Her Two Bears

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Her Two Bears Page 5

by T. S. Ryder

  "A pig."

  Ryan turned to find four women standing behind them, eyes narrowed and arms folded. They were all beautiful, all blonde, and had strong bodies. The one on the furthest left stepped around them and glared at Grenham.

  "McGrath is a pig. You've turned a blind eye towards him long enough, James. He might not give you permission to kill the Leopard." The woman turned to the two Bears. "But we do. Go kill him. Protect your mate from the likes of McGrath. And we will only ask half of what you brought."

  The Lion made a noise of protest in his throat.

  The woman gave him a black glare. "The other half is for your freedom. Survive your attack on McGrath, and you will no longer be obligated to serve the Four Clovers. You can live on your little alpaca farm with your little human and never hear from us again."

  Ryan's jaw dropped. "How do you—"

  "It's our business to know." The Lion growled. "Now get out of here, before I lose my temper."


  They were halfway home when Danita called Killian and told him that she had decided to go stay with Amelia for the weekend. As much as Ryan wanted to see her, hold her and assure her everything was going to be okay, he knew it was for the best that she wasn't at the farm while they killed McGrath. They couldn't risk hurting her.

  "Have you noticed that Dani has been acting off lately?" Killian asked abruptly.

  "Isn't that normal, though? There's a Leopard stalking her and we're going to kill him. She's not like us, used to this violence. Of course she's frightened and not acting like herself."

  "Ever since the wedding, she's been acting differently." Killian's brow furrowed. "I've caught her crying in the barn a few times, and sometimes she just sits there, staring off into space with this… this destroyed look on her face. And then at night…"

  Ryan knew what he was talking about. She was desperate, almost rabid, in their lovemaking. Every night, for hours and hours, until she fairly collapsed with exhaustion. He frowned, a shiver running down his spine. "I've been telling myself that it's pregnancy hormones."

  "And so have I. But… Maybe I'm just being silly."

  Ryan's brow furrowed as he considered the situation. Could there be something else happening that they weren't aware of? Something that happened at the wedding?

  He squinted. "It could be that the wedding triggered something. Like, maybe she's thinking that we might never get married or something? That McGrath kills us?"

  Killian frowned but didn't reply. They continued on in silence, both wrapped up in their own thoughts. Would fears for their safety be enough to drive Danita to be as distracted as she had been for the past few days? If that was the case, couldn't she have just told them about it?

  She had told them not to kill McGrath after he called Killian to not only lower her ransom but also gave them an extension. They had told her they weren't going to, just because she was so distraught. They had even gone as far as to tell her that this trip was to ask for the Lion's interference, rather than permission to kill the Leopard.

  But now, Ryan shivered as he considered what could have happened to change McGrath's mind.


  Back at the farm, they started preparing at once. Luring McGrath to a location wouldn't work, he was too smart to fall for something like that. So the only option left to them was to hunt him down and tear him to pieces. He would not be caught unprepared, though. Just their presence might set him off. So they were bringing guns, knives, anything they might need to take him out if they were in a space where shifting was impossible.

  "We should bring a couple of bags to look like we're paying him," Killian said as he slid a knife into his boot. "Go look in the bedroom for another duffle bag, will you?"

  Ryan grunted. He would prefer to be headed to get McGrath already but did as Killian said and headed to the bedroom.

  The instant he entered, he knew something was wrong. The old, ratty slippers that Danita wore everywhere in the house were sitting beside her dresser. She wore them to sleep every night because her feet got cold. Even when she complained that both Killian and him cuddled up to her made her too hot, she kept those damn slippers on.

  There was no way she would have left them behind.


  "What?" Killian sounded vaguely annoyed.

  "She left her slippers."

  Killian rushed to join him in the bedroom door. "Maybe she was in a rush to pack and forgot them."

  "Those slippers?" Ryan yanked his cellphone out of his pocket and called her. It went straight to voicemail. "Her phone's off."

