Unauthorized Return (Unauthorized Series Book 4)

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Unauthorized Return (Unauthorized Series Book 4) Page 15

by Ladew, Lisa

  "It's my only choice," Coleton said and decided.

  Coleton took a single step towards his father, but gunshots ripped through the air again. He pushed forward, adrenaline flooding him, determined to fight until his dying breath, but then he realized he wasn't shot. Harrison was. Harrison took a desperate step back, blood oozing from a hole on his chest and spurting from a hole on his neck. Harrison dropped to the ground, his gun clattering a few feet away.

  Coleton didn't need to look behind him. He saw from the murderous look on his father's face and the way he raised his gun and pointed it where Coleton knew Aria was, that Aria had shot Harrison. Somehow.

  Fiore Savoy's gun came up quickly and he snarled. Coleton stepped between his father and Aria and ran with all his speed and strength. One more gun shot rang in his ears and then he was there, catching his father around the waist and lifting him, throwing him.

  Fiore Savoy fell four stories, his eyes locked on his son's until the very last moment, when he hit the ground with a sickening crunch. Coleton watched for a moment, until he was satisfied the man on the ground was dead, then he turned back and ran for Aria.

  Her eyes were closed, her body relaxed against the concrete she was laying on. His eyes searched for her blood. He found none but noticed her shirt was smoking around the three ragged holes in the shirt. He ripped the shirt open, buttons flying.

  Three twisted, smoking holes stared at him from Aria's bulletproof vest.

  Tears formed at the corners of his eyes as hot emotion flooded through him. He dropped his head and said, "I thought I was wearing yours," more to himself than to her, his heart soaring and wrenching inside him at the same time.

  "My old one," she said, her voice constricted and choked, her eyes still closed. "It was too big for me so I got a new one."

  Coleton grabbed her hand, careful to barely move her arm. "Oh thank God," he responded, pulling her fingers to his lips, kissing them, feeling like he'd been given a second chance at everything, as the musical sound of sirens filled the air.

  A blood drop spattered onto the ground and he looked at himself. A ragged hole divided the underside of his arm. Blood dripped slowly from it.

  His father had shot him after all.

  It hadn't hurt a bit.

  Chapter 28

  Almost eight hours later, Coleton, exhausted after a fruitless and mostly sleepless night in the emergency room, rode in the back of a police car to the station. He had not been allowed to see Aria since she left in her own ambulance. He'd been patched up, but no one would speak to him. The police officers would tell him nothing and they wouldn't respond to his demands to see Assistant Chief Foley. He almost got arrested when he pushed past the officer guarding his room and tried to step through the emergency room looking for Aria.

  They wouldn't even tell him how she was doing. They said after an incident like this, the witnesses could not talk to each other until both had been interviewed. Coleton's blood boiled in his body, but he didn't dare show his true feelings, shout out the words that broiled behind his lips. He couldn't risk anyone finding out the true nature of his relationship with Sergeant Aria Gale.

  Relationship? he thought, inside, sitting back against the seat behind him. Did he really have a relationship? Could a few nights of incredible sex mean as much to her as it did to him? He'd told her he was falling in love with her. But she'd said nothing back.

  Turmoil bit at him. Now that the assignment was over, now that he was no longer in danger, what would happen between the cop and the criminal's son? Nothing? Was his heart about to be broken?

  He tried to turn his thoughts to his father. His dead father. He had killed his father. Thrown him off of a roof. Stood up to him once and for all. Taken his own life back. Coleton let it all sink in. But all he could feel about it was joy. So he turned his thoughts back to Aria. No doubt he'd need counseling later. Or maybe not. There'd never been a more justified killing in history, in his opinion.

  The car stopped in front of the station and the police officer got out, escorting him into the police station and directly into a tiny room that really was no better than a cell. Treated just like a criminal, he thought. One more time.

  For the next thirty-six hours, different officers and detectives came and went, asking him over and over again to tell his side of the story. They tried to trip him up, recorded him, even gave him a lie detector test. Finally, when Coleton couldn't stand it for one more second, a grim faced detective told him that he was free to go.

