend stalk him. He had an addictive quality. Despite considering gate crashing him and his friends at the bar, I willed myself not to embarrass myself. He really was inside my head, causing havoc to my dignity.

  Pilar placed before me a selection of vegetables and dips. I peeled off the lids of each one and munched away on the delicious selection. “Have you worked here long?” I asked, and took a bite out of a spear of broccoli.

  I assumed Pilar had seen all sorts.

  “Ten years,” she said. “Dr. Cole has been good to me.”

  “I like him.” I wondered if she knew about his extra-curricular activity. Having worked for him for a while, she must have suspected something.

  She sat opposite and rested her chin on her hands. “You like it here?”

  “I really do.” I dipped a carrot into the pot of Ranch dressing. “You must be pretty open-minded to work here?”

  “What do I care what people do?” she said. “No one gets hurt. I get paid well.” She leaned forwards and whispered, “Dr. Cole is putting my son through school. Top school in Brentwood. He pays for everything.”

  “Your son’s father doesn’t mind?” I said.

  “He’s dead. Died years ago.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m happy now. There’s a lot to be grateful for.”

  I popped a baby carrot in my mouth. “There sure is.”

  “You’re not going to the cocktail party?” she said.

  “What party?”

  She twisted her mouth, as though unsure.

  “I think you mean the one coming up,” I said. “It’s not tonight.”

  “Dr. Cole is a good man.”

  “I feel the same way,” I said. “Cameron may be stern, but he’s really helping me in so many ways.”

  Pilar shot to her feet. “You’re his submissive?”

  “Yes, why?”

  She grabbed my plate and carried it over to the sink and tossed it in. “Dr. Cole is very specific about what you can eat.”

  “What are you talking about?” I said. “These are vegetables.”

  “You can only eat when he says you eat.”

  “What?” I went to express my annoyance—

  Arianna strolled in.

  “I should be getting back,” I said, rising quickly. “Thanks, Pilar.”

  Even if she had snatched my food away, I liked her. It wasn’t really her fault that Cameron’s precedent had everyone on their toes around me. Pilar gave a nod, seemingly too busy to care as she loaded the dishwasher. It was hard to tell what had rattled her more, me eating an unapproved snack or Arianna.

  Arianna’s burgundy corset looked amazing on her, as did that rose tattoo balancing elegance and edgy. Her collar was a strip of velvet. She looked extra dressed up tonight. Her hair and makeup were professionally done, like she was attending an event, a party.

  That familiar curl of doubt crept in.

  I went to leave and Arianna held her hand up, pressing it against my chest. “Not so fast.”

  “Please get out of my way.”

  She shrugged casually. “I have a message for you.”


  “Richard Booth is here. He wants to see you.”

  “What?” I shot a nervous glance at Pilar.

  Pilar smiled. “Tell Mr. Booth I’ll make him a sandwich.”

  “Yeah, he’s not allowed in this part of the house, Pilar,” said Arianna. “Not while his sub’s undergoing training with Master Cole.”

  Pilar tutted her disapproval. “He’ll catch his death out there.”

  Arianna laughed. “If he comes in here, he’ll catch his death when Master Cole sees him. Richard’s not allowed to interrupt her training.” She pointed at me. “Which apparently isn’t going well.”

  What the fuck.

  Shay, her master, had evidently shared the details of our catastrophe in the water room.

  Pilar scurried away, seemingly finding the contents of the fridge interesting.

  “Where’s Richard?” I said.

  “By the pool,” said Arianna. “Waiting for you under the awning.”

  I wanted to ask Arianna not to let Cameron know he was here, but something told me it wouldn’t make any difference. “Please, tell Richard to go home.”

  “You tell him,” said Arianna.

  Pilar closed fridge. “Maybe, Ms. Arianna, yo
u should get Dr. Cole to handle this?”

  “The ultimate cock block,” said Arianna, turning on her heels and laughing her way out. “This should be interesting.”

  Had it not been raining, I’d have been tempted to leave Richard outside. If I wasn’t allowed to mention his name, seeing him sure as hell wasn’t allowed.