  "McGrath." Killian gripped his hair, tugging hard on it. "But how would he have abducted her when the Wolves were here? Unless…"

  With a growl, he pulled out his own cell phone. Ryan tore into the bedroom, searching for any sort of clue while Killian talked on his phone. He didn't care who it was. His heart pounded, his mouth dry. It was obvious what McGrath wanted with their Danita, and if he got his way…

  No! His hands trembled. If there are any gods for real, don't let this happen!

  If McGrath had his way, he'd have to kill the Bears or they'd kill him. It was as simple as that.

  He found a torn note in the wastebasket. It was in tiny bits, crumbled, but Ryan was able to smooth them out and piece them back together quickly enough. His breathing was shallow as he read the address. The writing was McGrath's.


  Killian cursed, still in the doorway. "She told the Wolves McGrath got arrested. That's how she convinced them to leave her alone."

  "I know where she went." Ryan headed for the door. He grabbed a gun and a knife as he passed, a roar building in his chest. "Let's go kill a Leopard."

  Chapter Nine – Danita

  The road had turned from pavement to gravel some time ago, but the jolting ride was over now. Danita pulled her truck between two low-hanging branches from an elderberry tree. She hadn't expected to end up in the middle of the bush when she plugged the address McGrath had given her into her GPS. But that was probably his plan. If she tried to change her mind and run, or scream for help, or anything else, there wasn't anyone to help her.

  This is for the boys, she reminded herself, getting out of the truck. I can do this to save their lives.

  A neat little cabin was tucked into the maples and scrub brush. It looked somewhat old and overgrown, but it was clear that McGrath had been here recently, cleaning it up. The freshly painted rail on the wraparound porch attested to that. The cabin was built from logs, a pretty yellow-grey color, and the door had a stained glass rose window set into it.

  Danita tried not to think about how many other victims McGrath had brought here before her. It was very isolated. What if he planned to murder her? There would be plenty of places to hide her body. He could have a graveyard just behind the cabin easy enough!

  The thought almost made her bolt back into the truck and leave, but she steeled herself and grabbed her weekend bag. If he had a habit of murdering people, Ryan and Killian would have told her, wouldn't they?

  They didn't know I was coming.

  She pushed that thought aside. He wasn't planning on killing her.

  Inside, the cabin was bright and open, with a single room as the kitchen and living room, divided by a stone hearth that went from floor to ceiling. Everything smelled like pine sol. But it was empty.


  She looked around. Had she gotten the right address?

  The light creak of a floorboard made Danita turn. McGrath was right behind her, a predatory gleam in his eyes. She jumped and backed away from him, her heart pounding in her throat. She couldn’t breathe as she stared at him, adrenaline flooding her system. Every instinct she had told her to fight him, run away and drive off.

  He was a predator, and she was his prey.

  "There you are." He reached out and brushed her hair from her face. "I was beginning to think you had changed your mind."

  At that moment, Danita wished that she had. Her stoma
ch clenched and she was sure that if he touched her again, no matter how innocently, she would end up vomiting all over him. Her legs felt wobbly as she set her bag on the floor.

  "I have to bring some other things in from the truck." Her voice was hardly more than a whisper as she tried to edge around him.

  McGrath caught her arms. "I don't think so. Do I look like I'm an idiot? Those two Bears went to the Lion for permission to kill me. You didn't think I'd let them get away with that, do you?"

  "N-no!" She shook her head and wrenched herself free of his grasp. "They were just going to ask if he would stop you. They weren't going to ask to kill you."

  "You're foolish to think that. They won't stop until I'm dead. So run, Miss Valdez. Run as hard as you can. When I catch you, I'm going to tear your throat out and leave your body for your precious Bears to find."

  Danita stumbled back, her heart pounding. Her eyes widened as she stared at McGrath. He meant every word that he was saying. "They don't know where I went. They don't know I'm here."