  Coleton gaped at him, not sure he had heard correctly. The detective stood and came around the tiny desk that was between them. He held out his hand. "I just wanted to say, on behalf of all of us, we appreciate what you did."

  Coleton couldn't respond. His brain just wouldn't function. After all the questioning and the hours without sleep he couldn't quite understand.

  The detective led him out to the main receiving area, thanked him one more time, and left him.

  Coleton stared around the brightly lit room. Then he turned back, wanting to ask about Aria. But the detective was already gone, the door slammed shut behind him.

  Coleton's eyes fell upon the desk sergeant, sitting there looking at him with an unreadable expression on his face. Coleton walked up to him. "Can I use the phone?" The sergeant pushed it over to him, no questions asked. Coleton marveled at this new treatment. The police had always treated him like crap before.

  He picked up the receiver and stared at the phone dumbly. He looked at the desk sergeant and asked, "Do you happen to know the number to the hospital?"

  The sergeant leaned forward. "Are you wanting to know about Sergeant Gale?"

  Coleton nodded gratefully.

  "She was released a few hours ago. She's here somewhere, being interviewed."

  Coleton dropped the phone receiver back onto the base. "Can I see her?" he asked breathlessly.

  "Nope, sorry," the sergeant said, his face apologetic.

  Coleton turned around and looked at the empty room. He turned back to the sergeant. "I'm just going to wait for her here. Is that okay?"

  The sergeant shrugged and dismissed him.

  Coleton found a seat in the corner and sat down, his head resting on the wall. Within moments he was asleep, too tired to even spend a few moments worrying.


  Coleton woke all at once, his neck stiff and sore. He rolled his shoulders, noticing at once night had fallen. He'd slept sitting up for several hours. He looked next to him, where someone was reclining in the next chair. It was Assistant Chief Foley. His face was a mess, with a black eye and a busted nose.

  Coleton winced. "Was that from the fight in the courthouse?"

  Foley nodded. "Yup."

  Foley held out his hand and Coleton shook it.

  "Aria told me what you did back there. Nice job. Thank you." His face was grim, and neither spoke about Harrison.

  "I didn't do it for you," Coleton finally said, a bit of anger seeping into his manner.

  "I know. But I still appreciate it."

  "When can I see Aria?" Coleton asked, trying to keep desperation out of his voice.

  Foley held up a hand. "You can't see her until she's been interviewed by the detectives assigned to the case and the chief and a ton of other people. Since this is such a big case, even the FBI will be down here to oversee some of it. It could be days. She killed three people and that takes a while to make sure it's justified."

  Coleton blinked, horrified. "What? That's ridiculous. Are you letting her sleep? She was just shot. She needs her rest. And it was completely justified. You-!"

  Foley held up his hands placatingly. "She is sleeping now in the nap room. Don't worry. We are taking care of her. I know it was justified. We all know it was justified. We just have to show it on paper so we can put the case away."

  Coleton slumped in his seat. "How is she?"

  "Her torso is a mess- lot's of bruising from blunt trauma, one broken rib - but she'll get over it. She's strong." />
  Coleton nodded and his heart broke for her. His fault. His fault.

  Foley stood. "I suggest you go home. I will tell her that you were looking for her."

  Coleton just stared at him, knowing Foley couldn't possibly understand. Home was where Aria was. Foley finally turned and disappeared back into the bowels of the police department.


  Coleton dozed lightly all night, sitting up in the same chair, his head resting against the wall. While he was awake, he watched people come and go, and read the lips of the newscasters on the big TV on the far wall that was tuned to a twenty-four hour news station. Twelve of the fourteen prisoners were either recaptured or dead.

  Coleton had never felt so free in his life. He wished he could share the feeling with someone.

  About an hour after the sun finally peeked over the horizon and spilled sunlight through the double doors, a woman he'd never seen before exited the swinging door Foley had disappeared behind. Her eyes locked on Coleton's immediately and she gave him a dazzling smile as if she knew him. Coleton tried to smile back, but it died on his lips.

