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Enthrall Her

Page 32

by Vanessa Fewings

  “By who?” I asked.

  “Hey, Mia.” It was Tara and she was dressed in a polka dot bathing suit. “That restroom was something else,” she told Bailey. “You have to see it. The taps are gold plated. I’m not kidding.”

  Tara’s already exotic complexion, inherited from her Bengali mother, had caught the sun, her tan making her toned body look flawless.

  “Hey, Tara,” I said, giving her a hug. “How are you doing?”

  “Fine,” she said. “Nice place you got here. Talk about landing on your feet.”

  I smirked. “Very funny. I’m staff. I work here.”

  Tara folded her arms and gave a wry smile. I turned back to face Bailey, not wanting to know if Tara had an inkling about why I was really here. It was better not to go there.

  “You don’t mind, do you?” said Bailey. “I had to see you.”

  “I’ve been crazy busy,” I said. “I promise to make it up to you. Hey Tara, you can’t swim. The pool’s for members only.”

  She was dipping her toe in the pool. “It’s heated. It must cost a fortune to run this place.”

  “I have a message from Lorraine,” said Bailey. “She’s worried about you.”

  “Tell her I’m fine,” I said, calling over, “Sorry, Tara.”

  “No one’s in it.” Tara pouted.

  “Lorraine wants you to know she’s in remission,” said Bailey, dragging my attention back on her. “Her treatment worked. She’s so sorry about everything and she really needs to see you.”

  “She already has,” I said. “I told Lorraine I forgive her. I’ve put all that behind me.”

  “You’re not returning her calls?” said Bailey.

  “Lorraine made me believe my dad was dead,” I snapped, a little too harshly.

  Bailey folded her arms. “He threatened to cut her off financially and she needed the money to pay for her treatment.”

  I shook my head. “I helped pay for that.”

  “I know you paid for some.”

  Of course, the truth was that Richard had paid for it all. Wiping out her debt in one fell swoop of kindness, for me. He’d tried to do it anonymously but it hadn’t been hard to work out it was him. I didn’t want to go into that now. “Look, why don’t you just give me a second to call Cameron and make sure this is okay.”

  There was a loud splash.

  Tara swam across the full length of the pool.

  Bailey ripped off her T-shirt and eased out of her jeans, revealing a swim suit. “If any members want to use the pool, we’ll leave,” she said. “I promise.”

  “That’s not it,” I said, my anxiety rising.

  Bailey leaped in and when her head reappeared she splashed Tara, laughing at her.

  Pilar returned with a large bowl of strawberries and placed them next to the sandwiches. “Go have some fun with your friends,” she said. “Life’s too short.”

  “Who gave permission?” I whispered to her.

  “Dr. Cole.”


  She scurried off back into the house.

  Relenting, I hoisted my skirt up around my thighs and sat carefully, not wanting to reveal my little secret or sit directly on it, then I lowered my legs into the warm water. This was actually a nice break from all that intensity. Power-play between subs and their masters went on 24/7 in this manor and it was rare to let my hair down.

  I needed this. Pilar was right.

  I relaxed a little.

  Bailey swam towards me and rested her elbows on the side of the pool and began to share her news, filling me in on all I’d missed over the last two weeks.

  She’d applied for a new job in a post-partum wing at Cedars Sinai. And Tara’s first year as a nurse was going well. She was enjoying every second. After some reservations on my part, when Tara had first announced she’d wanted to follow Bailey’s footsteps and go into nursing, I was relieved to see her so happy. See both of them happy. Bailey and Tara were so cute together. It was lovely to see them both.

  Despite my best endeavors, my thoughts drifted to the fact that this was my last weekend here. My training was essentially over and I’d soon be reunited with Richard. Being around him was going to inject this kind of fun back into my life. Yet the thought of leaving Cameron caused gut wrenching pain. I tried to caress it away, circling my chest with my hand, while reassuring myself I’d get to see him around.

  It was no consolation.