  After thanking Pilar for my half eaten snack, I headed out. A chill ran up my spine when I caught sight of Arianna just outside the kitchen. She leaned against the wall. She puffed on a cigarette and glared at me as I passed her. That rendezvous in that tiled room with her Master would turn an already jealous Arianna into a liability.

  “Where’s your collar?” she called after me.

  I turned. “Sorry?”

  “If you’re Master Cole’s sub, why aren’t you wearing his collar?”

  Telling her that I still had to earn it wasn’t an option. It already felt like she had one up on me. Her familiarity with Chrysalis, the staff, and the other members.

  “That’s between me and my master,” I said.

  “He’s tolerating you until he can give you back.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I’ve seen him with subs before. He’s different with you. He takes no pleasure in your lack of submission.”

  “I submit,” I said, even though it was none of her business.

  “Looks like defiance to me.” She glared. “Why are you even here? For his money?”

  It was my turn to glare back. “No.”

  She took a long hard drag. “Learn to obey or you’ll be out.”

  I kept walking, quickly putting distance between us.

  I really believed I was making progress. Even if our last session had ended abruptly and rather disastrously. Other than that one, Cameron had always seemed pleased at the end of our sessions, and I’d come out of them exhilarated. It wouldn’t have surprised me to learn that Arianna was sabotaging a master and sub relationship that she coveted. Despite Dominic’s suggestion to bitch-slap her, I could only assume that wouldn’t go down well. If subs fought with each other, they were out.

  The thought of seeing Richard distracted me. I wondered if he was even here. Making my way out of the house, I used the awning for cover, intending to merely throw a wave his way and let him know I was fine. Then get him out of the rain and home safe.

  There he was.

  My beautiful Richard. His clothes were soaking wet and clinging to him and his golden short locks were squished damp on his head. His face lit up when he saw me. He was dressed in a tux.

  Was this why I was banned from the bar? Cameron was meeting him. Perhaps to provide an update on how things were going.

  Hopping through the rain towards me, he looked so playful. That boyish charm showed on his handsome face. “Hey you.” He beamed, ushering me back inside.

  “I’m not sure about this,” I said.

  He dragged his sleeve across his brow. “You look amazing. God, I’ve missed you.”

  “Oh Richard.” I wiped a sodden strand of hair out of his face. “I’ve missed you too.” I glanced down the hallway.

  “How’s it going?” he whispered. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “It’s pretty intense,” I said. “But I know you’ll be happy with everything I’ve learned.” And now that I knew there was nothing between him and Jasmine, I could relax around him again.

  He nudged me up against the wall, biting his bottom lip and looking oh so sexy in that vulnerable way of his. “It’s been hell without you. Staying away is impossible. I want you to know that. Enthrall isn’t the same without you. Even the clients miss you. And the girls, well they talk about you all the time.”

  I laughed. This felt like two kids meeting behind the schoolyard. So deliciously forbidden. “I have so much to tell you,” I said. “Master Cole has arranged for me to do classes. Did you know about those? Math and stuff. I hate math. But he thinks it will help me get into a great fashion college.”

  “He did mention it.” Richard grinned. “And I can help you with that too.”

  “I’m even doing etiquette classes. Samantha Harding—”

  “What happened to your collar?” he said. “You shouldn’t take it off.”


  “You look amazing. I mean radiant.”

  “Are you doing okay?”

  Richard stared past me. “Oh fuck.”

  Cameron stood at the end of the hallway, his expression hard to read. The only sign giving away his disapproval came from his dark, fiery eyes. Cameron was also wearing a tux. The kind reserved for parties.

  “We are so busted,” said Richard.

  He grabbed my arms and leaned in, pressing his lips against mine, stealing a kiss, passionately taking his time to savor these last few seconds. A flash of memories. A feeling of familiarity. I was safe in his arms.

  Then came a wash of fear that he was doing this in front of—

  “Booth,” yelled Cameron, stomping towards us.

  Richard pulled away and threw up his hands, grinning at him.

  Wide-eyed and a little shaken, I took interest in the ground. Cameron’s stare hopped to Richard and then back me.

  “It’s my fault,” said Richard. “Don’t blame her.”

  Cameron’s glare hinted he didn’t quite believe that.