  The woman was short, with dark hair and exotic eyes. He'd never seen her before, but she came directly to him and sat down next to him in the same chair Foley had sat in.

  She fixed him with a dark gaze and said, "I'm Kara. Aria sent me out here to tell you something."

  Coleton's breath caught in his throat. His eyes fixed on her mouth, as he waited for the words to come out. Then he remembered himself. "Hi Kara, it's nice to meet you."

  Kara's laugh tinkled across the room and Coleton felt himself smiling.

  "She told me to say ..." Kara dug in her pocket and pulled out a tiny piece of paper. Reading off of it she said, "The wound is the place where the light enters you."

  Coleton pushed back in his chair and a broad smile crossed his face. She was quoting Rumi to him. They'd never really discussed where his poems came from - never said Rumi's name. Had she looked Rumi up? To send a special message that only Coleton would understand?

  His heart gladdened and tension flooded out of his body. She really was OK. And she still wanted him.

  "She also says she's going to be here for a while and you should go get a phone and a place to sleep. She says for you to text her."

  Kara turned the tiny piece of paper over. Coleton saw a phone number on the other side. "Here is her phone number."

  "Thank you Kara, thank you so much," Coleton said, standing, ready to do everything she had suggested.

  Kara dropped him a knowing wink. "She said one more thing."

  Coleton sat down quickly and waited expectantly.

  Kara dropped her voice low, her lips curving in a perpetual smile. She leaned over and whispered right into Coleton's ear, "She said thank you, and she said she's falling in love with you too."

  Pure emotion shot through Coleton's body and he bit back a yell of delight. He hugged Kara roughly, then shot to his feet. "Anything else?" he asked. She laughed and shook her head no.

  "Thank you Kara, now if you'll excuse me, I have some things to buy."

  Coleton rushed out of the police station, feeling the sun on his face, pointing himself into the wind. He had so much to do.

  Chapter 28

  Aria pushed away the last form she had to sign. Her chest ached under her right arm where the broken rib was. Oh well, she would heal.

  She stood and stretched and said goodbye to the detective who had been interviewing her for the last two days. She was done. She headed out into the hallway, smiling at people who passed her and called out greetings and congratulations.

  Harrison had not been well loved in the department and once everybody heard what he had been up to, no one was mourning over him. Good cops hate dirty cops as a rule. He'd gotten what he had coming. Aria searched her feelings about being the one to give it to him. It didn't bother her. She'd done what she had to do.

  One thing did bother her though. Coleton. She'd forgotten the slant of his eyes when he teased her, and the taste of his body and mouth. What if things were different now? What if what they had together had been amplified by the danger they'd been in, and now that it was over, things were flat between them? Could she live with that? A cold fear gripped her at the thought. She could, but she didn't want to.

  She walked to the elevator, feeling the tiredness settle over her. She wanted only to go somewhere and rest. But she still had business to do.

  The elevator doors spilled her out on the third floor and she walked past Assistant Chief Foley's secretary, nodding to her. Foley was expecting her.

  She knocked on the door to his office and was called inside immediately. She sat down in the chair in front of his desk as he smiled at her. Her eyes traveled over the injuries on his face. They would heal too.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked her.

  She lifted her arm gingerly and touched the side of her chest wall. "It hurts worse than I ever imagined being shot would."

  Foley grinned. "And you can't even say you were shot."

  "Hey!" Aria cried. "I was shot! Three times!"

  Foley gave her an evil look. "Then where are your scars? Your bullet holes?"

  Aria grumbled and threw him a look, then got down to business. She knew he was only teasing. "How much medical leave am I getting?"

  "You can have up to ten weeks," Foley responded with a kind smile. "But if I know you, you'll only take two."

  Aria shook her head. "And how much vacation do I have?" Foley looked at her strangely, then typed a few lines on his computer. "Uh, it looks like nine weeks. You haven't taken vacation in a while, have you?"