  The thought that what we’d shared was about to end came crashing down around me. My friend’s visit had shaken me into reality. Tears stung my eyes and I tried to focus on what Bailey was saying, nodding and smiling away.

  They returned to swimming, allowing me time to return my thoughts to Cameron and wallow in every memory I had of him. Every detail. Every single moment shared.

  Bailey and Tara unabashedly shared affection for each other. Their kissing session went on for a bit too long. Still, I loved that they felt comfortable to be themselves around me. Remembering what Cameron had taught me about being in the moment, I made a concerted effort to relax and enjoy my friends.

  “We’re planning a trip to Vegas,” said Bailey. “We’re going to announce our coming out to our parents. It’s a big deal.”

  “I’m so proud of you,” I said, ruffling Bailey’s hair with affection.

  “We want you there,” said Tara.

  “It’s a date,” I said. “When is it?”

  “Next month,” said Tara. “We’re going to book rooms at one of those fancy hotels on the strip.”

  “Count me in,” I said.

  Pilar re-appeared. “Mistress Scarlet says you have to come now.”

  “Sure.” I eased my legs out of the water and pushed myself to my feet. “I’m sorry, guys. Something’s come up. I’ll be right back. Hang out here. Enjoy yourselves. But don’t go in the house.”

  “Okay, Ms. Bossy Pants,” said Tara. “What happened to our sheepish, Mia?”

  “Very funny.” I waved that off and followed Pilar back in.

  Tara was right. My confidence had taken a leap. All those classes, all that schooling from Samantha Harding, had taught me what I needed to get by in a room full of socialites. No, not just get by but hold my own, helping me to pass off as a woman who belonged there. Cameron had given me the most incredible gift and I’d always be grateful to him. I couldn’t imagine how I’d ever repay him.

  I wondered what Scarlet wanted to talk to me about. The only drama of the morning was the firing of that valet. As head of HR, Scarlet probably had a few questions.

  Dominic and Scarlet were waiting for me.

  “Mistress Scarlet.” I beamed a big smile, though it quickly faded when I saw her expression. “Is something wrong?”

  “Oh, Mia,” said Scarlet, shaking her head solemnly.

  “It’s not Richard, is it?” I shook my head. “Or Sir, whatever, just tell me they’re safe.”

  “This has nothing to do with them,” said Dominic. “And everything to do with you.”

  A wave of nausea—

  “You were clearly briefed on the rules prior to your entry into Chrysalis,” said Dominic. “No background check means they do not step foot on this property.”

  “But Dr. Cole gave his permission,” I said.

  “He did no such thing,” said Dominic. “Where did you get that idea?”

  Oh no, it had come from Pilar.

  And how much more did she need this job than me. I stared off, not wanting to believe she’d have lied to me like that. Not when the consequences were so high.

  “Who was it?” insisted Dominic.

  “I can’t…”

  Scarlet looked furious. “Privacy is our priority, Mia,” she said. “We have the kind of guests here this week that will not appreciate this breech in our security.”

  “I understand,” I said, trying to placate them. “It’s just Bailey and Tara. And Tara was your secretary at Enthrall. I didn’t invite them. Honest.”

  “And you had Pilar serv
ing them,” said Dominic, “when clearly she has enough to do.”

  “Mia, how could you be so selfish?” said Scarlet.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, heading towards the door. “I’ll ask them to leave immediately.”

  “I’m afraid it’s too late, Mia,” said Dominic.

  My mouth went dry, failing to form the words I needed to save me.

  “Pack your things,” he said. “A car will take you home.”

  “I need to explain this to Cameron. I mean, Sir.” I moved towards his desk.

  Dominic held up his BlackBerry. “Your expulsion came from Dr. Cole.”

  I let go of the phone.

  “I’m sorry, Mia,” said Dominic. “His orders are clear. You’re to leave this afternoon.”

  “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “She doesn’t get it,” said Dominic.