  "After I'm finished with you, I'll send them the coordinates. Now run–wait." McGrath tilted his head and his gaze swept down her body. "I still want a taste. Put on that little white number that I gave you, and then you can run."

  No. He was going to kill her, and there was no way she was going down without a fight. She had made a deal with him to save her boys. If he wasn’t going to agree to his end, no way in hell would she consider letting him touch her. Danita clenched her fists, feeling the steel rise up her spine.

  McGrath's gaze never moved. "Well?"

  "It's in my bag," she replied.

  Slowly, she bent over to grab it. She sucked in a deep breath and snapped up, swinging the bag at McGrath. He jumped back, but not fast enough. The bag hit him in the head. Danita sprang forward, slamming her palm to his nose. He cried out, stumbling. She punched him hard in the stomach and ran.

  She had just made it down the front steps when a scream from behind her made her stumble. She turned to see a giant Leopard charge through the door. His fur shone with gold, the dark pattern was like midnight against the noon sun. He was easily as tall as she was. Danita ducked, just missing the massive paws that swiped at her face. The Leopard landed lightly, turning on a dime. He crouched on the ground, snarling at her.

  Danita scrambled to the left, but the Leopard leaped lithely to block her. He advanced a step. She fell back one. His tail and whiskers twitched. This wasn't the end of his game. It was just the beginning.

  "Please," she begged despite herself. "Please don't do this."

  McGrath made a noise that sounded like a chuckle–and Danita heard the roaring of a vehicle. As the Leopard's head whipped around, she scrambled to her feet and ran. McGrath pounced on her. Fiery pain coursed through her shoulder and neck, and then he was gone. She saw him disappear into the trees.

  Hot blood coursed through her body. Her head spun as the pain increased. An earth-shattering roar made her wince. Then a honey-brown Bear, easily twice as large as McGrath, ran past her.

  Ryan. Danita stared after him in amazement. How had he found her? She tried to push herself up but the agony shot through her again, and she made herself lay still. The world tilted and swayed. Her eyes closed tightly, hanging to what little shreds of consciousness she still had.

  Big, strong hands stroked her hair. They probed her neck and shoulder. The wound throbbed and she whimpered.

  "Shh, Dani. You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay." Killian's calm voice wrapped her up in its embrace.

  "Ryan," she whimpered.

  "The Leopard doesn't have a chance against him. Just stay still. I don't think that it was a major wound, but I still have to clean you up and stop the bleeding."

  Killian gently rolled her over before gathering her in his arms. He headed into the cabin. Nausea swirled everywhere in Danita's body, otherwise, she would have protested. She didn't want to be here, to imagine what might have happened.

  But Killian was right. They needed to take care of this. He would protect her.

  He set her down on the couch and got to work. Danita didn’t know if she fell unconscious or he was just that quick, but the next thing she knew, her nausea had subsided and the pain had diminished. Killian taped some gauze to her neck and nodded, as though satisfied with his work.

  "Take this." He pressed a pill into her hand.

  "What is it?"

  "Painkiller. It's a superficial wound, but I bet it hurts."

  Danita swallowed it down, choking a little as it scraped her throat.

  "Stay here." He kissed her forehead. "I'm going to help Ryan. We'll be back shortly."

  She didn't want him to leave her, but she also didn't want Ryan to get hurt, so she didn't protest as Killian left. He leaped from the porch, shifting mid-air into his huge gray Bear. Danita listened anxiously, straining her ears, but as soon as the sound of Killian moving through the brush was gone, all was silent.


  Despite the situation she found herself in, Danita did end up falling asleep. The adrenaline sapping her energy, combined with the painkiller Killian had given her and the lack of sleep she had had the past few nights sent her unconscious quickly. When she woke, her mind was crisp, and she felt much stronger.

  The sound of running water and a voice drew her attention. Fear grabbed her, flooding her with adrenaline yet again. She got to her feet and inched towards the bathroom door, which stood ajar. The water was too loud for her to make out the voice. What if McGrath had shaken off the boys and come back? Worse, what if he had hurt them?