  Aria shook her head. "Not in over two years. So nine weeks plus ten weeks. Divided by four. I have almost five months off?"

  "Yeah, if you want to take it," Foley said looking at her with a disturbed light in his eyes.

  "I'm taking it all," she said.

  Foley nodded slowly. "Where will you go?"

  "Not sure yet."

  Foley looked at her for a long time and she waited. Finally he said it. "Are you coming back?"

  "I don't know," Aria said softly.

  Foley stood and came around the desk, opening his arms. Aria stood also and he gave her a gentle hug. "Keep in touch," he whispered into her ear and she nodded, her eyes misting slightly.


  Aria practically ran down the steps, every step she took jarring her bruises and her broken rib. But the pain was worth it. Excitement spread through her. She pushed open the doors and felt the sun on her face, feeling free and bright for the first time in years.

  She stopped in her tracks and pulled her phone out of her pocket, wincing as the bruised muscles in her chest worked.

  She pulled up Coleton's last text message.

  I'll pick you up the second they let you go. Just message me

  She texted back, I'm done. Waiting in the parking lot for you. I'm starting 5 months of vacation right now

  She had to wait only a few seconds before his reply beeped through.

  Run away with me

  Aria laughed out loud and lifted her head to the sky, grinning at the few fluffy, white clouds. That was exactly what she wanted to do.

  Within moments, Coleton pulled up in a brand new red Mazda Miata convertible with the top down. Aria whistled lightly. "Nice car," she told him, her eyes locked on his over the door. He threw the car in park, jumped out, and ran around to open her door for her.

  "Want to drive it?" he asked.

  Aria slid into her seat, feeling the crushing pain in her side as she bent. "Maybe in a few days."

  Coleton dropped to her side and ran his fingers gently up her legs. He leaned forward, never once looking away from her. Aria felt the old electricity tingle through her body at his intense gaze, pushing away the pain for a few moments. Tenderly, he touched his lips to hers and Aria felt heat flood through her very core. She moaned and opened her lips, inviting him in. Nothing flat here.

  He kissed her like he hadn't s
een her in a lifetime, and she memorized every gliding touch, every smooth sensation, plus his very taste and smell.

  Finally he stopped and smiled at her. "Where to?" he asked.

  Aria licked her lips and leaned back. "Just drive," she finally told him as he got back behind the driver's seat.

  He gave her a questioning look. "Want to head to New York?"

  Aria considered the question. But no, she didn't need to know about her sister and her ex-husband anymore. They were doing whatever they needed to do up there and it didn't concern her. She felt confident that someday, Ava would come looking for her, explain everything that had happened - but today was not that day.

  She shook her head. "Know anything about horses?" she asked.


  "Me neither," Aria said happily, shifting in her seat to be more comfortable.

  They pulled out of the parking lot. Coleton pointed the car South, and that was just as fine as anywhere else to Aria.

  <<<<< >>>>>

  Two months later

  Aria looked out the window of the second floor of the sprawling gentleman's ranch house. Coleton was riding Lady Blackjack, the giant Percheron horse they had leased with the house for a few months. Coleton was putting her through her paces and she was responding beautifully.

  Aria watched Coleton for a few minutes, how he and Lady looked like one unit, how he barely had to think what he wanted and she responded. She was a beautiful animal ... and so was he. She watched the sweat glisten off his forearms for a few moments, then shook her head and pushed herself into the bathroom to shower. No sense getting herself all heated up when they had dinner reservations in San Antonio in two hours.

  When they finally arrived at the steakhouse, Coleton gave the keys to the valet and they walked inside together, arm in arm. The restaurant was perfect, not too loud, not too crowded, and of course Coleton had tipped well to get a table on the patio. The night air was finally starting to cool down and a tiny breeze teased them, bringing the scent of nighttime flowers to them.

  Coleton waited for the waiter to leave their wine glasses, then turned to Aria. "I have a surprise for you."


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