  “I’ll take care of it.” Scarlet threw me a glare. “Seriously, Mia. You took advantage of your position. You’re no different from everyone else who works or plays here. You may be in the privileged position of being the director’s sub but the rules also apply to you.”

  “Please, Scarlet,” I said, “I’m so sorry.”

  “You must always consider the consequences,” she said.

  “My classes?” I said.

  “Cancelled, for now,” said Dominic.

  Scarlet left the room.

  Dominic peered down at the screen of his BlackBerry. “Don’t bother packing.”

  My shoulders dropped their tension.

  Thank goodness for that.

  “Change of plans.” Dominic looked straight at me. “Dr. Cole says he’ll send your personal items on to you. He wants you out of here. Now.”


  IF I NEEDED proof of just how much Chrysalis meant to me, this was it.

  I was being wrenched out of the place I’d called home for two weeks. After being wrapped in a cocoon of sensual and therapeutic intensity, it was over. I was being pried out before I was ready.

  A flailing butterfly, her wings not ready to fly.

  Leo drove the Rover away from the manor, now and again glancing into the rearview as though checking on me but not saying anything. My inability to speak gave away I was close to breaking down and becoming the mess no one wanted to deal with.

  Fuck, I still have that thing in me.

  Spacing out, my thoughts ran over the last few weeks, the days that had bled into each other and my final hours. This made no sense. I’d never foreseen that shame would be the riding emotion I’d have when I left here.

  I’d done my part, vowing to surrender with the promise of serenity. I’d honored the code of a submissive and pleased my master each and every day. A sense of betrayal filled me, with no one to blame.

  Distracted by the slow traffic and stop and start of lights, I drifted off into a hazy doze.

  Nightmares surged into my brain with the brashness of the uninvited. A tidal wave caught me in its wake and dragged me along, pushing me under, the flood forcing water down my throat, drowning me.

  I jolted awake.

  I gasped for air, as though the dream were real. My knuckles went white from gripping the seat.

  The car stopped.

  Blinking into the dusk, I found this wasn’t Malibu. Leo had driven me to the wrong place.

  “This isn’t it,” I said sleepily. “Sorry Leo, I thought you knew you were taking me home to Malibu.” I felt terrible. He’d driven all this way to Cameron’s Beverly Hills house.

  “My orders were to bring you here,” he said.

  I sat up straight, reading his face in the mirror and trying to see if he was certain.

  “Is Dr. Cole here?” I asked, full of hope.

  “His car’s here.” Leo pointed at the black BMW.

  Not waiting for Leo to open the door, I flung it wide, slamming it behind me and running the few short steps towards the front door. Realizing my error, I turned on my heels and ran to the driver’s side of the Rover. “Thank you, Leo,” I blurted out. “I forgot to thank you.”

  “Always a pleasure, Ms. Lauren,” he said warmly.

  Taking the few short steps back, my mind was a mixture of confusion and anticipation.

  The handle turned easily.

  Cameron rose from where he’d been sitting on the sweeping steps, his face hard to read with that usual intensity. That steady focus was locked on me.

  Familiar black and white tile clicked beneath my feet. Above that was the low hung, sweeping chandelier. Before me stood this man whose unpredictable authority was wielded depending on whim, hinging on mood, desire, or passion.

  “If there was any doubt I’m a complete bastard,” he said. “You have unquestionable evidence now.”

  “You invited Bailey and Tara to Chrysalis?” I said.


  “You set me up?”

  “It appears so.”

  “Why not just ask me to leave?”

  His eyes swept over the foyer in a haze of confusion. A look on him I’d never seen before.

  “Dominic and Scarlet are really annoyed with me,” I said. “I left there in shame. Why would you do that to me?”

  “Your return to your master is scheduled for tomorrow night, Mia.”

  I hung my head low. “I know. It’s hard for me too.”

  “In the Harrington Suite.”

  My legs wobbled with understanding. “In front of everyone?”

  “Per tradition.”

  The Harrington Suite also represented the end of our extraordinary affair.

