Saved (Surrender Series Book 3)

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Saved (Surrender Series Book 3) Page 6

by J. G. Sumner

  “So, I guess you’ve seen her.” Charles takes another sip of his drink. He’s lost even more weight than the last time I saw him. His eyes are sunken and he doesn’t look healthy.

  “Yes, I just came from there. She showed me pictures of them and told me their names.” I haven’t moved from the wall. My time here is limited and I might as well have an easy escape route, especially if he decides to start whaling on me again. Even though I could take him, I couldn’t ever lay a hand on Kate’s father.

  “You know, she’s never stopped loving you. I don’t know what it is about the two of you, but the connection is solid. She’d do anything for you.”

  “Your daughter has no limits to her generosity. I’m very appreciative of the room your family dedicated to my family.” The conversation between Charles and I have become somewhat civil although he is nowhere near accepting of me.

  Charles lets out a dry laugh. “I can’t take credit for that. Katherine is the one who donated it. She used a good portion of her trust fund against my wishes.”

  Kate’s love and generosity never ceases to amaze me. “Why?”

  Charles refills his glass. “I’ve been asking myself the very same question. The only thing I can figure is that she didn’t think you were coming back. We all knew what you were doing in San Diego. We waited for the phone call letting us know you were dead. I think she just wanted the kids to have something to remember you and your family by. You are the last Bertalucci.”

  I put my hand over my mouth and bite my inner lip trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to make an appearance. With every person I talk to, and the more time I spend in this city, I find out I’m a bigger jerk than I was only moments before. “I’ve really made a mess of things.” I pull my hand over my face in an attempt to wipe away all the bad that has surfaced.

  “Yeah, you have. The question is, what are you going to do to rectify it?” Charles walks around his desk and proceeds to sit down. He takes another sip of what I suspect is bourbon.

  “I don’t know. Part of me hoped if I came back, all would be forgiven and Kate and I could just pick up where we left off. I’ve quickly come to the realization that’s not going to happen. My hope is to find a way to earn back her trust, and to be the father my kids need.” I sit in the chair across from Charles and run my hands through my hair while leaning over. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad, let alone to two babies at once. It’s a lot to process.”

  “It’s time to step up and take responsibility. Life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. In fact, it hardly ever is. You’ve got to deal with the hand you’ve been dealt and right now you’ve got a pair of jokers. You can either fold your hand again or you make the best of it and do your darndest to bluff through the messy parts.” His words are simple but full of meaning.

  I’ve had this picture of what life was supposed to be like. I’d get married at thirty-five. Have a kid a year or two later and then maybe think about another. My wife and I would live in the country in Italy and run the family olive oil business.

  When I met Kate, that plan shifted a bit, and I imagined life in New York with her. We wouldn’t have kids for a few years and we’d just enjoy spending time with each other. Clearly that plan isn’t going to work out either.

  “You seem to have done a great job juggling work and an amazing family.” Kate’s family is straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting.

  “There are skeletons in everyone’s closet. Things aren’t always what they seem.” His voice carries a hint of sadness. I wonder if there’s something more.

  “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you taking any time with me at all? I walked in here and you practically tackled me. Now, we’re sitting here together and you’re giving me life advice.”

  Charles finishes off his drink and stands to get another. “Some things aren’t worth fighting. You and Kate will end up together. I know it deep in my gut. You’ve pissed me off more than I could ever imagine, but you’ll always be a part of this family.” He fills up the glass and takes another sip. There’s a long silence.

  “I’m dying. I have cancer. I’d like to see my daughter happy and have the chance to walk her down the aisle before I’m gone. The longer I fight this, the less likely that will happen. We all make mistakes. Yours was huge. Don’t let it happen again. She’s going to need you when I’m gone.”

  My head is spinning. This is the last thing I expected Charles to say, but this explains his gauntness. “How much time do you have?”

  He sits back down in his chair. “Less than six months. You don’t have a lot of time to mend the fences. You owe me this favor after what you’ve done.”

  “Does the rest of the family know?”

  Charles takes a long swig of the liquid and lets out another long sigh in what I assume is to put out the fire burning in his throat. “I haven’t told anyone—only you.”

  This is going to devastate Kate. “Do you think that’s fair? Don’t they have the right to know?”

  Charles slams his fist down on the desk. “With the devastation that you’ve caused, there hasn’t exactly been the right time to spring more bad news. Kate has been touch and go this entire pregnancy. She’s been on bed rest a good portion of it. Any undue stress could harm those little ones. It’s not a chance I am willing to take.”

  Yet another twist of the dagger in my heart. Who knew that taking off would have such a snowball effect. “I’ll stand by her. I won’t let you down this time. I promise.”

  “You’d better not, or I’ll hunt you down and take you to the grave with me. Do I make myself clear?” He’s not kidding. Charles has an enormous amount of power and influence in this city. He’s not a man to cross.

  “Do you have any advice as to how to get Kate back?” I can only hope Charles has the magic key to unlock the door to Kate’s heart.