  She skirted the bathroom door and grabbed a knife before she hurried back to the couch and laid down again.

  Right at that moment, the water turned off. A man grunted with pain.

  "I can't believe you let him get the drop on you like that." Killian's voice. Danita jumped to her feet. "I told you to be careful."

  "Yeah, yeah."

  Danita ran to the bathroom, throwing the door open. Ryan was stiffly drying himself off, Killian half-supporting him. Neither had a scratch on them. With a cry of relief, she flung herself at her Bears. She was crying before she even realized what she was doing. They enfolded her in their embrace, holding her gently as she cried.

  "How did you find me?" she eventually choked out.

  "You left your slippers and Ryan found a torn note in the trash."

  Her slippers. Danita actually laughed. She had considered bringing them but decided she didn't want her favorite slippers tainted by memories of what was going to happen here.

  It was a good thing she hadn't brought them, or her boys may never have known to look for her. She began shaking as the weight of what might have happened crashed down on her.

  "It's okay." Ryan kissed her. "McGrath is dead. And we're fine."

  "Other than a couple broken ribs." Killian glared at his partner. "Because this one was an idiot."

  "They'll be fine by the end of the day. Don't worry her."

  "You're the one who worried—"

  Danita laughed and covered their mouths. "None of this, now. No fighting. Take me home. I don't want to be here anymore."

  The boys immediately turned to her. Both of them embraced her, Ryan getting her shirt damp. Danita wasn't about to complain. She was safe. She was well and truly safe.

  Epilogue – Danita

  The feeling of little feet kicking her ribs woke Danita before the alarm had even gone off. She groaned, rubbing her stomach. That only elicited more kicking and made her realize how much she needed to use the bathroom. Trying not to shift her Bears too much, she wiggled her way out from between then, going over the footboard rather than trying to climb over one of them.

  They had gotten a king-sized bed to replace the air mattresses some time ago, but it was hardly enough room for her and one of the boys, let alone both right now. Despite it getting into winter and not having a reliable heat source for the house yet, they had to keep the bedroom window open at night, or it got just too hot
, mashed between the two of them.

  After she was finished in the bathroom, she kicked off her old slippers and dressed, trying to be quiet. Her boys were sound sleepers, but if they heard her moving, they'd be pulling her back into bed before she could wiggle into her overalls.

  But she was not going back to bed. The alpacas needed to be fed, and the boys still spooked them from time to time if they smelled too strongly of Bear. Besides, she was still perfectly capable of working, even though the two shifters didn't like her doing it.

  Now that she was seven months pregnant, they never let her do anything. It was starting to get annoying. But at the same time, it was sweet, and Danita tried to sneak away and do her own work as much to get them to stop her as to actually get the work done. It had become a bit of a game between them now, seeing how far she could get before they caught her.

  The air was crisp outside, with the smell of snow that was always present at this time of year. A heavy frost covered everything, coating naked branches, the long, dead grass, the fences. There were even beautiful, delicate patterns of frost on the windows that looked like fairies had come and danced on them.

  Danita loved winter. It was just so romantic.

  As was usual at this time of day, the alpacas were all huddled together inside their section of the barn, wooly forms pressed together. They would get a good harvest next year. With McGrath gone, she had gotten that mortgage she wanted, enough to pay Amelia back and to survive the winter, along with buying supplies for the spring shearing.

  "Hey, fellas," Danita trilled, patting Maria's head as the alpacas followed her from one end of the fence to the other. "How are you this morning? Hungry for some nice tasty hay and mineral supplements?"

  The barn door opened just as she was cutting the twine off a hay bale. Her Bears came in, shaking their heads as they crossed the floor.

  "You, Miss Valdez, are going to get yourself hurt." Killian jumped past her, grabbing the pitchfork before she could.


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