  I swallowed hard at his revelation. Of course, that’s what I’d witness when I’d first stepped into Chrysalis and this had been the warning Cameron had given to me on the first day. The thought of being taken in front of a crowd liquefied my insides and sent a thrill through me that was so intense it threatened to paralyze me. I’d reasoned it would only happen when I was deemed ready.

  Was I ready?

  I faltered.

  My training was complete. An achievement of being successfully trained by one of the world’s most distinguished masters. And I had failed him. Failed myself.

  Cameron took a step towards me. “I can’t prevent your return but I can control how it’s done.”

  “You should have spoken to me first,” I said. “You’re always so insistent that we express our feelings, our thoughts. You owe me the same privilege.”

  “I now understand Richard’s reservations,” he said. “To think it was me who encouraged him to take you to Chrysalis and now all I want is you out of there.”


  His hand swept downward. “My reasoning is hard to define.”

  “Have I failed as your sub?”

  Cameron closed the gap between us. “You have excelled.”

  “I don’t understand,” I said. “We’ve been working toward this day. Everything I’ve learned. Studied. Strived to be.”

  “You’ve exceeded on every level.”

  “Then what is it?”

  He took a moment to gather his thoughts. “You’ve fallen in love with me, Mia. The dynamics have changed. The risk of emotion coming into play during a public session is too great.”

  “How dare you,” I said. “You have no right to stand there and tell me how I feel.”

  Sympathy weighed heavily in his eyes. “I would rather see my own heart broken than ever hurt Richard.” He cupped my face in his hands. “Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  “You can’t bring yourself to say it?” I said. “Can you.”

  “And I never will say the words you need to hear.”

  “Then take me back to Chrysalis.”

  “I can’t.”

  “What is this?”

  “Indulge me. Let me show you.”

  My heart fluttered as I tried to reason.

  “What I offer you is two days with me,” he said. “Here in this house. Our final hours together.”

  “And then what?”
r />   “We face the inevitable.”

  “I thought that’s what you wanted?” I said.

  “I only want what is best for you. For Richard.”

  “Be honest with me, Cameron. That’s what I need from you now.”

  “This is how I feel about you, Mia.” He sunk to his knees and lifted my skirt, easing my panties aside. That kiss, that tongue, Cameron’s affection was spoken, though not with words. Grabbing hold of his head, scrunching locks of his hair in my fingers, I held him there. A moan escaped my lips.

  This was power.

  I’d conquered the one man whom everyone had deemed unreachable. Of course he would never admit it. He didn’t have to. The promise of what was to follow between us might not have been enough, but it was all we had.

  My head fell back and I looked up. “You do realize your chandelier looks like a cock,” I said.

  “Really?” He blew a cold stream of air onto my clit and then looked up. “I hadn’t noticed.”

  “You’ve taught me so much,” I whispered.

  “You’re an exceptional woman. The first ever to stand up to me.”

  “Yes. Yes to staying here with you. Yes to being fucked by you. Yes to whatever you deem I deserve.” I brushed my fingers through his hair. “I am nothing if not a good submissive.”

  He rose to his feet. “The finest a dominant can have.” He led me across the foyer.

  We entered the dining room, the table now bare. Guided by Cameron, I sat on the end and he gently pushed me to lay back. He tugged at my panties, easing them down and off my legs. He threw them to the ground.

  His eyebrows rose when he saw the plug. “You obeyed?” He gave it a twirl, then buried his fingers inside my vagina, simultaneously bringing ripples of delicious pleasure.

  Cameron’s heavy eyelids revealed his need matched my own. He eased out the plug and I immediately felt its loss.

  “How could I not obey my master?” I shamelessly widened my thighs for him. “Even when I believed he no longer wanted me.”

  “I will always want you.” Standing between my thighs, he unzipped his pants and brought out his cock, pressing the tip against that rosebud and easing it in a little way, his hands resting on my knees and widening my thighs.

  I grimaced with that first shove. The shock of pain. That burn of pressure.


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