  “You already know the answers. Show her that you’re staying for good to support her and those kids. That’s all she wants. My expectation is that you’ll treat her like a princess and spend every day showing her how much you love her, and that she’s more valuable than anything else in your life.”

  “I give you my word.” I reach my hand out to shake his. He takes it and produces a firm grip while maintaining eye contact and letting me know he means business.

  Chapter Seven


  I have a newfound lease on life. Excitement courses through my veins. Charles has given me his blessing to find a way to make it work with Kate. She loves me. Those words he spoke were powerful. They’ll give me the strength and ammunition to make it through the rough road that’s ahead.

  “I don’t know what the two of you talked about, but I’m a little surprised to see that smile on your face, especially with that shiner that’s developing. What the hell went on in there?”

  I almost forgot that Jasper was next to me. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own little world that I haven’t noticed what’s going on around me. “He gave me the rude awakening I deserve.” My thoughts go back to Charles and the tidbit of bad news he shared. His family isn’t going to respond well to his loss. I can only hope Charles has given David enough knowledge to run the company once he is gone. “He hit me with a nice dose of reality.”

  “Is that all you’re going to tell me?” Jasper is clearly annoyed.

  “I don’t know what to say? We all know I’m a fuck up. He made sure to let me know the ramifications of what I’ve done. He figured I’d come back at some point and want her back. He made me promise to never hurt her again and then gave me his blessing.” I stare out the taxi window rehashing the entire conversation in my head.

  “He did what? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! You leave the office with a shiner and his blessing? I don’t think this day could get any stranger.” Jasper leans back against the seat and chuckles in disbelief.

  The taxi driver turns up the radio and “We Are Young” by Fun is playing. I’ve hurt Kate. I acted with rec
kless abandonment. The right to be self-absorbed has long since passed. I now have a family to care for and all my wants and needs are no longer important.

  The driver pulls up in front of Kate’s apartment building. It used to be mine as well, but I have a hard time claiming this as home until Kate is at the point she’ll invite me back. I pay the driver and proceed to the lobby with Jasper in tow. The same doormen are working as when I was last here. I’m glad Jasper has kept up the security detail even though I’ve been MIA.

  Jasper motions to allow me to continue in to the building. Evidently, I’ve been banned up until now. I can’t necessarily blame Kate for that. The last thing she probably wanted was for me to show up drunk on her doorstep.

  “So, what’s your plan?” Jasper presses the button for the elevator.

  “I want to see the room and then I think it will come to me.” I’m more than excited about the surprise I have for Kate. Ever since Jasper told me she hasn’t had time to set up the furniture and decorate the babies’ room, I knew what I had to do—provide the proper welcome home gift for them.

  “I don’t know if Kate’s going to like this.”

  I don’t see Jasper fidget very often, but he’s certainly doing it now. He’s developed a sense of loyalty to his number-one client. I’m happy that she had someone so devoted taking care of her while I was gone. I’m going to have to remember to thank Jasper properly when all this blows over.

  “I need you to trust me on this. I have to let her know I’m in it for the long haul and not going anywhere. This will be a step in the right direction.”

  Jasper unlocks the door to the apartment. I no longer have the keys and haven’t for a very long time. I lost them somewhere in a drunken stupor. I walk into the entry room and the scent of orange blossom fills the air. It’s calming yet invigorating at the same time. I glance at Jasper.

  “She’s had problems with smells. This one works for her.”

  I proceed to what used to be our guest bedroom and open the door. All the furniture has been removed and all that’s left are two large boxes with the cribs, a dresser, changing table, and stacks of clothes for boys and girls.

  I’m astonished by how much there is to do and I’m suddenly a little overwhelmed. “She’s due in just a few weeks? How the heck was she going to get this done by the time they were born?”

  “Her brother was supposed to come put the cribs together, but he’s been busy at work. Charles has put a lot on his plate. He’s been on a bender since Kate went missing and hasn’t quite recovered. It really took a toll on him.” Jasper opens the closet and there are several boxes of diapers, wipes, and baby items still in boxes.

  I guess Charles is making sure the company is going to be okay. It’s his family that’s going to suffer. I’m going to have to get him to come clean after the births. “Where did she get all of this stuff? I thought you said she’s been on bed rest?”

  “We had a baby shower for her a couple of months ago. I guess she just put everything in the closet. She’s been in bed a lot, but I didn’t know that there was so much left to do to prepare for the little ones’ arrival.” Jasper and I stand in the room motionless, trying to figure out where to start first.

  “So, what’s your plan, Romeo?”

  I take a look around as the ideas fly into my head at warp speed. It’s amazing how clear my head is without alcohol. “Let’s paint one side for a boy. We can put airplanes, trains, and cars on the wall. The other side will be for a girl. We can put a princess castle with some birds, a horse, and of course we’re going to need a princess.”

  “Jesus, man. You’re a little ambitious, don’t you think? Can you even paint?” Jasper’s eyes are big and his forehead wrinkles as he looks around the room, obviously trying to imagine my vision.

  “That may be a slight problem. We might have to hire someone for this. Have any ideas?” I scratch my chin. Scruff is starting to form. Jet lag is setting in. I didn’t get much sleep on the plane and I’ve been racing at Mach speed since arriving in the city.