  “Come on, Cole,” said Richard. “I missed her.”

  “We have to get you a dry jacket,” said Cameron. “This won’t do. Where’s your tie?”

  Richard smirked. “You can’t be that pissed with me, surely?”

  “Mia,” said Cameron sternly. “Go to your room.”

  “Mia, wait,” said Richard. “Five minutes, Cameron, please.”

  Cameron shot me a look.

  With a nod of compliance, I headed off, forcing myself not to look back and get either of us in any more trouble. That response time training served its purpose and I hoped I’d get points for that at least.

  Touching my lips where Richard had kissed me, relieved he’d not forgotten me, I made my way down the hallway.

  My old life had been put on hold, yet here, now, after Richard’s stolen kiss, confusion set it. I didn’t know how anyone could ever live a lie with an affair. Knowing Richard wanted me under Cameron’s tutelage sent my mind doing cartwheels. Looking from one beautiful man to the other had caused a wave of unknowing. Despite Cameron’s expression scaring the hell out of me, he’d handled this with his usual controlled style, calm and determined.

  When I made it to the foyer, I paused.

  Several guests mingled in there, all dressed in their finery. Men wore tuxes and women wore cocktail dresses, and there were a few in elegant lingerie. Proof there was an event going on that I’d not been invited to. They gave me a passing glance.

  Head down, I ascended the staircase, up and along, soon making it to my room.

  Falling back onto the bed, I stared up at the ceiling, my mind spiraling, trying to understand why Cameron hadn’t invited me.

  He didn’t think I was ready.

  Thinking quickly, I stripped out of my dress and flung it across the room. Next, I removed my bra and panties and pulled on my high-top stockings and high-heels and then climbed back onto the bed.

  I reached up and pulled down the long chain, easing my wrists into the leather handcuffs. Sitting up and parting my thighs slightly, I faced the door.

  Arianna was wrong.

  I knew how to please my master.


  CAMERON SHUT THE bedroom door behind him.

  He carried a glass of liquor, the ice clinking. His eyes locked on mine as he took a leisurely sip. Shifting position, my arms aching from holding this pose for fifteen minutes or so, I broke his steely gaze.

  Moving slowly, deliberately, he leaned back against the wall and slid down it, balancing his drink as he went.

  “Master,” I whispered.

  “You believed you’d lost him?” he said softly. “When you saw Richard and Jasmine to
gether that night?”

  I gave a nod.

  “That’s why you let me bring you here to Chrysalis,” he said. “In hope of winning him back?” He watched my reaction. “It was very brave, Mia. But unnecessary.” He pointed to my hummingbird. “An expression of wanting to fly free from the pain of heartbreak.”

  Another nod.

  “Have I in some way soothed your psyche?” he said. “Enlightened you to the truth?” He gestured his need to hear me speak.

  “You’ve given me so much,” I said. “I don’t know how I’ll ever repay your kindness.”

  “You already have.”

  “Everything has changed,” I said. “Nothing will ever be the same again.”

  “It can be.”


  “Richard’s in the bar. You can go home with him tonight if you like.” He waved his hand casually. “I’m not a complete monster, Mia.”

  “Sir, I want my collar back.”

  “The one who puts the collar on you…” His expression softened. “I’ve decided to wait for when I return you to him.”

  “I want it to be you.” I swallowed hard. “I need it to be you.”

  He stared into his glass, his frown deepening.

  “Sir, I belong to you.”

  Confusion marred his face. “He shouldn’t have come. He’s brought doubt.”

  “Not for me.”

  “I promised him.” He shook his head, as though shaking off a thought.

  “I’m close, Cameron. I can feel it.”

  “Feel what?” he whispered.

  “I need you to guide me the rest of the way.” I gritted my teeth. “I am not leaving.”

  “What do you want, Mia?”

  “I’m ready to leave this room as yours. Show all of them that you have conquered me.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Surrendering to you is the only time I feel free,” I said.

  He looked thoughtful, cautious even. “You’re an interesting challenge.”

  My heart thundered when he raised his eyes to mine. Since that first day I’d met Cameron at Enthrall, I’d yearned to see him look at me this way. Those dark chestnut eyes fierce, possessive.


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