  “Let me call Kendall. Surely she knows someone.” Jasper whips out his phone and dials. He leaves the room allowing me to be alone with the various ideas swimming around and to develop a plan. I start taking things out of boxes and checking out what supplies we have. I have no idea what’s needed or if we’re missing anything essential. Hopefully, someone’s got to know this. Normally, I would think about calling my mom for advice, but I can’t. Maybe this is an opportunity to mend fences with Kate’s mom.

  “You owe me big time. She’s fucking pissed I let you in here.” Jasper returns and is standing in the doorway.

  “She’ll get over it and you’ll enjoy making it up to her.”

  A smirk develops on Jasper’s face. He’s envisioning something I don’t want to know about.

  “So, did she know someone?” I’m on pins and needles. Time is of the essence.

  “Yeah, and I already called her. She’s going to be here within the hour. I figured you weren’t willing to wait a day or two. Just be warned, it’s going to cost a pretty penny.”

  I haven’t checked on my finances since I’ve been gone. Jasper’s been watching over them. I was set for life before I left and if I invested wisely, I should have one big fucking nest egg. “Can I afford it?”

  Jasper lets out a hearty laugh. “Money is never going to be a problem for you. I made sure to keep it that way. I appreciate this easy gig and I’d like you to bankroll that for a very long time.”

  “And here I thought you enjoyed my company.” My friendship with Jasper goes way back. I’m not the least concerned about his loyalty.

  “Bloody hell. As long as the money keeps rolling in, I’m yours.” He fists me in the shoulder. “All right. Do you want to get started on putting these cribs together or do you want to hire someone to do it?”

  “I’ll grab the tools. It can’t be that hard and I want to have the pride of doing something to prepare for my kids.” I head out the door to grab some supplies.

  Jasper calls after me. “You’d better hope those little buggers take after Kate. You don’t want them inheriting your ugly genes.”

  By the time the painter shows up, Jasper and I have one crib just about completed. I take her in the bedroom and present my ideas and suggest tying both sides together by making the middle of the wall transition for a kingdom in the heavens watching over the lively city with various means of transportation.

  Once her assistant finishes bringing the supplies up to the apartment, the painter gets started. Jasper and I spend the evening putting together the rest of the furniture including a rocking chair. I get the laundry started and wash all of the little clothes, then fold them nicely and place them in the dresser. Things are coming together rather quickly.

  When Jasper and I do all we can without getting in the painter’s way, we decide to call it quits. We pick up some food for Kate and head to the hospital. Hopefully, she hasn’t changed her mind about allowing me to be involved.

  Chapter Eight


  We get to the hospital and the door is closed to Kate’s room, but people are rushing in and out with panicked expressions on their faces. I stop one of the nurses on her way out.

  “Hey, what’s going on?”

  She gives me a dirty look like I’m some nosy intruder. “Who are you?”

  I try to keep my cool, because this is the last place I need to lose it, but frankly, she’s rude. “I’m the fiancé and the father to the unborn babies.”

  “Well, you better hurry up and get in there because your twins are about to be welcomed into this world.” The nurse runs off.

  Either she really hates her job or she’s just a bitch. I choose the latter, but don’t waste a second longer thinking about it before grabbing the handle and thrusting myself through the door. “Kate, are you okay?”

  All eyes turn on me. Kendall’s glare shoots daggers at me, Kate’s mom appears to be dumbfounded, and Charles is three sheets to the
wind in the corner trying to hold himself up. Kate’s forehead is sweaty, and she’s puffing and grimacing. I can only imagine the pain she’s in. The doctor is at the foot of the bed with her head between Kate’s legs.

  “Okay, there’s another contraction coming. When I tell you to, push. Three…two…one…now!”

  Kate bears down and her face turns red. Beads of sweat drip from her forehead.

  “That’s good, Katherine. Keep pushing. I can see the head,” the doctor calls.

  I take a peek over the doctor’s shoulder and sure enough, there’s a tiny little head covered with a light amount of hair scattered over his or her head. This moment is surreal. It’s hard to imagine that my child is being pushed out of Kate. Even though she’s been dealing with this for a while, it’s only been a few days since I’ve known I was going to be a father. I’ve hardly had time to prepare and every day since has been a whirlwind.

  “Okay, go ahead and relax. Catch your breath. With the next contraction, you’re going to push as hard as you can and I think we’ll have the first new member of your family.”

  Kate nods, but doesn’t speak. Elizabeth feeds her some ice chips. Kate leans back against the pillow.

  I’ve done nothing to prepare for this situation and I don’t know how to comfort Kate, but this moment is so amazing. “What can I do? Is there something you need? How can I help?” A million more questions pop in my head as I stand there with my hands twitching, eager to do something to help—anything.

  “You’ve done enough. You’re the one who put her in this situation,” Kendall barks.

  It’s my turn to throw my own artillery. I appreciate how much she cares for Kate and is protective, but she really bugs the shit out of me. “We created these babies out of love. There’s nothing bad about this situation except for your desire to create angst.”


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